
Preparations for the treatment of nail fungus: efficient and inexpensive. Prices and reviews of people

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Onychomycosis or fungus - damage ungual and periungual plate roller, - a common disease. About 30% of the population suffer from various forms of nail diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.

Untreated fungal infections not only lead to the destruction of the nail, but also to the total defeat of the body. Cope with nail fungus on the hands or feet to help low-cost but effective drugs for local and general purpose. Which ones? Consider this article.

How to treat a fungus?

There are three main methods of treatment of fungal infections:

  1. Therapy outer antifungal agents recommended in the case of infection with no more than 1/3 of the surface of the nail and no more than two fingers on the leg or arm. It gives a minimum of side effects for the patient's long-term treatment.
  2. Receiving systemic antifungal drugs in the form of tablets or capsules.
  3. Combined therapy of both local and systemic drugs used for chronic injuries, extensive infection. If the treatment was carried out in full, affected by fungus nail plate is replaced with a healthy. To completely ensure that no fungus, you must pass the scraping two weeks after completion of therapy and a half months.
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To select the method of therapy and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment should only dermatologist, which takes into account all characteristics of the patient. Self dangerous because if improperly or inadequately prolonged therapy fungus will develop resistance to drugs used. In this case, further treatment will be significantly impeded.

Ointment, lacquer or tablet?

Medicines are available in different forms: cream, nail, tablets. Ointment - a convenient form for the treatment of fungus on his feet, nail - on his hands. Tablets - universal sentence. How is the medication pills?

  • Preparations in the form of tablets prescribed for any form of disease.
  • Mandatory condition - the lack of side effects.
  • Dosage adjustment is guaranteed. After the diagnosis is conducted dosage adjustment for severity of illness, the patient's age, health features.
  • Instruction indicates the minimum amount of contraindications.
  • The tablets are useful for administration.
  • Compliance with instructions - the effectiveness of the guarantee. Only compliance scheme will destroy the fungus and to protect themselves from infection recurrence.
  • Drug therapy involves affordability. Each patient is able to undergo cure to restore the health of nails.
  • Tablets are available even to children, because the chance of recovery open at any age.
  • The presence of a clear and complete instructions. Regular intake allows components to destroy the wall of fungal spores and nail to ensure recovery.

Before starting the medical course is recommended that a consultation with a doctor and determining a suitable means. The achieved result is fixed successfully passed the course. Otherwise, the risk remains of recurrence of fungal infections.

List of effective remedies for nail fungus

Below is a list of the most common drugs for the treatment of fungus, not all of them are cheap, but most effectively help to get rid of onychomycosis in the home.

If you have the initial stage, you can start treatment with ointments and lacquers. When the fungus in the form of running - without pills and other methods can not do. They are prescribed by a doctor.

The fungicidal sprays and solutions (basic advantage - unnoticeable):

  • Mikozan - complete with a solution are nail files. The price of 870 rubles.
  • Lotseril - should be applied only twice a week, course - 6-12 months. Price from 1300 to 2200 rubles.
  • Batrafen - not very convenient tool as applied in a specific pattern, and there is a chance to get off with prolonged use of the solution. The price of 1400-1600 rubles.
  • Tsiklopiraksolamin - one of the most effective remedies for nail fungus in the early stages. Price lacquer 1,400 rubles;
  • Neylekspert - new tool from nail fungus, reviews of which, in most cases, negative. It advertised drug, the effect of which is barely noticeable.
  • Ekzoderil - flakonchike to have a convenient spout dispenser. Apply every morning / evening to washed and dried the feet, absorbs quickly. Bottle is enough for 2 months. The price of 500 rubles.
  • Oflomil - a powerful tool of nail fungus. It is not only used to treat athlete's foot, but also as a preventive measure. Apply the drug should be to the point until it is completely clean otrastet nail plate. Interrupt treatment in any case it is impossible! A full course of treatment of onychomycosis of feet of year. The price of this product is 800 rubles;

Doctor includes the comprehensive treatment of nail fungus on my feet the following drugs in tablet form:

  • Terbinafine - Lamisil advertised brand, expensive analogue Terbizil. Terbinafine tablets - the best value for effectiveness, safety and price. The cost of 150 rubles.
  • Fluconazole - identical but more expensive drugs Flucostat, Diflucan, Mikosist. The price of 50 rubles.
  • Ketoconazole - Nizoral expensive counterparts. Highly effective, but quite toxic. The price of 170 rubles.

Keratolytic agents - an inexpensive alternative to the hardware painless removal of the nail:

  • nail;
  • Nogtimitsin.

Keratolytic agents applied at considerable (more than 40%) Nail lesions. However, they must be used carefully, observing all the rules specified in the instructions.

For deeper penetration is necessary to pre-steaming, nail plate and nail file scratch. affected nail treatment followed by attaching an adhesive made every 3-4 days.

