
Osteoarthritis of the knee: treatment, symptoms, gymnastics with osteoarthritis of the knee

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Osteoarthritis of the knee is characterized by the fact that there is joint cartilage destruction process. Due to metabolic disorders, cartilage does not receive the necessary nutrients and fluid, whereby it occurs degeneration.

Suffer similar disease usually elderly. But because of poor lifestyle, every year there is a tendency to diagnose the disease at an earlier age. The earlier diagnosed arthritis, the more effective it will be possible to deal with it at home, without the need for medical or surgical treatment.

Causes of gonarthrosis

The main reasons, be able to run the pathological process, are:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Congenital diseases of the muscles, ligaments, capable cause gonartroza children.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the knee joint (e.g., arthritis).
  4. Violation of cellular metabolism, nervous system diseases.
  5. Injuries and other cartilage damage gaskets (meniscus), dislocation of joints, fractures of the leg bones.
  6. Surgery for removal of a meniscus or a portion thereof.
  7. Sports with a high degree of load on the lower limbs, especially the inappropriate age man.
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  9. Spasms of the thigh muscle, often - against the background of stress and nervous shock.
  10. Varices extremities, venous thrombosis.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee develops gradually, as the operation of intra-articular disorders cartilage lining the surface of the femoral condyle and the articular surfaces of the patella and tibia bones. This condition is the result of lack of blood circulation in the area of ​​the knee joint.

As a result of the insecurity of the cartilage with necessary nutrients causes it to desiccation, rassloyke and destruction. Bone with thinning or complete disappearance of hyaline cartilage is compressed, thus forming a compensatory proliferation at the periphery.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee

Clinical manifestations of gonarthrosis are very diverse and, depending on the degree of joint destruction can be expressed more or less bright. The fact that there is an arthrosis of the knee joint, may confirm the following symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome. At the beginning of the disease it is almost imperceptible, but as it progresses increases. Duration of pain may be different, depending on what kind of load the joints exposed.
  2. Cracking in the joint at a certain movement. This manifestation of the disease, many for a long time do not pay attention, resulting in a trigger arthritis. Without treatment, the disease progresses, resulting in a significant joint destruction.
  3. Reducing limb movements amplitude. Most often, the patient can not fully bend the knee or straighten it. This happens for the reason that the patient is trying to minimize the involuntary pain, even in the moments of his absence.
  4. Stiffness. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the joint is somewhat constrained by protective plyonochku forming around the nerves that due to the destruction of the joints become bare.
  5. Jamming the knee joint in any position. When this symptom joint is locked in any one position, and all attempts to move it meets the acute pain. Most often, this jamming is due to the fact that due to a violation of the structure of the joint knee ligament beyond the boundaries of their normal location and spazmiruyutsya in this state.
  6. Luxation or subluxation of the knee. This symptom occurs at a time when the disease has gone too far and ligaments and joint capsule are not performing their functions.

A person should be clearly understood that the later he began treatment, the more difficult it will be and the higher the risk that required surgery for joint replacement.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 1 degree

In this case, the disease is characterized by a slight pain when making active movements. May accumulate synovial fluid into the joint cavity, leading to the formation of Baker's cysts. Pain occurs during movement, but immediately go dormant. Cartilage tissue is damaged, but outwardly deformation of the joint is not visible.

With the help of X-ray at this stage of development of osteoarthritis diagnosis is difficult, requires additional methods of examination.

Osteoarthritis of the knee 2 degrees

There is a narrowing of the joint space, cartilage is damaged largely. In the photo, obtained in the course of X-ray, you can see the bone growths. Sharp pains accompanied by any movement, which involved the knee joint. At rest, the unpleasant feelings pass, but then reappear. By pain added characteristic crunch when making flexion-extension movements.

Gradually the implementation of joint function becomes impossible. Knee flexion and extension stops. Externally, the doctor can determine the bone deformation.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 3 degrees

Mostly cartilage thins finally formed bare bones sites. On radiographs well noticeably large number of osteophytes - salt deposits in the joint cavity. Furthermore, the availability of the body can be detected there.

Exterior changes are becoming more visible. Cope with the pain by stopping the movement now is not possible. It is saved and during exercise on the joints, and at rest.


In gonarthrosis diagnosis is based on patient survey, examination and x-rays of the affected joint. Sometimes, the doctor prescribes the patient ultrasound joint, rarely held imaging or computed tomography of a patient knee. In doubtful cases, the doctor with the help of a puncture can take to study a sample of synovial fluid in the joint cavity, but usually this is not necessary.

Many diseases of the joints are very similar to the layman's eye signs and symptoms. Therefore, to understand the situation and make a correct diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee can only be a specialist. Accordingly, the appearance of any signs of the knee joint disease do not need to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, it is necessary as soon as possible to seek medical attention. Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthrosis) is engaged in a rheumatologist or arthrology.

How to treat arthrosis of the knee?

A single regimens gonartroza does not exist, just as there is no single drug that would help all people equally. When planning a treatment strategy physician considers age and condition of the patient, stage of disease, the severity of pain and the degree of deformation of the joint.

