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Levomekol with ingrown nails

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In medicine called ingrown nail ingrown nail. Ailment characterized by changes in epithelial hue discomfort and soreness in the area of ​​the nail plate. In some cases the pus. Levomekol helps relieve inflammation and acts as an antibiotic.

As drug acts

If ingrown nails Levomekol ointment has antimicrobial and restorative action. Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug can quickly and permanently get rid of the problem. Ingrown nails may develop for many reasons.

The appearance of the disease contribute to:

  • fungal infections;
  • Tight shoes;
  • obesity;
  • Incorrect execution pedicure;
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

Often the nail grows on the big toe. It must necessarily be treated as the nail begins to fester and delivers pain. thumb area becomes inflamed and sore. Nail plate grows deep enough and can touch the nerve endings.

We can not allow ingrown nail, but if it has already occurred, treatment with ointment Levomekol help eliminate the symptoms.

The preparation is used for treating wounds, trophic ulcers, boils. Its effect can be compared with Vishnevsky ointment. In the presence of necrotic exudate drugs kill the bacteria penetrate the tissue and exert a powerful regenerative effect.

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The preparation Levomekol two active drug component includes - methyluracil and chloramphenicol. They activate trophism tissue and stimulate regeneration of damaged cells. Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum action. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Methyluracilum enhances the healing properties of chloramphenicol and provides better nutrition of the affected tissues.

After penetration into the inflammatory focus drug components disrupt the membrane of pathogens and cells actively eliminate infection. Levomekol has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Reducing inflammation contributes to the elimination of pain in problem areas.

Run the necessary regenerative processes in the body, the organic tissue cells are regenerated. Levomekol also has a moderate dehydration effects. The ointment is widely used in surgery for the treatment of post-surgical sutures and purulent wounds. levomekol ingrown nail treatment also has a positive effect.

The preparation includes additional polyethylene. They allow to uniformly distribute the ointment throughout the surface area of ​​the skin and improve penetration of the drug into the tissue.


Before applying the ointment on the ingrown nail, the problem areas should be good to steam. This condition is important to always be observed before applying application. Procedure mitigates the nail plate and surrounding tissues. A warm bath also disinfects and soothes the skin. For this purpose, the foot should be placed in a basin of hot water. It is possible to additionally use decoctions of herbs. Steam out nails best solution with sea salt, chamomile broth.

After the procedure, the buildup of nail is cut and applied ointment Levomekol. The drug is used in pure form or topically in the form of applications. Compress best apply at night before bed. The bandage should allow air to better wound healing and prevention of suppuration. This home method of treatment helps to quickly get rid of the disease and the pain of the nail.

When ingrown toenail Levomekol ointment should only handle the affected portion inflammation. It makes no sense to apply ointment on the healthy epithelium. Use tool can be 3-4 times a day. A similar treatment of ingrown nail can spend ihtiolovaya ointment, which also relieves inflammation well.

Medical compresses is recommended to complete disappearance of symptoms of ingrown toenail. After the therapy should be done with extreme care pedicures. Can not injure the nail. In the care of the feet is better to use softening antibacterial cream.

Levomekol treat sick nail should be at least 4-5 days. After the onset of improvement need to use the drug for several days. This prevents the possibility of recurrence and perpetuates therapeutic result.

Levomekol the treatment of ingrown nail can be used is not always. Contraindications are individual intolerance, children up to 3 years, psoriasis.


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