
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint: treatment, symptoms, gymnastics with shoulder osteoarthritis

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Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint - a disease caused by degenerative changes in the adjacent cartilage and bone. This pathology is prone to a chronic progressive course in the later stages causes deformation and persistent breach of the hand functions.

Under the influence of microtrauma and inflammation cartilage gradually becomes thinner, covered with cracks, which are filled with salt deposits, contributing to the destruction of the cartilage tissue. When the development of the disease, which lasts for years, a change in the bone structure, which is sealed and deformed. Initially, people did not feel, but when there is pain in the shoulder joint, you need to immediately go to the doctor.

Shoulder Osteoarthritis is widespread and widely, but not hopeless. To treat this disease should be long-term, but with the right to hold it, you can expect a good result.

Causes of

The disease develops gradually and can trigger its onset:

  • prolonged poor blood supply to the joint as a result of vascular disorders (vascular disease in diabetes, atherosclerosis, varicose veins);
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  • shoulder injuries, resulting in the shoulder joint is deformed and inflamed;
  • regular high loads on the joints - have a place in the professional activities of movers and builders;
  • congenital or acquired joint defects (including congenital conditions associated with collagen drawback).

Risk factors for the development of a deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint are:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the joints (arthritis, synovitis);
  • physical inactivity and obesity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • endocrine or chronic autoimmune disease (gout, lupus erythematosus);
  • unfavorable heredity - the risk of developing osteoarthritis is higher in those people whose parents suffered from this disease;
  • older age (age joint deformity occurs in approximately 80% of 70-year-olds).

The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

characterized by long-term development for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, sometimes in the initial stages the symptoms are not manifested.

On Shoulder Osteoarthritis usually indicate:

  1. The first, and often the only symptom of osteoarthritis is pain shoulder. In the first period of the disease is rarely appears in the form of weak echoes at an awkward rotation arm or on exertion. Gradually, the pain intensified, annoying at night, at the hands of an awkward position, with a sharp movement. The more progressive osteoarthritis, the pain becomes more severe
  2. Swelling, increasing the overall temperature and location of the affected joint, redness. These signs confirm the presence of inflammation in the joints of patients.
  3. Painful crunching, creaking in the joints. There is usually due to deposition of salts in the diseased joint (osteophytes). Initially appears faint squeaking like a rustle in the joints of patients with disease course it goes into distinct crunchy clicks, audible even at some distance from the patient.
  4. joint calcification. This symptom occurs when neglect of the disease due to bony growths, which cover the joint.
  5. Violations of motor function. The patient due to the pain becomes difficult to cope on their own with seemingly simple tasks, such as comb hair. Incidentally, this effect is one of the test for the diagnosis of arthrosis movements. It is also difficult to rotational movement and an attempt to retract the arm. If you do not start in time to treatment, then gradually the shoulder joint and, accordingly, all hand stops moving, evolving contracture.

Should not delay the campaign to the clinic, if you suddenly began to disturb pains in the arm, especially after his injury or dislocation. Indeed, in the later stages of osteoarthritis virtually untreatable. Please note that some patients may not be available at all any symptoms of the disease.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint of 1 degree

Morphological joint tissue at this stage is only marginally affected. The occurrence of pain is possible after lifting or carrying out repetitive movements shoulder. Cartilage becomes less elastic. Now she is able to withstand less stress than before.

Before you move your hand after a long sleep or stay at rest the patient is required to develop it, making slow movements. Conducting radiographic examination shows no significant changes in tissues. Inflammation of the shoulder joint is observed after the surge. Typically, patients do not pay attention to mild discomfort in the shoulder area with osteoarthritis of the 1st degree, writing off all of possible tension or increased physical activity. However, such carelessness leads to serious consequences.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint of 2 degrees

In this case, the symptoms of osteoarthritis become more noticeable. Tissue shoulder joint undergo significant changes. thinning of the cartilage leads to the appearance of defects, while driving characteristic audible crunch. Inflamed synovium.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint 2 degrees affects not only the cartilage, but the menisci and ligaments within the joint. Such changes lead to a restriction of muscle functionality. Over time, they may even atrophy. To prevent this, it is important to seek timely medical attention.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint Grade 3

At this stage, changes in the shoulder joint tissue is hard to miss. The joint is deformed largely and practically stationary, as the broken friction between the articular surfaces. If you do not stop the process of destruction of bone and cartilage tissue, comes complete immobilization.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint Grade 3 treated the most difficult and requires surgery. Therefore, it is important not to run the disease. But the shoulder joint arthrosis grade 3 - a rare phenomenon. Destruction of cartilage tissue to the point may be caused by extreme loads only.

