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Rebagit or De-Nol: which is better, and what is the difference, comparison, differences

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When choosing a tool for the treatment of gastritis or ulcers, it is very difficult to choose which is better: Rebagit or De-Nol. Because both drugs have similar pharmacological effect, and they are assigned to, as a rule, under the same condition in a patient. But what is the difference between these drugs will be discussed in the article below.

The composition and properties of De-Nol

Preparation of De-Nol - a tablet bismuth-based oxide having a complex effect. The main effect of this drug is to treat ulcers of the stomach pathologies with both chronic and acute flow. Among De-Nol auxiliary effects can be noted protecting the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the instructions, in a single tablet De-Nol is contained 6 different components. Namely:

  • bismuth oxide (the main active substance);
  • macrogol;
  • povidone;
  • Corn starch;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Polakrilovy potassium.

When ingested, these components rapidly absorbed in the stomach mucosa, preventing the development of bad microflora. As a result, diseases such as ulcer, gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome, can not develop in the digestive area.

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The composition and pharmacological action Rebagita

In order to understand better some of the drugs, we need to compare De Nol Rebagitom with not only properties, but also in composition. And the difference between these drugs is essential.

The main role of the active substance acts Rebagita rebamipide element whose action is directed at strengthening the lining of the digestive tract, as well as to eliminate the bad bacteria of the genus Helicobacter Pylori. As for the bismuth oxide, prevailing in the part of De-Nol, then its effect is simply to eliminate the bad microflora cells. A protective effect of the drug is provided by its auxiliary components.

The second difference between De nolom and Rebagitom observed in the number of active elements included in the single tablet. If the first drug of only 6, then the second of about 8.

And it looks a list of elements as follows:

  • rebamipide;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Talc;
  • Lemon acid;
  • mannitol;
  • Pregelatinized starch.

In this case, all of the above components Rebagita as well with an ulcer, gastritis, and other pathologies of the digestive tract, as a result, according to the pharmacological action of these two drugs can be considered peers.

Combined use Rebagita and De-Nol

Based on the information obtained above can be concluded that Rebagit few prevails over De nolom for its versatility. However, many patients may also be another, no less interesting question: is it possible to take a Rebagit De nolom simultaneously?

And the answer is simple: it is possible. But taking these drugs together is recommended only on prescription, and only after the passage of diagnostic. After all, when it detects a patient you are hypersensitive to rebamipide or bismuth oxide, one of the drugs will need to be replaced with an analog, a distinct structure (not necessarily in the form of tablets)

For example, if a person is allergic to notes De Nol, while drinking with Rebagitom follows: Omez or famotidine. And if you are allergic to Rebagit with De nolom better take Alyumag or Ulsepan. After all, in their pharmacological activity and the application of these drugs does not differ from De Nol and Rebagita, but their composition is based on a completely different active elements. Therefore an allergy in a patient is not exactly there.


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