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Detraleks or Venarus with hemorrhoids, what better comparison, the differences

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The pharmacy instead detraleks hemorrhoids can offer Venorus, saying that drugs are analogues. But is it? Which is better for hemorrhoids: Detraleks or Venarus. To answer this question, we need to see what the similarity is whether the difference between the medicines.

First, the similarity

Venarus and Detraleks are direct analogues having similar composition and indications for use.

The active components and the influence on the organism

The use according to Venarusu Detraleks instructions and indicated that one tablet contains:

  • Diosmin - 450 mg. The substance of the flavonoid group increases the tone of veins and normalizes vascular permeability, reduces pain and inflammation and helps eliminate edema;
  • Hesperidin - 50 mg. Active ingredient diosmin enhances the therapeutic effect, improves cellular metabolism and has an antioxidant effect on the fabric.

Drink Venarus and Detraleks twice daily with a capsule with a little water.

After entering the digestive tract, the tablet shell and dissolve the active ingredients through mucous fall into the general circulation. Under the action of diosmin and hesperidin vessel walls are strengthened, and the blood becomes more fluid. Improved blood flow and increasing the vascular tone leads to a decrease in venous nodes varices and hemorrhoids.

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Indications for use

Detraleks or Venarus appoint the following pathologies:

  • External or internal hemorrhoids;
  • varicosity in 1 or 2 steps;
  • chronic venous insufficiency.

Also, both medications are used to prevent complications after angioplasty.

Drink Venarus or Detraleks allowed in the 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy to treat varicose veins on the legs and hemorrhoids, which often appear in gestation.

But despite the apparent similarity between the medicines, there are some differences.

Consider the difference between drugs

At first glance it may seem that the difference between Dertaleksom and Venarusom only in price and the first medicine worth half as much, but it's not quite true.

There are a number of differences:

  • Manufacturer. Detraleks manufactured by the French firm, and Venorus - cheaper analog of the budget, but in the instructions indicated that both drugs are suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
  • Communication with the meal. Protective shell detraleks prevents stomach and intestinal irritation, even if you take the medicine on an empty stomach, but Venarus need to be sure to drink after a meal. At reception on an empty stomach can cause diarrheal disorders, including constipation, which worsen during hemorrhoids.
  • Side effects for Venarusa and detraleks the same, but more often Detraleks provitsiruet digestive problems and Venarus - headaches and general weakness.
  • The rate of absorption. When producing Detraleks use mikrodozirovannuyu form diosmin, which is faster and starts cleaved therapeutic effect after only 2 hour. A Venarus decomposes into active ingredients and slower for the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids will require more time.

Despite the fact that the patient himself can choose: a drink at hemorrhoids Detraleks or its cheaper counterpart, is to listen to feedback from doctors.

Which is better for hemorrhoids

If we compare Detraleks and Venarus with hemorrhoids, it may be noted that it would be more efficient Detraleks because of the following features:

  • speed of splitting. Mikrodozirovanny Diosmin inside the tablet rapid transition to the active state, and therefore have patient for the past 2-3 hours will be marked reduction of pain, itching and other unpleasant symptoms hemorrhoids;
  • Convenience. Despite the same composition of active substances for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the first 3 days prescribed take Detraleks 4 capsules a day, and then the dose is reduced to three tablets. For Venarusa scheme is slightly different: 6 capsules in the early days, and then for 4 hours. The second option is not very convenient, and the financial savings of using a cheap analog questionable, because it takes more tablets.

Doctors claim that with hemorrhoids Detraleks better than Venarus. This is due not only to the use of convenience: Detraleks has mikrodozirovannuyu more active form in which the active substance starts to work faster and more efficiently.

Sometimes patients are wondering whether you can take along with Detraleks Venarusom to enhance the therapeutic effect of hemorrhoids. But here the doctor respond negatively. Despite the small difference is a direct analogue Venarus Detraleks and sharing application only provoke the occurrence of overdose.

If required for the treatment of hemorrhoids higher concentration of diosmin, the assigned reception Phlebodia 600 in conjunction with one of the drugs. In Phlebodia 600 different mechanism diosmina release and it will help to create a higher therapeutic concentrations without the risk of causing an overdose.

short result

According to doctors, it is better to take for hemorrhoids Detraleks for faster action and less tablets for daily intake.

Of course, due to the large number of Venarusa capsules daily intake analogue cheapness does not bring financial benefits and is worth listening to the appointment of the attending doctor.

But the difference between the reception and detraleks Venarusa there under the following conditions:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • prevention of postoperative complications;
  • varicose veins.

In this case, doctors recommend to buy or Detraleks Venarus, leaving the patient the right to choose.

What is better to choose for hemorrhoids: Venarus or Detraleks has little impact on the quality of treatment, but it should be remembered that, due to a slower effect Venarus in the early days is accepted large doses. This should be taken into account if the pharmacy offered cheaper counterpart instead of the designated funds.


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