Batrafen varnish (Cyclopirox)

The active substance - ciclopirox. Composition - lacquer, gel, cream, candles.

Before applying the lacquer should be possible to cut the affected areas of the nail plate and nail files via give remaining surface roughness.

In the first month of varnish applied 1 time of 1-2 days in the second month - 2 times a week, in the third month - 1 weekly. Thus every week must be removed in the usual layer of varnish solvent, and then impart a surface roughness to better penetration of the composition.

Side effects include itching, burning, irritation, redness or peeling of the skin around the nail, and allergic reactions.

Lamisil Uno

The active substance - terbinafine hydrochloride. Composition - paints of different colors with a nail file, foil bags and cotton alcohol swab in the kit. Also available in the form of gel, creams (ointments), spray, solution (lotion) for external use; tablets for ingestion.

It is an antifungal drug broad spectrum and is used for treatment of the skin, mucous membranes, nails, hair.

When using lacquer cover the affected area two times a week, pre-clean and dry them. Other forms of drug applied to the nails 1 time per day.

Lotseril nail polish

Lotseril - modern medicine antifungal direction. Appointment advisable for external use. The main component - amorolfine. The substance changes the structure of the fungal cells. The maximum effect occurs at a candidiasis.

Lotseril solution was applied to the nail. Then, the components act on the nail and its bed. Action is maintained in the first day. Then re-conducting the procedure is required. The gradual accumulation of the active substance contributes to the treatment of fungal infections.

The procedure involves the observance of safety measures:

  • interacting with lacquer using special protective gloves;
  • from makeup is recommended to give up;
  • to achieve the desired results will have to abandon the nail;
  • saws processing is prohibited.

The above recommendations are stored until they are cured.

Oflomil varnish

The drug for external use, reduces the amount of ergosterol. It has fungicidal and fungistatic activity. It has a wide range of actions to be effective against many fungal infections.

The varnish is applied to the affected nail surface 2 times per week. Nail surface must be treated previously, to cut to the maximum all the unhealthy parts of nail file, which is included in the kit. Nail wipe swab dipped in alcohol. The course of treatment depending on the stage of the disease. Therapy can last up to 1 year.

Mikozan of nail fungus

For the treatment of fungus leaves enough time. The Dutch company has developed antifungal Mikozan who successfully fights fungus in a short time. The price of the drug varies from 700 to 1100 rubles. It depends on where it is purchased.

The main active substance is the filtrate Mikozana enzyme rye, as well as it comprises water, pentylene glycol, dimethylisosorbide, hydroxyethylcellulose.


  1. Apply serum applicator (a set) for all the affected nail and not selectively.
  2. After applying Mikozana provide a means to dry a few minutes.
  3. Once a week, the patient cleaned single nail nail file.

The course of treatment can reach from 3 to 6 months. Use of the drug is prohibited for children under the age of four years.

Ekzoderil fungus

Ekzoderil is very popular among the modern industry to combat the fungus. It comes in two forms: a solution and ointment. To get rid of nail fungus solution used, the price of which from 550 to 750 rubles.

For treatment ekzoderil solution was applied 2 times a day. Before using the nail must be carefully prepared. It is recommended to make the bath (1 l water 1 l of soda and 20 g soap), remove the affected area using nozhnichek and nail file, and then cover the patient surface means.


Inexpensive but effective drug for the treatment of nail fungus on his feet, which refers to the antifungal agents alilaminov group. The active substance acts ciclopirox. It characterized by a broad spectrum of activity, which is manifested in the extensive activity against many species of pathogens types. Has fungicidal, fungistatic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens.

Method of application: applied to the nail plate twice a day, which was prepared in advance. It is recommended to steam nails in a special bath and iodine with the addition of sea salt. After that, nail cream and processed naturally absorbed. regimen at onikomihoze: during the month affected nails treated with this drug twice a day. In the second month, if the results of treatment yielded positive results, it is recommended to apply the cream twice a week. The duration of treatment depends entirely on the degree of nail injury, a minimum period of at least six months.


Terbinafine - is a synthetic allylamine drug group. The active drug substance - terbinafine. That it acts on the sterol biosynthesis and leading to a deficiency of ergosterol and the destruction of cells. Lamisil prescribed for yeast fungi and dermatophytes. This drug is prescribed, when the nail struck by more than half. Lamisil is produced in the form of a spray, pills and creams.

Instructions for use of the tablets:

  • Adult (1 tablet 1 per day);
  • children from 20 to 40 kg (at ½ tablet 1 per day);
  • child weighs less than 20 kg (daily dosage of ¼ tablet).

When using the cream is pretreated, and the affected nail cream is applied to it 1 time per day. And in the first and in the second case, the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Lamisil in tablet form is contraindicated for children under two years, hypersensitivity to ingredients and dysfunctions of the liver and kidneys.


