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Linex constipation for children and adults: help or not

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As part of the drug Linex contains various kinds of useful bacteria for the intestinal microflora. They contribute to strengthening the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines and are directly involved in the process of digestion. Adults used capsules Linex Forte, and for children is better to buy the medicine in powder or drops. Enough to take a few days effective Linex to eliminate constipation and improve the balance of microflora in the digestive tract mucosa.

Does Linex for constipation? This question can be answered by experienced physicians. As shown by clinical studies, Linex - probiotic safe exposure, it is possible to use the elderly, mature patients and young children. Means has a moderate osmotic effect, ie helps retain moisture in the intestine. The liquid softens the stool and increased fecal volume. Moreover, the probiotic medication also acts like a laxative, and effectively restores the intestinal flora.

Lineks medicament enhances gut motility, because of what is possible defecation after 1-2 hours after the first capsule. When shortness of fecal output is often diagnosed performance boost local immunity. It is proved that the probiotic Linex strengthens the immune system and blocks the adhesion receptors. The same effect has Dufalac laxative, which is intended to eliminate constipation.

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Linex is a real source of useful living strains, the number of which is very sharply reduced in chronic constipation. An important feature - the drug can be taken for a long time - until the moment has not yet established the right balance between pathogenic agents and beneficial microorganisms. At this process may take 4 weeks, so it is important for adults and children with constipation combine medication with mild therapeutic diet.

It is necessary to completely give up fatty and fried foods. Subject to Linex proper diet food effectively helps eliminate constipation. Linex for constipation in adults - a great way to restore your chair.

Linex has no effect when constipation is momentary, it is not recommended for adults and children in the acute form of the disease. Doctors use the drug for bowel cleansing of stagnant fecal matter. It helps to cleanse the bowel before surgery, relaxes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful microorganisms Linex after getting into the bowel just attached to the intestinal mucosa. They begin to actively synthesize nutrients and retain moisture within the intestine. Through these actions, the faeces are formed into a soft paste. Immediately the lactose is fermented and produced bacteriocins, which stopped the development of pathogenic agents. Bacterial activity plays an important primary role in eliminating constipation. Under the influence of Linex normal intestinal biocenosis, adjusted chair.

Linex has long established itself as the best help for chronic constipation. This tool can be used to help infants, when a pipsqueak, and makes an effort may not emptied. Also Linex constipation suitable for infants who are bottle-fed, or to take antibiotics for a long time. Contraindications means virtually none.

When should I refrain from taking

For constipation in children Linex should be taken in moderate dosage. Otherwise, it can cause severe flatulence. Precisely because Linex not prescribed for constipation in the first month of neonatal life.

Many adult patients have individual intolerance Linex. Often small children severely lactose intolerant, of other children appear allergic reaction to milk protein compounds. That's why some infants develop constipation after Linex. It is not always advisable to use Linex constipation in preterm children and the weak.

Adult as a person needs to have the drug Linex is always at hand for various trips in the home medicine cabinet. If you go on vacation, to rest - it is important to put a medical drug Linex to other drugs in her purse. With Linex you can be sure that your chair will always be the full rate.

The drug helps to:

  • eliminate constipation;
  • to establish the functioning of the intestines;
  • cure dysbiosis;
  • improve bowel condition when taking antibiotics

The drugstore chain Linex capsules, and powders are sold without a prescription. This makes probiotic available to the population and contributes to the rapid decrease in the symptoms of constipation.


Adults with constipation receiving recommended 2 capsules 3 times a day. Better to use the drug in conjunction with the meal. You can use a light snack and drink preparation.

For constipation in children Linex take in abbreviated half dose. It is recommended, according to the instructions to the drug, take 1-2 capsules per day. You can use special powders Linex for children with minimal dosage. Along with the medication the child should be given foods rich in the plant tissue. Proper diet is very quick to help organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate constipation.

Constipation newborn Linex is better to give in drops. It is recommended to give the breast crumbs Linex 6 drops diluted in a bottle with milk. Introduction of a new complementary foods can cause constipation in a child, Linex will therefore fastest means of assistance with changing your diet.

Treatment of constipation Linex - effective way to establish a chair and fix the breach. Food after the therapeutic course starts hard to digest. Linex improves digestion, stimulates the local immunity and has beneficial effects on all the functions of the stomach and intestines.

Side effects

an allergic reaction to the drug can occur in rare cases. Redness or itching, tearing, hives. Eliminate allergies can Linex dose reduction or complete abolition. It is important to consult a doctor if allergies when taking Linex to eliminate constipation.

additional measures

Accept Lineks constipation recommended by experts in conjunction with a medical diet. This contributes greatly to the rapid elimination of constipation. Rough, fried, fatty foods can cause constipation in any person. When malnutrition occurs labored stool formation, dehydration.

To Linex constipation helped quickly and efficiently, it is important to eat every day:

  • pumpkin;
  • apples;
  • cereals;
  • cabbage;
  • bran.

These products contribute to proper digestion and the formation of non-solid faeces. Fiber filled with the necessary moisture and nutrients that enhance passage of feces through the intestine.

Together with constipation often arise flatulence, goiter, belching, regurgitation. Linex helps to eliminate these adverse symptoms. The drug increases the human body's resistance to pathogens and to quickly eliminate not only constipation, but also the above symptoms. The treatment is quick and painless.


The drug Linex important to keep right. Temperature range should not exceed 25 degrees C. Otherwise possible destruction of beneficial bacteria inside the drug powder. The drug can be stored no more than 1 month. Further medication will be unfit for consumption.

Linex allows you to support the work of the gastrointestinal tract and to establish healthy eating. Its main advantage - universality. The tool can be used for any disorder of the digestive system. It is suitable for people of any age. Linex help adults and a child. Taking the drug for constipation need for self-medication prescription can cause unexpected or negative results.


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