
Candles from hemorrhoids: Top 10 inexpensive and effective, a detailed overview

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hemorrhoids treatment should be carried out immediately after being made themselves felt the first signs of the disease. The most effective remedy for hemorrhoids in the early stages - a candle. They quickly relieve pain, itching and burning cropped. Introduced candle melts, resulting in the active influence of its components on inflammation.

But before you start the treatment of hemorrhoids, you must come to the examination proctologist and get recommendations on the use of certain suppository. Consider the most inexpensive and effective candles from hemorrhoids details: prices, reviews, recommendations for use.

How to choose the best means?

The treatment prescribed by the physician taking into account the severity of the disease. The choice of candles and ointments for hemorrhoids depends on the dominant symptom - bleeding, pain, itching, inflammation of the skin around the anus:

  1. Preparations for oral administration. Excellent results in the treatment of hemorrhoids provides combination therapy, connecting the symptomatic agents for the removal of local discomfort and preparations for oral use. These are drugs of price category 200 rubles as Troxevasin (analog Troxerutin) of from 400 to 500 rubles - Venarus, Venadiol, Ginkor Forte in capsules or as a gel. Similar properties of drugs price range from 650 to 850 rubles - Diosmin (analog Vazoket) Phlebodia, Diosmin + Hesperidin (analog Detraleks).
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  2. When expressed pain syndrome shows candles and ointments for hemorrhoids with anesthetics - lidocaine, neomycin, anestezin, benzocaine, Cinchocaine, lauromacrogol - a candle painkillers Relief Advance, Emla (cream Lidocaine Prilocaine +) Proctosedyl M Olestezin, Nigepan.
  3. When attached around the anus of the inflammatory process in the skin are shown Ichthyol (ihtiolovye) levomikol and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cm. ointment pain), the most popular among them candles diclofenac, ibuprofen. If the inflammation is accompanied by itching and there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids, it is possible use candles with hormonal agents - Proctosedyl, Gepotrombin D, Ultroprokt ointment Aurobin.
  4. Bleeding - used drugs that stop blood venotoniki to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vasoconstrictor drugs to relieve edema (adrenaline tribenozil, phenylephrine hydrochloride) - Relief, Procto-glivenol.
  5. In uncomplicated hemorrhoids shown anticoagulants which dissolve formed blood clots and thrombus stopped - candles with heparin (T Gepatrombin, Nigepan), heparin ointment.

How to use suppositories?

Much in the treatment of hemorrhoids depends on how suppositories are used correctly. Before using candles carefully read the instructions attached to it. Among the general recommendations of the release:

  1. bowel movements. You can do this with the help of an enema. Drain the need to cleanse the bowel wall by feces, and the action of the active substances was complete.
  2. Necessary water treatment. After bathing should be well dry off with a towel. Inflamed skin without rubbing, and make a few blotted movements.
  3. Proper administration of a suppository. Enter a candle in the ass, lying on his side and tucked her knees. Enter shallow. After the introduction of roll over on his back and lay thirty minutes.

It is also necessary:

  • try to make sure that did not have constipation. You can use a laxative agent;
  • you need to apply in the morning and in the evening once or twice a day. Period of use - one or two weeks;
  • if the condition worsens or symptoms appear, which are not related to hemorrhoids, it is necessary once again to clarify the diagnosis.

You should also know what to do the procedure is best just before bedtime.

What are they?

candle Classification:

painkillers: based on components with a pronounced analgesic, sedative effect. They include benzocaine, benzocaine, lidocaine, belladonna extract, propolis, and other active ingredients. These means are used to relieve pain in the anus.
Hemostatic: intended to get rid of bleeding - a common symptom of hemorrhoids. There are candles, which include adrenaline or ice.
disinfecting: apply in the case of wounds infected with hemorrhoids. These drugs include antibiotics, eliminate the majority of pathogens.
anti-inflammatory: well relieve inflammation in disease have partial analgesic effect.
venous: reduced blood vessels and capillaries, strengthen their walls, prevent brittleness. Thanks to this hemorrhoids decrease in size, reduced the likelihood of the development of new buds.
healing: Use when anal fissures, have a regenerating, restorative effect.
combined: possess by several effects combining antiseptic, antiinflammatory, analgesic effect.

For each patient, the suppositories are selected depending on what kind of symptom of the disease prevails. This may be itching, bleeding, swelling, pain, inflammation and other symptoms.

