
Bulimia: symptoms, treatment, photo. How to treat bulimia and what the disease in simple language?

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Bulimia - what is this disease? It's simple - it is a mental disorder related to eating disorders. In medical practice, it was considered relatively recently as an independent disease. The main manifestation of bulimia - binge eating episodes in which a person is able to consume large amounts of food without feeling saturated.

After disruption bulimiki feel guilty and try to get rid of the food eaten in various ways, for example by taking a laxative, or by calling in his vomit. Such behavior inevitably leads to depletion of the body and the development of many complications of the various internal organs.

What is this disease?

Bulimia - it is not a disease but a mental disorder related to eating, which is characterized by a sharp increase in appetite, begins as a painful paroxysmal hunger. This disease is often exposed to young women who have most influenced by the mind.

Patients do not have the will power and are not able to control the amount of food eaten.

Causes of

Despite the fact that the disease is known to mankind for a long time, the reasons for its stand-alone occurrence are still poorly understood. Therefore, modern medicine adheres to the following, the most likely causes of the disease, namely:

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  • planted in education or in the process of growing low self-esteem, which provokes stress, a state of constant insecurity,
  • a lot of stress, in which the person is a long time, and is not able to eliminate its cause,
  • metabolic disorders in the brain due to a long-acting toxin or chronic poisoning by chemicals
  • bulimia nervosa often suffer from people who are deprived of food as a punishment in childhood for a misdemeanor, or on the contrary, encourage them for their achievements Side dishes,
  • family history (at someone bulimia was diagnosed of close relatives).

Bulimia - the opposite of anorexia. People suffering from bulimia, reveal a much more complex than the patients with anorexia or overeating usual, because they usually maintain a healthy weight, health status. Their behavior in the intervals between attacks such people can no different from healthy.

However, for most patients with bulimia is characterized by an almost complete lack of control, and even in between attacks, the tendency to excessive consumption may occur in relation to alcohol or medicines.

bulimia nervosa

Of people satisfied with their appearance, and the unit is not everyone can live with it. In pursuit of the perfect figure, or after removal of nervous tension people fall into the trap of bulimia.

How does this happen? After fasting or nervous strain people pounced on the food, not having the willpower to stop. For this reason people become addicted to bulimia nervosa. Individuals who suffer from bulimia nervosa - is Princess Diana, a famous fashion model Twiggy, Ernest Hemingway's granddaughter Margot Louise, fashion model Kate Moss, Elvis Presley, the leading aerobics and actress Jane Foundation.

Causes of bulimia nervosa is rooted in a constant state of stress in the human vulnerability and insecurity, as well as alone, stiffness different conventions. That's why he brings the process of absorption of food a person joy, satisfaction.

symptoms of bulimia

The main symptom of bulimia can be considered a constant feeling of hunger. A man very much attracted to the food, and he can not overcome this feeling. Absorbing a large amount of food, it does not feel satiety. Bulimiki advantageously suppressed. Their mood rises only during the meal, and if they make it impossible to have, they may fall into depression, become irritable, reduced their mental abilities and performance.

  1. When bulimia another characteristic symptom is overweight. But it's not all bulimikov: constant fear of gaining weight can cause them to starve to artificially induce vomiting, taking laxatives or hard to play sports. Thus, it is possible to single out one more characteristic symptom of bulimia - a special behavioral model.
  2. Bulimia, like any other disease, has its stages. Typically, the initial stage is characterized by uncontrolled seizures rare craving for food. The Case of the month no more than one or two episodes, when the disease makes itself felt. But bulimia can buy and chronic.

As a result, affected organs of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels and, most importantly, the psyche. A person becomes emotionally unstable, anxious, hysterical and self-doubt, that only aggravates the disease.

Bulimia causes depression, obesity, and may be one of the main symptoms of anorexia.

Possible consequences

The most common complications of the disease:

  • lack of chlorine element in the body causes a dysfunction of the digestive and dehydration.
  • due to vomiting, under the influence of gastric juice, significantly damaged tooth enamel.
  • Low level of free calcium ions (coagulation disorders, weakening of bones and teeth, disorders passage of nerve impulses, an increased risk of osteoporosis)
  • during vomiting introduction of infection in the oral cavity. Consequence - irritation of the throat, swelling of the submandibular salivary glands, ulcers on the tongue.
  • electrolyte imbalance - particularly hypokalemia, usually leading to cardiac abnormalities (arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, myocardial infarction), and the weakness of the heart muscle.
  • It weakens the wall of the rectum and developing hemorrhoids.
  • sometimes vomiting leads to the rupture of the esophagus or stomach.
  • most fatal - cancer of the larynx or esophagus.

During the installation procedure, enemas can damage the esophagus and stomach, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, perforation of the stomach, gastric distension, constipation (depending on laxatives), pancreatitis, bowel disease and duodenum.

How to get rid of bulimia?

Patients suffering from bulimia have various disorders that are reversible with an integrated approach to treatment. Therapy should control preferably psychotherapist or psychiatrist and dietician. Not to be confused with the doctor-therapist Psychology: psychologists have no medical degree and often not engaged in treatment of serious diseases and provide counseling.

Typically, bulimia treated on an outpatient basis, and only some patients may require hospitalization. Stabilization of the patient's condition - the main goal, if a person is in a life-threatening condition. The primary goals of treatment are aimed at the physical and psychological needs of the patient, to restore physical health and a normal meal.

