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Amiksin or Kagocel: which is better, and whether together, compare, differences

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Thanks to the development of pharmaceuticals, treatment of influenza, SARS and other traditional winter infections acquired new forms. Instead of the usual antiviral drugs doctors recommend immunostimulants. But ignorant in human medicine is difficult to determine what is best Amiksin or Kagocel. But the right choice of the drug determines, ultimately, the outcome of the treatment process. Information about the properties and therapeutic potential Amiksina Kagocel and allow to orient in new pharmaceutical areas.

Why immunostimulants better

In cold weather, colds infections are perceived as a normal thing. The fact is that with the constant cooling of the body's immune lose their potential and are not able to qualitatively protect cells against invading microbes.

To treat viral diseases in two ways - taking antibiotics drugs acting directly on the virus, or use the funds Amiksin or Kagocel able to strengthen the protective functions of the body, allowing him to fight the disease with their forces.

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Taking into account the possible side effects of antibiotics, it becomes clear why not only doctors, but many patients prefer immunostimulant amiksin or Kagocel. It is these tools can help at any stage of a viral disease - support and strengthen the body's defenses.

And in order to make the right choice, you need to compare the two drugs and determine which one best meets individual needs of the patient, or Amiksin Kagocel.

Features of action Amiksina

Amiksin - a synthetic drug on the basis tilorona, low molecular weight compounds with antiviral activity. The mechanism of action of the drug is the induction of interferon in the body and activate the potential of the immune system.

Particularly noteworthy pharmacological properties Amiksina:

  • the suppression of the processes of vital activity of pathogenic microbes;
  • It stimulates the production of interferon, increasing the activity of the immune system and the overall level of resistance to infection;
  • thanks to a good combination with other drugs, including antibiotics and immunomodulators suitable for combined therapy. To enhance the therapeutic effect, doctors are allowed to drink with amiksin Kagocel;
  • It shows an antitumor effect;
  • It stops the inflammatory processes;
  • It has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, thereby attracting interferon development neuronal cells;
  • It stimulates the body's production of all types of interferons.

Among the indications for admission Amiksina appear not only traditional catarrhal diseases, but also the human herpes virus hepatitis and tuberculosis, encephalomyelitis and tsitomegavirusnaya infection - and not only treatment but also preventive impact.

Application Amiksina possible, since seven years. Small children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended taking the drug.

Despite belonging to the same pharmacological group, receiving Amiksina and provides Kagocel different results, because preparations are different and the active substance, and in the spectrum of therapeutic opportunities.

Features of action Kagocel

Kagocel - the medicament from the group of immunomodulating drugs. Pharmacological potential drug provides an active compound Kagocel consisting of vegetable and Nano-component.

As Amiksin, Kagocel is an interferon inducer. But if Amiksin promotes the development of all types of endogenous proteins, the Kagocel helps produce the body only later type interferons. To provide a full range of effects on the immune system, it is better to take Kagocel simultaneously amiksin.

A characteristic feature of Kagocel considered that, even taking the pill one circulates interferon in the blood for five days, maintaining the immune system activity at the desired level.

Kagocel therapeutic effect is expressed in the following processes:

  • stimulation of antiviral activity of immune cells;
  • increasing the level of protective fabrics;
  • induction of the synthesis intferonov;
  • the suppression of the vital processes of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevents the growth and spread of viruses;
  • prevention of tumor formation.

Among the indications for use of Kagocel appear catarrhal diseases and human herpes virus. The drug is allowed from the age of three.

Other properties of the preparations

Comparison medicaments properties indicates that the therapeutic effect Kagocel almost completely duplicate the work Amiksina. However, the reception Kagocel appropriate when the patient was not yet seven years old, while the reception Amiksina not recommended in this case.

Cost Amiksina higher than the price of Kagocel. On the other hand, the list of indications for use Amiksina much wider than that of Kagocel, as a single dose is more convenient in a day than a three-time.

Thus, the best way to ensure full support for the immune system - to take Amiksin Kagocel.

If there is an individual intolerance to the drug, doctors recommend to choose the means of a list of peers. Among the most popular - and immunomodulators Lavomax Arbidol.


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