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Polisorb heartburn: help or not, how to make

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Heartburn is a burning sensation and manifested by pain in the stomach and esophagus. Man complains unpleasant smell, belching, nausea and even vomiting. Polisorb heartburn - is an effective tool that allows you to quickly get rid of the uncomfortable sensations. The drug can be used during pregnancy, regardless of the date.

POLYSORB relates to inorganic sorbents. It has sorption and detoxicating effects on the body.

Structure and Composition

The drug is a powdery substance for the preparation of the slurry. Sales can be found in a plastic pot of 12, 25, and 50 grams of disposable bags to 3 grams.

The composition of the medicament include quartz sand and colloidal silicon dioxide. This enterosorbent absolutely odorless when diluted in water, takes the form of a white slurry.

pharmachologic effect

Polysorb heartburn starts to operate after getting suspension in the intestine. The drug adsorbs harmful substances, toxins, slags with tissues and excreted naturally.

Under the influence of the body are derived POLYSORB:

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  • toxic poisons;
  • slag;
  • radionuclides;
  • particles of food allergens;
  • heavy metals and their salts.

Polysorb capable of sorbing particles metabolic decay. It also:

  • reduces toxic load on the body;
  • reduces the severity of allergic reactions;
  • eliminates symptoms of poisoning;
  • It strengthens the immune system;
  • removes metabolites responsible for the development of toxicity.

Polisorb not absorbed in the lining of the digestive tract and bloodstream. He leaves the body unchanged. Judging by the reviews Polisorb helps heartburn, it effectively removes all unpleasant symptoms.


If you compare with other Polisorb enterosorbents of effects on the body speed, the drug can be considered as first aid for heartburn and for the organism as a whole. Means recommended in cases when it is necessary to achieve a relief state quickly and efficiently.

Polisorb widely used for the treatment of:

  • toxicity at any stage of pregnancy;
  • digestive disorders;
  • heartburn various etiology;
  • allergic reactions;
  • fungal gynecological diseases.

As a precaution it is recommended to undergo body cleansing polysorbate harmful to people at work and adaptation effects on the various radiation doses.

Taking the drug during pregnancy

During gestation the woman has a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant Polisorb heartburn, as well as:

  • toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • constipation.

These conditions cause the woman:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • burning sensation and pain in the stomach and the esophagus;
  • malaise;
  • weakness.

Receiving the suspension during gestation helps cleanse the body. The adsorbent has no effect on the embryo and its further development. Drink Polisorb against heartburn can be at any stage of pregnancy and during lactation.

Interaction with other drugs

With single reception Polysorb with other medicines reduce the effectiveness of these drugs. Therefore between doses of drugs to survive during at least one hour.

Admission POLYSORB more than 3 weeks produces demineralization of the body through the development of vitamin and mineral deficiency. To prevent such a condition it is important to take along with the adsorbent complex of vitamins and minerals.


You can not use the medicine at the unclear etiology of poor health. Especially it concerns:

  • unexplained abdominal pain;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • drug intolerance symptoms;
  • presence of ulcers and erosions in the digestive tract.

Polisorb generally well tolerated, but on the background of often arise constipation. To avoid the delay of a chair is recommended to drink a day up to three liters of water.

The methods of detecting

Polisorb intended for oral administration, but should first dissolve it in water. For this purpose, 50 or 100 ml of water is added to a single dose of powder is mixed until complete dissolution. The resulting suspension should be drunk immediately. Dosage Polysorb heartburn adult should not exceed 20 grams of powder per day. The daily dose is divided into three stages.

From heartburn to take Polisorb recommended for 40-50 minutes before meals. The suspension should be prepared before using. The course of treatment not less than 5 days. Sometimes heartburn doctor can extend the treatment up to 14 days.

Heartburn affects not only adults but children too. For children age receiving equipment is the same as in adults. The difference observed in the dosage POLYSORB. To determine the daily dose of the child's body weight should be divided by ten.


Polisorb does not have a complete analogy. On the market there is no pharmacological agents with a similar composition. But the drug can be replaced by other enterosorbents which contain different active ingredients.

Replace Polisorb can:

  • enterosgelem. The sorbent produced in the form of a paste and a gel. The main active substance is polyhydrate polymethylsiloxane. Of the side effects can be identified that the drug reduces peristalsis.
  • Polifepanom. It is made in two dosage forms: powder and pills. Means consists of lignin hydrolysis. It has virtually no contraindications. By the principle of action is similar to polysorbate.
  • Smecta. Sold in bags, inside which the powder contains. The active substance - dioctahedral smectite. Effectively relieves unpleasant symptoms of heartburn, but has a number of contraindications, so it is important to read the instructions beforehand.
  • Enterosorbom. It has the form of a gel and toothpaste. 100% consists of polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. Absorbent and has a detoxifying effect. It is contraindicated during pregnancy and children up to two years.

In fact, there are so many absorbent products. It is important to pick up a tool that suits you. Therefore, the replacement of the drug are best left to the physician.


Heartburn after POLYSORB can not be cured. The drug simply relieves symptoms, but does not eliminate the very cause. A person needs to understand what is the cause of heartburn and try to eliminate the provocation.

Heartburn causes:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • improper food;
  • fatty, spicy foods;
  • consumption of carbonated beverages.

Those who do not want to change their bad habits, not to provoke heartburn, it is recommended to drink not only Polisorb MP, but also juices based on pear and anise.


Heartburn appears due to the increased secretion of hydrochloric acid and release it into the lower esophagus. Such a state is not only provoke an unhealthy diet, but even the inhalation of dust or corrosive fumes may cause diskomfornye sensations. It is not necessary to self-medicate, treat heartburn better under the supervision of a physician.

Polisorb - a unique tool that can relieve the symptoms and relieve the patient's condition. But it is important to eliminate the root cause of the condition. It is recommended to undergo a complete diagnosis and already on their results to start complex treatment.


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