
Gastric polyps: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Removing the polyp

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Polyp of the stomach - is not a malignant tumor on the inner wall of the stomach, resulting from accumulation of cells. The name of the disease comes from the Greek language (poli - many, pus - leg). Polyps may be at the base of the small leg and therefore is shaped like a berry, or fungus.

The disease is uncommon. And determine its presence on any particular symptoms is not easy. Sometimes the existence of polyps may indicate abdominal pain, bleeding, pain with pressure in the stomach, vomiting and nausea. But more often growths in the stomach are found by chance during examination for other reasons.

What it is?

Polyps in the stomach - is a benign tumor formation character of the glandular structure formed body mucosa. These tumors appear on the inner wall of the stomach and grow in the lumen. They can have a wide base - sessile tumors and elongated leg - lancet tumor. Last found on the tops of the mucosa, becomes an extension of its folds.

The shape of the tumor most often circular or oval, but sometimes there are mushroom polyps and papillary. Their color varies from gray to deep red. The greater part of the tumor in the glandular cells, the softer it will be consistency. The average size of the formation - 15 mm, although sometimes there are large tumors reached 60 mm.

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Why is formed polyps?

The cause of the polyps are various violations of the integrity of the gastric mucosa. Not the least role in this played by inflammatory processes in the stomach and affect the mucous wall. According to statistics of stomach polyps often appear against a background of gastritis.

Identifies a number of factors, the presence of which increases the probability of the formation of polyps in the stomach. These include:

  1. Age. Polyps often found in older than 40 years.
  2. The presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Normally this bacterium provokes gastritis.
  3. Heredity. Familial adenomatous polyposis - a disease that is found in those who have a particular gene mutation is present.

Provoke the appearance of polyps can also some medicines.


For convenience of further details of the diagnosis and systematization of knowledge about polyposis it is classified, taking into account several criteria: clinical, radiological, pathological and etiological.

In this regard, one should speak about education:

  1. Hyperplastic, adenomatous and inflammatory. For the first - is characterized by excessive proliferation of the gastric mucosa, which becomes outwardly similar to the lined with cobblestones. The second - the result of the development of abnormal cells. Others - are one embodiment of prolonged inflammation, and typically arise in its place. Of all the species, they - the safest in terms of rebirth.
  2. Single or multiple character. In the first case their number should not exceed three units. In the second - no more than 15 pieces. If they are so many that count is not possible, then it is a diffuse process, which is extremely dangerous possibility of degeneration into cancer.
  3. Seating or leg. We are talking about the process of fixing the polyp to the gastric mucosa. If in the second case it is clearly visible, in the first - the base of the buildup may be wide and short, or absent altogether.
  4. Villous, tubular or mixed. This classification is given according to the results of microscopic examination of tissue formation. Villi are on the surface thereof, and the tube - is an association which has arisen in the study of the buildup of cells.


The clinical picture is often not an effect, so the tumor is found by performing a routine examination by a gastroenterologist. But when the tumor is triggered by chronic diseases of the stomach or have greatly expanded, there may be signs such polyps in the stomach:

  • Belching and heartburn;
  • Flatulence;
  • Aching pain in the stomach;
  • Distension, heaviness after eating;
  • Discomfort after 2 hours or more after the consumption of food;
  • The fall of appetite, weight loss;
  • Painful mouth odor;
  • Sometimes - bleeding polyps darkening of stools, vomiting of blood.

Complication of the existence of large tumors, which is near the beginning of the small intestine, it may be his loss in the intestine and the pyloric valve jamming. This complication gives a sharp pain, which sometimes causes a person to cause "fast".


Establishing a correct diagnosis is made up of several stages, and the first of them includes:

  • the implementation of a thorough physical examination;
  • acquaintance with the life history and medical history, not only the patient but also his close relatives - often it gives the opportunity to find out the cause of the disease;
  • conduct a detailed survey of the patient - to establish the intensity of manifestation of symptoms.

At the next diagnostic step is carried out laboratory tests, including:

  • coprogram - for the possible detection of occult blood in the stool;
  • general and biochemical blood test - may indicate the development of complications;
  • serological tests - to search for antibodies to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Definitively diagnose polyps in the stomach, you can with the help of instrumental examinations:

  • biopsies and other endoscopic procedures;
  • EGD and ultrasonography of the peritoneum;
  • X-rays of the affected organ;
  • gastroscopy and ultrasonography;
  • CT and MRI.

What is a polyp of the stomach and how to treat it can determine gastroenterologist. It is to this clinician should seek help when the above symptoms occur.


Small polyps can not bring any inconvenience. But the presence of polyps in the stomach must be prepared that there may be complications that are already a serious problem. Complications of gastric polyps include:

  1. Bleeding, ulceration that occurs when polyps.
  2. Loss of a polyp of the stomach into the duodenum, and its infringement. Perhaps with a large polyp on a stalk that grows on the border of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Violation of the receipt of food from the stomach into the intestine. This may be due to large size of tumors and its location.
  4. Degeneration of polyps to a malignant tumor. This is especially true with adenomatous polyps.

