Respiratory System

Reglisam powder for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

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Reglisam powder is incorporated into a complex therapy to reduce inflammation and improve a discharge sputum pathologies of the respiratory system of children. Its ability to stimulate the production of adrenal hormones can be used this remedy for hormonal disorders, eczema and allergic reactions.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Release form and chemical composition
  • 2 pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can use the drug
  • 7 Instructions for use, powder dosage for children
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 drug interactions
  • 12 analogs
    • 12.1 glycyram
    • 12.2 Pertussin
    • 12.3 Stimol
    • 12.4 ambrogeksal
    • 12.5 Bromhexinum nikomed
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions
  • 15 Video of cough medicine

Release form and chemical composition

Reglisam represents granules of white or yellowish, packaged into disposable sachets 1.3 g and packed in a box of 30 pcs.

The active drug component is ammonium glycyrrhizinate. It is isolated from the extract prepared from the roots of licorice (Glycyrrhiza gabra L.) or extracted from the dried roots and rhizomes of the plant.

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Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews
Reglisam powder for children

As further ingredients of the drug are introduced:

  • colloidal silica, acting as enterosorbent related to substances of high security level;
  • Sodium chloride performs detoxication function rehydration and replenish shortages of sodium ions;
  • calcium stearate used as an agent for forming granules;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose, used as an emulsifier, which is in contact with water form a gel;
  • potato starch, playing the role of a disintegrant;
  • sodium hydrocitrate relating to anticoagulant substances;
  • lactose, which is an inert filler.

pharmacological properties

Reglisam - powder for children, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant action. Its properties include the additional stimulation of the adrenal cortex.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

It is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and penetrate with the help of the trachea and bronchi, the current Reglisama substance binds to the active components of ciliated epithelium, enhancing its cleansing function. Parallel means stimulates the secretory function of the mucosal epithelial cells lining the upper respiratory tract.

In combination with epinephrine preparations Reglisam pressurizes. But, as a separate medicine, has no significant effect on the activities of the cardiovascular system.

Antiinflammatory ammonium glycyrrhizinate function due to its stimulating effect on the adrenal cortex producing glucocorticoids.

These hormones podavlyayuyut hyaluronidase activity, leading to a decrease in permeability of blood vessels. They also inhibit the yield of arachidonic acid from phospholipids, limiting to the synthesis of prostaglandins that cause inflammation.

Under the influence of a minor change occurs Reglisama percentage of potassium and sodium ions in serum.


Reglisam - powder for children, which is assigned primarily for respiratory diseases, accompanied by labored sputum. In the combined therapy with antihistamines it is used in the treatment of asthma.

Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews

It is also testimony to the use Reglisama are:

  • dermatitis allergic nature;
  • eczema;
  • asthenia;
  • hypotension.

The drug is indicated for stimulation of synthesis of adrenal hormones in their inhibition of long-term use of corticosteroids. Particular importance is given to the use of Reglisama during dosage reduction or complete cessation of treatment with these agents.

In mild cases, the syndrome of "cancellation" is shown:

  • increased weakness and fatigue, even in the absence of physical activity;
  • fever;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • relapse or exacerbation of the underlying disease.

Transferred in this period of stress can cause the following symptoms:

  • debilitating vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • vascular collapse;
  • loss of consciousness.

Without the timely introduction of hormonal drugs, death occurs from severe heart failure.

Reglisam drug used during the "cancel", facilitates the patient's condition, and prevents the development of addisonicheskogo crisis. The indications for use of the drug is also Addison's disease, in which the lesion occurs 90% of adrenal tissue, entailing reduction of their hormone production to critical indicators.


Reglisam - powder for children, which has contra-indications:

  • hypersensitivity to components of the drug;
  • heart disease caused by structural changes in the myocardium;
  • heavy structural and functional tissue damage of parenchymal organs;
  • renal failure;Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews
  • lactase deficiency;
  • hypolactasia;
  • the inability of the intestines to absorb glucose and galactose.

If a child is ill with diabetes, the feasibility of Reglisama takes his attending physician and endocrinologist.

