How To Give Augmentin Children?
Useful For Preparations

The antibiotic Augmentin for children: the dosage, how to give

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Produced antibacterial agent Augmentin for both children and adults. But if on the treatment of adult issues are rare, in respect of children parents show concern. Among the frequently asked questions can be heard about the age at which you can take the drug, the rules of use and whether there is a dangerous side effects. To get satisfactory answers, you should familiarize yourself with the information given in the instructions for use.

General characteristics

The abstract states that Augmentin - synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin series.

Active ingredients:

  • amoxycillin trihydrate (amoxicillin);
  • clavulanic acid (potassium clavulanate).

Amoxicillin kills the majority of the bacterial flora and well tolerated, rarely gives unwanted effects. Slight lack of antibacterial agent - destroyed by lactamase. This enzyme produce pathogens under the influence of antibiotic therapy. After 2-3 days the bacteria become resistant to the drug. Address this shortcoming helps clavulanic acid, which inhibits the activity lactamase.

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Augmentin is available in several forms:

  • powder for reconstituted suspension in the vials;
  • pills;
  • powder composition for injectable administration (diluted before use).

Augmentin is considered a safe drug, and its use is possible in pregnancy. Augmentin allowed to give children from the first days of life.

When I needed Augmentin

Consider the frequent cases when it is necessary to drink Augmentin antibiotic for children.

Medication is needed, when detected in a child:

  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • skin abscesses or soft tissue;
  • bacterial skin infections;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • purulent processes in the joints;
  • osteomyelitis.

Augmetin child also recommended to take in order to prevent complications after complex operations on digestive organs, kidneys, joints or heart.

Asthma or pulmonary emphysema children Augmentin should be used if the aggravation of the disease caused by the bacterial microflora.

Contra-indications for antibiotic therapy

you can not give your child Augmentin if previously stated:

  • intolerant drugs penicillins;
  • allergic to clavulanic acid.

It is impossible for children to drink Augmentin, if medication comprising amoxycillin and potassium clavulanate jaundice occurred disrupting the liver. Such children receiving Augmentin and its direct analogs contraindicated.

Terms of taking the medicine

If the child is under twelve years of age or weighs less than 40 kg, it is forbidden to drink tablets - only tolerate the use of the suspension. Before proceeding to calculation of dosage, take a look, how to make children Augmentin. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of adverse reactions and get a good therapeutic effect.

Doctors give the following advice:

  • Drink before meals. Food does not affect the efficacy of Augmentin, but reduces the risk of the child adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. If you forget to take the medication to a meal, it can give the children after a meal;
  • Observe timeslot. A single dose should be taken at regular intervals (12 hours at twofold reception 8 watches - at the triple, etc...);
  • Do not exceed the duration of the treatment course. Augmentin treatment is indicated not more than 5 days for any form of release. If during this period the child is not recovered, the doctors individually decide whether to continue therapy Augmentin or pick up another on the composition of the drug with a similar action.

It is important to pay attention to the dosage. Powders for Augmentin suspension children produced at a dosage of amoxycillin trihydrate 125, 200 and 400 mg. Important - only allowed Augmentin 125 infants up to 3 months.

calculation of dose

Parents often wonder how to calculate the dosage of Augmentin child. But this alone can not do that - the doctor in selecting the dosage takes into account not only the height and weight of the child, but also the characteristics of the disease. For uncomplicated course of the disease, doctors use age children's table for the suspensions 125, 200 and 400.

The dose for suspensions of different concentrations:

Age The weight 125 200 400
From birth to one year 2-5 kg 1.5-2.5 ml 3 times no no
3-12 months 3-5 kg 1.5-2.5 ml 3 times 1. 2.5 ml of 2-fold no
1-5 years 10-18 kg 10 ml 3 times 5 ml 2 times 5 ml 2 times
6-9 years 19-28 kg no no 7.5 ml of 2-fold
10-12 years 29-39 kg no no 10 ml 2 times

razvedeniyaKogda rules chosen Augmentin dose for children, additionally take into account the different physical characteristics. Slender adynamic child will need less medication than its large and well-fed peers.

The medication is available in a powder in vials and before the child to give Augmentin, it is necessary to prepare a suspension.

breeding rules are the same for powder foundations with different dosages:

  • open container with Augmentin powder;
  • Pour 60 ml of cooled boiled water;
  • Close the bottle and shake a little bit;
  • wait 5-7 minutes to provide a homogeneous concentrate solution (if not full dissolution has occurred, and again wait a little povstryahivat);
  • pour the boiled water to the mark on flakonchike;
  • mix again with the help of shaking.

