
Glossitis language: symptoms, photo, home treatment usdloviyah

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Glossitis - a common disease, whose essence lies in the pathogenic effects of microorganisms on the tongue tissue. Often infection is due to mechanical trauma or irritation use excessively spicy or hot food.

However, inflammation can also be caused by systemic dysfunctions - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of blood. The progression of the disease contributes to poor immunity, smoking, allergies to cleaning products for the oral cavity, as well as the systematic failure to comply with hygiene rules.

What it is?

Glossitis - is an inflammatory process in the language resulting from the injury or activity harmful microorganisms, this is due to its prevalence. Poor oral care because of which there is a large number of bacteria, damage or burns language - the main causative agents of disease.

Causes of

Glossitis may occur in two ways - as a distinct disease, and as a symptom of another disease. At local glossitis, when the inflammation is limited to a small area on the language, the reason most often are viruses and other microorganisms, in particular one of the "popular" viruses in this regard is a virus Herpes. In addition, glossitis can be triggered by the use of extremely hot food and drinks.

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Glossitis causes can be injury tongue and oral cavity (e.g., sharp-edged teeth, fillings, dentures) - they are ideal gateway for infection. Especially glossitis often occur in those who smoke, drink alcoholic beverages. Rarely, but nevertheless, glossitis may occur as a specific response to the mouth fresheners (sprays), spices in dishes, toothpaste, etc.

Also, glossitis often occurs in cases of poisoning by heavy metals - a classic symptom of this disease. In addition, there is glossit neglecting personal hygiene rules, using other people's toothbrushes threads. With a weakened immunity glossitis becomes chronic.


On the success of the treatment affect the accuracy of diagnosis. It is necessary to distinguish between types of glossitis, based on specific symptoms. GLOSS yazykaopredelennym featured physician diagnoses a certain kind of glossitis, prescribes a treatment targeted. Listed below are the types of the disease.

  1. Deep glossitis. The disease occurs at the bottom of the oral cavity, can grip the neck, chin. Delays in treatment of this form of glossitis leads to abscess - accumulation of pus, which is unpleasant and dangerous.
  2. Desquamative or geographical - find the cause of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or viral infection, the disease often can be found in women. It begins with lighter spots on the tongue the size of a few millimeters, eventually affected area stands out against the rest of the surface of the tongue bright pink. If time does not take action, the focus of the disease can cover quite large areas and deliver a lot of trouble. Pain is virtually absent in both adults and children. On the development of the disease affects the emotional state of the patient.
  3. Rhomboid glossitis. It appears on the background of chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines. Often diagnosed in patients with gastritis. Rhomboid glossitis named as manifested in the form of a red (bluish) of the rhombus / oval on the back third of the tongue. May appear in the grooves, sores, bumps. When diagnosed diamond glossitis treatment should touch the underlying disease. After his elimination glossit pass.
  4. Gunterovsky glossitis is a sign of underlying disease - folic acid deficiency anemia. In contrast to the other subtypes of the disease, in this case the tongue surface does not have any sores or lesions. On the contrary - the surface is shiny, smooth, often bright red. Eliminating gunterovskogo glossitis fully possible only when the underlying disease will be eliminated. topical medications are ineffective.
  5. Pleated glossitis - a congenital form of the disease. As a rule, no complaints with the physiological side, the subtype of the disease causes. Glossitis appears folded in the form of folds on the tongue. In view of this, it takes a strict personal hygiene. Folds can serve as a place for the development of an infectious disease, if people will not follow the rules of oral hygiene.
  6. Catarrhal glossitis. Diagnose it can fly on a dense covering the whole language. While talking or eating the patient may experience a violation of the motor function of language what the cause - swelling. Also, the signal becomes a bright red tongue.
  7. Villous glossitis. Symptoms of the disease are dark papillae on the tongue-like thin threads. Some may be up to 2 cm. If left untreated this glossitis, orogoveyut villi become more noticeable. For such diseases as causes of villous glossitis marked as: thrush, tongue surface trauma, exposure to drugs, smoking.
  8. Interstitial glossitis. The disease appears in the background of tertiary forms of such diseases as syphilis. In the course of the disease muscle fibers language are transformed into connective tissue. As a result, the tongue becomes rough, furrowed, it shrinks. The sooner treatment is started syphilis, the greater the chance of avoiding cancer language.
  9. Glossitis candidiasis is most common. Inflammation, most often localized in the language. Ulcers and erosions are formed only when severely immunocompromised. If timely treatment is started, glossitis Candida does not cause any complications or serious damage to the taste buds. But the transition of disease in the chronic stage, the latter is not excluded.
According to the degree course of glossitis are divided into the following forms:
  1. Surface - is a kind of manifestation of stomatitis, struck only the mucous membrane of the mouth and the disease is relatively mild, and symptoms disappear quickly;
  2. Deep - strikes and surface of the tongue, and all its thickness, may cause ulcers, abscesses. If you do not see a doctor, who has to take curative measures, the inflammation and infection can go down to the neck, which promises serious troubles and threat to human life.

Identify glossitis, usually at normal viewing of the oral cavity. However, it is not enough to make such a diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. To do this, patients prescribed diagnostic tests: general and biochemical blood tests, gastroscopy, ultrasound of the abdomen, colonoscopy.

Symptoms of glossitis, photos

According to its symptoms, inflammation of the tongue is almost identical stomatitis. But complications in this case, can be much more serious. At the initial stage the patient glossitis development can disturb these symptoms:

  • foreign body sensation in the mouth;
  • burning;
  • increased salivation;
  • language may be bright red, swollen;
  • changing taste.

