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Dimexide angina: rinse and compress on the throat

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Angina or acute tonsillitis - an infectious disease in which inflamed throat, tonsils precisely. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, difficulty swallowing, and very often, a high temperature. Dimexide angina in combination with other drugs can help relieve inflammation and relieve the patient's condition.

Angina or acute tonsillitis - an infectious disease in which inflamed throat, tonsils precisely. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, difficulty swallowing, and very often, a high temperature. Dimexide angina in combination with other drugs can help relieve inflammation and relieve the patient's condition.

Dimexidum (dimethylsulfoxide) is an anti-inflammatory drug which exhibits analgesic and disinfecting effect. Due to the active layers of penetration through intact skin and mucous membranes, it has a powerful tool for efficient removal of inflammation.

The major manifestations of acute tonsillitis (angina) are inflammatory processes in the tonsils and cervical lymph nodes arising from getting infections. Due to the effects of inflammation Dimexidum quickly removed and facilitated not just swallowing and the general condition of the patient, because the pain go away.

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How to apply

Compress Dimexidum with angina can be made as follows:

Prepared 30% of the drug solution (3 parts water, 1 part Dimexidum).

  • Gauze, linen or cloth wetted with liquid in cooked, lightly pressed and superimposed on top of the neck;
  • The dressing is covered with cellophane and insulated with a woolen scarf or a scarf.

Making a compress for sore throat, especially a child, it is important to ensure that it does not come loose down, especially in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. This recipe is versatile, some doctors recommend adding additional funds into the prepared solution, for example: analgesics, absorbable or relieving inflammation.

Also, for maximum efficiency, is prescribed for angina rinse Dimexidum. Because the drug is manifested not only anti-inflammatory effects, and is antiseptic.

Rinse 1 teaspoon of the drug should be 200 mg boiled and ostuzhennoy to room temperature, water.


Before using Dimexidum angina compresses and rinses, you should ensure that no patient the following contraindications:

  • idiosyncrasy components that make up the drug;
  • severe renal and hepatic disease;
  • cardiac abnormalities;
  • acute impairment of cerebrovascular circulation (stroke);
  • diseases of the visual apparatus (cataracts and glaucoma);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Before you make a compress or a gargle for sore throat Dimexidum, necessary to test for sensitivity to the drug. For this, a cotton pad applied agent solution and applied to the skin for 15 - 20 minutes. If during this time does not appear redness, itching or burning, so you can continue treatment. Otherwise, for the treatment of angina recommended applications using other drugs, such as alcohol compress.


Application Dimexidum for removal of inflammation - a long time tested and effective means. The drug copes with diseases of the joints, sprains. Sprains and injuries of the skin and soft tissues.

Compresses and gargling with angina Dimexidum require heightened caution, because the drug may cause allergic reactions, nausea, dizziness and other negative symptoms side actions. Before the procedure, it is recommended to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using Dimexidum.


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