Benefits candles

Most patients with lesions of the rectum veins for the treatment of pathologies prefer candles hemorrhoids. This formulation has many advantages:

  • achieving the therapeutic effect immediately after insertion of the suppository;
  • availability of drugs. Many suppositories are relatively expensive, but at the same time have a good performance;
  • ease of use. For the introduction of a candle does not require special knowledge and skills;
  • the ability to use among all groups of patients, including children and pregnant women;
  • no negative impact on the gastric mucosa and liver;
  • a small amount of undesirable effects.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids are most commonly used in internal form of the disease, but also in the outer form of the disease suppositories have a good therapeutic effect.

Candles from hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the group of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories it is recommended almost nothing to use during lactation and pregnancy, particularly during its 1 trimester, when there is a formation of organs and systems fetus.

However, there is a group of suppositories, for which the state is not an absolute contraindication - Natalsid, suppositories with extract of belladonna. Posterisan, glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids, Olestezin, Nigepan, candles with sea buckthorn oil, Betiol, Neo-Anuzol.

Limited use (in 2 and 3 trimesters and during breastfeeding) - and suppositories Relief Relief Advance, Ultraproct, G. Gepatrombin Applying them, you need to analyze the effect of their use and the potential risk to the child's health.

Top 10: The short list

A brief list of products and prices on the most effective candles from hemorrhoids:

  • Relief - the price of the drug - from 280 rubles.
  • Gepatrombin F - candles price - from 105 rubles.
  • Proktozan - average price - from 230 rubles.
  • Anuzol - price - 45 rubles.
  • Natalsid - cost - from 240 rubles.
  • Aurobin - price - from 220 rubles.
  • Proctosedyl - average cost - 320 rubles.
  • Proktoglivenol - price - from 400 rubles.
  • Ultraprokt - the price of the drug - from 450 rubles.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn - the price of 50 rubles.

Trying to determine what is best candles from hemorrhoids, many patients are by trial and error. However, to identify and appoint the best products can only physician on an individual basis.

Indeed, sometimes taking cheap candles from hemorrhoids, patients reported improvement. To spark from internal hemorrhoids proved to be effective, it is important to take into account all manifestations of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient's health.

Gepatrombin F

Gepatrombinovye candles - a combined tool with prednisolone, which produces anti-thrombotic, venoskleroziruschy, anti-inflammatory effect.

Prednisolone reduces inflammation, provides an anti-allergic effect. Heparin is an anticoagulant that exerts antithrombotic, antiinflammatory, protivoekssudativnoe action provides regeneration of connective tissue in hemorrhoids, It prevents the coagulation of blood. Lauromacrogol - produces Valium, sclerosing effect.

Gepatrombinovye candles contraindicated in syphilis, tuberculosis, a tumor of the skin, high sensitivity, tendency to bleeding, lesions of the skin viral, bacterial, fungal nature, and in the first months pregnancy. Apply these candles can be for no more than one week at 1-2 supp. in a day,

In the application may be marked allergy, skin redness. If the drug is used often and for a long time, likely to develop systemic side effects.

Price - from 170 rubles.

candles Relief

Candles Relief - a popular drug, has won the trust of consumers due to its effectiveness. There are two types of medications have different effects:

  1. Relief Ultra. This means comprises hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate, shark liver oil. Relief ultra constricts blood vessels, giving antiallergic effect, reduces itching, healing wounds and erosion, has immunomodulatory effects. Contraindications: bacterial, viral, fungal infections in the anal area, tumors, tuberculosis, a severe form of diabetes, hypernatremia, hypersensitivity. It is forbidden to take during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Relief Advance. The main active components - shark liver oil, and benzocaine. Advanced Relief relieves pain, inflammation, itching, irritation, heals wounds, has immunomodulatory effects. Contraindications: thrombosis, granulocytopenia, increased sensitivity to the components. To use caution during pregnancy and lactation.

buckthorn candles

Candles with sea buckthorn - allergenic agent that is suitable for each patient with hemorrhoids.

Even doctors pregnant women are prescribed the drug. The effect of this drug is quite soft. You need every day before going to sleep to put 1 candle rectally. Improvement will come after a week or two. Children are not recommended to use more than one spark per day. In adults, the dosage may be increased up to 2 candles. In this case, treatment should last at least 10 days.

Reviews of patients who have used sea buckthorn suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, confirm the efficacy of the product. Buckthorn candles are perfectly safe. They are prescribed to patients of all ages (even older). They do not affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy at any stage.


Elemental drug whose effect is due to a natural ingredient - sodium alginate. This substance stops the blood, heals wounds, relieves pain, reduces inflammation. Furthermore, in addition to normal work of intestines.

Among contraindications are the following states:

  • Component intolerance;
  • age limit (prohibited under 14 years).

When the diagnosis of "internal hemorrhoids" treatment is carried out for 1-2 weeks, the multiplicity of applications - 1 suppository 2 times per day. Feedback from customers confirms that the suppository well tolerated, only in certain situations, may experience allergic reactions.


