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Polisorb diet: how to make

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Polysorb is a multifunctional medication with absorbing properties. It belongs to a class of enterosorbents. One of the main indicators of the impact of the sorbent - the mass of the pathogenic environment, which can absorb the drug. Sorption capacity - the amount of the substance that can absorb the sorbent. Calculated per unit of its own weight. For Polysorb it is 300 mg / g, for example at Enterosgelya - 150 mg / g.


The main characteristic features Polysorb listed in the table.


A drug

Active substance

Pyrogenic silica Si

The form








not recycled





Entry into the blood



displayed completely

some transcript

The "not processed" (not metabolized) it means that the structure of the liver is not damaged during use Polysorb. Since it is liver metabolites affect the structure, but not the drug itself.

"Conclusions completely" means that no toxic effects on internal organs Polisorb has not.

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Polysorb molecule binds different toxins, intestinal gas and removes them from the body. It like foam absorbs pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic substances of various etiologies, food allergens, poison gases.

Polisorb takes part in sorbing some products of metabolism:

  • excess amount of bile pigments;
  • lipids;
  • urea.

It is due to the pharmacodynamic properties recommended for weight loss take Polisorb.


Polisorb as a medication has its own area of ​​influence. He has been successfully used for poisoning, and of any cause, intestinal infections and dysbiosis. Do not replace Polisorb in viral hepatitis, alcoholic poisoning. This enterosorbent effective in food allergic reactions. It is easy to cope with allergens caused by the use of drugs.

In areas with environmental violation to all residents advised to take Polisorb in prophylactic doses. The same applies to employees of harmful enterprises. Seen its preventive activity of atherosclerosis therapy and other vascular disorders.


It is not recommended to use Polisorb gastric ulcer. It is not advisable to use Polisorb at reduced intestinal motility. It is forbidden to drink the drug for any blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract. Do not use this enterosorbent, in case of failure of the immune system to take the drug, expressed in the form of allergic reactions.


As for the compatibility of POLYSORB with another medication, here you have to be careful. Polysorb absorbs not only pathogens, but may bind molecule drug preparation and send them to withdraw from the body. In this case, the drug efficacy will decrease significantly.

Side effects

Some changes in the digestive tract are possible only in case of prolonged, uncontrolled taking POLYSORB.


For practical dosage, use, and storage Polysorb produced in the form of cans or sachets of powder. However, you can not take it in its pure form. From it are prepared aqueous - suspension (slurry). Prepare suspension proceeding from the formula: powder + 100 ml water. Thoroughly stir and drink. Number POLYSORB taken depending on the reasons that prompted him to take. Prepare a suspension just before use. It is desirable for an hour before a meal.


in the required amount of general purpose POLYSORB rules listed in the table.



Per day

12 g

The maximum permissible

33mg / 10kg

The frequency of use per day


Factors affecting body weight

By weight gain, until obesity, lead such reasons:

  • lack of exercise;
  • error in the diet;
  • endocrine disease;
  • stress;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • the use of psychotropic medications;
  • violation of enzymatic activity.

The reason for receiving Polysorb

You can lose weight just sitting on a diet, doing specially selected physical exercises and meditation. But why then slimming take Polisorb? There are several reasons.

With Polysorb occurs:

  • output fecal residues;
  • cleansing the villi epithelium;
  • improving digestion;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • regulates lipid metabolism.

Besides Polisorb prevents fats absorbed into the bloodstream, bringing them out of the body. Moreover, it makes it delicately, without scratching the mucosa, unlike Sorbeksa, carbol, activated carbon and so forth. Conclusion fat contributes to weight loss.


I would like to note one more feature POLYSORB. He is well-worming removes toxic waste products and affects reproduction. Such aid the immune system in the fight against these parasites leads to their complete destruction. This is assuming that the number of individuals was negligible. Otherwise it is necessary to take antigelmetiki.

The liberation of the body from parasites leads to the normalization of appetite, removes the constant feeling of hunger, which contributes to weight loss. This is another answer to the question whether Polisorb helps to lose weight.

To display the accumulated stool, clean the lint epithelium requires first bowel cleansing.


The main digestive organ, which affects our weight, healthy look, pep it intestines. This is where there is a final digestion and absorption of nutritional substances. Residues not digested and superfluous substances formed stool. They are derived from the body at the same time intestinal gases. However, disorders of the organism dysfunctions different systems is not a complete removal of feces. As a result of the pathological prolonged period, the intestinal wall is not covered derived decomposition products occurs and autoinfection whole organism. Hence, change in appetite, gaining weight and obesity.

cleaning the bowel

Lose weight with the help of POLYSORB easily if cleaned intestines.

The process is simple. Slurry is prepared from the formula: powder + 100 ml water. Take a powder 1 teaspoon. Stir. Drink three times a day. Cleaning period - two weeks. Desirably the purification is done twice, with a period of a few weeks.

The end result will be:

  • the suction surface of the intestine due to the purified villi increase;
  • reduced weight due to removal of fecal deposits;
  • It will get rid of the parasites;
  • They will be derived pathogens;
  • recover the entire digestive system;
  • It will show a marked weight loss.

It should be noted that the less harmful substances in the body was, the better the result.

recommendations nutritionist

Many people believe that choosing the right diet, weight loss process will happen quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, one diet can help one person, and the other will have no effect. Trying to lose weight is not always justified only diets. In fact it plays a big role is how the metabolism in the human body. That metabolic rate affects the amount of food in which the body needs.

For example, at an increased synthesis of lipids and their accumulation in adipose tissue is not only weight gain, but also a pathological condition such as obesity. And excess lipids successfully displays Polisorb. Therefore, one of the reasons for being able to lose weight by POLYSORB, is the normalization of lipid synthesis and then the selection of an appropriate diet.


Metabolism (metabolism) are chemical processes occurring in the body for its viability.

Slimming enough to establish normal metabolism, and even better - to speed it up. How much energy is consumed, so much must be spent. This is the secret of harmony. However, with slow metabolism of energy to maintain all processes consumes little. Unlimited use of high-calorie foods leads to a violation of equality, and eventually starts to increase body weight. In this situation it is good to use Polisorb in the process of losing weight. According to the instructions to the drug adsorbs Polisorb metabolic products, thus normalizing it.


To starve to lose weight hard enough to do. Of course, it can significantly reduce body weight. First days of weight loss can be up to 2 kg per day. It should be remembered that when a loss of metabolism is activated and increases the amount of toxins. Yourself to get rid of these complex organisms, so use Polisorb to lose weight more than appropriate.

But fasting there stumbling block: if you do not change the stereotype of thinking, behavior, after the abolition of starvation to keep the weight to be difficult. On the contrary, the weight will increase by several kilograms of the original mass.

polisorb Plus

In addition there is POLYSORB Polisorb Plus. This formulation contains an additional component - succinic acid. This substance is not a drug. It refers to supplements. Therefore Polisorb Plus for weight loss should not be used.


Lose of receiving Polysorb possible in case of compliance with its dosage.

The formula is the same reception: powder + 100ml water. The prepared slurry mix well. Take three times a day. But the volume of the powder ranges from the mass of the host. Thus, if the weight does not exceed 60 kg is enough to take one tablespoon if exceeds - 2 tablespoons

Take Polisorbot slimming enough with a period of two weeks. Such periods shall not be more than three to six months.


Polisorb - not a panacea. He is a great help in losing weight, but relies only on him, and not to attempt to change the established way of life, at least, is not reasonable. Decide the cause of overweight and purposefully go to its exclusion. Only the strong will, great desire and determination can move the scales in the right direction. And Polisorb to help!


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