
Feminal. Reviews of women in menopause. How to take the tablets, suppositories, contraindications. Price analogues

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Female body in a certain time span of life, starting at 40 and ending 50 years, enters menopause mode (menopause). This means that the reproductive function of the female body will soon cease to operate, and more pregnant woman can not.

During this period, the female body suffers stress, due to the fact that female hormones gradually stops producing. During this period the woman is necessary supportive therapy. Feminal is a biological additive, which, in the opinion of women and doctors is effective in climax.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Structure
  • 2 issuance
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 5 Mechanism of action
  • 6 Instructions for Use
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Price
  • 10 Interactions with other drugs
  • 11 consequences of an overdose
  • 12 Reviews of doctors
  • 13 Storage and release of pharmacy
  • 14 analogs
  • 15 Video of preparations at menopause. Feminal and other


Feminal is a biological additive, which is shown to women during menopause.

BUD The composition includes natural vegetable components (isoflavones):

insta story viewer
  • red clover (extract);Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women
  • biokatinin;
  • formononetin;
  • daidzein;
  • genistein.

The effect of all components aimed at improving women's health during menopause. In addition, they also prevent the development of cancer, osteoporosis, and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. The result of the product should be expected no earlier than 7 days, since the substances have a cumulative property.

Isoflavones affect all body functions, including the female hormones, aligning it to the menopause.

Besides the main components in the composition are auxiliaries:

  • silica;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • crystalline cellulose.


Feminal - reviews women in menopause say that a convenient form of release of the drug - in capsule form is often called pills. The package contains two units of 15 capsules, enough for their monthly rate.Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women

In view of the capsule oblong pink. If the capsule to open, the inside will powdery substance green. The capsule shell is easily softened by saliva or water due to the fact that it is made of gelatin.


The drug is used in the early signs of menopause.

Components contribute to the elimination of the symptoms that accompany menopause:

  • temper tantrums and dramatic mood changes;
  • bouts of tachycardia with frequency;
  • increased separation of sweat and hot flashes;
  • Increased breast tenderness, even the touch of clothing;
  • headache (frequency);
  • whirling head;
  • restless sleep and the state of anxiety;
  • discomfort in the area of ​​intimate areas;
  • dryness of skin and mucous membranes.
    Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women
    According to responses of women Feminal effectively suppresses the symptoms of menopause

Sometimes women during menopause do not experience uncomfortable sensations, but still receive medical advice to take Feminal. This is due to the fact that the climax - a huge restructuring of the organism, which is required to facilitate an auxiliary therapy, even if adverse symptoms appear.

Advantages and disadvantages

Feminal, real women in menopause affect the subject of the deficient state of hormones, it helps to fill the balance of the necessary hormones. Doctors agree that Feminal is a harmless drug, but at the same time helps to eliminate the symptoms of menopause.

Feminal has its positive and negative sides. Unlike synthetic hormonal drugs Feminal affects the "levers" of the endocrine system, Seizing the health of women and positively affecting the weight, allowing you to adjust it to the side reduction.

Receiving Feminala is the prevention of the formation of cysts, endometriosis and other problems in gynecology plane.Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women

The drawback of the drug is possible intolerance to make up the components. Some refer to the shortcomings of the release form, as not everyone can take the capsule preparations.

Mechanism of action

Feminal, real women in menopause to help assess the quality of the drug, is a homeopathic remedy on the basis of natural plant. The main component of the preparation (red clover) contains many useful substances which aim at eliminating the climacteric symptoms.

It happens:

  • marked improvement hormonal balance;
  • eliminate sweating;
  • suppression of anger and insomnia;
  • libido hold at the usual level;
  • preventing the syndrome of dry vaginal walls;
  • blocking pain in the chest.

During the course of preventive body is saturated with phytohormones, which helps him to better cope with the symptoms of menopause (menopause).

Instructions for Use

According to the instruction sheets that came with the drug, Feminal recommended to take 1 time a day 1 gelatin capsule. It is best to make the reception, together with the consumption of food. The duration of prophylactic treatment is 30 days.

It is possible to take the remedy for a long time, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and find out the need of such prevention. If your doctor has prescribed intake of biological supplements for a long time, it is sure to give the body a rest between courses.


Supplements "Feminal" has a small number of contraindications. This drug can be taken even in diabetes, since its composition is deprived of sugar and its substitutes.

Contraindicated use biological additives:

  • if there is intolerance contained in the composition of the components;
  • during the period of gestation of the child;
  • lactation;Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women
  • men;
  • children under 16 years of age.

Tests for allergic reactions can be taken in advance in the direction of the treating physician, this will prevent the possibility of serious allergic reactions to the drug.

Side effects

Women who are menopausal, Feminal transferred, in general, good, side effects do not occur often. Because side effects are found in patients allergic reactions such as skin rash, hives, skin swelling, burning.

In case of overdose in women may experience symptoms such as:

  • whirling head;
  • general weakness;
  • rash;Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women
  • drowsiness;
  • tremors and chills.

In case of overdose, please contact your healthcare professional for symptomatic therapy. Lest there be an overdose, you must carefully follow the prescribed instructions. It can be found in the map which is attached to the drug.


Feminal can be purchased at any pharmacy, any city. Its price ranges (513-850 rubles. 30 medicinal capsules). To save a little budget, a woman should buy this drug at online stores where it is sold at a lower price.