All this suggests that the diagnosis of "stomach polyp" should make you think about the treatment of this disease.

polyp of the stomach Treatment

Untreated polyp stomach medication or operational method. The preferred method is determined by the attending physician. Initially recommended conservative treatment, which involves taking medication prescribed by a gastroenterologist. It is also recommended to follow a diet and fractional diet (eat small portions).

Drugs that are prescribed for stomach polyp:

  • De Nol. It has a strong gastroprotective action. Envelops the stomach wall, thereby protecting it from the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid. Also has a bactericidal activity against Helicobacter.
  • Almagel and Almagel option A. Envelops the wall of the stomach, protecting them, thus erosive action of hydrochloric acid. It is especially effective when ulcerated polyps when a high risk of bleeding. A almagel almagel differs from the conventional in that it also includes benzocaine, which eliminates pain.
  • Omeprazole. Blocking the secretion of the parietal cell, thus disturbing the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Rennie. Has gastroprotective action neutralize excess hydrochloric acid. Quickly eliminates heartburn and painful stomach discomfort.
  • Klaritsid. It has a bactericidal effect against Helicobacter pilory. Thus, the drug neutralizes the infectious factor, which is one of the causes of polyp development.
  • Gustav. Reduces excess gastric acid secretion, enhances the protective processes of the stomach lining.

However, in most cases of stomach polyp requires prompt resolution. The operation can be carried out endoscopically or classical way. The goal of surgery is the complete removal of a polyp, and in severe cases, - and the stomach (resection). If a polyp is cancerous, the operation is carried out according to the rules of oncological radicalism.

Endoscopic polypectomy

Recently, more and more sparing techniques remove a polyp of the stomach have been increasingly applied. In the initial stage of dispense successfully manage endoscopic intervention. Gastroscopy can remove both single and multiple polyps.

Through the gastroscope into the gastric cavity channel specific loop is entered, which is squeezed leg of the polyp at the very bottom, then held diathermocoagulation (cautery current) and polyp dies and extracted. A surgical procedure called electroexcision.

After patients conducted interference control is performed gastroscopy after 3 months after surgery. If necessary, designate additional electrocoagulation - cauterization of residual tissue. Complete healing occurs after 2 months. Patients undergoing electrosurgical and electrocoagulation, recommended regular examinations to detect possible re polyp formation.


In the presence of large polyps, give complications in the form of bleeding and obstruction, repeated relapses (repeated polyps) as well as in the case of malignant course require gastric resection, ie, removal of part of the stomach, which appear polyps.

Rules of food after surgery

Refusal of food intake is necessary only in the first days after the intervention was. Then, the patient should follow a certain diet, the diet should not include products that have a chemical, thermal and mechanical stimulation. This will enable faster to organize the work of the digestive system.

Products that after surgery on the stomach can be included in the diet:

  • Soups should be cooked or even without meat, or to weak meat broth.
  • Boiled porridge, which will suit cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Of pastry crumbs resolved without sugar, unsweetened galetnoe biscuits, dried bread.
  • Sometimes it is possible to include in the diet of pasta and ham diet of rabbit and poultry.
  • Eggs boiled or prepared as scrambled, but a couple.
  • You can eat sour cottage cheese, sour cream (low-fat), yogurt and kefir.
  • With regard to meat products, it is possible to include in the diet of chicken breast, veal, rabbit and turkey.
  • Allowed bananas and apples, also under the ban does not fall squash, beets (once a week), carrots, pumpkin and cauliflower florets.

The recovery period is prohibited to include in the diet:

  • From cereals to limitation falls only semolina.
  • As for eggs, they can not fry.
  • Of meat in the diet should include lamb, pork and beef, as well as oil-rich poultry (duck and goose).
  • Of pastry is to abandon any fresh pastries from cakes and pastries, from muffins and donuts.
  • Some fruits and vegetables are also forbidden to consume. Among them, peas, cabbage, radish and turnip. Do not eat the figs, plums and grapes.
  • First courses should not be sharp or salty, so do not eat soup-grub, hodgepodge and other soups broth from fatty meats.
  • Do not add food margarine and butter is under constraint. As for milk, it can be drunk if no individual intolerance, fat content of the product should not be high.
  • Under the ban, any sausages, preserves and pickles. It is possible to unload the diet lack of it hot sauces and any dietary supplements.

If an endoscopic procedure, as a rule, rehabilitation does not take much time was spent. Complete restoration of organ mucosa occur after a period of from 10 to 40 days.


Preventive measures aimed primarily at preventing gastritis or treatment; Detection and treatment of Helicobacter pylori. That is, antibiotic therapy, therapeutic diet and vigilant control over the appearance of new polyps can help monitor the proper state. To avoid recurrence of the disease will help to:

  1. Dietary food on the basis of the doctor's recommendations. Be sure to exclude from your diet foods that irritate the stomach and promote the release of acid in the region of the cardia.
  2. Quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages on the basis of their harmfulness.
  3. Drugs taken only on doctor's orders.

Compliance with the recommendations indicated does not give an absolute guarantee of remission, but it will help your stomach is better to cope with the disease, eliminate the negative effects, prevent pathological change existing tumors. Over time you will realize that they have disappeared.

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