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Dimexide of nail fungus: treatment, instructions on how to plant

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Determination of fungus

Symptoms, which can be recognized onychomycosis:

  • first there is a spot or band of yellow or white (does not apply immediately to the entire nail);
  • nails begin to crumble, it is easy to break down and exfoliate;
  • thickened nail plate;
  • lost nail glitter;
  • curved shape of the plate;
  • darkening nail surface from underneath accumulation of dirt and of dead epithelium;
  • separation of nail plate from the bed (in severe cases).

Besides the aesthetic appearance of disturbances stop fungus leads to painful sensations in the propagation region (fracture nail, nail bed and finger opening that may cause injury). In medical practice have also been cases of spread of the fungus on the internal organs of the patient.

risk group

Onychomycosis is widespread among the population of the entire planet. Undergo this disease can any man, but there are factors that are more at risk in acquiring the fungus. Among them:

  • age of 50 years (deteriorating blood circulation and slows the growth of nails);
  • male gender (men, in which old encountered the disease more susceptible to fungus);
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  • humidity (moisture frequent exposure gives fungus favorable environment);
  • excessive sweating;
  • shoes that hinder ventilation feet;
  • fungus ailing family member;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases related to the blood circulation;
  • psoriasis;
  • weak immunity.

Features fungus treatment Dimexidum

Doctors prescribed under Dimexidum nail fungus because it has the following properties:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • dry skin (it deprives fungus moist environment, which is necessary for reproduction);
  • relieves pain;
  • It helps rapid healing of wounds;
  • reduces itching and burning.

This drug reduces the activity of the fungus, its distribution and reproduction. But it is not a panacea for onychomycosis, but has a special property to promote the effect of other drugs. That is why doctors recommend to use other treatments in addition Dimexidum - pills, ointments, gels and varnishes.

Application Dimexidum

Dimexidum, the active substance is dimethyl sulfoxide, is produced in two forms - a liquid concentrate and gel. Against nail fungus hands and feet using both of these species.

From fungus toenails, Dimexidum used for six months for a lasting effect. There are three forms of media: Concentrate solution (99% active), gel (25 and 50%) and Ointment (30-70%).

Due to the high content of active substance can not be applied to a given drug in a pure form - it is necessary to make a solution. For compresses toes must make solution ratio of 1: 2 with water, and the rest - 1: 3 or 1: 4 depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Before applying Dimexidum, feet need to hold in a warm bath with soap or soda for 15-20 minutes. Then the maximum clean the affected area of ​​skin and nail fungus and apply the tool. The greatest effect of the drug when applied will compress all night. Cotton pads, cotton wool or a bandage should be thoroughly moisten Dimexidum solution, put on nail plate, side bolsters and the region of the matrix (the place where the nail grows, the cuticle area) fix. After removing the compress grease iodine.

Please be aware that even in the form of a solution or gel should not be abused Dimexidum. It can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore it is necessary to limit the application of 1 every 2 days.


As with any medicine, use Dimexidum with nail fungus has its contraindications. These are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age (can be used from 12 years);
  • severe heart disease (angina pectoris, myocarditis, heart failure);
  • circulatory system disease (vascular dystonia);
  • severe liver and kidney disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • ocular diseases (glaucoma, cataracts).


It found no cases of overdose ointment or gel. The solution can also cause unpleasant consequences due to use in concentrated form. For example, an allergic rash, itching, chemical burns.

Prevention of onychomycosis

Prevention of the fungus is a very important process, if a family already has fallen ill. Thorough cleaning of all surfaces that come into contact with the patient, it is a daily event in the house. Apart from the usual cleaning agents, you must apply antiseptics and Dimexidum. A solution of dimethyl sulfoxide in a ratio of 1: 2 with water helps to kill bacteria and fungus with a bath and sink.

The patient with the fungus on the feet should always wear socks to distribute less fungus spores on the surfaces at home.

For the prevention of fungus at frequent visit saunas, swimming pools, gyms or beaches which are the largest distributors disease, or after complete cure necessary to comply with such rules:

  • wash your feet daily with soap and water (ideal - economic);
  • keep nails short and dry;
  • you can not cut or break off the cuticle and the skin on the thumb side bolsters;
  • women should not increase the nails (under artificial material fungus develops more quickly);
  • change the shoes breathable and free;
  • change socks every day (they accumulate rapidly and develop bacteria, fungi);
  • handle antiseptic preparations shoes;
  • use individual Shoes for public spaces (such as rubber slippers);
  • after each visit such places to handle arms and legs Dimexidum;
  • in the preparation of a wound in a pool or bath, it must be treated with iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide;
  • in the presence of the fungus in the patient's home or after cure of the disease, it is necessary to disinfect manicure and pedicure, or to use only disposable;
  • wear personal visit slippers or socks to wear under sneakers;
  • bedding and clothing contacting the affected skin or nails, washed at elevated temperature (60 degrees);
  • begin aggressive treatment of nail fungus Dimexidum and other means with the first signs of the disease.


More than 50% of the population exposed to the fungus or onychomycosis are experiencing at the moment. Many recover from recommend from nail fungus Dimexidum apply, but it is better not to hurt the fungus. To do this, you need to remember about hygiene, preventive measures, and to pay attention to the condition of their feet and hands.

A healthy strong immune system as a whole body, as well as local, be able to resist the fungus, as well as any other disease. For such immunity is necessary to take care of their health, engage in moderate exercise, often remain in the fresh air and walk barefoot on the grass.


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