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TOP 3 Leonurus analogue: review drugs substitutes

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To contraindicated Motherwort

Leonurus tincture includes a list of active natural components such as:

  • The root of the herb motherwort;
  • iridoids;
  • Oil on ester-based;
  • alkaloids;
  • glycosides;
  • Carotene;
  • Vitamins A and C categories;
  • Organic acids.

When ingested, all of these elements have a complex effect, normalizing patient's cardiac rhythm, removing spasms in his brain, and calming his nervous system.

However, taking Motherwort allowed not all people. But exceptions are:

  • Children up to 12 years;
  • Patients suffering from allergy to any of the components of the drug;
  • Women who are in the period of pregnancy, or breast-feeding;
  • gipotoniki;
  • People who observed irregularities in the sinus node.

For the above categories of patients with pathologies of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, doctors recommended to choose similar preparations (tablets or droplets) having similar pharmacological action. However, choosing a drug replacement, it must be ensured, that analog was Leonurus drug having a distinguishable composition.

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1. Valokordin as replacing Motherwort

The first place among peers, which doctors recommend to replace Motherwort takes Valocordin - drug psycholeptics group having sedative, antispasmodic, and vasodilatory properties. According to the application the analogue does not differ from the Motherwort. But as far as the composition of valokordin, it includes very different active ingredients. Namely:

  • etylbromisovalerianate;
  • phenobarbital;
  • Oil based on herbs (hops and mint);
  • ethanol;
  • Drinking water.

Due to the composition of distinctness, Valocordin allowed to take patients with individual intolerance to the components of Motherwort. As far as children and pregnant women, they should find a softer analogue as Valocordin for them is absolutely contraindicated.

2. Valerian extract, as a replacement Motherwort

A second, less popular analogue Motherwort (Leonurus and Forte), pharmacologically, can be called valerian extract. Unlike many sedative and vasodilator drugs, the tool is allowed to use children and women staying in the stage of pregnancy or lactation. Among contraindications to the use of such a drug can be noted only individual intolerance body to the root of valerian.

And besides, for patients who have decided instead to take Motherwort Valerian, search of the drug will not be a problem. Indeed, thanks to the fact that Valerian is available in many popular forms (tablets, drops, tinctures, and so on. D.), Buy it in any drugstore is not difficult.

3. Corvalol. Leader among the cheaper counterparts

We have already looked at two analog Motherwort, who is allowed to take, for both children and pregnant girls. Finally, let's look at an option for those patients who are looking for cheaper analogues Motherwort preparation has sedative, vasodilator and antispasmodic properties.

Best cheap analogue Motherwort considered Corvalol today - Combined means based bromizovalerianovoy acid and phenobarbital. Also, as Valerian, this tool is not contraindicated for children, but at the same time, it is not recommended to use the pregnant girls.

An additional advantage of a wide range Corvalolum considered its release forms (active drug can be presented in forms of tablets, d solution for injection, drops, inhalations and the like..). Therefore, even though the low price, Corvalol can be considered a worthy replacement Motherwort.


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