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Motherwort and alcohol: Compatibility through how much you can drink alcohol

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Motherwort: general information

Motherwort - a popular natural medicine that is used in a number of pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The preparation normalizes blood pressure, helps to protect vessels from the action of radicals decreases heart rate and favorable effect on nerve conduction. Some patients taking Motherwort for the prevention of atherothrombotic development. This information will not be considered valid.

The structure includes Motherwort extract from dried grasses and some additional components. In particular, the tincture Motherwort added to ethyl alcohol, so alcohol tincture Motherwort and are absolutely incompatible and can cause impaired consciousness, until the alcoholic coma. Each tablet also includes magnesium and vitamins of group B. The filter bags are added only grass in the dosage form is no additional components.

Alcohol and drugs

The world knows little of scientific studies on the compatibility of alcohol with specific medicines. But there are so many medical cases and examples related to the incorrect use of drugs with alcohol and the alcoholic products.

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Optionally, the simultaneous use of alcohol and drug occurs by nonsense or suicidal purposes. Sometimes drugs are taken by mistake, not knowing about the combination of active ingredients with alcohol.

In this situation, there are 3 the outcome of the events:

  • Nothing happens. Alcohol and drugs have different ways of metabolism and excretion, do not face in the body and do not influence each other. All the negative effects are limited to the toxic effect of alcohol on the body;
  • It enhances the effect of the drug. Strengthening of action does not imply a more rapid recovery. Typically, such a situation is accompanied by severe side effects and symptoms of an overdose;
  • The weakening effects of the medication. Under identical ways alcohol metabolism and drug effects of the drug may decrease significantly and do not show at all.

Certain medicines reduce the stability of human habits, intoxication occurs faster likelihood excessive depression of the central nervous system is increased.

Reception of ethanol followed by the development of several stages of intoxication. Alcohol depresses the nervous system, anesthetized person can cause coma and death due to dysfunction of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata.

Certain medicines so much influence on the metabolism of alcohol in the body that can cause very harmful effects that require emergency care. Before taking any medication you should always read the full instructions for use.

Here are a few examples of a life-threatening interactions:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid with alcohol contributes to the development of peptic ulcer disease or its exacerbation;
  • When taken with caffeine inevitable hypertensive crisis;
  • Co-administration with diuretics leads to a sharp drop in pressure;
  • Interaction with paracetamol causes toxic hepatitis.

Compatible with alcohol drugs not exist, except for the treatment of abstinence and hangover.

The spectrum of indications for use

The main indications for the purpose Motherwort:

  • Motor, emotional excitability, including those caused by alcohol and alcoholic beverages (with the exception - the dosage form as a tincture);
  • Hangover with restlessness after consuming alcohol;
  • Stress and anxiety;
  • Anxiety;
  • Increased blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • Unproven efficacy - Prevention of atherosclerotic plaque formation in the vascular lumen, preventing the progression of chronic heart disease;
  • Climax, a violation of the cycle in women.

In most cases, motherwort accepted as safe sedative, practically does not cause adverse reactions or contraindications. From the above it can be assumed that Motherwort after alcohol in some situations, you can use but to take the medicine, and then drink alcohol - contraindicated.

In addition to alcohol, it is possible to consider the compatibility with other medicines Motherwort. Since the tool has a soothing effect, it is possible to use in conjunction with other sedative drugs. However, potent drugs depressing the nervous system function, Motherwort prohibited drinking. By combining any medications should be approached thoughtfully, before the first intake is advisable to contact the attending physician.

Contraindications to the use of

There is a small number of contraindications to be considered when appointing Motherwort:

  • The tendency to hypotension and bradycardia, syncope;
  • Inflammation of the lower extremities, thrombosis of deep vessels;
  • Receiving tinctures containing alcohol, persons to drive vehicles and working in industries that require special attention;
  • Receiving tinctures, which includes alcohol, patients abusing alcohol;
  • Age restrictions. Because of alcohol tincture Motherwort is contraindicated in children under 18 years. Tablets banned kids before the age of eight. Tea made from the filter bags is allowed to receive in all age groups.

Leonurus alcohol receive simultaneously also contraindicated, since ethyl alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of drugs and cause side effects. If alcohol is used after reception Leonurus, unwanted reactions are minimal.

Adverse reactions after taking Leonurus simultaneously with alcohol

Adverse reactions from taking Leonurus are very rare in nature and are not expressed. If you drink alcohol, tincture Motherwort simultaneously increases the likelihood of adverse effects.

You may experience symptoms such as:

  • Marked slowing the heart rate, pressure drop to critical numbers;
  • Allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis, bronchoconstriction, anaphylactic shock, angioedema;
  • Inhibition of central and peripheral nervous system;
  • Extreme weakness, drowsiness, apathy, lethargy.

alcohol compatibility and Leonurus

Motherwort is incompatible with alcoholSince alcohol is capable of potentiating side effects, have a toxic effect and disrupt the metabolism of active drug components. In addition, Motherwort tincture already contains alcohol. And its combination with alcohol can lead to fatal consequences.

The main effect of Leonurus - lowering blood pressure, slowing of the heart rate. Alcohol also can act unpredictably. Perhaps as the development of severe hypotension and paradoxical appearance of hypertension with deteriorating health. The effect depends on the dose taken alcohol.

If alcohol is drunk a moderate and a small amount, its effect similar to the effect Motherwort. The patient feels marked weakness, the symptoms are similar to symptoms of overdose hypotonic agent. When you receive a large amount of alcohol your blood pressure jumps dramatically, it may be a hypertensive crisis. Face red, his eyes appear to "fly" can be a pain in the heart of angina type.

In addition, alcohol adversely acts on the kidneys and liver. Motherwort metabolism occurs in hepatocytes derived drug with the urine. Simultaneous use of alcohol can cause disruption of these two vital organs. Prolonged combination of alcohol and Leonurus can develop alcoholic hepatitis, and chronic renal failure with a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate.

Now, we find out if you can Motherwort after drinking. As mentioned above, Motherwort is often used for motor, psychomotor and speech excitation during withdrawal, a hangover the next day after drinking. Since the half-life phytopreparation non-durable, one day after receiving liquor Motherwort can be taken for the normalization of the cardiovascular and nervous system functions in the presence of readings. Exception - tincture.

It is necessary to exclude any possibility of applying tincture Motherwort abusers of alcohol or in the period of withdrawal symptoms. Even a few drops of tincture can aggravate the condition of the body. If necessary, receiving sedation is best to use herbal infusions and tablets means. The same rule applies to some peers Motherwort: Hawthorn, valokordin, korvalola.

Motherwort taking pills and drinking alcohol is not recommended at the same time. In this situation, either disappears effect of the drug, or increases the likelihood of side effects and overdosage symptoms.


Alcohol and Motherwort incompatible. The exact effect of the simultaneous impact of these factors is not enough information. It is known that the action of Motherwort or significantly potentiated or negated. Particularly dangerous to use infusions together with alcohol, and also during non-use drinks containing ethyl alcohol.


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