
Adenoids in children: Symptoms and Treatment, tips Komarovsky

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Adenoids is a disease characterized by inflammation of the tonsils pharyngeal chronic or acute type.

Since anatomically tonsils are arranged in the throat, the throat in conventional study of virtually not visible, therefore the inflammatory process for a long time may remain unnoticed.

According Komarovsky in 80% of cases, adenoids in children, as in adults there is atrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils and no inflammation occurs.

Causes of

What it is? Adenoids (otherwise, adenoid growths or vegetation) called hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsils. Sprawl them gradually.

The most common cause of such a phenomenon becomes a part of the upper respiratory tract diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, angina, antritis and others). Each of the body contact with the infection takes place with the active participation of the pharyngeal tonsil, which in this case is slightly increased in size. After his recovery, when the inflammation passes, it returns to its original state.

If during this period (2-3 weeks) the child falls ill again, without having to return to the original size, the amygdala increases again, but no longer. This leads to inflammation and constant buildup of lymphatic tissue.

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extent of the disease

If at the time did not detect mild and did not take action, adenoids transition to the acute form, which is divided into several steppes increase pharyngeal tonsils:

  1. First degree. Adenoids grow and cover the upper part of the bone of the nasal septum
  2. Second degree. tonsil size covers two-thirds of the bone of the nasal septum
  3. Third degree. Adenoids closed almost the entire septum.

The acute form requires immediate treatment, since in the future it may become a chronic adenoids, which adversely affects the health of the child. Enlarged tonsils are inflamed, a large number of bacteria growing in them.

Adenoiditis symptoms in children

Adenoiditis manifestation in children can cause a number of complications, so it is very important to detect and treat it in the early stages, and we are here to help the knowledge of symptoms. Depending on the stage of the disease and the nature of its manifestations may differ significantly.

Thus, signs of acute adenoiditis a child are:

  • runny nose, and coughing;
  • when viewed from the throat is observed a slight reddening of the upper fabric;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the nasopharynx;
  • heat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • sensation of nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • general fatigue and lack of energy

Chronic adenoids is caused by inflammation of the adenoids suffering acute. Its symptoms:

  • rhinitis (sometimes - with purulent secretions);
  • change in voice and speech sound;
  • frequent colds and sore throat; nasal congestion;
  • periodic otitis (Inflammation of the ear) or hearing loss;
  • child lethargic, bad enough sleep and always breathe through the mouth.

The child is often sick with viral infections. This is due, and decreased immunity and infected mucus secretion constant in adenoids in children. Mucus flows down the back of the throat, the inflammatory process extends into the lower respiratory tract.

Chronic hypoxia and the DC voltage of the immune system result in a delay of physical and mental development. oxygen deficiency manifests itself not only general hypoxemia, but nedorazvitiem facial skull, in particular, the upper jaw, whereby the child is formed malocclusion. Possible deformation of the palate ( "Gothic" palate) and the development of "chicken" chest. Adenoids in children and leads to chronic anemia.

How does the adenoids in children: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in children.


Diagnosis adenoids does not require the use of specific methods and research. Based on a visual inspection of ENT doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis and uses additional diagnostic methods, if necessary.


Pharyngorrhinoscopy. Inspection tonsil using a mirror. Children spend this method is very difficult, because the mirror to touch the mucous membrane often causes a gag reflex.
Digital research. diagnostic method that performs a doctor to determine the extent of proliferation of the adenoids.
X-ray of the nasopharynx. It allows to determine the degree of proliferation and adenoids exclude sinus disease.
The endoscopic method Inspection of the tonsils with an endoscope. The most informative method of all the above, to determine not only the size of the amygdala, but also its condition, and at the same time identifies and co-morbidities in the nasopharynx. Displays the image on the monitor.

How to treat adenoids in children?

Without surgery can get rid of adenoiditis 1 - 2 degrees. It is necessary to comply with a comprehensive approach, combining common treatment and impact on the local vegetation. Below is an exemplary diagram therapy.

General treatment is as follows:

  • immunomodulators (Immunal, Echinacea tincture);
  • immunostimulants course of 10 - 15 days (FIBS, aloe extract, Apilak);
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • antihistamines course of 7 - 14 days (Fenkarol, Suprastin, Diazolin, Pipolphenum);
  • in acute purulent adenoiditis shown antibiotics and sulfonamides.

