Skin Diseases

Streptoderma children. Treatment, photos, medications, ointments, folk remedies, how many takes on the face, eyes age, the body

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Represents streptoderma fairly common dermatologic disease, diagnosed in children and adults. State is characterized by the development of skin inflammation caused by streptococci and accompanied by the appearance of purulent foci of different shape, size. disease treatment is carried out in several stages.

It is worth noting that most of the diseases suffered by children, which is associated with a number of predisposing factors.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of streptococcal

types of diseases

There are several classifications of the pathological state.

Most often, doctors divide streptoderma depending on its shape:

  1. strep impetigo It is considered the most common form. It is noted the appearance of the face, trunk and limbs red small bubbles. After their opening pus or hazy liquid remains weeping surface. Such a state can proceed without complications, and may be accompanied by a critical rise in body temperature, deterioration of general condition, and the addition of other infections.
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  2. bullous impetigo It occurs mainly in children aged 2-5 years. In this case, the rash takes the form of large bubbles filled with lots of transparent yellow pus. They do not cause pain, are easily damaged, leaving in its place the red spots. This form of streptococcal rarely provokes the other symptoms, and recovery occurs quickly enough. By streptococcal bullous form it is characterized in that the patient concerned about severe itching.
    Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies
    streptococcal treatment in children depends on the type and location
  3. streptococcal Zayed - common form in children and middle-aged patients. Characterized by the formation of crusts in the corners of the mouth, red foci, which are damaged during opening of the mouth during ingestion. The disease can be acute or chronic, it is often complicated by the accession of infection and treated for a long time. Experts note that the Zayed often affects children with weakened immune systems.
  4. streptococcal intertrigo in most cases it affects children infants. The disease is characterized by the appearance of small red rash in the natural skin folds. That is why children with high body weight suffer from this form often. The condition can occur in adults, accompanied by itching and the formation of scabs.
  5. Turniol, or superficial felon - an inflammation of the skin around the nail bed. Usually the condition affects the fingers, can occur in the form of lightweight or heavy. In the latter case, there is a possibility of loss of the nail or parts thereof. As the progression of inflammation of the child is not able to perform ordinary household manipulation. In addition, significantly increased the risk of joining other microbes.
  6. ecthyma - one of the most dangerous forms of streptococcal that affects the deeper layers of skin. Thus at any body site suppurative focus may receive the coated dense crust. The disease progresses, affects the deeper layers of the skin, develop severe complications if left untreated. Most often, this form of streptococcal occurs in immunocompromised children.

Any form of the disease occurs in several stages. Some types of cured yourself, others require medical attention.

Depending on the progression of the rash and its experts distinguish dry and weeping streptoderma. In the former case, flaking and itching, damage occurs in the second bubble formation and wet surface, which is favorable breeding ground for germs.

Streptoderma in children (treatment begins after the diagnostic examination) may be acute or chronic. Acute comes on suddenly, is accompanied by severe symptoms and requires immediate treatment. The chronic form of stale, poorly expressed symptoms, but increases the risk of complications.

Given the area of ​​skin lesions secrete limited streptoderma which affect a small area of ​​the skin, as well as common, afflicting vast areas on the body and limbs.

In addition, the superficial and deep isolated form of the disease. In the first case the inflammation is localized in the upper layers of the skin, in the second switches to deep tissues and can penetrate into the systemic circulation.

Depending on the origin of the pathology can be identified primary streptococcal impetigo, which is a separate disease, as well as secondary. The latter often acts as a complication of other dermatological pathologies.

Stage and grade

Almost all forms and varieties of the disease always take place in several stages. Each of them is characterized by certain symptoms.

At the initial stage in one or more areas of skin rash. Its appearance and size depend on the shape of pathology. At this stage, the baby almost did not bother. May cause a slight itching and mild discomfort when touching the affected area.Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies

If untreated, the disease becomes progressive at a stage when the number increases rash, itch intensified. Combing at the site of lesions appear or peeling moknutija portions that depend on the shape of pathology.

In this case, the child can talk about pain, especially in time swimming or in contact with clothes. In some patients the body temperature rises, perhaps even develop fever.

