
All about Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment of IBS

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This is the most common disease of the internal organs. It can manifest itself at any age, including children. In women, the disease occurs in 2-3 times more often. Despite the extraordinary prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome, about 75% of the adult population do not feel sick and do not seek medical help.

The origin and development of the disease are important psycho-emotional disorders.

Irritable bowel syndrome - functional disorder of the large intestine works, syndrome characterized long (up to six months) and regular (more than three days a month) the emergence of abdominal pain and stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea). Irritable bowel syndrome - functional diseases associated with a disorder of intestinal motility and digestion of food. This is confirmed by an irregularity complaints, undulating course without progression of symptoms. Relapses of the disease is often triggered by stressful situations. Weight loss is not marked.

Among the population of developed countries, irritable bowel syndrome occurs in 5-11% of the population, women suffer from it twice as often as men. The most characteristic of the age group 20-45 years. In identifying the symptoms of IBS after 60 years it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination on the subject of organic pathologies (diverticulosis, polyps, colon cancer). Irritable bowel syndrome in this age group occurs more than one and a half times less.

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Why there is irritable bowel syndrome, just not yet known, but many experts believe that the problem is largely psychological. To cure this disease to the end is impossible, but experts believe that it is necessary to fight together with the gastroenterologist and psychologist.

Most often irritable bowel syndrome occurs due to the impact of psychosocial factors that change the intestinal motility and sensitivity to mechanical and neurohormonal stimulation.

Since irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in different ways, that is, attempts to divide it into several types.

As irritable bowel syndrome symptoms allow to divide the disease into several options:

Moreover, the disease occurs in the form of light, and in moderate or severe.

As with any functional disorder, the diagnosis of "irritable bowel syndrome" can be obtained if the exclusion of any other problem.

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

In patients with IBS experience the following symptoms:

1) Pains of varying intensity and duration:

  • they almost never disturbed at night when falling asleep;
  • the nature of pain ranging from colic to bursting with pain;
  • their location can also be different, but most of them are located in the - the lower abdomen or migrate from one part of the abdomen to the other;
  • pain provoked by psycho-emotional stress, physical - overvoltage may be associated with menstruation;
  • after stool pain eliminated or, on the contrary, strengthened;

2) Diarrhea:

  • sometimes loose stools preceded feces normal, or even tight - consistency;
  • emptying takes place mainly in the morning;
  • It can occur as a result of immediate urgency;
  • cal increasingly pasty or liquid consistency;
  • normal daily amount of 200 g;
  • perhaps feeling that what happened is not enough complete emptying;
  • chair at night there;

3) Constipation:

  • possible small amount of feces (less than 100g) with straining;
  • chronic delayed stool over 2 days;
  • regular, but hampered by the chair;
  • sometimes after emptying a feeling of lack of cleaning intestine;
  • acceptable admixture of mucus in the stool;

4) bloating (and sometimes local)Accompanied by rumbling and disappears after bowel emptying;

5) Manifestations on the part of other organs and systemsRelated to their impaired visceral sensitivity (headaches, cold feet and hands, violations potency, sensation of a lump in the throat, urinary disorders, nausea, chest pain, frustration and breath et al.).

6) psycho-emotional disorders (Unstable mood, depression, hysteroid, excessive fears and obsessions of their own health, aggression, inadequate response to the situation, and others.);

Their feelings, some patients describe very emotional, long and colorful, supported by photographs faeces, diaries and knowledge of medical or podcherpnut obschepopulyarnyh books or Internet. But they, as a rule, there is no mass loss, disturbing impurities in the feces (pus, blood), the temperature rise. IBS symptoms rarely anyone when suddenly debut and after the age of 50 years.


Unpleasant symptoms of the pathology of irritable bowel syndrome are manifested in combination or separately. The disease may take one of the following forms:

  1. IBS pronounced diarrhea or defecation violation towards relaxations (infrequent stools);
  2. irritable bowel syndrome with constipation form;
  3. IBS without changing the chair, but with pronounced painful sensations, cramps, bloating or formation gases into the intestines;
  4. IBS disease with variable chair (when depending on certain conditions, diarrhea, constipation is replaced and vice versa).

