
Chronic bowel Colitis: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

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In today's pace of life often fails to keep up the quality and regularity of its own power. From this and there are major problems in the stomach, frequent complaints of pain.

Chronic intestinal colitis - a disease associated with the appearance of inflammatory processes in the large intestine layers. Always accompanied by a disturbance of motility and secretion functions. Such problems are most susceptible to people who have previously experienced in the field of eating disorders.

Causes of chronic colitis

There are various causes of chronic colitis, among which in the first place put gastroenterologists violation of the regime and diet.

Followed by secondary causes of chronic colitis of intestines:

  1. dysbacteriosis and intestinal dysbiosis, including those provoked by the misuse of antimicrobials;
  2. The consequences and complications of intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, Cholera, viral colitis, intestinal flu and others);
  3. Secretory and enzymatic deficiency in the background chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis;
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  5. Prolonged penetration in the digestive track of toxic and toxic substances that may have negative effect on the colonic mucosa (arsenic, acetic acid, lead, manganese, mercury).

Patients aged 30 to 45 years is most commonly diagnosed primary form of alimentary chronic gastritis. The main reason for the pathology - the wrong diet, lack of fiber and micronutrients in the diet. Eating refined and defatted products causes ahilicheskoe condition where the mucosal cells stop producing mucus. There stool delay which lead to the primary catarrhal inflammation.

Another cause of chronic colitis in children and adults - alimentary allergy, which can be combined with galactosemia and gluten intolerance. Detect such abnormalities can be only by means of special tests. Should consult an allergist.

In women, chronic intestinal colitis can develop because of regular fasting in order to reduce body weight. The big danger is a use of enemas and laxatives, including vegetable. Many components of the anti-obesity agents cause irreparable harm to the mucous membrane of the colon, paralyzing its normal secretory work.

classification of diseases

In medical practice, classification of chronic colitis helps to decide on the treatment strategy, to evaluate the prognosis of the disease, the possible consequences and complications.

According to the etiological (causal) factor colitis is:

  • infective - due to enteric infection;
  • alimentary - against the background of malnutrition;
  • allergic - due allergization body;
  • intoxication - as a result of poisoning;
  • radiation - after exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • congenital - due to congenital abnormalities of the colon.

Pathologic (structure of the bowel wall) basis:

  • chronic catarrhal colitis - an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • chronic atrophic colitis - thinning of the mucosa, impaired function of secretory glands;
  • chronic erosive colitis - defects in the mucosa, prone to bleeding;
  • chronic ulcerative colitis - ulcers that lead to intestinal bleeding.

By function:

  • chronic spastic colitis - the propensity to cause diarrhea;
  • chronic colitis, atopic - calls a tendency to constipation.

According to statistics, at a reception at the gastroenterologist in 40% of patients diagnosed with a chronic form of the disease.


In order to fully appreciate the seriousness of this disease to the body and understand what chronic colitis, need to understand the overall picture of his symptoms.

  1. The most common disease is accompanied by sensations of dull, aching or cramping pain in the abdomen, which are located at the bottom and the sides of the can and does not have a specific location. Pain amplified, usually after meals or before stool. Sometimes thereafter briefly weakened, especially when moved away gases or enema was placed.
  2. Symptoms of the disease are accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, there is a lack of appetite, the appearance of burping and nausea, bitterness in the mouth. At long terms of disease observed decrease in body weight.
  3. Patients often suffer from flatulence, caused by disorders of the process of food digestion. The main symptom is a violation of the chair, accompanied by diarrhea (it can be speeded up to 15 times per day), or on the contrary, the emergence of constipation. These states may alternate. Complaints of patients come to the presence of incomplete emptying of the sensations. The stool mucus is present. Possible false desires, they are accompanied by discharge of gases, separation of small lumps of faeces, mucus and containing blood veins.

People with chronic colitis can generally feel quite well, but in severe course of disease may show signs of malaise, weakness, loss of earning capacity.


Complications can cause only ulcerative colitis. The consequences could be:

  • blood infection or spread of infection to other organs;
  • bleeding in the gut - this indicates ulcerative colitis, chronic;
  • Cancer appearance neoplasm;
  • gangrene of the affected areas of the intestine and colon. When this person suffers low blood pressure, weakness and high temperature;
  • ulcer perforation, which often becomes the cause of peritonitis. Symptoms of chronic colitis in this case will be expressed in a strong swelling and tension of the abdominal muscles, chill accompanied by high fever, plaque on the tongue and body weakness.