At this stage, the development of inflammation, ulcers and other injuries, the language is almost there. Due to the fact that language can swell, the patient is difficult to talk, speech becomes slurred.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • mouthfeel may be absent altogether;
  • ulcers on the tongue are formed;
  • language slightest movement causes severe pain;
  • local temperature rise.

At this stage of the disease the patient becomes difficult to use even liquid.

In the advanced form of glossitis may cause the development of other infectious or viral diseases. Glossitis in the chronic stage may cause stomatitis progression throughout the oral cavity.

What is glossitis, photo language

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in adults.


The disease is so pronounced clinical picture that the diagnosis will not be difficult for doctor, but to confirm the disease may need to conduct laboratory tests (bacteriological, cytology).

glossitis treatment

Depending on glossitis symptoms, treatment methods will vary. Usually it is sufficient to eliminate, if possible, the specific cause of a glossitis:

  1. Take a course of treatment for diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Correct immunity in immunodeficiencies.
  3. Antiretroviral therapy for HIV / AIDS (life-long antiviral therapy aimed at maintaining the immune system, does not cure HIV, but improves the quality of life and prolong it).
  4. Restoring hormonal balance by assigning the necessary hormonal drugs.
  5. Restores vitamins and trace elements in the event of shortages.
  6. Treatment of anemia and elimination of the causes of its development.
  7. allergy treatment and removal of exposure to allergens (if possible).
  8. The course of antiviral treatment or antibiotic therapy for common infections, TORCH-infections.
  9. Treatment of skin diseases.
  10. Antihelminthic therapy.
  11. Sanitation of the oral cavity, the selection of suitable prosthetic dental crowns and,
  12. Restoration of the intestinal microflora, and so on.

When local forms glossitis, which is caused by a particular pathogen, requires general and local drug treatment, special diet, selection of a particular oral hygiene.

Topical preparations

Local treatment is a regular language antiseptic treatment using rinsing baths and applications. In most cases, such procedures are performed using Furacilinum solutions chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine.

After antiseptic treatment dentist removes fibrinous and necrotic plaque and causes the means to accelerate the healing process. In addition, it is sure to be appointed immunostimulants. When considered necessary, additional intake of painkillers.


The basic element of the diet with glossitis can be called eating foods that do not irritate the mucous membrane. Doctors are the following eating rules:

  • eliminate the injury bones from fish and poultry,
  • do not drink alcohol, refrain from smoking,
  • not to drink carbonated and acidic beverages,
  • abstain from coffee, strong tea,
  • refrain from receiving acidic fruits (especially citrus) and berries,
  • not to consume canned foods, pickles,
  • excluded from the diet smoked;
  • not eat spicy, spicy, salty and acidic foods (spices, vinegar dressing, all kinds of peppers, mustard and so on)
  • refrain from sweet (especially candies, chocolates chemical) so as glucose - good nutrition for many microorganisms,
  • food should be natural, freshly prepared, heat-treated,
  • the food temperature and the liquid should be warm in the range 36-40S,
  • the food should be soft, frayed better, homogeneous.

If your glossitis was caused by certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor may prescribe a diet that corresponds to a particular disease. The same applies in cases where glossitis was caused by liver disorders or infectious diseases.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to cure people's means glossitis and at home? The answer to the question is rather positive than negative. Yes, you can treat glossitis home, and even quite well, but for this, we note once again, you need the correct diagnosis. Otherwise folk remedies can only do harm or not to bring the desired effect.

Traditional methods are perfectly suited to facilitate the patient's condition prior to the visit to the doctor. Here are the most effective recipes for combating glossitis:

  1. The composition of the collection consists of chamomile flowers and grass sage 30 g, celandine grass and laurel leaves 20 g 2 tablespoons minced collection infused in 500 ml boiling water for about 2 hours. Before use, strain.
  2. Herbal teas contain leaves mother and stepmother, and 25 g mallow, raspberry leaves - 20 g, sage leaves - '30 To prepare the broth 3 teaspoons collection pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. Mix colza grass and eucalyptus leaves (20 g), and Polygonum grass marigold flowers (30 g) was minced. To a 2-m tablespoons collection add 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave about one and half hours, cool and filter.
  4. Collection consists of 8 g herb salvia and 30 g of a mixture of oak bark, nettle leaves and calamus rhizomes in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. The resulting mixture of cold water is necessary to add in an amount of 1 liter, and bring to a boil. About 30 minutes to simmer, cool and drain.

Also, many people who suffer glossitis, note the good effects of the mouth rinse fresh juice potato.


To prevent glossitis need to follow the recommendations:

  • should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, a habit to chew foreign objects);
  • meticulous care of the oral cavity - on the teeth and in the mouth should be no food pieces orthodontic designs should not interfere with the normal functioning of the oral cavity;
  • do not allow allergens to fall into your mouth;
  • regularly carry out medical check-ups - it's not just visits to the dentist, but also to other specialists: gastroenterologist, immunologist, LORu;
  • children should be vaccinated in time of major diseases, and babies do not try to feed mixtures, and in a natural way;
  • should not be too long in a confined space - walk in the fresh air, tempering, lead an active lifestyle;
  • Watch your diet;

By following the simple rules, you can exclude the re-development of an unpleasant disease. If the disease is still making itself felt, it is important to begin treatment at the first symptoms, focusing on each item of treatment. And, of course, is a complete examination to identify the root cause of the disease.

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