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Dimexide in dentistry: what use, instruction in pain

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Dimexidum in dentistry in recent years has gained widespread use for the therapy of pathologies of the oral cavity. These medical studies suggest that the use of dimethyl sulfoxide external means treats inflammation that contributes to the disappearance of pain and reduced hyperemia tissues. Microbiological study found that Dimexidum inhibits increase in the number of bacteria in applying to its small doses, while increasing the amount of drug - detrimental effect on malicious bacteria.

Dimexidum - a drug which has anti-inflammatory and relieves pain means.

Both types of medication have found their place in dentistry - the use Dimexidum helps with conservative treatment and surgical practice.

Using Dimexidum for surgical interventions in the dental practice for a long time found its place:

In dental practice Dimexidum used in several forms.

The solution Dimexidum. You need to know how to breed Dimexidum in dentistry. It all depends on the purpose - or rinse applications.


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