Note, however, that to the cost of the drug can add the shipping cost. The high price of the drug is justified by the fact that its therapeutic effect was observed both physicians and patients. Not every homeopathic drug action deserves positive feedback from medical professionals.

Interactions with other drugs

Supplements (Feminal) seamlessly interacts with other prescription drugs, and in the course of therapy, there is no need to cancel the previously taken medications.

Also, medication can be taken together with means which are set to block the symptoms of menopause (climacteric). Information about drug interactions with other medications pharmaceutical groups is absent.

consequences of an overdose

Patients who did not comply with the prescribed destination, complained of general weakness throughout the body, a slight dizziness, drowsiness, and feeling cold.

Rarely recorded complaints about the appearance of the dispersion and gastralgia. In such cases, appointed lavage stomach cavity in the walls of medical institutions and firming body treatment. Necessarily need to read the instruction sheets, before taking of drugs, including Feminal.

Reviews of doctors

Feminal gathered many women positive feedback, so before you start the application drug during menopause, you need to hear the views of not only the people who took it, but doctors.Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women

Most of the doctors assure us that due to the presence of isoflavones in the preparations of the symptoms that accompany menopause, has a beneficial effect on the whole body. They also lead to normal estrogen levels and body proved reduce the symptoms of menopause.

According to medical experts, if you regularly take supplements "Feminal" can get rid of unpleasant symptoms such as excessive sweating, vomiting, discomfort in the intimate areas. Doctors are not prohibited, and in some cases even prescribed a long reception of the drug. But between the courses you need to take breaks in order to give the body a rest.

Thus it is necessary to systematically visit the attending medical professional. According to the advice of doctors, taking medication to achieve the desired effect it is possible for months or years, as long as the woman does not overcome the transitional period and symptoms were not disappear.

Reviews medical oncology clinics use the drug at times reduces the formation of malignant tumors. This information was collected on the statistical data, which provided the real patients.

Storage and release of pharmacy

to Feminala storage requirements do not differ from the requirements for storage of most pharmaceuticals. The capsules should be kept in the original sticker (box).

Preparation itself placed away from sunlight and moisture, and where there is no access for children. The temperature at the point where stored Feminal should not be above 25 ° C. If these conditions are not met, there is a strong likelihood that the drug will be unfit for consumption and will lose all its useful qualities.

The drug is released from the pharmaceutical points without a prescription from a medical professional. Feminala shelf life is 24 months from the date of issue of production.


The only completely similar biological additive is Feminala "Kleverol". It is produced in the same pharmaceutical company as the original. If we compare the compositions, even they do not have distinctive features. The main thing that distinguishes the funds is their price category. analogue pack (30 capsules) costs from 200 rubles., which is almost three times cheaper than the original drug.

In the pharmaceutical market, you can find similar drugs, the effect of which is aimed at reducing the symptoms of menopause:Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women

  1. Borovaya uterus. Available in liquid form, dosed in the form of drops. This drug is also able to cope with the symptoms of menopause, but it has a significant drawback - a lot of side effects. Side effects apply to women cardiac system, and may in rare cases cause bleeding in those patients who have problems with the blood vessels. Supplements issued Altai pharmaceutical factory.
  2. Klimadion. It is composed of botanical active ingredients that have a modeling effect on the estrogen receptors. Supplements based on racemosa black cohosh, it was she who helps produce their own estrogen. The drug has a slight sedative effect and supports vegetative vascular system of the female body. Means shall be appointed by the symptoms that accompany menopause (menopause). therapy results can be seen within 14 days, but not earlier. Also, the drug can be used to restore menstruation cycle. Tsimitsifugi is not toxic vegetable component, and the drug may be taken for a long time.
  3. Klimaksan. This medication produced in bags with therapeutic granules and in the form of tablets. The facility has no odor, color tablet white or beige shade. Klimaksan indicated for relief of symptoms in predklimaksny period and postklimaksny time period. It has a soothing effect on the female body. As part of the basic means of place is a snake venom, which acts an immunomodulator. The drug has homeopathic properties and is not a drug.
  4. Menopace. The drug is given to eliminate menopause symptoms and is a therapeutic agent combined action. Efficacy is achieved by the active components of the composition in the form of a vitamin and mineral complex.
  5. Bonisan. It is a biological additive used during the onset of the symptoms of menopause. In addition, the tool slows down aging of the skin of women and improves its appearance. The drug is effective in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Also, its reception is the prevention of malignant tumors.
  6. Lefem. The drug is made soy-based, which is the source of phytoestrogens. Supplements are used to eliminate symptoms that accompany menopause (menopause).
  7. Femivell. This drug is a bit like a natural remedy "Lefem" that has at its base the composition of soy extracts. In addition to her make up part of phytoestrogens clover. Also it means have a preventive effect on the occurrence of osteoporosis and breast cancer. The drug has beneficial effects on the blood, thus preventing the risk of heart disease.Feminal in menopause. How to accept, contraindications counterparts. Reviews women

Judging by the descriptions of similar drugs, Feminal, in the opinion of doctors and women, is the most safe and effective in climax. Use of the drug will not cause unpleasant effects if you follow the instruction sheets, which is attached to a biological additive. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the detailed recommendations made by the medical practitioner, means to attribute.

Independently appoint and to begin taking the drug is not recommended. Ideally, before you take supplements, you need to take a blood test to hormonal changes in the body, and also to check the general condition of all organs. After deciphering the results of the attending physician is deemed to be receiving Feminala.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of preparations at menopause. Feminal and other

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