
Treatment of varicose veins of small pelvis in women

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Varicose veins of small pelvis (SPV), a fairly common disease, especially in women. The initial stage of the disease causes only minor discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia and lower abdomen.

Women with advanced forms of pelvic varices suffer from constant severe pain, various gynecological diseases, infertile, have a cosmetic defect in the form of extended venous convoluted knots on the perineum, labia or at the entrance to vagina.

The disease can be completely cured, but to prevent a recurrence of the need for lifelong prevention. Deal with this problem together, or phlebologists vascular surgeons and obstetrician-gynecologists.

What it is?

Varicose veins of the pelvis - the weakening of the walls of internal or external pelvic veins, leading to an excessive increase their diameter (ectasia).


The most frequent cause of disease is the pregnancy - or rather reverse throw blood (reflux) for ovarian vein, which, in turn, is caused by compression of the pelvic vessels or changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy.

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In addition causes pathology may be:

  • sedentary sedentary work;
  • many generations;
  • congenital disorders of connective tissue;
  • excessive exercise;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • increased production of estrogen;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Among the adverse factors we may include such features of sexual life, as frequent interruption of sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm. In recent years, experts say about the harmful effects of hormone replacement therapy and contraception. This is supported by the fact that in the post-menopausal syndrome symptoms are reduced significantly.

Signs and photos

Varicose veins in the pelvis different specific symptoms. Frequent signs of the onset of vasodilation in women are:

  1. Menstrual disorders also indicates thickening of varicose veins of the female pelvic organs.
  2. Increased susceptibility of the skin in the perineum, the sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa.
  3. Severe intermittent or constant pain. It often becomes more intense during menopause or after ovulation.
  4. Vaginal discharge: colorless or slightly white.
  5. Pain at the last stage of pregnancy during sex, or towards the end of the day.
  6. In the presence of varicose veins observed slight swelling of the vagina, vulva.
  7. Heaviness, pressure on the pelvic region - another possible symptom of varicose disease.

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women.

stage of the disease

To reflect the nature of the pathological changes of the disease is divided into three levels:

stage 1 vein increased in diameter to 5 mm at the upper left edge of the ovary expanded. At this stage, the disease is caused by a hereditary or acquired valvular insufficiency ovarian vein.
stage 2 vein increased in diameter to about 10 mm, covering the left ovary, also has varicose veins and right uterine ovary.
stage 3 vein increasing in diameter more than 10 mm, the guest varicose right ovary, the size approaching the left. This step is caused gynecological pathology (tumors).

Depending on the stage of development of disease following treatment.

methods of diagnosis

The main method of diagnosis is the SPV Doppler ultrasound pelvic veins. In this vein the study visualized using ultrasound. On the visible dilated pelvic veins crimped, reduced blood flow rate in them. Detect signs of dysfunction of the venous valves.

  1. Informative diagnostic method is SPV chrezmatochnaya phlebography. The study of veins associated with the filling of a contrast agent, clearly visible on the radiograph. The result is a series of images of veins, where visible collaterals, dilated vein thrombosis places state valves. Contraindications method intolerance iodine (part of the contrast) and pregnancy.
  2. If you suspect a SPV performed laparoscopy: examination of the pelvic cavity with an endoscope through a small incision in the abdominal wall.
  3. The most informative study considered selective ovarikografiya: X-ray examination of ovarian veins using contrast.
  4. In order differential diagnosis of other diseases pelvic CT scans may be performed.

It is necessary to make a differential diagnosis of diseases such as inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, prolapse uterus, postoperative neuropathy, an inflammation of the large intestine, or the bladder, sciatica, hip pathology joints.

How to get rid of the disease?

Varicose veins of small pelvis together treat vascular surgeons or phlebologists with obstetrician-gynecologists. According to modern concepts, treatment consists of the following areas:

  1. Normalization of lifestyle;
  2. Conservative medication;
  3. Compression and sclerotherapy;
  4. Surgery.

Cure varicose veins of the pelvis as possible. To do this, experts make individual treatment plan, and female patients must adhere to lifelong treatment and prevention recommendations.

During pregnancy

During gestation baby if pathology is not progressing and are not worried about the manifestation of symptoms, watchful waiting often selected. In this case, we recommend daily use of compression underwear and corsets support, as well as the performance of physical therapy exercises.

Operative treatment during pregnancy is prohibited, and shall apply only if there is a threat to the mother's life. After delivery, 90% varices completely disappears or comes into regression stage independently.

In other cases, consultation is necessary phlebologist and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

How to treat varicose veins of small pelvis?

Even the high-quality treatment makes it impossible to completely cure varicose veins of the pelvis. But, nevertheless, adequate therapy can get rid of most of the clinical manifestations and significantly improve the patient's condition. It helps to solve the following problems:

  • reduction in the rate of venous tone;
  • prevention of congestive processes in vessels of small pelvis;
  • better nutrition tissues.

Pharmacological preparations for this disease are assigned courses and include the following pharmacological groups:

  • flebotoniki (normalized tone and increase the elasticity of the venous wall, improve the rheology - blood flow);
  • antiplatelet agents (to prevent thrombosis): Trental, aspirin, pentylene;
  • fleboprotektory (antidestructive have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce the permeability of blood vessels, improve lymphatic);
  • membrane protectors and antioxidants (to prevent oxidation, eliminate free radicals, supports the work cell membranes, cell division and energy processes) vitamins C and E, ubiquinone, likopid.
  • NSAIDs (ibuprofen, Nise) - cropped pain and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • chelators (bind toxins in the gut): activated charcoal, smectite, polysorb.