Combination therapy is very important in the conservative medical treatment, so it is necessary to combine the treatment so as to address several problems at once:

  1. As quickly as possible to establish an accurate diagnosis. As soon as possible to begin therapy, it will increase the chances of an extension of the period of remission with minimal destruction of cartilage.
  2. It is necessary to improve the nutrition of cartilage to accelerate his recovery.
  3. To carry intake of prescribed pain medications.
  4. Improve joint mobility.
  5. Strengthen the muscles surrounding the injured joint.
  6. Minimize pressure on the areas of bone and joint endeavor to increase the distance between them.
  7. Activate blood circulation in the affected joint.

Therefore, the main treatments for osteoarthritis are:

  • NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Medications in the form of injections give a more long-lasting and strong analgesic effect. These include drugs such as diclofenac, olfen, diklak, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen.
  • Chondroprotectors. Such formulations contain substances that make up the cartilage matrix. These medicines are all natural, well accepted by the body and actively stimulate collagen synthesis. For justified used in osteoarthritis of the knee drugs include struktum, DON, alflutop, rumalon, mukosat. All of them are slow-medicines that you need to take long courses. Some of them are produced in the form of solutions for injection. This form of application is most effective.
  • Hormonal treatments. This group of medicines used for intraarticular injections in the presence of a knee joint synovitis (inflammation of the synovium). The goal of therapy - removal of inflammation and pain in the shortest possible time. applying negative - a damaging effect on the cartilage tissue, a large number of contraindications and side effects. The most frequently used synthetic hormones in gonarthrosis: hydrocortisone, Kenalog, diprospan.
  • Trituration. You can use various kinds of gels, ointments and creams. For the most part, they are warming and anti-inflammatory. The purpose of their application is to strengthen the local blood circulation and reduce inflammation. The most famous products of this group: Apizartron, finalgon, Dolobene, feloran, Fastum gel Nikofleks.
  • Antifermental drugs. They neutralize the synthesis of certain enzymes and prevent further degeneration of the joints. The most famous products of this group: contrycal, ovomin, gordoks. When gonarthrosis administered intraarticularly.
  • Removing tone. Antispasmodics such as Mydocalmum, sirdalud, tizalud and drotaverine (Nospanum) allow to remove excessive muscular tension in the damaged segment. it occurs frequently, as a compensatory response of the body.
  • Improved circulation. Vasodilator drugs are used to reduce the intravascular tone muscles. Such drugs enhance allow internal flow and improve tissue trophism disposed around the joint. In gonarthrosis recommended cavinton, trental and aktovegin. To strengthen the vascular wall or applied upsavit askorutin.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It is a natural component of articular cartilage and synovial fluid. Therefore, its introduction into the knee joint does not cause inflammation, rejection or other adverse reactions. Simultaneously the use of drugs such as otrovisk, sinokorm gialual or allow movement soften and remove pain caused by friction of the articular surfaces. In gonarthrosis most recommended drug in this group is fermatron.

By the author's method of gonarthrosis treatment may include:

  1. Evdokimova procedure;
  2. Bubnovskogo procedure;
  3. Gita technique.

They have different principles of influence, but all, without exception, have proven themselves as effective ways to maintain the knee, gonarthrosis affected. Unfortunately, the full recovery of speech does not go.

Other treatment options gonartroza

In recent years become increasingly popular modern methods of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which may be used in combination with medical therapy, and as a separate therapy. In some cases, they can replace taking medication or combined with it.

New methods of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee:

  • physiotherapy - Treatment of joints using a special set of exercises aimed at therapeutic result;
  • ozone therapy - a kind of physiotherapeutic treatment using ozone, which is introduced into the joint or applied topically;
  • homeopathy;
  • treatment medications Tyanshi - the use of dietary supplements on a natural basis as a treatment and prevention of disease.

Physiotherapy can largely extend the activities of the damaged tissue and stop the progression of the disease. This technique is based on the individual selection for each patient set of so-called "right" movements, that can be executed independently or patients with special multifunctional simulators and adaptations. Performing these exercises involves working not only muscles, but also helps to normalize the functions ligaments, tendons, nerves, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and endocrine system.

Kinesitherapy promotes the production of substances in the body such as the endorphins, able to exert an analgesic effect and beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Individual exercises, affecting the muscles, you can:

  • relieve joint and spine;
  • improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage in affected areas of the knee joint tissues;
  • restore the elasticity of the ligaments, their contractile function and trophic;
  • improve nutrition and joint mobility in general;
  • stimulate the processes of regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • eliminate pain.

Ozone therapy, is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, characterized ease of use, high efficiency, minimal side effects and good tolerated.

Ozone therapy can be used:

  • externally - the use of ozonized oils, ointments and antiseptic solutions, balneotherapy, threading aeration chambers in special plastic;
  • parenterally - ozonated blood for small and large autohemotherapy ozone injection into biologically active points, intraarticular injection, intravenous administration of ozonized saline, intramuscular and subcutaneous introduction.