The next stage is accompanied by the formation of crusts on the site of the rash. They may have a yellow or brown color, thickness also differs depending on the depth of the skin lesion. Symptomatology at this time usually disappears or becomes less severe, the baby almost did not notice the pain and itching.

Step resolution is characterized by falling away crusts, and full recovery of the skin. At the site of the rash are small reddish spots, which will eventually disappear. If treatment is started in a timely manner, on the site of lesions is not scar.

With the development of surface felon symptoms increases gradually. At the initial stage okolonogtevogo roller become swollen, there is a slight redness and pain. On progressive edema increases, the skin becomes purplish or bluish. In some places, you can see the whitish spots, which indicate the formation of pus.

At an advanced stage ulcers burst, there is a strong pain, redness, tissue may die off. At the stage of resolution of all symptoms disappear gradually, the wound is cleaned and tightened.

Streptococcal Zayed also developed in several stages, but the symptoms are different from other forms of streptococcal:

  1. In the first stage redness appears in the corners of the mouth.
  2. The next stage is characterized by the appearance of pain in the use of food and conversation. In this case, reddened areas are wet, which slows down the healing process.
  3. In the next step inflammation foci covered crusts.Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies

Step resolution accompanied by a gradual healing of wounds, disappearance redness and other manifestations.


Streptoderma in children (treatment consists of several stages) in most cases occurs without the expressed general symptoms. Typically, the most striking manifestations observed on the part of the skin. On the body, face and extremities appear small or large rash. Child brushing the affected area, which leads to damage of the rash.

Weeping surface is constantly in contact with clothing, damaged during hygiene procedures. It is at this stage it is possible joining of infection, especially in the case of localization of lesions on the limbs. After opening the rash in its place formed a crust.

Children of preschool and primary school age are characterized by high activity, so often damage or tear the crust, which slows down the healing process.

With the development of turnioli marked decrease in activity, pain in one or more fingers. The child is unable to perform usual activities because they cause discomfort. In most cases, common symptoms are absent, with timely treatment possible to stop the process and prevent the opening of an abscess formed in the nail bed.

If a patient develops a strep Zayed, diagnosis easier. Besides external manifestations in the form of redness and inflammation of the skin at the corners of the mouth, and loss of appetite observed locomotor activity, increased thirst. When talking or eating pockets are damaged, which slows healing and can cause an increase in the inflammation area.

It is worth noting that the surface forms of streptococcal exceptionally provoke common symptoms as a fever or other symptoms. However, ecthyma characterized by lesions of the deep layers of the skin.

At the initial stage, there is a small limited focus of inflammation, which is localized on the body, face or extremities. External signs are limited to redness, the appearance of the crust and the release of a small amount of pus.

The danger of such a form is considered insights into the deeper layers of the skin and the spread of infection in the systemic circulation.

Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remediesIn this case, the patient observed the following violations:

  1. Increase in body temperature, fever.
  2. Pain in joints and muscles.
  3. Weakness, drowsiness.
  4. Appetite loss, up to its complete absence.
  5. Weight loss.
  6. Apathy, lack of interest in games and other activities.
  7. Constant thirst, sweating.
  8. Pale skin, tongue coating.

In severe disease during the when the infection enters the body, the symptoms are aggravated, the child can lose consciousness. Palpation closely spaced lymph nodes marked increase in their size, morbidity.

It is worth noting that similar violations do not occur as often as the experts begin treatment before the onset of complications.

Causes of

Streptoderma in children (treatment starts after detection of the root causes of violations) may be the consequence of many contributing factors.

The most frequent causes of the disease:

  1. Failure to observe personal hygiene.
  2. Applying too aggressive funds during the hygiene procedures.
  3. Frequent skin injury, getting into the wound infection.
  4. Chronic diseases of the skin, e.g., dermatitis, eczema.
  5. Violation of sanitary norms in the room where the child lives or spends a lot of time every day.
  6. Contact with a healthy man, who is also a carrier of streptococcus.
  7. Parasitic diseases.
  8. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the diet, chronic vitamin deficiency.
  9. The presence in the body of infection.
  10. Acute dermatological disorders of allergic origin, such as urticaria.