At what age can use the drug

Reglisam powder is allowed to use for children from 5 months of age to 10 years.

The drug is not allowed to assign mothers during breastfeeding.

Instructions for use, powder dosage for children

Reglisam powder is diluted immediately before use. For this contents 1 sachet placed in a container, add 15 cm3 (1 st. l.) or lukewarm purified water, stirred until complete dissolution of the drug. The solution has a sweet taste so easily consumed even infants. It should be given over 30 minutes. postprandial.

Reglisama Dosage depends on age:

Age Multiplicity of application per day
5 months - 3 years 2 r.
35 years 3 r.
5 - 10 years 4, p.
Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician depending on the pathology, the severity of the process, the child body response to therapy. It is from 3 days to a month. When hormonal disorders possible repetition rate after the examination and approval of the pediatrician.

Side effects

By the side effects of the drug Reglisam specified in the manual are allergic reactions.

Its use should be discontinued upon detection of a child:

  • rashes on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • increased salivation;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • isolation from nasal exudates transparent;
  • difficulty swallowing or breathing act.

On termination of the application Reglisama should be on the same day to inform the doctor. If the child in response to the use of the drug appeared vomiting, diarrhea or other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it shows intolerance to one of the ingredients of the medication. In this case, you must also stop desoldering solution and notify your doctor.


When a drug overdose the following violations can occur in the liver:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting of bile;
  • weakness;
  • constant presence of bitter taste in the mouth;
  • reduction or lack of appetite (until complete aversion for food);
  • pain, localized in the right hypochondrium;
  • staining of urine in a dark color;
  • flatulence;
  • jaundice of the sclera of eyes and mucous membranes;
  • discoloration of feces.

About the symptoms of an overdose of an urgent need to inform your doctor, and should take the child to the hospital if necessary.

special instructions

When assigning Reglisama children suffering from diabetes or who are on a low-carbohydrate diet, it should be appreciated that one dose contains 1.22 g of carbohydrates.

drug interactions

Reglisam - powder for children, enhancing the effect of drugs, the effect of which is aimed at the stimulation of adrenocortical function.


By analogues Reglisam drug include:

  • generic drugs containing ammonium glycyrrhizinate;
  • funds, which have anti-inflammatory and expectorant action.


The active substance acts in glycyram ammonium glycyrrhizinate. The medicament is produced in the form of tablets for adults and packaged in sachets of granules of 25 mg for children.Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews

Pharmacological effects, dosage, contraindications and side effects are completely identical glycyram Reglisamu. Package price granules №10 averages 60 rbl. Also to peers Reglisam could be considered drugs, performing similar functions.


Syrup Pertussin designed to facilitate sputum discharge during wet cough.

The active substances of the preparation:

  • thyme extract, phlegm, facilitates expectoration, has a disinfectant, antispasmodic and mild analgesic effect;
  • potassium bromide, cough suppressant, by acting on the nerve centers of the brain.

The syrup also contains sugar, which should be considered in the treatment of children suffering from diabetes.

Indications for use are Pertussin:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • seasonal colds in step wet cough.

As symptomatic therapy syrup is indicated for children with whooping cough to facilitate sputum discharge. On reason the drug does not affect the disease.

According to the instructions, the syrup administered to children older than 3 years. But in practice, the pediatrician may decide to use Pertussin for children from 1 year to 3 years in a minimum dose of 0.5 hours. l. Up to one year of age medicine is not used.Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews

Pertussin dosage for children is:

  • 3 to 6 years - 2.5-5 mL of 3 r / day.
  • from 6 to 12 years - 10.5 ml 3 r / day.
  • more than 12 years - 10 ml 3 r / day..

Unlike Reglisama and glycyram syrup Pertussin should take a quarter of an hour before a meal. It can give the child a pure drink or allow a small amount of warm water.

possible allergy and intolerance to the drug:

  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • watering;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea.

In the event of one or more of these symptoms should stop taking the syrup and consult with a pediatrician to replace its analogue. Separately, doctors warn about the possibility of manifestation in response to receiving Pertussin such diseases as bromism.

