Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children, rehabilitation

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Fracture of spine compression type - is a pathology, at which compression (compression) vertebral, Which is why its integrity is violated, and it is reduced in height.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Kinds
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 Methods of treatment and rehabilitation
    • 8.1 Medications
  • 9 Traditional methods
    • 9.1 mummy
    • 9.2 Potentilla
    • 9.3 Eggshell
  • 10 Therapeutic exercise and breathing exercises
  • 11 Physiotherapy
  • 12 Massage
  • 13 Swimming
  • 14 operative intervention
  • 15 Food
  • 16 possible complications
  • 17 Video of spinal compression fracture


A compression fracture of the spine has several types:

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According to the modification of the vertebraA compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children
wedge-shaped Pinching occurs only on one side, which is wedge-shaped.
Compression-tear From vertebral body off its front-upper portion.
splinter Vertebra split into several parts because of the strong compression. Rear debris can fall into the intervertebral canal and affect the spinal cord, causing irregularities in his work.
By the presence of complications
uncomplicated Accompanied only by pain and severe stiffness in the spine.
Complicated Causes various neurological disorders as well as broken damage nerve endings.

Depending on a damaged spine, a fracture may be:

  • neck;
  • breast;
  • lumbar;
  • coccygeal;
  • sacral.

Stage and grade

Allocate 3 degrees of pathology, which depend on the size reduction of vertebral height:

  1. 1 degree - the vertebral body is compressed by no more than a third.
  2. 2 degree - compressed vertebra 2 times.
  3. 3 degree - the heavy compression occurs, the vertebra is compressed more than half of its height.
    A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children
    A compression fracture of the spine. stage

The least dangerous is the fracture of the 1st degree, since it almost never leads to dangerous consequences.


Common symptom for all types of compression fracture - pain, which can have varying degrees of severity, and to grow in the commission of the movements. Also, there are muscle weakness and limited mobility - the victim can not normally be tilted to the side, turning the body.

Depending on the fracture, the patient has different symptoms:

cervical spine Pain aggravated by head movement. You may experience nausea and vomiting, severe headache, dizziness, tinnitus. There may be difficulty swallowing.
thorax Pain when lying on the back, standing up, legs, picked up from a prone position. Observed the curvature of the spine and bulging damaged vertebrae, difficulty breathing.
Lumbosacral Soreness is given in the buttocks and legs, the victim may limp on one leg. In severe cases, there is violation of the digestive tract, problems with defecation and urination, paralysis of the lower limbs.

Causes of

Compression fracture of the spine most often occurs due to a strong jump or foot drop (eg, buttocks). In this case, the spine is tremendous pressure, because of which the vertebrae are reduced in height.

Also cause compression can be:

  • car accident;
  • industrial or natural disaster;
  • a blunt object on the back;
  • sharp bend or tilt back;
  • carrying heavy loads on their backs.
  • squats.A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children

By compression fracture can cause some diseases. The most common cause of pathology becomes osteoporosis, characterized by a decrease in bone density. In this case, the vertebrae are gradually destroyed, and any, even the minimum load is perceived much stronger.

When tumors in the spine metastasis able to push the vertebrae and cause their destruction.


Diagnosis and treatment of compression fracture takes 3 doctors: Traumatology, Orthopedics and vertebrologist. Specialist inspects the damaged area of ​​the spine in the presence of curvature, swelling and bruising and palpates her - when probing pain increases sharply.

Determine compression fracture only the symptoms of the presence of quite difficult, so complex diagnostics is required:

type of diagnosis Description
radiography See what the vertebrae are damaged, the type and degree of their destruction. Pictures are taken in 2 projections for more informative.
Computed tomography (CT) If the X-ray was uninformative, then appoint CT for more detailed consideration of the vertebrae. As computed tomography helps to assess the condition of the surrounding bone and cartilage structures.
MRI If you suspect that the fracture was damaged spinal cord, an MRI is administered, which helps to review the damaged vertebrae and spinal cord sections. Also, MRI can detect the cause of the fracture - tumor or metastases.
myelography This method is the responsibility of radiopaque substance into the spinal cord. With myelography can detect spinal disorder that affected the development of the fracture.
densitometry If there is a suspicion that the compression of the vertebrae evolved due to osteoporosis, then appoint densitometry - a study in which evaluated bone mineral density. Densitometry is most often carried out in elderly patients in whom there is the highest risk of osteoporosis due to age-related changes.
A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children

In addition, may require consultation neurologist and other specialists, if the fracture is caused by disturbances in the internal organs.