The first version of the irritable bowel syndrome is the most common, it is characterized by the expression of distinct urge to defecate shortly after meals. Number needs a bowel movement in this case is greatly increased. Also, the formation of urgency with emotional tension, stress, emotions or excitement. With this SRC preceded by a sharp unpleasant sensation in the abdomen and the sides of the intestines, which are fully reversible after relief.

The second embodiment shown in the form of IBS constipation 2-3 days, at which there rez inside the stomach, intestinal colic or aching pain. IBS decreased appetite, there is heartburn, bad taste on the tongue, you may experience feeling a little nausea (often without the urge to vomit). The chair becomes dense, may have an admixture of mucus.

In a third embodiment of irritable bowel syndrome is no clearly defined violations of the chair, he It remains normal or slightly increased number of urinary urgency, however, the shape and density of the stool is not change. At the same unpleasant symptoms of IBS patient concerned. It can be a pain and cramps in the area of ​​the lower abdomen and sides, a swelling in the abdominal region, carminative.

The fourth variant of IBS includes all possible signs. Disorders chair alternate depending on various factors, the manifest spastic, stabbing, aching, or acute abdominal pain, flatulence, mucus formation. Also, such patients are often concerned about the alarming sense of the need to visit the toilet after a bowel movement once again.


If you find yourself in symptoms similar to IBS symptoms, it is recommended to be tested. It is best to consult a doctor, a gastroenterologist. Diagnosis of IBS - not a simple matter. Typically, diagnosis of IBS put in if all attempts to find in the analysis or research results any infectious agents or bowel pathology fails.

It is also important to take into account the frequency of symptoms and the duration of the period in which they occur. The world's leading gastroenterologists suggested the following criteria. It is believed that by IBS are disorders stool, occurring not less than 3 days in a month. they must also be observed for 3 consecutive months. It is necessary to take into account the link between the onset of symptoms and the frequency change and the appearance of the chair.

In the diagnosis of IBS should be separated from such diseases as:

  • polyps;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • fine short bowel syndrome;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • infectious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • worm infestation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • anemia;
  • beriberi;
  • swelling;
  • Crohn's disease.

Bowel disorders, irritable bowel syndrome-like, can also be characterized by some forms of diabetes, hyperthyroidism, carcinoid syndrome. Violations of the intestines in the elderly require careful examination as IBS as a whole is not typical for the elderly.

With IBS and should not be confused isolated cases of gastrointestinal disorders that can occur in healthy people after heavy feasts, drinking large amounts of alcohol, carbonated beverages, unusual or exotic foods, such as during Travel.

Such symptoms as fever, acute symptoms or enhancement with time, night pain, bleeding, persistent, for a few days, lack of appetite, weight loss, not for IBS characteristic. Therefore, their presence suggests some other disease.

When the diagnosis is necessary to make the following analysis:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Blood chemistry;
  3. Fecal (coprogram);
  4. A blood test for reaction to gluten.

To exclude colon pathologies used methods colonoscopy and barium enema, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, abdominal ultrasound. In some cases, it may be applied and biopsy of the intestinal wall. When expressed pain syndrome, your doctor may suggest to go electrogastrogram, manometry, balloon-dilatation test.

The tendency to diarrhea is being tested tolerance to lactose and the analysis of the intestinal microflora. If diarrhea is absent, the method can be used radioisotope studies transit. After passing through the primary courses of treatment, some diagnostic procedures may be repeated in order to establish the degree of effectiveness of therapy.

Possible complications and the risk of IBS

Many patients with irritable bowel syndrome does not attach much importance to his illness, and try not to pay attention to it. Often they do not even go to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis and course of treatment. This is due to the fact that the disease occurs without serious symptoms. In most cases, its manifestations are limited to periodic stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation), Gas accumulation in the intestine, mild abdominal pain. Such scanty symptoms may appear only 1 - 2 times a month and last for only a few days. Therefore, many patients do not perceive irritable bowel syndrome as a dangerous disease.