It manifests itself:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ataxia;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • pain in the solar plexus;
  • skin rashes;
  • pathological decrease of heart rate;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rhinitis.

This clinical picture should be a cause of immediate termination of the use of drugs and treatment to the pediatrician. Pertussin not compatible with drugs that suppress the coughing or used in a dry cough.


Effervescent powder Stimol prescribed in case of asthenic condition caused by physical, mental, infectious factors and surgical procedures. Also, it is often used to relieve atsetonemicheskogo syndrome in children.

As the active ingredient used citrulline malate. It is an organic salt malate associated with the essential amino acid L-citrulline.

This compound binds and removes the excess of nitrogen, formed in the body during the development of pathological processes, muscle tension and stress, not allowing them to be converted into acetone. In Stimol no sugar, so it can take children suffering from diabetes.

Stimol drug release in the form of powder, 1 g of packaged in bags, and packed in a package of 18 pcs. You can also buy a ready-made solution of 10 cm3 in separate bags.

To prepare the solution is independently necessary to pour the contents of one sachet into 100 ml of water and leave until completely dissolved. If the child does not have diabetes, the liquid can be a bit sweeten.

The instructions stated that the medicine is used for children from 5 years. But because of the high efficiency of the drug, in practice, pediatricians often prescribe it to the child who has not reached a given age.

Single drug should desoldering child during meals 2 times a day at regular intervals. The course of treatment is from 10 to 12 days. Of the side effects distinguish allergic reactions and pain in the stomach.


Syrup ambrogeksal has expectorant and mucolytic activity. Its active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride, which reduces the viscosity of sputum produced in the bronchi and alveoli of the lungs and facilitates its removal by coughing.Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews

Effect of the drug begins to manifest after 30 minutes after administration and lasts for 6-12 hours.

Indications for use:

  • bronchitis, acute and chronic;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma, in which there is difficulty sputum discharge;
  • seasonal respiratory diseases, accompanied by a wet cough;
  • bronchiectasis.

Contraindicated for use in children is ambrogeksal intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Its carefully prescribed to children suffering from gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcers, liver disease and kidney failure.

The dosage for the child is:

  • up to 2 years - 0.5 measuring spoon 2 times a day;
  • from 2 to 5 years - 0.5 measuring spoon 3 times a day;
  • from 5 to 12 years - 1 measuring spoon 3 times a day;
  • more than 12 years - 2 spoons 2-3 times per day.

In case of overdose there is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the stomach.

Bromhexinum nikomed

Syrup for children Bromhexine nikomed facilitates expectoration of bronchial secretions with a wet cough, reducing its viscosity. The active drug component acts bromhexine hydrochloride.

Indications for use:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • ARI.


  • up to 2 years - 2 ml 3 times per day;
  • 2-6 years - 4 ml 3 times per day;
  • 6-10 years - 6 ml, 3 times a day;
  • Over 10 years - to 8 ml per day.

The course of treatment is not less than 10-12 days.

Side effects:Reglisam. Instructions for use of the powder for children, price, reviews

  • indigestion;
  • headache;
  • rash on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • sweating.

Contraindications to the use of the drug is idiosyncrasy components.

Only under the supervision of a physician permitted to use the syrup for children suffering from gastric ulcer and other diseases associated with intestinal and gastric bleeding.

Bromhexinum Nycomed is forbidden to combine with alkaline solutions and medicines containing codeine.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Reglisam released in the pharmacy only by prescription. The drug should be stored out of reach of the child's place, protected from moisture and light. The room temperature must not exceed 25 ° C.

The expiration date is on the individual bags and on the box. He is 2 years from date of manufacture. The medicine should not be used if the powder has changed its color and texture, as well as if there was a violation of the integrity of the packaging.

Price in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of packaging Reglisama №30 in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 398 to 552 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the price ranges from 478 to 705 rubles. In other regions of the Russian powder for children №30 Reglisam can be purchased at pharmacies or order over the internet at a price of 448 to 585 rubles.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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