Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Sprain of the ankle. When the swelling subside, than to treat as healing symptoms

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part of the body called ankle joint subject to heavy load, so it may occur sprain - crack or break fibers which extend along the connective tissue.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 treatments
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of an ankle injury

types of diseases

Sprain ankle is classified.

The disease is divided into types:

  • stack are folded inwardly (inversion);
  • stack are folded outwardly (Eversion);
  • stretching the upper part of the ankle.

Stage and grade

There are different degrees of the disease.


  1. I - bundle or tear smallest fibers. Limb movements are not violated, the person does not complain of vivid symptoms. The doctor can palpate the joint, it does not cause discomfort. Man walks without problems, based on the affected leg. Pain slight pulling character. Further swelling may be present. As this treatment step, it is recommended complete rest, gentle driving mode.
    Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside
    Degree ankle sprains
  2. insta story viewer
  3. II - a large number of broken fibers. Man complains of negative symptoms. At this stage, issue a medical certificate duration of 7 days. Man hardly comes on the limb. Degree characterized by severe pain and increased sensitivity. Additionally present edema and hematoma (bluish skin). The therapy is complete rest for 2 - 4 hours.
  4. III - complete break one or more ligaments. This degree is the most dangerous. The person has difficulty performing usual activities. Walking is not possible, since the pain is severe. Not exclude the possibility of loss of consciousness due to the manifestation of negative symptoms. If in addition there is a fracture in the ankle, the lower limb swells strongly and is blue may be in an unnatural position. If you suspect that this degree, you should call an ambulance. But before the arrival of medical professionals, to ensure complete immobility of limbs.


The main symptom of injury - pain in the lower limbs. Sign may appear insignificant. For example, when 1 stretch ratio.

Additional symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • bluish limbs;
  • burning sensation during palpation;
  • redness of the skin;
  • if you turn the foot in different directions, there is pain;
  • temperature increase over the place of damage;
  • limitations in movement;
  • discomfort during walking.

Causes of

Ankle sprain can occur for various reasons.


  • weak and unstable ankle joint;
  • impaired neuromuscular junction, resulting in the foot constantly podvorachivaetsja;Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside
  • the presence of trauma in the history of the disease;
  • excessive body weight;
  • increased load - people engaged in sports or he needs to walk a lot in connection with the work activity;
  • an inherited disorder of the foot of the structure;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • arthritis or inflammation in the ankle joint;
  • a fall from a great height;
  • damage due to a traffic accident;
  • metabolic disturbance processes;
  • age category - the older the person, the weaker its ligaments;
  • disproportionate growth of bones;
  • frequent hypothermia of the lower extremities.


When you stretch the ankle is necessary to undergo a full examination of the body. Accurate diagnosis is made only after the results.

Most often used the following methods:

  1. inspection specialist. The doctor palpates the affected area. Next, inspect it for the presence of swelling, blue in the face.
  2. physician survey. Specialist asks different questions. It is important to talk about all the negative symptoms that are bothering the person. Due to the implementation of paragraph, the likelihood of an accurate diagnosis increases.
  3. Letting blood count. According to the survey can be found on the inflammation in the body.
  4. Stress test. The procedure helps to assess the degree of damage to the joint. With a strong swelling, the test is carried out 1 more time - after 2 - 3 days. Diagnosis is that the doctor prevents movement of the lower limb.Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside
  5. X-ray. The method consists in exposing the body of X-rays. As a result, data is projected onto the film or image plate (modern machines). Due to the procedure it is possible to detect a fracture, dislocation, fracture. The doctor prescribes the direction of the X-rays in the event that it is necessary to establish the degree of damage. The procedure should be carried out in the presence of swelling, if a person can not move as usual. Additional indications - pain in the lower extremity.

At the entrance to the office the patient must remove all metal items, and clothing should be selected in such a way that on it was not fitting of metal. All this can influence the outcome, it will be inaccurate.

Despite the fact that the X-ray irradiation is accompanied, it is not harmful to health. Contraindications include pregnancy, people under 15 years, as well as breast-feeding. If a person was radiation dose in less than 6 months. up procedure, x-rays can not be performed.