Indeed, from the point of view of medicine, this pathology has a favorable prognosis. The fact that all the infringements in the intestines is reduced, usually to the functional disorders. For example, asynchronous contraction of smooth muscles in the body wall with the innervation of the problem. In both cases, the process of digestion is suffering, there are corresponding symptoms, but there is no structural damage (changes in cellular and tissue composition). Therefore, it is believed that irritable bowel syndrome does not increase the likelihood of developing, such as colon cancer. That is, it is legitimate to say that this disease is not as dangerous as many others.

However, the disease can not be considered non-hazardous to the fullest. Modern medicine tries to treat diseases with different points of view. The last conference of irritable bowel syndrome yet reveal the negative impact of this disease.

It is believed that irritable bowel syndrome is dangerous for the following reasons:

  1. The disease is often associated with psychological and mental health problems and may be their first manifestation. It contributes to the development of depression and other problems.
  2. The disease severely affects the economy. According to the calculations of American scientists, irritable bowel syndrome patients causes an average of 2 - 3 days did not go to work in a month. Given that the disease affected mostly the working-age population (from 20 to 45 years old), And its prevalence as high as 10 - 15%, it the idea of ​​millions of losses for the economy as a whole.
  3. Under the guise of irritable bowel syndrome can hide the first symptoms of other more dangerous diseases.

The last point is particularly important. The fact that violations are typical for this disease are not specific. They talk about the problems with the intestines work, but do not indicate the cause. If the patient does not go to the doctor to make a diagnosis, but simply writes off temporary digestive disorders in the irritable bowel syndrome, the consequences can be very serious.

The symptoms are similar to symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, found in the following pathologies:

  • bowel disease and cancer of the pelvic organs (including malignant);
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • intestinal infections (bacterial, and, rarely, viral);
  • parasitic infections;
  • chronic poisoning;
  • adhesive disease.

If the disease is not diagnosed at an early stage and to begin the necessary course of treatment, it can endanger the health and life of the patient. That is why, in spite of the favorable prognosis in irritable bowel syndrome and relatively light symptoms of the disease, it is still necessary to treat it seriously. Should always be examined by a gastroenterologist to exclude more dangerous diagnoses.

In addition, we must remember that the diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome have very vague. This increases the likelihood of medical errors. When visible deterioration (increased frequency of exacerbations) Or the appearance of new symptoms (Blood in the stool, and other false desires.) Need to notify the doctor and, if necessary, re-tested.

How to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Combined therapy in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome includes the use of of drugs in conjunction with correction of psycho-emotional states and observance certain diet.

Drug therapy of IBS includes the use of the following drugs:

  1. antispasmodics. Relieve muscle spasms, reducing the intensity of the disease symptoms. The most popular drugs are: Mebeverin, Spareks, Niaspam.
  2. probiotics (Bifidum and Lacto-bakterin, Hilak forte, Bifiform). Their doctors recommend to accept in the first place. These preparations are food supplements, which contain beneficial bacteria that regulate bowel function and are necessary for its functioning and proper digestion. Regular consumption of probiotics will reduce the symptoms of the disease and ensure their complete disappearance.
  3. laxatives (Tsitrudel, Metamucil, Dufalac). Assign constipation and received a large amount of liquid. Formulations contain cellulose that swells under the action of water in the stomach, increasing stool volume and weight and facilitating easy and painless chair.
  4. For diarrhea (Imodium, Trimedat, Lopreamid). These drugs are prescribed for IBS, accompanied by diarrhea. Their active substances reduce intestinal motility and compacted stool, providing a normal chair. These drugs should not be prescribed during pregnancy and in cases of suspected acute intestinal infection.
  5. Cementing drugs (Smectite Tanalbin). Assign an exacerbation of diarrhea. With the same purpose take Maalox, Almagel.
  6. antidepressants (Amitriptyline, imipramine). Assigned to eliminate diarrhea, unpleasant neuropathic pain and depression. Side effects of such drugs can be drowsiness, a feeling of dryness in the mouth and appearance of constipation. If depression accompanied by constipation, experts recommend taking Citalopram and Fluoxetine. Any antidepressant should be strictly defined, limited time, at the designated doses and under the supervision of the attending physician.
  7. When persistent constipation is necessary to develop a morning reflex to defecate. This may help in wheat bran by increasing the dietary fiber. In order to stimulate defecation morning, the night before should take lactulose (Duphalac) one - two dessert spoons. This will help to defecate every morning.