In order to determine how you need to treat chronic type of colitis, it is necessary to ascertain the diagnosis, severity and form of the disease. The specialists carried out the following diagnostic tests:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood.
  • Scatological study.
  • X-ray of the colon.
  • Ergography.
  • Colonoscopy.
  • Sigmoidoscopy.
  • Anoscopy.

Only after a thorough diagnostic on the basis of the results collected by anamnesis and overall clinical picture specialist will be able to appoint the best treatment that will be most appropriate and effective for a particular patient case.

How to treat?

Therapeutic treatment of chronic colitis is divided into the following stages:

  1. Suppression of acute symptoms.
  2. Supportive care during remission of the disease.

During exacerbation of chronic colitis treatment in a hospital is necessary. The first few days of fasting is recommended after the patient is transferred to a diet №4.

Meals should be frequent, the products carefully crushed. From the diet completely exclude sharp and salty dishes, marinades, flour products, smoked products and fatty meats, dairy products, cereals made from wheat and barley, vegetables and fruits fresh, soda and sweet goodies.


It helps and medication, is also used in remission:

  1. Intestinal motility stimulants (Docusate);
  2. Saline laxatives (bisacodyl, magnesium sulfate).
  3. Laxative drugs of plant origin (Senade).
  4. Antispasmodics (Papaverine hydrochloride, No-spa, Duspatalin).
  5. Enzymatic preparations for improving digestion (Creon 10000 Mezim).
  6. Adsorbents for withdrawal from the body of toxic substances (activated carbon, and Smekta Neosmektit).
  7. Niacin and vitamins Bgruppy to accelerate the renovation of damaged tissues.
  8. Preparations anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action (loperamide, Furozolidon, tetracycline, Enterofuril).
  9. Cholagogue in the pathology of the gallbladder and the lack in the digestive system of bile acids (holosas, Hofitol, Allohol).

Make medical drugs is recommended only after consultation with your doctor.

Non-drug methods of treatment

In chronic colitis shown sanatorium treatment. Best resorts for the treatment of digestive organs are considered to be a sanatorium Pyatigorsk, Yessentuki, Kislovodsk. In them, except for reception of mineral water baths used, intestinal lavage, treatment microclysters enriched active biological substances.

Doctors-gastroenterologists recommend a course of physical therapy (magnetic therapy, mud applications, acupuncture). By surgery resort for urgent indications in complicated chronic colitis.

From popular recipes are shown:

  • From inflammation - decoctions of sage, peppermint, St. John's wort, cumin.
  • Nettles, Leonurus and peppermint help with flatulence.
  • For removal of spasms in the intestines recommended mikroklizmy broth camomile, marigold.
  • In ulcerative colitis shows sea buckthorn in mikroklizme overnight.

All auxiliary methods require a long time, courses are held intermittently. It is better to consult with your doctor.

Diet for chronic colitis

Diet for chronic colitis intestine is called the "therapeutic table №4». It implies a fractional (in small portions) meal - up to 7 times per day.

Prohibited products:

  • eggs;
  • baking;
  • barley, barley, millet gruel;
  • smoked, canned food;
  • oily sea fish;
  • pork, beef;
  • sour cream, milk;
  • strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks.

In chronic colitis can have products such as:

  • Boiled chicken, rabbit, veal;
  • sour curd;
  • white breadcrumbs;
  • lean river fish boiled or steamed;
  • gruels water;
  • vegetable broth;
  • jelly, broth hips, weak green tea.

The basic principle of nutrition in chronic colitis: the exclusion of products and foods that cause mechanical and chemical irritation of the intestinal mucosa.


To avoid health complications and serious problems, you need timely treatment and preventive measures:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • use of personal household items;
  • strict adherence to the assigned diet, dieting;
  • timely food intake (breakfast can not be ignored);
  • observance of the elementary rules of hygiene (washing away, hand washing);
  • except for the reception of the raw water and a thorough washing out of fruits and vegetables before eating;
  • physician visits, regular medical check-up at the dentist, family doctor, gastroenterologist.

It is very important to know and understand how to treat chronic colitis, but most importantly do not get involved in self, but still seek the help of qualified professionals. It is not necessary to avoid hospitalization in severe stage and the acute manifestations of the disease. Under steady-state conditions, the state of relief and improvement in health occurs much faster than at home.

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