
Bulbit duodenum, what is it? Symptoms and Treatment

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Few have heard of such a pathological state as bulbit stomach that it is not aware of. Although such diseases as bulbit extremely common. In fact, this disease is the only kind of inflammatory changes in the intestine.

Anatomically in isolated duodenum bulb, which passes directly into the stomach and which is capable of inflamed apart. Bulba as a disease of diverse morphological and clinical signs, but can be successfully treated with timely therapeutic compensation.

What it is?

Bulba - an inflammation of duodenal bulb, ie,.. actually bulbit - private form duodenitis, Inflammation in the duodenum. Inflamed bulb just adjacent to the stomach, but is not included in its composition, and the phrase "bulbit stomach" in this case is fundamentally wrong.

Causes of

Reasons bulbita in many respects similar to the causes of gastritis:

  • pharmaceuticals;
  • burn chemicals;
  • love for alcoholic beverages;
  • the habit of eating too hot food;
  • invermination or Giardia (Especially true for children);
  • display option Crohn's disease etc;
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  • poor nutrition (eating "on the go", addiction to harmful eating habits, the habit of eating once a day, but a lot, etc...);
  • Helicobacter pylori bacteria (particularly in the case of catarrhal form or mixed bulbita);
  • Mechanical organ injury (non-cleavable ingestion object that might damage body wall, frequently leading to focal lesions).


Existing types bulbita due to the causes and nature of the disease itself.

  1. Surface. In this form the upper region affected mucosa.
  2. Bulbit different focal accumulation of ulcer formation. In this case, and treatment is given, depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. Erosive. In this case the mucous membrane can be formed small sores.
  4. Hemorrhagic. When this type bulbit marked inflammation, the appearance of erosions and bleedings.
  5. Atrophic or bulbit duodenum. Such esophagitis causes thinning and pallor of the wall of the duodenum.

Symptoms of duodenal bulbita

Bulba in adults appears quite non-specific symptoms, such as:

  • nausea, abdominal distension;
  • bitter or metallic taste in the mouth;
  • headache, and malaise (as in acute inflammation);
  • pain in the epigastric region, but on the left, which may radiate into the left upper quadrant or the umbilical region;
  • rarely - vomiting (acute poisoning or poisoning can be repeated);
  • diarrhea or unstable chair.

For bulbita stomach characteristic symptom - the appearance of pain in 1,5-2 hours after meals and at night. This so-called "hunger pains", which decrease after taking milk or antacids. If bulbit occur as manifestation of Crohn's disease, assess the degree of inflammatory activity of symptoms. Take into account the following indicators:

  • the incidence of diarrhea,
  • the intensity of pain in the abdomen,
  • degree of weight loss and others.

For example, when Bulba 1 degree of the patient's state of health activity suffers a little diarrhea happens 3-4 times a week, minor pain, and non-permanent, weight loss is not.


To confirm bulbit stomach, use the following methods:

  1. X-rays, which allows to detect changes in the structure of the duodenum and stomach, confirming the existing symptoms. It features such as the presence of a carryover relaxation spasms, motility volatility, the increased size of the bulb.
  2. Physical examination by abdominal palpation. Possible diagnosis indicates occurrence of slight epigastric pain and stress state of the anterior abdominal wall.
  3. Esophageal pH monitoring to keep track of acid dynamics in the course of the meal, with the fasted state and in other situations.
  4. Electrogastrogram allowing for signs of motor-evacuation abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach and duodenum 12.
  5. Duodenoscopy, able to identify the symptoms as swelling and redness of her excessive bleeding, erosion areas in the lower part of the stomach and the adjacent portion of the intestine. If the cause of the pathology is the atrophy of the mucous membrane, it is possible to discover her pale and thinning.
  6. Antroduodenalnaya manometry to determine the pressure for reducing the stomach during its operation (special sensors are placed in the antrum).


Treatment with medicines is assigned only after determining the root causes of bulbita duodenum. If it is patchy and engineered by foreign objects into the duodenum, then you want to remove this item. As a rule, it can be done on duodenoscopy. When detecting H. pylori infection treated with combination therapy with antibiotics. If the cause of the disease is a parasitic infestation is carried out specialized treatment that is assigned depending on the species of parasite.

In Crohn's disease may be administered steroids. Immunoregulator used to treat follicular bulbita. Symptomatic treatment helps relieve the manifestation of the main signs of inflammation. Most often there are used antacids. They can be used blockers of histamine H2-receptors and regulators of the proton pump. Elevated levels of stress can be administered sedatives to help relieve nervous tension.

food rules

Diet is the key to the effectiveness of treatment and the absence of recurrence in a patient, so Power should be taken very carefully. In severe cases, and running in the acute stage is better to completely eliminate food intake for a while, until reduced pain, swelling and inflammation, and then gradually add low-fat milk on cereal and water.

In mild stage powered at bulbit includes dairy products, vegetable broth, crackers of white bread. All products must be a decoction or steamed. The beneficial effects of natural and enveloping jelly cocktails. Sweet for these patients is perfect oatmeal cookies.

Forever is to abandon carbonated beverages, spicy and fried foods, smoked meats. A patient having a predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases, in any case should not stop eating right.

How to treat chronic bulbit?

In chronic and catarrhal Bulba prescribed antibiotic therapy, since this type of bulbita develops, usually due to H. pylori infection. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. It can be defined group of antibiotics that act on the cell of the causative agent - amoxicillin, Vilprafen, Summamed, de-nol, and others. Sometimes it may appoint Metronidazole, but nowadays its effectiveness to potential "killers" helicobacter contested.

Also assigned long-term diet at the same time as bulbita. In addition, you need to stop smoking. If possible, avoid stressful situations. It is necessary to refuse from taking all kinds of food additives, they may also be a precipitating factor for acute catarrhal and hronichekogo bulbita. Also in stressful situations during the treatment of this type of bulbita prescribed tranquilizers and sedatives.

It should be understood and to be psychologically prepared for what will have to reconsider their way of life, as the treatment is complex and lengthy.

Prediction and prevention

With timely treatment for specialized assistance, appointment of adequate therapy and eradication of helicobacter bulbita favorable prognosis. Patients should follow the recommendations of diet therapy, if necessary, correct lifestyle. Should stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Prevention bulbita involves prompt treatment of gastritis with compulsory tests after treatment to confirm eradication of the pathogen. Even outside of exacerbations should regularly attend professional examinations. Many medicines are aggressive towards the gastric mucosa, duodenum, so when Bulba all drugs should be used only after consultation with a physician.

In order to prevent H. pylori infection should observe food hygiene, wash hands thoroughly before eating.

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