Diet and Nutrition rules

Any specific nutritional care doctors do not prescribe the diagnosis of the disease in question. But will need to revise your diet / diet:

  • food portions should be small;
  • food should be taken at regular intervals;
  • In no case do not overeat.

If irritable bowel syndrome is manifested by diarrhea, you should limit the number of the menu consumed vegetables (beet, carrot, celery, onion), and it is desirable to eliminate from the diet apples and plums.

In the case of constipation on a background of the disease in question will need to significantly limit the use of fried, baked foods, fatty meats, sandwiches, strong tea.

If, however, a major problem in irritable bowel syndrome becomes flatulence, then menu excludes beans, corn, cabbage, all kinds of nuts, grapes, soft drinks and bakery products.

In some cases, to normalize the intestinal microflora, the doctor may recommend undergo receiving probiotics - Linex or Bifidumbacterin. These drugs prevent the development of intestinal dysbiosis, which can be made more intense symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

People's treatment

Since there is no infection, the treatment of the disease in question solely folk remedies is quite acceptable. The most effective recommendations / advice from traditional healers were as follows:

  1. Plantain leaves and burnet, blueberries, walnut leaves - stop diarrhea.
  2. Decoctions of chamomile drug and oak bark - they are taken inside for 3-5 days to help get rid of diarrhea.
  3. Infusions from the seeds of dill / fennel, cumin and anise drops - will help get rid of the increased gas, remove cramping in the intestine.
  4. Aromaterpiya with peppermint oil - it will help get rid of the irritation, normalizes psychoemotional background, and even help to reduce the intensity of bowel spasms.
  5. Decoctions of buckthorn bark, leaves, yarrow - appropriate to use in irritable bowel syndrome with constipation-predominant.

Irritable bowel syndrome can hardly be called a pathological disease - rather, it is the specific condition of the body. It does not matter which drugs are prescribed by a doctor - it is important to learn to control their emotions, to normalize the rhythm of life, adjust diet. But such an approach in the treatment of diarrhea, constipation, pain in the gut and increased gas production can be put into practice only after a full examination by experts.


Given the fact that an important role in causing the disease play stressors, holding psychotherapeutic interventions can significantly improve health and reduce the intensity of the manifestations IBS. Patients with such a diagnosis is recommended consulting a therapist. Psychological techniques will reduce the level of anxiety will help avoid panic attacks, teach withstand stressful situations and respond to the problem.

Hypnotherapy advantageously reduces the impact on the subconscious appearance of clinical symptoms of certain diseases. Psychological training using relaxation techniques allow soothe and strengthen the nervous system. Yoga sessions, special breathing exercises and meditation will be taught quickly and correctly to relax. A physical education and physiotherapy will help to strengthen the body and improve the nervous system.

Alternative therapies

There is also a number of additional treatments that can sometimes help in the treatment of IBS.

These include:

  1. Acupuncture,
  2. Reflexology,
  3. The use of Aloe Vera,
  4. Colonic irrigation (colon hydrotherapy).

However, there is no obvious evidence that this treatment is effective in dealing with IBS. Also be aware that the use of aloe vera can result in dehydration and cause a decrease in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

For any of the methods of treatment of IBS should be resorted to only after consulting a specialist, in any case not worth it start treatment on their own, without first consulting with your doctor and not passing inspection.