Augmentin is diluted before treatment and stored in the refrigerator no more than 7 days. One week later the remnants of the drug must be discarded.

It is forbidden to do the following:

  • Share the contents of the vial. The dry powder contained two active components, and division into several parts followed by diluting each lead to the fact that the active ingredients are not evenly distributed: some will be more amoxicillin, while in others - clavulanic acid. This will affect the efficacy of the treatment and increase the risk of adverse reactions;
  • Freeze. The parents of a young child, after treatment, pity to throw out a large number of the remaining solution and put the jar with the remnants of the freezer "for the future." But after the defrost efficacy of the drug decreases, and increases the risk of adverse reactions;
  • Use more than a week. In some cases, children prescribed to drink Augmentin up to 2 weeks. But this does not mean that you can drink up remnants of the drug in flakonchike. After a seven-day storage period, the existing solution should be discarded and a new cook.

Necessary for the child's dose of Augmentin is measured measuring syringe. Infants aged 2 allowed dilute solution prepared beforehand before taking a small amount of warm water (not more than 50% by volume single-dose suspension).

Adverse reactions

Augmentin is well tolerated in children, but in some cases, may develop allergic reactions.

Bowl in children occur:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic rashes;
  • stomach ache;
  • stomatitis;
  • browning of tooth enamel;
  • changes in behavior (anxiety appears, irritability);
  • sleep disorders;
  • hyperactivity;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Less commonly develop after taking Augmentin:

  • Angioedema;
  • convulsions;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • functional disorders of the liver;
  • mnogomorfnaya erythematous rash;
  • vasculitis;
  • anaphylactic shock.

At the first sign deterioration of health after taking Augmentin, to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. In acute conditions the child (shock, angioneurotic edema, convulsions), you must call "ambulance."

Causes and symptoms of overdose

If the suspension Augmentin children prepared according to the instructions given and in accordance with the prescribing physician, the overdose does not occur.

Exceeding the dose in the following cases:

  • inattention parents. Instead vial from 125 mg to 400 acquired. After reconstitution of the powder with a higher concentration of active substance, dosed prescribed dose for Augmentin 125 and given to the child;
  • available space. Tablets prepared Augmentin and toddlers solution is not perceived as a medicine, and the curiosity of children can enjoy large doses;
  • false economy. Parents know that the bubble Augmentin crumbs lot and try to divide the contents of the container into 2 or more parts. But the powder is not homogeneous at the molecular level, and such a division leads to the fact that in one part is more active substances.

Augmentin signs of overdose are similar to allergic effects, but develop more acute. In children have diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration and increases developing neurological disorders (seizures, agitation or apathy).

If signs of the use of large doses of Augmentin is an urgent need to deliver the baby in the hospital. As with most antibiotics, Augmentin have no antidote - conducted flushing of the stomach and intestines, and then assigned to symptomatic therapy.

To avoid the danger signs of overdose should follow medical advice and does not store Augmentin in an accessible place for the kids.

Some common recommendations

Augmentin dose specified above are recommended for the physical health of the child who contracted the bacterial infection. If the kids are taking additional medications, you should inform the doctor.

Not all drug combinations are safe for the child's body:

  • Anticoagulants. Co-administration enhances krovorazzhizhayuschy effect and increased risk of bleeding;
  • Antacids, or laxatives sorbents Augmentin reduce the absorption and the therapeutic effect of administration of the antibiotic becomes worse;
  • Allopurinol. This combination provokes urticaria or vasculitis;
  • Macrolides, tetracyclines and sulfonamides inhibit the antibacterial effect of Augmentin;
  • Methotrexate. This combination is dangerous. Cancer drug in combination with an antibiotic becomes more toxic.

In addition to complying drug interaction, when receiving Augmentin recommended:

  • to monitor the well-being of the child (for the timely detection of adverse reactions);
  • thoroughly clean the teeth (prevent browning of tooth enamel);
  • do not let one kid (suddenly appeared dizziness or seizures will cause an accident);
  • observed during drug administration (to avoid missing reception or medicament Pope mother suggestions put the phone memo).

To protect children from the adverse effects should be reported to your doctor about medications already taken to comply with the assigned dosage and monitor the general condition closely. When properly chosen therapy from receiving Augmentin baby's health will gradually improve.


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