Topical treatment offers such options:

  • drops with antiinflammatory effect in adenoiditis - Protargolum, Nazoneks;
  • nasal lavage - was used as in adenoids, and at their inflammation; can be used for washing sea salt solutions Elekasol, Miramistin, Rotokan, Furatsilinom;
  • nose drops with a vasoconstrictive effect - decreased tissue swelling, remove rhinitis, nasal facilitate subsequent washing procedure; can drip nose tizin, Vibrotsilom, Sanorin;
  • administration of drugs into the cavity in the form of nasal drops, spray or solution applied on turunda - Bioparox, Protargolum, colloid silver, sulfacetamide, Sofradeks, Avamys;
  • inhalation via nebulizer - Tsedoviks, Mentoklar.

It should be noted that with age, the child's adenoids may be reduced in size by yourself. This is due to the fact that in adolescence, the overall incidence of respiratory infections is significantly reduced. Nasopharyngeal tonsil ceases constantly in contact with the pathogens and starts regress (reduced in size).


Surgical treatment adenoiditis children performed after failure of conservative methods, as well as the difficulty of nasal breathing. The decision on whether to remove the adenoids, remains with the parents. But there are some absolute indications for surgery. In these cases, intervention can not be avoided.


  • inability to breath through the nose (adenoids 2 - 3 degrees);
  • deformation of the sternum and face;
  • large adenoids;
  • hearing loss.


  • permanent rhinitis;
  • chronic adenoids;
  • halitosis;
  • snoring, poor sleep;
  • frequent ear infections and sinusitis, SARS.

Indications for surgery:

  1. The expressed disturbances of nasal breathing;
  2. Incipient deformation facial skeleton and thorax;
  3. Hearing impairment due to hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  4. Existing chronic inflammatory diseases of other organs of the upper respiratory tract.

laser removal adenoids has several advantages over the traditional method:

  1. Reduced postoperative recovery period.
  2. Minimal blood loss.
  3. the surgeon's actions are more accurate.
  4. Decreasing the injured site area.
  5. Complete sterility and reduced risk of complications.

Laser in removing the adenoids in children It can be used in two ways:

  1. Coagulation. Using a focused beam. It is recommended to remove large formations.
  2. Valorisation. The upper layers adenoids fired steam, carbon dioxide laser is used. It recommended in the early stages, and the small size of formations.

Video: indications for adenoidectomy in children - Dr. Komarovsky.


Good afternoon. My child was 4 years old when they found the adenoids. For some time, I began to notice that the child has become worse to hear, in the beginning thought it was not flirt hears, or passionate about the game, but it was getting worse, went to Laura, said that the adenoids, pressed from the inside, and therefore lost hearing. 3 months were treated with drops of value of 1000 rubles, there were no changes.

The pediatrician advised to remove them better, to sense from such treatment a little, and a hearing is getting worse. Underwent surgery and stayed in the hospital for about 4-5 hours, the operation is 20 minutes, the rest of the child is recovering from anesthesia, and slept. The only negative is that children can not tolerate anesthesia, screaming, crying, with being not particularly conscious. Now a year has passed, during this time nasal congestion do not care to hear well, this match has become much less common.

Folk remedies

We offer you advice, tested by other people:

  • wash nose inflammatory herbs (St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot mother);
  • fresh infusion of oak bark is dropped into each nostril 2-3 drops (glass of water 1 teaspoon or sachet of pharmacy, boil for 1-2 minutes, then another 15 insists), very well reduce the volume of the tonsils -. and tested by me girlfriend;
  • instilled into the nose of a pair of the oil droplets arborvitae (suitable drug "Thuja Nam" instead ether);
  • rinse your nasal passages with a solution of propolis - 20 drops to 1 cup of water and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda for one rinse to use half a cup of the composition.

It is worth noting that the fight against adenoids folk remedies just not worth it. It is better to stick to the recommended scheme of doctors and to resolve it to add to it some homemade recipes.

Prevention and prognosis

It boils down to the following:

  1. Early treatment of colds and inflammations of the respiratory system;
  2. A balanced diet;
  3. Vitamins, local immunomodulators in the winter season;
  4. Hygiene nose (washing with salt solutions) during epidemics of influenza and SARS;
  5. Timely visit to the doctor when the first symptoms in children adenoiditis (snoring, sleep with your mouth open, frequent nasal congestion).

Favorable prognosis with early diagnosis and therapy. Repeated Pumping adenoids possible relapse, this rarely happens, and is an indication for retransmission adenotomy.

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