Recommended for receiving and flebotoniki fleboprotektory:

  • flebodia 600 - reduces the extensibility of the veins, eliminates venous congestion, normalizes lymph and improves microcirculation, possesses anti-inflammatory effects - taking over 2 - 4 months;
  • detraleks - it increases the tone of the venous wall and normalizes lymph flow, the duration of reception - 6 months;
  • troksevazin (available as tablets and as an ointment), receiving up to 3 months, as a topical treatment - treating vulvar and crotch vein;
  • Aescusan (manufactured drops);
  • venoruton;
  • Antistax;
  • vazoket.

Experts advise drug therapy combined with physical therapy and wearing compression underwear.

The basis of any treatment is treatment and proper nutrition. First of all patients with SPV should decide the issue with working conditions. If possible, the transfer is to work worker, eliminating the heavy lifting, significant physical exertion. In the case of a sitting or standing work every 30 minutes should make short breaks to the implementation of simple exercises (walking in place, squat, knees held high). The same principle should be followed in their spare time.

It is also necessary to revise the food. It should be excluded from the diet of refractory fats (lard, fatty meats), spicy foods, seasonings, marinades, smoked meat and pickles, alcoholic beverages, smoking. Diversify the menu a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils (source of Vitamin E - an antioxidant), cereals.


It is recommended to combine drug therapy and folk with special therapeutic exercises and wearing compression underwear. The system of physical activity for the treatment of varicose veins in women consists of exercises:

  1. "Birch". Disposable face up at any convenient solid surface. We raise the legs up and gently leads them behind the head. Supporting hands lumbar region and elbows on the floor, slowly straighten your legs, lifting the housing upward.
  2. "Bicycle". Lie on your back, throws his hands behind his head and placed along the body. Lifting his feet, they perform a circular motion as if pedaling a bicycle.
  3. "Scissors". Starting position - on the back. Bit we raise the serried feet above the floor. Dilute the lower extremities in hand, we return back and repeat.

Do not be amiss to protivovarikoznye breathing gymnastics, which is in deep leisurely breaths / exhalations performed by turns.

Compression and sclerotherapy

a compression effect of one of the most effective agents in the treatment of varicose veins in the area of ​​the external genitalia and perineum.

The principle of this method is similar to the use of elastic bandages for varicose legs. Compression (compression) superficial veins externally facilitates their evacuation from the blood. Create an effect capable of special tights or shorts of medical compression hosiery. You can buy them in specialized pharmacies, stores, salons medical products, individually to suit the size and power compression.

Sclerotherapy - varicose vein puncture with the introduction into the lumen of special preparations (Sclerovein, Fibroveyn, Etoksisklerol) that cause it sticking. Such treatment is carried out at the outer (subcutaneous) pelvic varices without admission to hospital. The internal veins can also be sclerosed, but this procedure is more complex and takes place in the operating room.

Traditional methods

We suggest you familiarize yourself with a few popular and effective recipe:

  • Carrot cocktail. Big carrot to grind with the help of small terochki, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth vegetable. The juice must be added a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. Drink this healing drink need daily, preferably in the morning.
  • Chestnut tincture. For the preparation of a medicament few fruits chestnuts must be carefully chop and pour half a liter of rubbing alcohol (suit and ordinary vodka). Leave to infuse for 2 weeks. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to drink 25 drops of tincture 3 times during the day.
  • Dandelion tincture. A tablespoon of dandelion reproaching need steamed in a cup of boiling water. After 2 hours should be cool and strain to get drugs. Take dandelion tincture is worth a tablespoon, 4 times during the day.

A good therapeutic effect is the same method of hirudotherapy. Leeches for varicose lesions of the pelvic veins is recommended to put on the area of ​​the sacrum and the lumbar.

The consequences of varicose veins of small pelvis

If you see at least one of the above symptoms, see your doctor for advice, unattended, do not leave the state. Varicose veins of small pelvis, which was started to drift, has several unpleasant consequences:

  • violation of the uterus functioning;
  • contraindication for childbirth naturally;
  • comorbidities, such as legs, varices and hemorrhoids;
  • mental disorders (increased anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, attention, fear of sexual intimacy because of the pain).

Varicose veins of small pelvis in women - quite a serious disease that can lead to the development of a number of undesirable complications. The therapeutic course was developed by specialists, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and precipitating factors. In the presence of associated complications, as well as in the later stages of the surgical intervention is recommended.


Varicose disease can be prevented by following the simple activities. Must adhere to the following rules:

  • eliminate the hard work;
  • move more;
  • not sit for hours in one place;
  • live a healthy life;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • take vitamins that affect the condition of vessels;
  • time to treat chronic diseases of the genital organs;
  • abandon weightlifting.

If, however, there were signs of varicose veins, the right to visit a doctor. Required to wear compression stockings and drink preparations, strengthening vessels. These medications are taken for several months, otherwise the effect will not be. Thus, varicose veins of the pelvic organs is a common pathology among women.

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