When to see a doctor

Most often, a suspected fracture of the spine (after falling victim feels severe pain, it is difficult to breathe and stand on their own), immediately call an ambulance. Prior to this, the victim is not recommended to touch and move from place to place, otherwise you can cause complications.

There are cases where a person can walk normally after a fracture, but feels only pain and stiffness in the back. This is also a reason for going to the doctor, as any discomfort in the back talking about the disease process.


Compression fracture of the spine can be prevented, if you observe the following rules:

  • follow the safety instructions in sports and work in the workplace;
  • do not jump from a great height;
  • not to lift too heavy objects (especially their charge at the back);
  • properly distribute the load on the spine in sports and in everyday affairs;
  • avoid abrupt deflections and slopes back;
  • time to cure inflammatory diseases of the spine and to comply with the assigned therapy for degenerative pathologies;
  • eat a balanced (to maintain normal calcium level, to prevent the development of osteoporosis; especially for women after 40 years, as they have a high risk of developing the disease due to hormonal changes in the body).

Methods of treatment and rehabilitation

Methods of treating a compression fracture differ depending on the pathology severity. If the fracture is uncomplicated type, prescribed medication, exercise and physical therapy. In more severe cases, surgery is required. In uncomplicated fracture possible home treatment. When complicated by requiring hospitalization.

Regardless of the type and severity of complete rest and immobility of the spine fracture patient is required at all during the treatment.

To do this, use the special bandages or corsets, wear life is not less than 2 months. At the turn of the cervical spine is prescribed orthopedic collar.

Also, the patient should most of the time lying down and sleeping on a hard orthopedic mattress. You start to get up and sit down only after doctor's permission. At the turn of the cervical spine is allowed to occasionally get up and walk, but only with permission from the doctor.


At the turn of the complex administered medication comprising several groups of drugs:A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children

Drug Group Act names means release Form
analgesics Eliminate painful sensations. "Ketorol", "Nise", "Nimesulide", "Pentalgin". Tablets, capsules, suspensions, injections.
novocaine blockade Long blocks pain; used for strong permanent pain. "Novocaine" Injections administered by a particular scheme.
Muscle relaxants It relaxes the muscles and eliminate spasms. "Mydocalm", "Baklosan", "Sirdalud". Tablets, capsules, injections.
chondroprotectors Accelerate regeneration of cartilage tissue of the vertebrae; prescribed for degenerative diseases of the spine, which caused compression. "Don", "Teraflex", "Struktum". Tablets, capsules, injections.
calcium Compensate for the lack of calcium in the body and promote faster bone intergrowth. "Calcium-D3 Nycomed", "Kaltsimin". Tablets, capsules, dietary supplements.
vitamin complexes Saturate the body vitamins necessary for tissue repair; strengthen the immune system and body tone. "Multi-tabs", "Complivit", "Vitrum" "Supradin". Tablets, capsules, dietary supplements.

Traditional methods

Compression fracture can not be cured folk remedies, but they help get rid of the vertebrate pain and speed up recovery.


Mumiyo inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative properties. It also makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is freely available over the counter in pure form or in tablets.A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children

Before use, the mummies to be dissolved in water or milk in a proportion of 1:20. The dosage depends on the weight of the person (body weight for humans is less than 70 kg is 0.2 g). Accepted need 2 times a day - morning and evening for 2-3 weeks.


Marsh cinquefoil is used for treatment of pain and inflammation in joint tissues, contribute to the regeneration of cartilage. On the basis of the plant prepare various infusions and tinctures.

Preparation of infusion: 1 tablespoon. l. Comarum dried roots of sugar and 1 hot water glass and to press for 30 minutes. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals.

Preparation of tinctures:

  1. Dried leaves Comarum (100-150 g) was crushed and put in a container made of dark glass.
  2. Pour Raw 0.5 liters vodka or ethanol and leave to infuse for 3 weeks. Capacity should stand in a dark place, it must be periodically shaken.
  3. After 3 weeks tincture filtered and take 1 hour. l., mixed with a small amount of water, 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment - 2 weeks.


Eggshell contains large amounts of calcium. It was dried for 3-4 days, and then ground into a powder, are used in pure form as a biologically active additive.A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children

Accept eggshell powder needed for 0.5 h. l. 2 times a day between meals, with a little water. Hour Course - 2 weeks.

Therapeutic exercise and breathing exercises

Long stay in the supine position leads to a decrease in muscle tone and body, so in 1.5-2 months. after fracture is a special therapeutic exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles of the back and the press, preventing the atrophy and prevention of complete paralysis of the body.