It is worth noting that the fungus is made up of protein, and as shown by the results of research - iodine promotes its folding. Therefore Iodinol and is used to treat athlete's foot. It has antiseptic properties that are successfully win a fungus. Iodinol refers to cheap, not expensive drugs, the cost ranges from 70 to 100 rubles. That is, it can afford to buy them every.

Antifungal agent is used in the form of lotions, washes and in most cases as a compress.

Instructions for use yodinolom:

  • moisten sponzhik in solution;
  • impose on the affected nail and fix the patch;
  • compress changed twice a day (morning and evening);
  • treatment no more than five days.

The drug is contraindicated for use if you are hypersensitive and children up to 5 years.

Terbinafine ointment

The drug manufacturing company Vertex Russia. The active component of the drug is terbinafine hydrochloride. This pharmacological agent belongs to the group of allylamines and has antimicrobial effect on many kinds of molds and yeasts. Treatment with this drug is allowed for children from 12 years. The daily dose should not exceed 250 mg.

In onychomycosis Terbinafit ointment used for the treatment of diseased nail plate twice a day. The total course of treatment is 3 months. To enhance the therapeutic effect of a doctor can be assigned supplementation Terbinafine tablets.

The price at the pharmacy ointment in a tube of 15 g of 65-90 rubles.


The medicament is discharged in the form of tablets, which are aimed at suppressing the mold inside. The patient may designate from 50 to 400 mg of active substance. The exact dosage is determined by taking into account the age and complexity of the flow of the fungus. The drug is well relieves itching and inhibits the proliferation of pests. The duration of treatment is chosen strictly individually.

Antifungal cream Fundizol

Composition: salicylic acid, zinc oxide, extracts of oak bark, celandine, potassium iodide and other substances.

Indications: "Fudnizol" is intended to remove the fungal infection of the skin, nails.

Application: Before applying means need to steam nails for 10 minutes in a solution with soda and soap, and cut them to file. The drug is applied 2 times a day with a thin layer. On the cream is applied compress paper and covered with a plaster on her 4-6 hours. After 4-8 weeks of treatment, the nail is restored, but the "Fudnizol" should continue to apply 1 time per day until you grow new healthy plate on his finger.


The drug belongs to drugs veterinary medicine, but it perfectly allows you to change an infected nail on the healthy. Creolin applied strictly only on the nail plate, avoiding the skin.

After contact with it should immediately rinse the area with clean water and apply a moisturizer. After application kreolina should seal the nail the plaster. medicament treatment is continued until all of the affected toe nail.


A combined preparation which includes boric acid, magenta, resorcinol, acetone and ethyl alcohol. It has antimicrobial and antimycotic properties. The liquid is applied 2-4 times a day, avoiding contact with the skin. Magenta gives the composition a bright crimson color, but there are pharmacies and colorless liquid without the addition of dye. After contact with skin fukortsin may cause dizziness and nausea as quickly enters the bloodstream and causes intoxication.

Zinc ointment

It is relatively cheap, but it has a powerful universal antiseptic effect due to zinc, which influences the composition of cellular proteins inhibits the synthesis of enzymes in fungal and microbial cells, leading to their death.

Zinc Ointment possesses a broad spectrum of action:

  • Has a disinfectant, fungicide and fungistatic effect on nail fungus
  • Restores the skin around the nail, has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect
  • It stimulates the restoration of the horny nail plate substance
  • improves blood circulation
  • Neutralizes toxins fungus

The drug is applied to clean the nail from two to three times per day, it is also recommended to treat the infection of the skin around the hearth, to prevent the further spread of fungi. The drug does not cause an allergic reaction and has no contraindications. should not be applied to open wounds and burns.

The cost of one bottle of ointment from 20 to 50 rubles depending on the region, the treatment will take from 2 to 7 months.

The use of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar also treated for onychomycosis. To see results, they need to penetrate the nail bed. Therefore, it is important to good to steam before treating nails. Then:

  1. Patient nail soaked in 5% vinegar for 5 minutes.
  2. The next day, doing the same in 2% hydrogen peroxide.
  3. The procedure is repeated for 3 weeks.

If periungual area of ​​skin appeared burning, by the application of hydrogen peroxide should be abandoned. It can still be 2-3 times a day to spray hydrogen peroxide on the infected areas. Give treated areas to dry thoroughly and then wear socks.


What we recommend:

  1. Consult a physician, to determine the type of fungus and the stage of disease (on which doctor apply here);
  2. If the fungus is not at an advanced stage, start with local products;
  3. If there is no effect, try the product with other active ingredients;
  4. Try medicated lacquers;
  5. In severe cases, try the combination therapy (local and systemic drugs at the same time).

Replacing the drug on less expensive, pay attention to the contraindications in the instructions. Not a complete pass tests, if necessary.

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