Diagnostic duration does not exceed 10 minutes. To obtain the necessary data, X-rays done in 2 projections - side and back straight.

6. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The procedure is suitable for professional, safe for the patient. The result is a highly informative images.

Direction to prescribe the procedure for diagnosis in the event of negative symptoms - pain, cyanosis, edema. MRI is safe and harmless procedure, but it has contraindications - pacemaker, crowns, dentures. And you can not do an MRI with mental instability, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

If the procedure does not provide for the introduction of a contrast agent, the special training is required. A person is asked to lie on a special couch. Limbs are fixed to avoid movement. The couch is pushed into the machine. If a person became ill, have to say about it in the MRI scanner provides feedback.

In conducting the contrast agent can be administered. It is necessary to increase the sharpness of the image. If the substance is used, it is administered for some time prior to the procedure. This diagnosis has limitations - the last meal should be at least 5 hours before the MRI.

7. Ultrasonography (US). The device shows exactly everything that happens in the joint, and the procedure has no serious contraindications. Special training is required, you must go to the office and settle down on the couch. In the affected area gel is applied to the sensor to freely move.

In the procedure reasonable price, it is safe and accurate. Ultrasound does not have such a highly informative as MRI. But most often it is used for ultrasound diagnosis. And if it is necessary, then an MRI is performed. An additional plus ultrasound - the possibility of multiple use. Contraindications for the procedure - the presence of a large wound.

The cost of diagnosis is different, it all depends on the city, a list of the procedures of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to know the price in a particular clinic.

When to see a doctor

Ligaments of the ankle joint - is part of the body, which is under tension, should consult a doctor. Own people will not be able to determine the extent of the disease, the treatment plan. Stretching therapy is the responsibility of trauma. If there are no limitations in the movements, the pain is not severe, you can sign up to a specialist at the nearest date.Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside

There are times when you need to call an ambulance:

  • severe pain;
  • a person has difficulty with movement, can not stand on the leg;
  • limb strongly turned blue and swollen;
  • limb is in an unnatural position;
  • it is impossible to touch the limbs.

The controller is necessary to clarify the possibility to receive medications. Often not recommended to give any medication before coming team. Otherwise, the disease picture can change.

A further outcome of the treatment, rehabilitation period depends on the correct first aid. Immediately after the injury should adhere to a certain algorithm. Moreover, compliance with the rules is necessary, regardless of the extent of damage.

The algorithm is:

  1. Release the affected limb from clothing.
  2. Completely eliminate leg mobility, better put under her something soft (towel, pillow, multi-layered cloth). Limb should be at heart level.
  3. Attach to the affected area with a cold object. The compress must hold 20 - 30 min. Then make a break for 20 minutes. and repeat the procedure.
  4. Tightly bandaged legs were fixed with a bandage, but fingers do not have to be white, otherwise disturbed circulation.
  5. Cause trauma or an ambulance.


If a person does not stretch, you can reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

To do this, you must comply with preventive rules:

  • monitor the body weight;Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside
  • purchase comfortable shoes;
  • women get rid of the shoes with heels;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • buy compression socks or stockings;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • undergo a complete examination of the body - 1 once a year.


Sprains Ankle needs treatment. Most commonly used complex therapy, that is a combination of several methods simultaneously.

When you stretch the ligaments are used:

  • medications;
  • folk remedies;
  • other methods - proper nutrition and physiotherapy.


Medicines help reduce the occurrence of negative symptoms, alleviate the condition of the person. The table lists drugs that are often prescribed for ankle sprains.Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside

drugs group Act List of resources
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for domestic use Drugs reduce pain, inflammation, swelling. Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Deksalgin
NSAIDs for external application Medicines need to be applied to the affected area. Through the use can reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Voltaren, Nise, Nurofen
Anticoagulants for outdoor use Preparations normalize blood circulation. As a result, you can cope with the swelling, inflammation, hematoma. Lioton, Heparin

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are species composition, so that the probability of side effects is reduced. But the recipes should be used in combination with other methods (medications, gymnastics), then it is possible to achieve high efficiency.

