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Aescusan or Detraleks: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time

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Indications Aescusan and detraleks

Both drugs are analogs in their group. General they have more than the differences.

They are prescribed for the treatment of these diseases:

  • venous insufficiency of the lower limbs;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • swelling and leg cramps;
  • viscous blood.

Detraleks and Aescusan are plant-based and are considered safe for human health. Aescusan is a worthy alternative chestnut tincture, which is famous for its efficiency in the treatment of venous diseases leg.

Detraleks made in the form of tablets. Aescusan produce a solution, which should be shaken before use.


The main difference between detraleks and Eskuzanom is contraindicated to receive. The first drug them anymore. Detraleks prohibited to assign breastfeeding mothers, infants, people prone to allergies. In Aescusan there are no specific restrictions, the presence of sensitivity to the drug.

The effectiveness of medications

Both drugs have almost the same list of therapeutic properties.

For Aescusan detraleks and characterized by the following therapeutic effects:

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  • reduced blood flow in the veins;
  • strengthen the vascular wall;
  • leveled venous nodes;
  • eliminate excessive vascular permeability and prevent the egress of fluid in the tissue.

The difference between Detraleks and Eskuzanom minimal, since both drugs can increase the tonus of vascular walls, affecting their valves and facilitating emptying of the stagnant blood.

Side effects

Detraleks Aescusan differs from the presence of a number of side effects. Admission Aescusan practically does not cause adverse reactions. Occasionally it may be irritation of the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal tract.

If used improperly detraleks vomiting or nausea can occur in patients. Sometimes there is pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea starts. But in most cases in compliance with the dosage and dosage regimen is well tolerated drug.

treatment regimen

Compare Aescusan and Detraleks possible scheme of treatment. When venous diseases appoint two tablets detraleks per day. Admission is divided into morning and evening. Two weeks later, the two tablets can be taken at a time during the meal. When hemorrhoids recommended to use 6 tablets per day.

Drops Aescusan take three times a day before meals. Dosage is 12-15 drops. After three months of treatment make a break. If necessary, consult a doctor and undergo a second course. For effective treatment, together with Aescusan patient is recommended to wear special compression stockings or socks.

None of the medications should not be given to children. Varices in young patients are treated mainly by folk remedies or medications analogs. For example, a doctor may prescribe a child Phlebodia Diosmin, aspirin.

Detraleks and Aescusan - drugs with the same therapeutic effect. Select the best preparation is difficult, because each has its advantages and disadvantages. The only important thing that unites them is effective in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired functional veins.


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