How to treat arthrosis of the shoulder joint?

Driving shoulder treatment of arthrosis is phased - each stage of the disease as correlates with the severity of certain therapies. For example, at the initial stage of the disease are very good results are obtained by physical therapy, and at a later stage can only help surgical transplantation of the shoulder joint.

The following groups of medicines are used:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory action means that cropped inflammatory (ibuprofen).
  2. Chondroprotectors help restore cartilage, reduce pain, relieve symptoms and prevent ailment progress (Don).
  3. The disease requires different anesthetics and analgesics to reduce pain.
  4. No less important, and muscle relaxants. They help to get rid of muscle spasms, normalize condition of the joint tissues. Most often, doctors use these drugs as "Sirdalud" or "Mydocalm".
  5. A variety of solutions to improve the microcirculation of the joints.
  6. Excipients: this is usually complex vitamins, collagen.

Any treatment is even more effective if it includes physiotherapy treatments: cryotherapy, various types of massage, acupuncture, mud baths, mud baths or lotions, laser and magnetic therapy. If all else fails or the disease is diagnosed too late, we have to resort to surgery and replace the destroyed joint arthrosis artificial prosthesis.

Exercising with osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint: Video

Specially selected physical therapy exercises can be performed at home, starting with 5 minutes a day and gradually increase the duration to 20 minutes. This element is optional treatment of this disease.

The most simple and effective exercises are as follows:

  • The swing arm. To do this, sit on a chair, hanging and relaxed hand. Without bending the elbow perform its movement back - forward. Repeat 10 times with each hand.
  • Lifting and lowering of the shoulder. Sit on a chair, then simultaneously, alternately lower and raise the shoulders. Repeat 10 times.
  • The rotation of the shoulders. Alternately or simultaneously rotate the shoulders backwards and forwards. Repeat 10 times.

Video: exercises for the shoulder joint.


Physiotherapeutic treatment in the absence of contraindications widely used for the treatment of osteoarthritis in conjunction with other activities. They help to enhance the effect of drugs, reduce their dosage to avoid side effects. It can be used with the first days of illness and combined with drug therapy.

Basic physiotherapeutic methods used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, the following:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • lazerolechenie;
  • phototherapy.

Under the influence of their reduced inflammatory reaction, improving regeneration processes normalized vascular tone, blood flow and lymph flow. As a result, improved metabolism, and enters into the joint more nutrients, which makes it more resilient.


Massage with osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint is best done directly after school gymnastics, and gymnastics. This will help to improve blood circulation in the shoulder joint and help to restore cartilage.

Massages can only be subject to abatement of acute pain, while reducing inflammation.

During the procedure not only massaged sore shoulder, but the collar area on both sides, as well as the forearm area.


The basic principles of the diet:

  1. Reduce the size of servings, but increase the number of stages (there are small portions, but often).
  2. Increase consumption of dairy foods, which are sources of calcium, as well as fish and seafood (collagen and phosphorus source).
  3. Limitation of sweet, starchy foods, fatty and salty foods.
  4. Reduce salt intake to a minimum.
  5. Replace the consumption of animal fats and dairy plant.
  6. Include in the diet of more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Arthrosis in no case can not go hungry - this must be written menu, the order without any harm to the body to increase the flow of nutrients, and reduce the amount of harmful products.

folk ways

The home is available for use the following techniques:

  • Heaped tablespoon oatmeal poured two glasses of water and put on fire to boiling for 10 minutes. The resulting mass is allowed to cool to tolerable skin temperature and applied to a piece of gauze. This poultice is applied on the affected joint for one hour. This method can help relieve pain symptoms.
  • The salt poultice is also well suited in inflammation. Preparing a salt solution, to which 50 grams of salt were dissolved in 500 grams of water. The resulting solution is lowered gauze for three hours, after holding it is drained, the fabric was heated and applied to the affected joint.
  • For rubbing well suited tincture of elecampane. In the preparation of 100 grams of dry roots of the plant insist on a glass of strong vodka and is applied to the affected area up to 5 times a day, every day. This tincture stimulates the blood circulation and relieve pain.
  • Medicinal teas. The mixed metal bowl half celery, parsley root 3, and a bit of black pepper. Vegetable mixture is poured three glasses of water and heated under a cover for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is administered orally before each meal up to two weeks.

Folk methods can not completely supplant medication, as an additional means of combating the disease.

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