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Dimexide at panaritiums: treatment, instruction, use of

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Whitlow - serious illness requiring antibiotics, and sometimes even an indication for surgical intervention. Is it possible to cure the disease more innocuous ways, and what effects has Dimexidum at panaritiums - try to understand the article.

What is a felon

Felon (Popularly abscess) - acute purulent inflammation of the tissues which arose most often in the fingers. The main etiological factors - staphylococci and streptococci, which penetrates into the center of inflammation through wounds, cuts, abrasions, and any violation of the integrity of the structures of the skin. Usually a small amount of penetration harmless microorganism, the immune system copes with pathological agents. But if the immune system is weakened, or the body attacks a large number of bacteria, the disease develops.

There are several types felon. The skin occurs under the epidermal layer. This is the most harmless option, but if left untreated, can cause severe complications. Okolonogtevoy felon strikes okolonogtevoy cushion, often after visiting the nail salon. Subcutaneous option - deep pathology that affects the tissue under the skin on the palmar surface of the finger. Bone and joint felon reaches the bones and joints. This is the most serious type of disease, often requiring surgical treatment.

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If the disease is not running, it is easy to treat. For the treatment of felon you must always consult a doctor. Specialist assigns specific antibiotics, pathogenic agents and drugs, relieving symptoms of inflammation, which just refers Dimexidum. In the later stages felon usually require surgery.

How does Dimexidum at panaritiums

Dimexidum from panaritium used in combination with other drugs, Takes the responsibility of anti-inflammatory medication and support. Supporting role Dimexidum is that applying a solution or gel enhances rapid penetration through the skin with finger panaritiums other drugs, ointments. Furthermore, the medicament has antiseptic properties. As a result, the primary means effects are amplified, deteriorating conditions for microorganisms.

The anti-inflammatory effect is due to direct action on Dimexidum lesion. Active ingredient eliminates pain medication, reduces edema, redness, acts on all phases of the inflammatory process and relieves the patient.

Terms of Use Dimexidum at panaritiums

When applied panaritiums Dimexidum recommended as a compress. To prepare the proper concentration of the solution one tablespoon Dimexidum 99% diluted in 4-5 tablespoons of water. The prepared suspension is moistened gauze, wind it around the lesion. Place on top of a plastic material and is covered by a cloth bandage. Duration of wearing compress Dimexidum - 10-15 minutes. The frequency of application - 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - at least a week. When panaritiums toe Dimexidum applied in the same way.

When the deterioration state (high body temperature, amplification of pain, edema increase in size), the appearance of allergy Dimexidum on the urgent need to seek medical attention for the purpose of rational treatment or hospitalization in a surgical hospital.


When panaritiums affected a small area of ​​the body, and it seems that the disease is harmless. But more often due to incorrect treatment or lack of process extends deeper into the tissue, and this is dangerous is a dangerous disease. Therefore, at the first sign felon should abandon the home treatment and consult a district physician or pediatrician for the purpose of further actions of the route.


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