The complex of measures on ozone therapy is chosen individually for each patient. Parenteral administration ozone has a more pronounced effect, and providing a range of therapeutic effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • an anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericide;
  • normalizing blood circulation;
  • stimulates recovery of joint tissues.

In parallel with ozone can be applied glucocorticosteroids and hondroprotektory. This combination enhances the therapeutic properties of these drugs and reduce their adverse impact on the cartilage.

For pain relief introduction of gas is performed in the area around the pathological center or directly to the pressure points, but also inside the joint. The number of points for subcutaneous administration of ozone may vary depending on the condition of the knee joint; administered at a single point of from 2 to 12 mL of ozone.

In parallel with the intra-articular administration of ozone to patients by intravenous infusion appointed ozonized 0.9% sodium chloride solution (about 400 ml daily). Typically, ozone therapy course consists of 10-12 intravenous administration and 5-7 intra-articular injections. Already after 3-4 treatments a patient improves the mobility of the affected joint and significantly reduced pain. The clinical effect of ozone therapy can persist for 4-9 months.


When the joint work is clearly broken, and conservative treatment fails, surgery is used. But before that comes rarely. The affected joint may be replaced with an artificial one (arthroplasty). But more often it is used to stage III.

Recovering limb axis or excising bone changes (osteotomy). Through skin punctures performed arthroscopic intervention. Through punctures in the knee joints of the removed cartilage destruction. Then the drugs are administered.

Exercising with osteoarthritis of the knee

Any treatment option for osteoarthritis of the knee should be done only on prescription. Physiotherapy involves a slow, measured exercises, exclusive sit-ups, joint twisting, bouncing. It is best to carry out exercises in the morning, sitting or lying down for 20 minutes, repeating each exercise 10 times.

  • Lying on your back, you can do the exercise bike, but you need to straighten your legs parallel to the floor, to carry out a circular motion stops, take your feet in hand, sliding them one by one on the floor, stretch the foot on score to 10.
  • Sitting on a chair with bowed legs - straighten your legs while bending your foot and hold a position, counting to 10, alternately tighten the abdomen by hand every knee, and slowly return the original.
  • Making emphasis on the wall, standing on the floor, performed one foot moves back and forth.
  • Putting a straightened leg up on a chair to perform tilting movements resilient character, with his hands on his hips, as if to try to straighten his leg stronger.
  • Lying on his stomach turn to lift a straightened leg and hold it up to 3 accounts.
  • Sitting on the floor, raise the legs to the side, moving them on the floor, pull your knees to your stomach on the inhale and return them to the starting position as you exhale.

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The main objectives of therapeutic exercises are relaxing muscle spasm, causing pain, increase blood supply to the joint, slowing of disease progression, prevention of further cartilage destruction. During acute illness physical activity is prohibited conduct.

How to treat arthrosis massage?

Applying shock method (through the palm, fingers, flip flops), you can work out a sick knee at home. It is important to know how certain movements affect the deforming joint:

  • Massage in the form of spanking affects the nerves, promotes better blood circulation in the affected joint.
  • Thanks to kick clasped fingers, going positive effects on tendons, muscles and all the joint components. Due to the fact that the punches are softened occurs circulatory activity without damaging the capillaries.
  • Palm pressed joint, and strikes are on the periarticular space. Thus, increasing the functionality of the internal parts of the joint.
  • Initially, the finger easily and gently tap on the joints of patients. With the improvement of the power of strikes increases slightly. This procedure is accompanied by pain tolerant.


Comprehensive treatment of this disease includes, besides the above methods, and more strict diet. It requires an adequate approach. No need to go to extremes. But there are some limitations that have to be taken into account:

  1. Various pickles and pickled products, too, must be minimized.
  2. Remove from the diet of animal fats.
  3. Refuse bread and buns (you can eat black bread, but in moderation), as well as chocolate and sugar. Carbohydrates people with osteoarthritis to / from are not needed. Their use has an impact on weight gain. And this is a risk factor.
  4. At least eliminate fatty meats. Give up drinking duck, goose, lamb, pork.
  5. Limit salt intake. Not just arthritis is also called "salt arthrosis". Doctors advise to only a few dishes to add some salt before by food intake and not during cooking.
  6. Minimize the use of spices, especially acute. They contribute to the emergence of the feeling of thirst and kindle the appetite.
  7. It is strictly forbidden alcohol, smoking. At least in the process of therapy.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water without the butter and sugar, fruit juice, boiled egg
  • Second breakfast: a glass of nonfat yogurt
  • Lunch: meat or fish, steamed, stewed vegetables, tea without sugar
  • Snack: Cottage cheese casserole with nuts and a glass of fruit juice
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, apple, tea without sugar
  • Second Supper: a glass of nonfat yogurt

The diet will help balance dietitian. Here, for example a number of foods that can be eaten and is even encouraged at such diagnosis. In the first place - are products containing hondoprotektory and collagen, they are building the foundation for bone, cartilage, ligaments. The diet should include a soup, boiled beef, especially from the bones. Welcomes the presence in jelly menu, aspic, jellied meat.

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