Food Poisoning

Food poisoning in adults: symptoms and treatment

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3 First aid for ailment

Any first aid is always pre-medical, but in no case does it replace. In case of serious poisoning, it is necessary to contact the medical institution without fail. The mild poisoning in adults, accompanied by a short vomiting and diarrhea and proceeding without a rise in temperature, can be treated on its own.

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Any person should know the symptoms, and treatment of food poisoning should be done under medical supervision.

First aid, as a rule, implies the elimination of what led to the disease, and the primary neutralization of the consequences. In case of food poisoning, the first thing to do is to wash the stomach and intestines.

To do this, induce vomiting if this process does not start spontaneously. The simplest and fastest way is physiological - pressing on the root of the tongue, which in itself activates the vomitive processes. However, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to give the patient to drink 100-150 ml of a 10% solution of baking soda( 1 tsp without top to half a cup of water).During the chemical reaction of soda with acid contained in gastric juice, a large volume of gas is released, under which the stomach is cleaned most fully.

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Next poisoned person, in the absence of diarrhea, you need to make a plentiful enema or give a laxative with the purpose of active withdrawal of substances that have passed into the intestines. Enema is preferable, because with this method the body loses less water. It is advisable to use a laxative in the form of suppositories, since tablets and syrups will irritate the mucous, and possibly, reject the body.


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After cleaning the stomach, the patient should be given a large amount of water to drink.

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You need to drink water, because any other liquids can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and increase the negative impact of toxic substances. As much as possible, drink as much water as possible, but use it in small portions. First, water helps to remove toxins from the body. Secondly, due to vomiting and cleaning of the intestine may occur dehydration. However, with a portion of water more than a glass per reception, the probability of its rejection is high. If the water is immediately drained by the stomach, even with a small volume, the patient should be given mineral water without gas or salted water. Strengthening effect is weakly brewed black tea without sugar. But the impact will be beneficial only for people who regularly use tea. Otherwise, the reaction of the body to a new product may be unpredictable.

After suppression of vomiting poisoned one should give activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. Due to high sorption ability, activated charcoal well collects from the digestive tract not having had time to suck in the blood toxins. Therefore, the sooner it is adopted, the more effective the impact will be. Harm this drug can not cause, so do not be afraid of an overdose.

If diarrhea and vomiting do not stop for a long time, you need to call an "ambulance".

As a rule, when severe food poisoning symptoms and treatment are the same, but there may also be some features that require qualified medical care.

In case of a significant increase in temperature, it is recommended to use cold wiping with water or a heavily diluted solution of acetic acid( 1 tablespoon food 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water).The use of tablets is not recommended, becausethey irritate the already damaged mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. A more favorable treatment will be injections. But you can only set them yourself as a last resort. With a stable temperature increase, an immediate call for an "ambulance" is recommended, since only the doctor can correctly determine the degree of poisoning and properly remove intoxication.

Also, calling an "ambulance" is necessary if the patient loses consciousness or has hallucinations. To be engaged in a selftreatment in such situation can be dangerous to a life.

1 How to determine the presence of the disease?

When toxic substances enter the human digestive tract, they enter the bloodstream very quickly and are spread throughout the body. Some signs of poisoning of the body appear after 2-3 hours. When it comes to infectious poisoning, there is a danger of contamination of others. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know the symptoms and treatment of food poisoning.

Signs of food poisoning:

  • lack of appetite;
  • copious salivation;
  • pain and bubbling in the abdomen;
  • nausea, then vomiting;
  • loose stool;
  • fever and chills;
  • sweating;
  • weakness.

In case of particularly severe poisoning, substances ingested in the body may cause visual and auditory hallucinations and seizures. This indicates the defeat of the nervous system and requires serious treatment.

If there are at least several signs of severe food poisoning, it is recommended to call an "ambulance".It should be remembered that intoxication occurs within a few hours, so deterioration often leads to unpredictable consequences. Especially dangerous are such poisonings for persons with low immunity. These include the elderly, pregnant women and people who have recently undergone serious illness or surgery.

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We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the

  • What should be the first first aid for poisoning
  • Is there a temperature in case of poisoning
  • What are the first signs of poisoning
  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer

2 Prevention measures

There are several simple rules that will help to avoid many diseases in general and foodpoisoning in particular.

Personal hygiene rules must be observed. First of all, we are talking about washing hands with soap after contact with places of increased concentration of infections. These include all places of accumulation of people and associated with the spontaneous decomposition of biological waste. Among the latter, toilet rooms and garbage accumulation areas first of all fall. In addition, you should thoroughly wash your hands every time before eating.

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The quality of the products should be monitored. To eat, you can use only those dishes that have the best shelf life. Ingredients for cooking should be fresh and of proper quality. You can not violate the conditions of food storage. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly before use. It is not recommended to buy products of private livestock farms that do not have certificates of veterinary control. If, however, such a purchase was made, it is necessary to subject all products to heat treatment. You should be careful when buying promotional products, especially if you plan to purchase them for future use. Very often, stores reduce prices precisely in connection with the expiring shelf life.

4 Diet during the recovery period of

After gastrointestinal tract poisoning, it takes time to recover. Therefore, during the first day it is desirable to give up food altogether. Thus it is necessary to continue to drink abundantly water. Its approximate amount can be calculated by focusing on the volume of liquids discharged from the body.

As a rule, there is no appetite in patients on the first day after poisoning. If the desire to eat begins to manifest itself, in no case should you start with heavy food. The patient begins to give badly brewed black tea or a compote of dried fruits. The most preferable option will be a compote of raisins, since it contains a large amount of potassium, the loss of which when cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, as a rule, are high. Further enter decoctions of herbs and berry fruit. To maintain strength, you can add a small amount of sugar. Starting from the second day, soup in vegetable broth and dairy-free cereals are introduced into the patient's diet. Then follows boiled low-fat dishes from fish, poultry and meat, boiled or baked vegetables and fruits, crackers, kefir.

Within a week after poisoning it is worth to refrain from such products:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products, except kefir;
  • fried and smoked food;
  • canned food;
  • of baked bakery products;
  • spices;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic beverages.

These products should be administered gradually and with great care.

Thus, food poisoning can be avoided by following simple rules. If food poisoning symptoms are detected in adults, the first aid, consisting in cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, should be provided to the victim. If signs of an organism intoxication can not be eliminated by own strength, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • 1 How to determine the presence of the disease?
  • 2 Prevention measures
  • 3 First aid for the disease
  • 4 Diet during the recovery period

Food poisoning in an adult whose symptoms and treatment are an actual problem for many, often occurs in the warm season.

All such poisonings are divided into two types: toxic and infectious. Toxic poisoning occurs when toxic substances enter the digestive tract of a person along with food and water. The latter include poisons of both mineral and organic origin.

Infectious poisoning occurs under the influence of microorganisms that produce toxic substances in the course of their vital activity. They fall into the human stomach together with poor-quality, poorly prepared foods, as well as those for which the expiry date has expired.

Do you have gastritis?

GALINA SAVINA: "How easy is it to cure gastritis at home for 1 month. A proven method - write down a recipe. ..!"Read more & gt; & gt;

Poisoning may result from a violation of personal hygiene.

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