One of the most effective compression fractures of the spine is a technique Dr. Bubnovskaya based on a combination of gymnastics and breathing exercises. In the selection program LFK taken into account: age, spine, wherein the fracture occurred, the extent and type of damage, contraindications, and the individual characteristics of the patient.

When the patient is not allowed to sit, all exercises are performed in the supine position. The load should be increased gradually, you should start with the easiest exercises and a minimum range of motion.

Breathing exercises can be done in 2-3 days after the fracture. It helps to saturate the cells of oxygen.

Doctors recommend to do the following exercises:

  1. Take a deep breath in the nose, after doing 4 short exhalation nose too.
  2. Deeply inhale and raise your hands over your head; then begin to slowly lower your hands, exhaling slowly.
  3. Slowly and deeply breathe in the nose, inflating the abdomen; hold your breath for 4-5 seconds and slowly exhale mouth.

A variety of types of breathing exercises that have their own characteristics, so the pre-necessary to consult with your doctor. At the turn of the cervical spine or thoracic may be contraindications or restrictions to perform breathing exercises.


6-8 weeks after fracture of the patient prescribe physical therapy to restore full bone and joint and muscle tissues.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, contraindications and severity of the fracture administered various physical therapy techniques:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis with calcium preparations (calcium promotes direct administration to the damaged area);A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children
  • electrical stimulation of the muscles;
  • exposure to ultrasound;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phototherapy.

Physiotherapy helps to improve the permeability of tissues and normalize blood circulation in them; it also eliminates the pain and stiffness of muscles and joints, helps restore mobility back.


Massage administered in conjunction with physical therapy, as they enhance the action of each other. Massage increases blood circulation and lymph tissues, joints and muscles returns mobility and prevents atrophy.

Massage compression fractures spends only an experienced specialist in the hospital. Self-massage or household appliances can damage and slow recovery.


A few months after the fracture are advised to begin to swim, as it helps to strengthen the back and spine muscles and avoids some of the complications.

Swim only after consultation with the doctor; it is desirable to engage a specialist center under the supervision of an instructor. But if this is not possible, you can go to a regular pool and swim there, gradually increasing the load and the duration of employment.

operative intervention

For the surgery, there are 4 reading:

  • inefficiency of conservative therapy (with medication, physical therapy and exercise therapy);
  • 2 and 3 fracture degree;
  • complicated by fracture (the presence of fragments, severe pain, vertebral displacements);
  • spinal cord injury.

If the fracture occurred without spinal cord injuries, the use of modern minimally invasive method 2:

  • kyphoplasty (Placed in the vertebral body with a small cylinder rod, which is introduced through the cementing fluid under pressure; later the liquid solidifies and thereby vertebrae increase in size);A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children
  • vertebroplasty (Bone cement injected into the vertebral body with a special needle).

In more severe cases of spinal surgery is performed with open access - that is, with the cut. Depending on the indication may carry damaged tissue implantation or fixation of unstable segments by means of screws, plates or rods.

If there has been compression of nerves or the spinal cord, then carry out decompression of the damaged area by removing the pinch segments and their subsequent replacement by an implant.


At the turn of the spine it is very important to stick to your diet to ensure intake of the necessary nutrients, enhance immunity and prevent weight gain due to the constant bedridden position.

Patients are encouraged to eat as much fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seafood. Also in the diet is necessary to include foods rich in calcium: cheese, cheese, sesame, soy. In addition to calcium, they contain more protein necessary for normal development of muscle tissue.

During the period of treatment and rehabilitation it is recommended to severely limit the use of fat and heavily salted foods, convenience foods, starchy foods and sweets.

possible complications

A compression fracture of the spine, even in uncomplicated form can lead to further complications. The spine is the basis of all human skeleton and passes through a large number of nerve endings, damage which may affect the health of the whole body.

After compression fracture in a patient may develop the following complications:

  • degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis);A compression fracture of the spine. What it is, treatment of the thoracic, lumbar, the elderly, children
  • deformation or curvature of spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, forming a hump);
  • radiculitis;
  • protrusion and the intervertebral hernia;
  • spine stiffness;
  • neurological diseases and disorders of the internal organs (depending on fracture localization);
  • difficulty breathing (most often develop in fractures of the thoracic);
  • limb paralysis.

Treatment and further rehabilitation are not 100% guarantee of complete recovery. However, in compliance with all the rules of treatment can prevent complications or reduce their severity.

Compression fracture - a dangerous pathology, which can even lead to disability., You need to follow the rules and engage in prevention of degenerative diseases of the spine treatment to prevent it (if present).

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of spinal compression fracture

Doctor of compression fractures of the spine:

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