
Hygroma wrist: methods of treatment without surgery, folk remedies

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Hygroma wrist - one of the most common diseases in this group. This cystic formation. Simply put, a benign tumor. But do not be afraid, from the point of view of health hazards, it does not pose a threat. Here at the forefront the most aesthetic side. And with an increase in tumor - to restrict the mobility of the hand.

Why is this happening? The tumor is formed in the case periarticular thinner capsule, for whatever reason. Under load articular fluid is displaced into the surrounding space, forming a capsule. It gradually increases in volume, "pushes" the surrounding tissue and ligaments, and constitutes a kind of ball with the back or the palm side of the wrist.

Capsules can be single- and multi-chamber. Their content is similar to viscous mucus. Hygroma smooth outwardly resembles a movable cone that protrudes on the back of the hand or on the inner side of the palm. Its size can range from 2 to 5 cm.

What it is?

Hygroma wrist - benign soft tissue that develops as a result of damage synovial tendon or joint capsule, inside which is contained mucous-serous or serous-fibrinous exudate (liquid). In medicine, hygroma of the wrist, you can often find the term "synovial cyst", which is formed by the thinning of the joint capsule in degenerative changes in joint tissues.

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Causes of

Pathology particularly troublesome because it can develop without any obvious reasons, to get rid of it is problematic enough. To date, experts can not answer with absolute precision what exactly caused hygroma of the hand and other parts of the limbs, but there are a number of prerequisites, leading to its formation:

  1. Constant load.
  2. For injuries that were not treated in a timely manner.
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Hygroma brush wrist joint may develop on the background of inflammatory processes.
  5. Repetitive movements when performing certain types of work.

Statistics show that for programmers, typesetters, office workers hygroma on the wrist quite common. It is for this reason, when you repetitively perform the processes recommended not to forget the gym for the hands, periodic rest.

Symptoms hygroma, photos

A small and uncomplicated hygroma (see. photo) does not give a person absolutely no discomfort, in addition to the aesthetic. It may be so small that for some time the person will not notice it. It can not be treated, as it does not cause discomfort. If the growth continues hygroma hand, there may be a mild pain in the wrist. In this case, should immediately contact a physician for effective treatment (puncture or operation).

Symptoms of progressive carpal hygroma:

  • dull pain at the site of the cyst location
  • on the hand in the joint appears dense oval or rounded education;
  • the skin on the arm at the site of the cyst location can vary slightly in color;
  • violation of the sensitivity in the hand.

In some cases, carpal hygroma can be opened independently (usually due to injury). Then the image of an open wound, which oozes a certain time on the surface of the hand - this implies the exudate from the cyst. If hygroma was revealed, it is necessary to take extra care, as there is a risk of it becoming infected. Infection with the bacteria may trigger the development of purulent process and lead to a severe form of the disease.


Diagnose carpal hygroma easy enough doctor to inspect and test the tumor. But in order to determine the nature of the tumor, the physician should assign tests: ultrasound or MRI, also cost pass laboratory tests. The survey results will help your doctor a complete picture of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

hygroma treatment

In the event of hygroma wrists can be treated as a conservative and operative methods. But it is worth noting the fact that the conventional therapies and traditional remedies found to be ineffective, because after the treatment they often relapse. The most effective and radical method of treatment, after which hygroma appears more - an operation in which the surgeon removes absolutely all the affected tissue.

conservative therapy

If hygroma wrists, hands, fingers, was discovered at an early stage of education, doctor appointed complex physiotherapy with joint immobilization.

How to treat hygroma on the wrist, hand and fingers conservative:

  1. Course electrophoresis with iodine.
  2. Blockade of glucocorticoid agent (Diprospan, Hydrocortisone).
  3. Applications with mud and paraffin.
  4. Soda and salt baths.
  5. UHF with deep heating of tissues and improvement of local blood circulation.
  6. Ultrasonic therapy.
  7. Irradiation with ultraviolet light.

Patient for immobility and rest the joint for a week immobilization bandage applied: a plaster splint or tight bandaging. If conservative treatment does not give results, surgical excision of tumors.


This method is also used in cases where there is not running hygroma brush treatment in this case is reduced to the suctioning of the capsule contents the tumor using a syringe with a long needle. Needling also used for an accurate diagnosis and rule out the presence of malignant tumor instead hygroma.

