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Corvalol or Motherwort: what better comparison, the differences

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The fast pace of our lives, stress and load constantly overload the nervous system and serve the cause of irritability and nervous excitement. Let's look at the drugs used for the treatment of such conditions, and we will understand that it is better or Corvalol Motherwort.

Corvalol - combined tool comprising a composition of three components:

  • etylbromisovalerianate - shows antispasmodic and sedative effects.
  • phenobarbital - sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant and antispasmodic properties.
  • essential oil of mint - a vasodilator and antispasmodic.

Corvalol will help not only to remove irritability and agitation, but also to reduce to reduce the heart rate. With prolonged use can cause drug dependency.

Motherwort is a natural sedative, and contains in its composition many useful substances, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, vitamin A and others. The drug relieves the central nervous system arousal, restores sleep, helps reduce blood pressure. Not addictive.

If we compare Corvalol and Motherwort, then the first is a more powerful tool, but it has a large number of contraindications and side effects, and most importantly, can be addictive. Action Motherwort much softer and more moderate, however, its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous positive feedback from physicians and patients.

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Corvalol and Motherwort should drink for the treatment of pathologies identical:

  • violation of the functional activity of the cardiovascular system (soothes and dilates blood vessels);
  • neurosis-like conditions associated with impaired vegetatiki (irritability, nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, tachycardia).

However, motherwort take still at an early stage of hypertension for the normalization of blood pressure.

Very popular for the treatment of neurosis, sleep disorders, withdrawal of increased arousal and irritability uses a mixture of Leonurus tinctures, Peony, Valerian. Sometimes it is recommended to add complex means Corvalol, which can be replaced if necessary valokordin.

Motherwort with korvalola will quickly achieve maximum therapeutic efficacy and significantly improve the patient's condition.


it is very important to make sure before using the drug in the absence of contraindications to them, otherwise Corvalol and Motherwort can cause harm to the patient's health.

Contraindications for Motherwort is:

  • hypotension or inclination to the disease;
  • hypersensitivity to a substance means.

Admission korvalola not allowed:

  • if the patient has a history of functional disorders of kidney and liver;
  • hypersensitivity to the constituents of the preparation.

use Features

Prolonged use korvalola can cause drug dependence. Its use in higher doses can promote the accumulation and subsequent bromine intoxication. Therefore, the development of any uncomfortable conditions during treatment, you must report them to your doctor.

Both drugs are not approved for use for young children. Appointment korvalola and Motherwort pregnant patients is carried out only if absolutely necessary.


Tincture or Leonurus Corvalol quite popular for the treatment of neuroses and vegetative disorders. According to responses of patients, both the drug is well tolerated and objectively benefit during therapy.


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