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Sinekod or ACC: can together compatibility comparison

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Sinekod - a drug containing composition butamirata have a direct antitussive effect on the level of the brain. ACC - mokrotorazzhizhayuschee means organizing and deducing mucus and dead cells from the lumen of the bronchial tree. Which is better: Sinekod or ACC - solution to the problem depends on the pathology to be treated.


Sinekod produced cutting-edge pharmaceutical company in Switzerland, "Novartis Consumer Health". Butamirata preparation contains - a component penetrating through the blood-brain barrier and acts directly on the cough center in the brain. Sinekod helps eliminate coughs, dilates the bronchi, the breathing improves performance and forced expiratory volume in the first second.

Sinekod well absorbed in the lower digestive tract and spreads throughout the body, it penetrates to the brain and are implementing their main effects. Metabolism main component occurs in hepatocytes.

Range of indications for receiving Sinekoda:

  • Dry painful cough, associated with various respiratory diseases;
  • Infectious specific disease - whooping cough, accompanied by progressive cough.
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Take Sinekod with ACC you can, when the above-mentioned diseases are accompanied by the formation of thick mucus, which the patient himself can not cough up. Drinking medication is necessary before meals 3-4 times a day. The method of application is described in an official statement.

Contraindications Sinekoda:

  • The first weeks of pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding a newborn;
  • Treatment of child under the age of 2 months.


ACC is effective when long delayed sputum in the airways, when its viscosity and adhesive properties do not allow the patient to self-cough. ACC liquefies mucus, pus, sputum molecules easily removes from the respiratory tract, facilitates breathing. Produced medicament in the form of tablets, powder, sweet syrup.

Indications ACC limited inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of sputum. Contraindications are similar with contraindications to receiving Sinekoda. Side effects are rare and are associated with systemic action tablets: functional digestive disorders, pain in the projection of large and small intestine.

Compatibility ACC and Sinekoda good in diseases that are simultaneously accompanied by cough and mokrotoobrazovaniem. ACC eliminates sputum expectorate and facilitates its removal. Sinekod helps the body get rid of the cough.


Combining ACC with Sinekodom possible only under certain pathologies. In general, drugs are antagonists as Sinekod suppresses the cough reflex, and ACC takes phlegm, which a person needs to cough effectively. If necessary, you can replace Sinekod analogues: Mukaltin, Omnitus, Codelac Neo. To assign an appropriate medication should consult a doctor, rather than relying on numerous and conflicting reviews on the Internet.


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