  • Well studied this form of treatment for bulimia is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), during which seeks to make the patient responsible for the control over their diet. Patients are recording, recording their food consumption and noting vomiting; they are trying to identify the external stimuli or emotional changes that precede the appearance of traction to overeating in order to further eliminate these factors or to avoid them [4]: ​​38. procedures used to reduce dietary restrictions and the development of cognitive and behavioral skills to counter attacks of overeating [2]: 507. Patients are taught to identify and modify dysfunctional thoughts and attitudes about their own shape, body weight and food, as well as Any dysfunctional thoughts and attitudes conducive to the emergence of negative emotions, against which there are attacks overeating.
  • Controlled studies have shown the advantage of cognitive behavioral therapy over other types of psychotherapy and pharmacological intervention. On average, CBT helps eliminate overeating and action to cleanse the digestive tract of approximately 50 percent of all patients with This percentage decrease in the frequency of binge eating and purging gastrointestinal seizures in all patients held CBT is typically 80% and more. CBT gives good and consistent results: therapeutic changes persist for a year or more. Long-term prospective follow-up after CBT (mean duration = 5.8 years) showed that approximately two thirds of patients do not suffer from eating disorders. CPT especially when speed is also bulimia: seizure starts decreasing frequency after the first few sessions of therapy.
  • antidepressant treatment should be carried out if accompanied by bulimia apparent depressive disorder [4]: ​​38-39; antidepressants may also be administered in case of eating disorders accompanied neuroses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder [5]. The efficiency with fluoxetine bulimia - group antidepressant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants [2]: 495. Used and other drugs such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
  • CPT efficiency at bulimia superior to single-drug therapy, anti-depressant (the therapeutic change arising from STB application is stored is much longer than changes due to antidepressant therapy), but the combination with CPT antidepressant is more effective than isolated CBT. It is sometimes argued that antidepressant therapy is aimed at eliminating only those states which accompany eating disorders, rather than on the disorder, and that the treatment of bulimia with antidepressants alone will not lead to recovery.

Furthermore CBT at bulimia sometimes used and other therapeutic methods, e.g. behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family therapy; psychotherapy, based on the analysis of experiences, and the program "Twelve Steps", borrowed from the treatment of disorders caused by substance abuse. A very promising method, whose efficacy in bulimia approaches the effectiveness of CPT is interpersonal (interpersonal) therapy.

Psychotherapy is appointed the doctor individually, since its application depends on many factors, including the presence of comorbid psychiatric disorders.

Sometimes it is also noted that in the treatment of eating disorders diet therapy can be used (which is not a cure and assigned strictly individually), vitamin (Used to correct the imbalance of vitamins and minerals that may arise in the course of the disease), visceral treatment (if there are complications related bulimia).

The ultimate goal for the patient - is to accept yourself as is, and be physically and emotionally healthy life. Restoration of physical and mental health is likely to take a very long time, and the results will be gradual. Patience - an important part of the recovery process. A positive attitude with a great effort of the patient - is another integral component of successful recovery.


Acupuncture - a treatment technique that came from the ancient East. It is not used as an independent method of treatment, but only as a supplement to traditional medicine. Acupuncture points are stimulated with needles. For effective treatment is necessary to know the exact location of these points. Acupuncture in the treatment of bulimia - a new direction.

The effects of the treatment: normalize appetite and energy metabolism in the patient. In addition, acupuncture is relaxing and helps get rid of stress.


The very popular form of alternative medicine. This is one of the oldest methods of health recovery. Therapy has been known since ancient times in China, India, Egypt, Mesopotamia. Most diseases in humans begins with thoughts of illness, and then the disease appears in a physical body. In the case of bulimia patient is constantly dissatisfied with body proportions, he is concerned about an increased appetite.

Bioenergy activates the natural defenses of the body, suggests an "order" in the body of the patient. When the energy source of the problem is eliminated, the disease stopped. This treatment option is very good if you can not defeat the disease in the classical way.


If you or someone close to you discovered bulimia symptoms, consult a doctor. This disease is dangerous because the patient is absolutely unable to control themselves, and ultimately bulimia can get severe. Various disorders caused by the disease, are at an integrated approach to the treatment of reversible.

  1. In the case of bulimia prognosis is associated with the efficiency of the treatment and the patient's psychological attitude. When the timely conduct of effective medical therapy and high-quality psychocorrection forecast is favorable. Otherwise, complications may occur in the form of violations of the cardiovascular system, stomach problems or with the psyche of the oppressed.
  2. In some cases, spontaneous healing can occur. For example, when a powerful positive mental shock and psychological condition of the patient changes for the better.
  3. In order to prevent the emergence of bulimia, the need for prevention, which is to maintain a healthy psychological climate in the family, Skills-nutrition in child development and had adequate self-esteem. If a teenager is going through because of the shortcomings of the figure and excessive fullness, it is necessary to monitor his diet and eating behavior. Do not use food as a means of encouragement or punishment of children.

Practice has shown that attempts to cure the disease on their own do not lead to tangible results sooner or later the time comes again, when you can not help but pounce for food. To make progress in this case will be difficult. With the help of professionals and with the support of family members to cope with bulimia will be much easier. The main condition for the recovery: no need to overeat or starve. Meals should be balanced, and a positive emotional state - stable.

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