How long is IBS?

The very definition of irritable bowel syndrome, proposed by experts from World Health Organization (WHO), The estimated duration of the disease for at least 6 months. In other words, any symptoms (abdominal pain, flatulence and others.), Which lasted for less than this period, simply will not be attributed to this syndrome. Doctors will look for other causes of their appearance and exclude similar bowel disease. However, this does not mean that every six months the patient will suffer from bowel problems. They can appear from time to time, for example, for a few days every month. Important regular appearance of such problems and the similarity of symptoms.

However, the majority of patients of irritable bowel syndrome lasts significantly longer than six months. In general, the disease is characterized by the absence of serious pathological changes in the intestine. There are periodic disruptions, because of what the symptoms are not saved permanently. The disease becomes relapsing course with long periods of remission (absence of symptoms). The harder it over, the more frequent exacerbations occur and the longer they last. If we try to estimate the time that has passed from the first to the last exacerbation, it turns out that the disease often lasts for years and decades. However, the sheer aggravation often triggered by certain external factors.

Different patients the appearance of symptoms of the disease may occur in the following cases:

  • improper diet (after eating too much, eating certain foods);
  • stress;
  • exercise stress;
  • exacerbation concomitant diseases (primarily neurological or psychiatric disorders);
  • hormonal changes (eg worsening during menstruation or pregnancy in women).

Most often, doctors can not establish a link between some of these factors and the appearance of the relevant symptoms. The problem is that is not always possible to eliminate the influence of these factors completely. Prescribers that facilitate the main symptoms and signs of illness, but it does not mean that the patient is fully healed. After termination of the treatment will lead to relapse (re-exacerbation of disease).

Thus, we can conclude that irritable bowel syndrome may last for many years (sometimes for the entire life of the patient). Most often the disease makes itself felt in the period from 20 to 45 years. In elderly people, it usually subsides or is transformed into other forms of bowel disorders. Symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating constipation (constipation), Diarrhea (diarrhea) Bloating (flatulence), It can be successful, but it can not be considered final recovery. Quickly overcome the disease (for 6 - 12 months) It is possible for patients to radically change their lifestyle and diet, eliminate stressful situations or cure of nervous and mental disorders. In each case it is a definite reasons for removal of which should be treated.

The reason that the illness lasts for decades, usually the following factors:

  • self-treatment. Many patients are embarrassed to consult a doctor with these symptoms. Especially, if the disease is exacerbated by only 1 - 2 times per month and does not give serious cause for concern. Without determining the cause of irritable bowel syndrome and its elimination of the disease, of course, will be delayed.
  • treatment interruption. Doctor's appointment drugs should be taken on time and as much as necessary. Irritable bowel syndrome it may take months. However, the interruption of treatment, even for a week or two (for example, under the pretext of holiday) Negate the effect of the previous year.
  • irremovable causes. Sometimes the cause of irritable bowel syndrome are congenital abnormalities of muscle tissue, nervous disorders of the intestine or other hereditary problems. In these cases, to eliminate the root cause of the disease is almost impossible. Doctors can not predict the total period of its course, and treatment will be to alleviate the symptoms. However, these anomalies do not occur too often. To begin to undergo a thorough examination to rule out banal eating disorders or stress.

preventive measures

Disease prevention is aimed at preventing the manifestation of its symptoms. This, above all, the correct approach to nutrition. Depending on the prevalence of symptoms (constipation, diarrhea) should adhere to food principles described above.

Important everyday drinking mode: use per day for at least six glasses of water will help to normalize bowel condition. However, the water should not drink while taking food. Furthermore, it should lead a quiet life, as far as possible to prevent stress, constantly be physically active. To improve the condition if you have problems with bowel function may even elementary walk in the fresh air, which lasts at least thirty minutes. However, should walk every day. A regular quality vacation, the ability to fully relax and restore emotional balance.

When taking any drugs it is important to monitor the condition of the intestine. If there is a violation of her, should talk to a doctor about the possibility of replacing the drug.

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