Popular folk remedies:

  1. Compress of cabbage. In the preparation of the recipe is no big deal. To do this, take 1 - 2 leaves of cabbage and put them in a bandage. Wrap the affected area, leave compress at night. If a person uses a method in the afternoon, the replacement sheet must be done every 2 hours.Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside
  2. alcohol compress. After an injury received during 1 - 2 days, you can use this recipe. For the preparation you need to moisten the gauze in alcohol and apply to the affected area at night. In the recipe, you can use vodka. To enhance efficiency, the gauze should be placed on top of a plastic bag and a towel. Hold compresses no more than 6 - 8 hours.
  3. Compress of salt and onion. Recipe helps reduce inflammation, reduce swelling. For the preparation should take 1 tbsp salts, and also grind 1 onion. Mix well and apply the mixture on a gauze applied to the affected area for 2 - 3 h.
  4. Compress the mixture. For the preparation should take 2 pieces. medium potatoes, grate the product on a grater. A need also onion 1 (pre its chop) the juice from the 1 - 3 leaf cabbage, 1 tsp Sahara. All stir until smooth. Apply it on the affected area and cover with gauze. It is better to make a compress for the night.
  5. Poultice of clay. For the preparation necessary to take 1 tbsp product and an amount of water to the mixture was similar to sour cream. Moisten the gauze in the clay, applied to the affected area for 3 hours. Course - 5 days. Recipe helps to relieve swelling.
  6. Herbal bath. To prepare, you can use chamomile, mint. Also suitable succession and calendula. You can apply for a separate plant or the entire collection of herbs immediately. The pelvis is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons component (or each plant), sugar and 1 liter of hot water. Wait to cool down, put the affected limb in a bowl for 30 minutes.
  7. Ointment of comfrey. Means should be used until full recovery. For preparation must take 100 g crushed roots of comfrey and 50 ml of hot olive oil. Leave for 3 hours the mixture was filtered. Additionally, you will need 150 ml of castor oil. So that the ointment was a pleasant flavor, you can add 1 - 3 drops of any essential oil. Ointment poured into convenient containers, put in a cooling chamber to solidify. Apply the product on the affected limb, 2 times a day.
  8. Ointment of propolis. For the preparation should take 100 g of vaseline and melt it in a water bath. Grind 15 g of propolis, add to the tank. Cook for 10 min., Wait for cool down. To salve frozen, place it in the refrigerator compartment. Apply the product on the affected area 3 times a day.

Other methods

In addition to drugs and folk remedies, the usage of other methods tensile cords. Detailed information can be found in the table.Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside

method name Description
proper nutrition It should eat 5 - 6 times a day with intervals of 2 - 3 h. Portions should be 200 - 300 g Should be excluded fried, smoked, salted. And also need to reduce the consumption of sweet, starchy foods. It should be added to the diet of more fruits and vegetables. It is better to cook steamed, boiled or baked in the oven.
Massage After therapy decreases inflammation and swelling. Further increases the elasticity of ligaments. Massage therapy brings hemorrhage. But this method is not suitable during exacerbation of chronic diseases, in the case of open wounds. And massage is prohibited in a strong swelling and thrombosis.

The procedure can be carried out only after 3 - 4 days after the injury. Otherwise, more bleeding, the situation is worse.

First, you must be massaged to 7 min., Then gradually eluding time. The maximum duration of the session - 15 min. Precise massage circuit will select an expert. First recommended preparatory phase. Repeat each exercise should be 4 - 6 times. Preparation includes the following algorithm:

1. Stroking limbs. The exercise should be relaxed palm, it should be easy to slide on the affected limb. But the thumb is not involved, it is better to move aside.

2. Squeezing. Exercise is carried out side of his hand, which must be placed across the calf. The pressure is uniform, fingers should be bent.