Today, this method of treatment is used less frequently, as often gives relapse. This is because after the puncture of the capsule shell remains in place and can eventually start again highlight abnormal serous fluid. To prevent a recurrence of the disease the patient is recommended to use bandages or bandages for the wrist, as well as the possibility to limit the physical burden on the affected joint brush.

Folk remedies

For information on how to treat the wrist hygroma folk remedies, often ask people who have the disease is in an early stage. Or costly operations impossible. Therefore the question of how to cure hygroma at home is not idle. Ways of traditional medicine offers many. Consider the most effective ones.

  1. Sea salt (2 teaspoons) dissolved in half a glass of warm water. Then mix the brine solution with a glass of red clay. The resulting composition is applied to Hygroma and bandage. Keep at least a day periodically wetting.
  2. Treatment hygroma Dimexidum. Effectively removes hygroma dimexide, used as a compresses solution. Beretsyadimeksid (5 ml) with the addition of dexamethasone or prednisolone (2 mL). Also introduced into the 2% procaine (2 ml) and Aloe (1 mL).
  3. Fresh tarragon must be carefully cut and crush. The resulting slurry was applied on a piece of cloth. Attach to the place of education hygroma and secure. Be sure to warm and keep more than two hours.
  4. Help and various ointments from hygroma. The list includes both modern medicines and ointments used for decades.
  5. Experts recommend this ointment hygroma as hondroksid. The method of treatment is applied to the skin hondroksid and fixation of the wrist with an elastic bandage. Usually to get noticeable results quite week.
  6. Well cured hygroma Vishnevsky ointment. Vishnevsky liniment applied to the fabric, repeating the size of wrist sizes of hygroma. Fabric with ointment is applied to tumors, covered with cellophane and is fixed with an elastic bandage for the night. On the morning of the procedure is repeated. Treatment is carried out up to the complete disappearance of hygroma.
  7. You can also apply the gel on the FLEX hygroma. The method of treatment is not different from a method of treatment hondroksid.

Another answer to the question how to get rid of without surgery hygroma, gives the experience of patients who used ordinary iodine. The method effective, and at the same time simple. Enough at night to grease hygroma iodine before her disappearance. At the same time closely monitor the condition of the skin, to avoid burns. Similar negative results were observed using conventional alcohol compresses if alcohol is used in pure form.

When the operation is shown?

Please be aware that the conservative treatment, as well as puncture does not always produce the desired result, but only temporarily removes the tumors develop. After all, only a puncture removes a quantitative index of the liquid in the cavity itself of its shell remains in the same place without any changes. It is advisable to puncture several times. However, without an operation, it is impossible to completely eliminate the problem.

  • Reduce the risk of recurrence after puncture can be only through the elimination of the source, which has led the development of hygroma. Particularly important to ensure that the wrist was not subjected to physical stress, but it is essential that a therapeutic exercise, and of course - a timely medical examination.
  • As shown by medical practice, more than half of the people, if there are no acute symptoms, do not pay any attention hygroma, quietly living all my life. But this is fundamentally wrong, since timely treatment is much better than wrestling with the attendant consequences. It is especially important not to self, as well as not fully trust alternative medicine. Untimely, uncontrolled treatment or lack of treatment, always leads to complications that without a surgical intervention, are not eliminated.
  • The operation to remove the cysts eliminates the wrist relapse completely. Indications for surgery are in a sharp increase in the volume of the cyst, acute pain, cellular cysts, as well as limited joint movement. In this case, the longer the surgery is delayed, the worse the consequences can develop. In particular may suffer ligament vessels and periarticular tissues.

During the surgery, incision made capsules, which allows to bring the liquid into articular outwardly. When the incision, the doctor separates the tissue around the cysts and removes skin tumors Sami. Before the manipulation, the patient receives a local anesthetic. After conducted joint imobilizrovanie, which prevents further growth hygroma. Final - Wired wound overlay dressings. To improve the state of mind, it can be put in plaster for 20 days. Required after the operation is assigned antibiotic.


If the emergence of many diseases people can not always prevent, the likelihood of developing hygroma can be significantly reduced. For this purpose, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. It is impossible to ignore the injury and promptly consult your doctor.
  2. Performing repetitive movements of a brush, it is necessary to distribute the load.
  3. During exercise is necessary to fix the joint using a bandage or elastic bandage.

Even if the wrist hygroma is not accompanied by painful symptoms, it is better not to self-medicate and do not run the disease. Indeed, in some cases, the pathology can lead to complications.

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