Proktozan - effective candles from hemorrhoids for men and women. The drug has a positive effect on the rectal mucosa, relieves itching, burning, pain, inflammation. Bufexamac composed suppository reduces edema, local hyperemia in the disease. Lidocaine is a good analgesic, its effect is felt immediately after the candle. Titanium dioxide prevents bleeding, astringent action. Due subgalatu bismuth on the surface of the rectum of forming a film, providing protection against ingress of inflamed areas of pathogenic bacteria.

Suppositories are used 2 times per day. For optimal effect it is recommended to put a cleansing enema before the procedure. Then you need to enter a candle in the anus. The course - 8-10 days.

The price of 350 rubles.


This medicinal product contains in its composition and lidocaine tribendid. Lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect on the anal zone and reduces permeability tribendid capillaries, improves muscle and the mucous layer of the rectum and has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. Improvement and a significant decrease in pain occurs in 1.5-2 hours after the suppository "Procto-Glivenola" into the rectum. Also significantly reduced swelling and inflammation of the mucosa.

  1. this drug is used with special care in the presence of any allergic reactions in the anamnesis, particularly in local anesthetics or other components included in the composition suppository "Procto-Glivenol", also be sure to notify the attending physician proctologist, because this fact is an absolute contraindication to the use of the drug "Procto-Glivenol".
  2. This drug is not administered to children under 12 and pregnant women in early pregnancy (first trimester). With special caution and under constant medical supervision assigned dynamic this drug to patients with liver disease and kidney.

Adverse reactions are very rare, mostly ignoring doses and contraindications. However, chronic administration of rectal suppositories "Procto-Glivenol" may appear discomfort, irritation, minor aches and pains, feeling of itching and burning in the rectum and intestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhea. If any of the symptoms should immediately discontinue use of this type of candles and seek medical advice.


They contain hormonal substance (prednisolone), triclosan and lidocaine. This combined product has anti-allergic, and anti-edematous action antisepticheskre well fights inflammation. If you are using may have unwanted side effects, so they should be taken under medical supervision. Price - from 220 rubles.


The composition comprises zinc sulfate, tribromfenolyata bismuth oxide, bismuth complex, belladonna leaf extract. In applying candles with belladonna anesthetized, dried exert antispasmodic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

Note that this tool is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, high sensitivity, heart failure, intestinal atony, prostate adenoma, angle-closure glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, tachyarrhythmia.

Antigemorroidalnye suppositories with belladonna be administered 1-2 times a day for 1 pc. To anesthetize, per day should not be placed more than 7 supp. hemorrhoids. These drugs hemorrhoids can cause allergic phenomena, dry mouth, burning sensation in the anal region, diarrhea, constipation, palpitations, blurred vision, drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, headache pain.

If overdose may develop nausea, vomiting, cramps, urinary retention, agitation, decreased sweating.

Rectal suppositories are cheap - 60 rubles.


This product contains several active substances - hydrocortisone, framycetin antibiotic, heparin and others. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects, helps to avoid blood clots, relieves itching and irritation. Well tolerated by patients.

Contraindications: idiosyncrasy components, fungal, viral, tubercular lesions anus, hypertension, heart failure. It is forbidden to assign women during pregnancy and during lactation, children under 12 years.


Consisting ultraprokt cinchocaine and fluocortolone.

Fluocortolone - a hormonal component that acts quickly and for a long time. Cinchocaine - acts as a local anesthetic.

It can not be used for tuberculosis and syphilis in the anorectal area and if you are sensitive. The tool is not administered to children, adolescents, pregnant women in early pregnancy.

Applied once a day, after a bowel movement. Be sure to enter rectally, deeply. If the disease is difficult, on the first day allowed to use up to 3 suppositories.

Price - from 640 rubles.

Candles on the basis of propolis

For the manufacture of suppositories propolisnoe at home must purchase propolis pharmacy, cocoa butter, and lanolin, as well as syringes of 2 ml.

  1. Mark syringes with a capacity of 2 ml without needle and cut with their lower narrower portion. Several syringes left intact.
  2. Pistons delay of 3 cm and horizontally set all the syringes in the bank. Cut part facing up.
  3. Propolis put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then milled.
  4. Lanolin and cocoa combine in a circle and put on a slow fire.
  5. Add chopped propolis and mix.
  6. Do not allow to boil the mixture, turning on and off the stove.
  7. Keep the fire within half an hour.
  8. Fill the syringe by a cut form and send it in the fridge to solidify.

Keep candles necessarily in the refrigerator. The course of treatment - 2 weeks.

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