3. Forceps. To conduct should be massaged limb 4 fingers and large located on the side of the foot.

4. Kneading. Use your fingertips to be easy to apply pressure to the affected limb.

5. Deep kneading. Exercise is the careful study of the limbs.

Once training has been completed, should go to the most massage. The affected area is studied as follows:

  • pat place around 4 - 5 times;
  • grind place by forceps type - repeat of 6 to 7 times, the exercise is performed from the top down;
  • pat seat 5 - 7 times;
  • rub the affected area with the help of the fingertips - from 3 to 4 times;
  • make a crowning stroke - 5 to 6 times.

If a person is concerned about the severe pain, you should stop this method of therapy.


This method of therapy helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. In addition, the treatment accelerates the absorption of bruises and healing the affected area. The most important rule in the application of physiotherapy - to start it is not earlier than 3 days after the injury. the formation of a hematoma occurs in the first 3 days, so any events that are aimed at improving the blood flow, may worsen the situation.

When sprains often prescribe physiotherapy following methods:

1. Cryotherapy - the impact of cold on the body. The procedure helps to reduce pain.

2. Paraffin - a procedure helps to reduce inflammation.

3. Infrared (IR) optical beams.

4. UHF - effect on the body by means of high-frequency electromagnetic field. This reduces swelling, enhanced healing.

Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside

5. Diadynamic - treatment of electric current which has a frequency of 50 to 100 Hz.

6. Magnetic field - effect of the magnetic field. As a result of improved blood supply, accelerates healing.

7. Amplipulse - effect on the body using variable sinusoidal currents having low power. The procedure helps to improve the elasticity of the muscles.

8. Ultrasound therapy. This improves tissue nutrition.

Therapeutic exercise (LFK) You should use this type of therapy, only 2 - 3 days after the injury. The effect of exercise therapy begins after 2 - 3 weeks from the start of classes. Decreases swelling, skin becomes normal tension. After 1.5 - 2 months. the pain subsides, restores the function of the ankle. The exact list of exercises gives the doctor.
Gypsum Sometimes the doctor decides to impose plaster on the damaged limb. But this method of treatment is rarely used.
Elastic bandage The product is presented for sale in each drugstore. But before you buy you should read its composition. The more cotton bandage, the better. But sometimes manufacturers do not indicate the full composition, then you should look at the yarn products. If they have a gloss, synthetic fabric, it is difficult to pass air.

The pharmacy presented bandages of various sizes. Ideal for ankle - from 1.5 to 2 m.

Bandage certainly better in the morning. Upon awakening, you need to slightly raise a leg and lie in this position for 15 minutes. Cast product must be of a bottleneck to wide. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • no wrinkling;
  • between the layers of the bandage should not be of the lumen;
  • remove the bandage, when a person is at rest;
  • prohibits the imposition of tight, this will provoke additional swelling.

blending algorithm bandage:

1. The first turn should be a little above the ankle.

2. Wrap the bandage around the heel.

3. Apply 1 - 2 layers of bandage to stop.

4. Apply the bandage from the foot to the shin and then back (cruciform stroke).

5. Finish bandaging on lower leg, fix the bandage.Sprain of the ankle. Symptoms than to treat, when the swelling subside

The bandage is easy to wind and just take off. But despite the positive qualities, the bandage has disadvantages:

  • possible problems with blood circulation, if the bandage has been properly tightened;
  • for quality applying the patch, you must have the skills;
  • if you do not take care of the bandage, the fabric may be damaged.
Surgery A person may recommend surgery. It is performed in the following cases:
  • Other methods do not help;
  • ligament rupture;
  • compound fracture. The method of selected individually.

possible complications

Sprains Ankle needs timely treatment. If therapy is not available, it increases the likelihood of complications.

Among the consequences are the following items:

  • chronic joint instability, pain a person is constantly worried;
  • serious ankle injury - for example, the destruction of the bone;
  • trauma of the foot - the disease occurs at a partial rupture of the tendon.

Such injuries are sprain an ankle ligament may appear at each person. There are 3 degrees of joint destruction. To find out, the patient should undergo an examination, which includes a variety of treatments (ultrasound, MRI, X-rays).

As a therapy administered medicines, folk remedies and other methods (physical therapy, exercise therapy). The earlier treatment is started, the less the likelihood of complications.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of an ankle injury

Malyshev dislocation of the ankle:

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