Most forms of the disease is provoked by these factors. However, it should be noted that the streptococcal Zayed often affects immunocompromised patients who consume food or fluid from the same dish with a carrier of streptococcus. In this case, the disease develops due to the child's body's inability to resist bacteria.

Streptococcal intertrigo consequence becomes constant skin friction in areas creases. In this case, there is the outer layer of irritation, rashes, and other symptoms. About 90% of cases occur in patients under the age of 3-4 years. Older children are much less likely to suffer from such a disease. Other forms of disease can be triggered by a variety of factors.


To diagnose disease using a few different methods of effective and informative.Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies

Method Features Venue and cost
General inspection and survey Specialist examines a child, his parents or queries. This helps to establish the root cause and to appoint additional diagnostic methods. Held in any institution, the payment is usually not required
Clinical blood and urine analysis A standard and necessary method of examination. Blood is drawn from a finger or a vein, the urine collected in the morning after waking up. An analysis of the expert can see the signs of inflammation, the degree of disrepair. At the initial stages insignificant deviations. The method is available for private and public hospital, the price in the first is about 200-300 rubles.
Biochemical analysis of blood This method of diagnosis is not always used. Shows a case where there are complications of liver and other organs of the digestive system and the kidneys. Carried out in public hospitals and in private study costs about 300 rubles.
fecal helminth eggs One of the important methods of diagnosis, allowing to identify the different species of parasites. It is free of charge in a public hospital, in particular the price starts from 400 rubles.
A study of the lesions by a special device The method is used when the surface forms of the disease, when the instrument helps to consider the lesions and identify the degree of damage to the skin. Device illuminates certain areas, and doctors studying them. The technique is available for only in hospitals with appropriate equipment. Price ranges from 400-600 rubles.
Smear from the lesion to identify the causative agent It carried out in the case where the surface of weeping, there is pus. Under laboratory conditions, the material being studied, in most cases detected streptococci in different quantities.

It is impossible to identify the single most effective method of diagnosis, since only comprehensive survey helps to identify the extent and form of the disease, as well as the supposed cause.

When to see a doctor

Streptoderma is quite a serious disease in children aged raznog. That is why at the first appearance of a violation should consult a doctor. Treatment of these conditions holds dermatologist. However, in some cases, the clinic does not have such a specialist. Then it is necessary to turn to a pediatrician.


To prevent development of the disease, experts recommend an early age to teach children about the importance of personal hygiene. It is not necessary to eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, sit at the table without washing their hands with soap.Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies

In addition, it is necessary to conduct daily hygienic procedures using mild soap. This will minimize the risk of microbial growth on the surface of the skin. An important method of prevention - strengthening the immune system by receiving vitamin complexes and the normalization of the diet.

It is necessary to use a sufficient amount of dairy products, meat, vegetables and fruit. It should also drink juice and eat berries, and not skip meals. After contact with animals need to wash their hands. Particular attention doctors pay regulations for the use of utensils in public feeding stations, for example, in school or preschool.

A child at this age can not understand that you should not drink and eat from the same dish with other children. This task falls on the teacher or the teacher, as well as parents who have to carry out explanatory work at home.


In order to eliminate the symptoms of streptococcal used medications, prescriptions alternative medicine and other methods.


In the treatment of diseases using local and systemic means. In each case, the treatment scheme is different and depends on the stage and forms disorders.

The most frequently prescribed drugs following:

  1. sumamed - macrolide antibiotic, of which consists of azithromycin. Appointed by the appearance of common symptoms and an increase in body temperature, helps to quickly destroy germs in the body. Warns of the spread and reproduction, is considered effective. Depending on the age of the child it is assigned a suspension or tablets. Daily norm for the child is 10 mg per 1 kg weight. The duration of the treatment agent is 3-5 days. Price drugs - from 250 to 500 rubles. depending on the form of release and dosage.
  2. cefixime - an antibiotic of cephalosporin group, containing a part of cefixime. Used in severe forms of streptococcal with severe general symptoms of disorders. Tool helps to quickly destroy microorganisms and improve the child's condition is characterized by high efficiency. Administered in a dosage of 8 mg per 1 kg weight. Daily requirement can be divided into 2 doses. Children under 12 years are better accept the suspension, and patients over 12 years: 400 mg of drug per day in the form of capsules for oral administration. The course of treatment lasts for 7-10 days. The price of the drug - 200-400 rub.
  3. erythromycin ointment - a means for external use on the basis of the antibiotic, helps to stop the proliferation of bacteria in the affected area. Medication used in the case where the inflammation in the small area skin. The ointment is applied in a thin, it does not need to rub layer on the surface of weeping lesions or 2-3 times a day. For application using a cotton swab. Duration of treatment - from 5 to 10 days. Price ointment ranges from 50-100 rubles.
  4. Akriderm - hormone-based ointment betamethasone. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, it relieves itching. Used only in advanced cases, is applied to the affected area with a cotton swab from 1 to 3 times a day depending on the states of neglect. The maximum duration of the course is 7 days. Price money - 90-130 rubles.Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies
  5. Hydrogen peroxide - the most simple antiseptic medicine for the treatment of the affected areas. It helps destroy bacteria, dries the skin, which speeds up recovery from weeping form of the disease. At night you need 3-4 times to process the affected surface using a cotton swab. Course duration - 10 days. Price drugs - 20-50 rubles.

Each tool is used only after the examination, the dosage is also assigned a specialist.

Traditional methods

Streptoderma in children, the treatment which should be initiated in a timely manner, often proceeds without significant complications. In this case the experts are allowed to use folk remedies to facilitate the child's condition.

Bath with a decoction of succession allowed to take no earlier than 3 days after the diagnosis of the disease, especially in the form of weeping. It is necessary in 1 liter of water to boil dry grass 15 g for 5 minutes, filtered and the composition poured into the warm water. Take a bath of not more than 10 minutes. Repeat procedure 1 every 3 days. The course consists of 10 treatments.

Wiping areas defeat decoction of chamomile will help prevent the spread of infection and the development of severe inflammation. It should boil 10 g of dry material in 2 liters of water 3-6 min, filtered after cooling. Ready means used for the treatment of the affected areas of skin 2-4 times a day for 10 days.

When the perleches allowed to lubricate the areas of inflammation with natural sea buckthorn oil, which is sold in a pharmacy. The product has a unique anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, which accelerates recovery.

At day treatment is carried out 3 times with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure required before the disappearance of discomfort during mouth opening.

Any of the methods used only with permission of a doctor. Self-medication in this case, is extremely dangerous.

Other methods

Additional therapies include laser therapy, and ultraviolet irradiation. Both methods are applied after the disappearance of acute symptoms in the stage of resolution.

With the help of laser therapy fails to stimulate tissue repair, rarely leaves scars after deep scars. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, the skin is exposed to laser irradiation for 7-10 minutes. Repeated manipulation of 1 every 2-3 days, the course consists of 10 sessions.Streptoderma children. Photo, treatment, How long, medications, ointments, folk remedies

Ultraviolet radiation is used more often. The child does not feel discomfort. For 10 min using a special instrument carried skin treatment with ultraviolet rays. This helps to stop the reproduction of the remaining germs and promotes rapid healing. The course consists of 10 sessions, which are held on a daily basis or at intervals of 2 days.

possible complications

In the absence of therapy in patients complications will certainly develop. Most often, inflammation and rash spreads over large areas of the skin, which complicates treatment. Turniol can lead to loss of the nail or parts thereof. Zayed treated quite difficult and can lead to scarring in the area of ​​inflammation.

It is considered the most dangerous form of strep ecthyma, which can lead to the penetration of infection into the internal organs. One of the most severe complications - blood poisoning streptococcal infection. With the development of such a state and the absence of treatment there is a risk of death.

Streptoderma - a common dermatological disease in children of different ages. Treatment of his rather long and complicated, so do not put off a visit to the doctor at the first signs.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of streptococcal

Elena Malysheva tell about strepotodermii:

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