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Enterosgel and Linex: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time, a comparison

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The combination drugs may as speed recovery, and cause damage to the body. To take the medication at the same time, without worrying about the consequences, you need to know to which group belongs to, both the drug and whether they can interact. Enterosgel and Linex - two drugs that doctors often recommend taking at the same time. Should I do it, and under what conditions - this article will tell.

Medicaments that are

Before Enterosgel compared with Linex, it is important to understand the composition of each drug. Enterosgel - a sorbent that outputs from the blood of toxins and other harmful substances. In other words, using this drug can produce a "clean" organism. Enterosgel - an indispensable tool in the complex treatment of diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract. The drug has a specific taste, but the child may be given a sweetened version of the paste.

Linex - a dietary supplement that contains lactic acid bacteria. In most cases, medication is indicated for dysbiosis. Linex action is similar to the properties of yogurt. The use of medication helps with diarrhea, constipation and other ailments associated with impaired functioning of the intestines. The drug interacts well with antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents.

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How do drugs

Enterosgel is enterosorbent having bioorganic silicon structure. The paste acts like a sponge: absorbs harmful substances, without "touching" the beneficial bacteria that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora. Components of the composition are also capable of effectively absorbing the toxins formed in the body after intake of alcohol or drugs. The gel when ingested eliminates redundant metabolites that literally poison the body. These include:

  • cholesterol;
  • bilirubin;
  • other degradation products.

Enterosgel effect on the body, "transit" method: material falling inward, not in contact with the organs and tissues, in connection with which the risk of complications is equal to zero.

Linex, in turn, is a combination drug. It includes 3 kinds of lyophilized bacteria that are "live" in the human intestine and produce normal microflora. They are able to maintain and regulate bowel function. Capsules if swallowed restores the balance of microorganisms (eg during diarrhea). Clinical studies have proven that Linex is absolutely safe drug, not involving serious side effects.

Combining Enterosgelya and Linex

Take Enterosgel with Linex possible. Both drugs should preferably be taken before a meal - at least one hour prior to the intended meal. The only condition: the interval between doses should be at least 15 minutes. Otherwise, the combination of the sorbent with probiotic ineffective.

Acceptance of the two drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, and only when necessary. Some inexperienced patients decide to "clean up" the two medicines because of their efficiency and sparing effects. To make such decisions on their own is impossible. Here is an example of dialogue with medical forum:

Question: "Recently, my skin sprinkled much, I want to clean the intestines. What cheap drugs will advise? And I can take with Linex Enterosgelem? "

expert review: "Linex is not to blame. In your case, appropriate reception Enterosgelya or white coal. You can also try Polyphepan or any other absorbent. If you have serious problems with the skin, be sure to consult a specialist before you take any medication. First of all, check the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. "

From the above it can be concluded: receive enterosorbent Lineks simultaneously with the drug and its analogs (e.g., Enterol) possible. But before you do this, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as a comprehensive treatment should be initiated based on the patient's analysis.


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