
Intestinal colitis, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

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Colitis - an inflammation or an inflammatory-dystrophic lesions of the colon, leading to mucosal atrophy and impaired organ function. Pathological processes, covering the inner surface of the intestine, are located in all departments (Pancole) or in some areas (segmental colitis).

Colitis, colon colitis is often combined with the small intestine (enteritis). In the event that a patient diagnosed with an inflammation, irritation and degeneration of all sites digestive tract, located below the duodenum, a disease is considered to be enterocolitis. Acute colitis in most cases becomes chronic. In this exacerbation are replaced by remissions, the duration of which depends largely on the person's lifestyle.

What it is?

Colitis - an acute or chronic inflammatory process that occurs in the large intestine that is caused by a toxic, ischemic, or infection in the body.

Causes and classification of colitis

To date, the cause of colitis is not fully defined, but is an active study of this pathology, conducted numerous studies, which appeared due to assumptions about provoking factors.

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Depending on the intended factors of intestinal colitis can be subdivided into:

  1. Congenital - in congenital intestinal pathologies, functional impairment due to genetic mutations
  2. Nutritional - a violation of nature and diet, unbalanced diet - the abuse of fast food, irregular food intake, excessive alcohol consumption, poor fiber diet, persistent habit of eating only harmful, but delicious food.
  3. Infection - food poisoning, intestinal infections (colitis, salmonellosis, dysentery), and other infectious agents (tuberculous colitis, mycoplasmal).
  4. Drugs - continuously taking various drugs that affect the intestinal microflora and overall health - antibiotics, NSAIDs, aminoglycosides, contraceptives, laxatives for constipation and etc. drugs, leading to disruption of the acid-base balance in the intestine.
  5. Stress, reduced immunity, deterioration of the general health condition, presence of other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, atrophic gastritis, superficial gastritis) cause secondary jet colitis.
  6. Toxic - which in turn are divided into exogenous (long-term poisoning with arsenic, phosphorus, mercury) and endogenous (intoxication urate in gout).
  7. Mechanical - abuse of enemas for constipation, constipation candles, due to mechanical constant irritation of the intestinal mucosa.
  8. Allergies - food allergies, allergies to medications or certain bacteria.
  9. Political science of unknown origin.

Most often, the occurrence of colitis, affect multiple etiological factors that lead to inflammation in the large intestine, then we are talking about a combined colitis.

Among all the variants of the intestinal colitis most difficult to treat by conservative and considered dangerous ulcerative colitis, in which there is different from the intensity of destructive and ulcerative mucositis colon. This disease is inherent in most cases, residents who live in different countries around the world, with more vulnerable are the residents of the northern regions. Colitis may occur in the elderly and in middle age (after 30 years).

Advanced medical technology, advanced medical facilities teh.osnaschenie facilitate the diagnosis of patients with intestinal colitis. But the symptoms and treatment of this disease require the physician and the patient's joint efforts and mutual understanding, since colitis is a chronic disease which is difficult to treat and often treated for years.

Classification of colitis:

  • Adrift: chronic, acute.
  • By origin: primary, secondary.
  • Nonspecific colitis: ischemic, granulomatous colitis, ulcerative colitis.
  • By Location: segmental (proctitis, rekosigmoidit, sigmoid, transverzit, typhlitis), total (pantkolit).
  • Causal colitis: membranous colitis that develops when activated clostridial due antibiotics.
  • Functional lesions of the colon: functional diarrhea, atonic constipation, spastic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome.

The symptoms of colitis

Acute and chronic phases of the disease are very different clinical manifestations.

Acute colitis characterized by such symptoms:

  • tenesmus - pathological urge to defecate;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • unstable chair - constipation, diarrhea, blood and mucous impurity greenish veining in the feces;
  • pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, is greatly enhanced when eating, sharp movements, shaking. discomfort often causes ischemic colitis;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • temperature bowel colitis usually low, low-grade.

Ulcerative colitis is particularly symptomatic.

  • impurities in the stool. Blood, greenish mucus, pus tape. Isolation of blood varies from small (only found on the toilet paper) to heavy, visible to the naked eye in the feces.
  • frequent false urge to defecate. At the beginning of the process - a meager diarrhea (up to 15-20 times a day), the inability to hold a chair. Symptom is observed in more than half of patients (55-60%).
  • symptoms of intoxication. The manifestations are similar to SARS. In severe lesions observed tachycardia (tachycardia), general weakness, fever, nausea, vomiting, lowered appetite. Diarrhea may also lead to dehydration.
  • sudden constipation, indicating inflammation of the small intestine. It meets about a quarter of patients.
  • in some cases, may develop symptoms not associated with lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Blurred vision, skin rash, itching, mucous, blood clots, pain in the joints. In addition, may suffer liver and gallbladder.

By the manifestations of the chronic form of the disease include those signs:

  • flatulence;
  • spastic constipation;
  • headache and nausea;
  • weak pain during exercise, as a rule, their causes ischemic colitis.

Symptoms are worse during exacerbations and practically disappear in remission.

It is worth mentioning, as the pain manifests itself in the intestinal colitis. The patient complains of a dull or aching sensations in nature. The most common cramping pain, spills over the entire surface of the anterior abdominal wall. For colitis is characterized by irradiation in the sacral area, the left side of the back and chest.

Pain relief occurs after stool, flatus from the intestine, warmers overlay on the abdomen, use of analgesic drugs. Symptoms of intestinal colitis in women and symptoms of the disease do not differ in males.


Symptoms and treatment of intestinal colitis can be different in each case, but the diagnosis, which confirmed to be carried out before, that the reason in this disease. Treatment of colitis has been a gastroenterologist. Sometimes it may be necessary coloproctologist.

Doctors assign you the necessary tests:

  1. Colonoscopy - examination, which makes it possible to view up to a meter of the intestine and explore the shell in greater detail. Also in this procedure may be taken with a view to pieces mucosal histology.
  2. Complete blood count helps ensure the presence of inflammation in the body hearth or refute this fact.
  3. Fecal or coprogram helps to identify problems in bowel habits, presence of dysbacteriosis and bacterial infection.
  4. Sigmoidoscopy enables the study of the bowel about 30 cm long. With this method it is possible to adequately assess what the condition of the intestinal mucosa.
  5. bowel enema - a roentgen intestinal wall together with the use of contrast medium.

In order to clarify the diagnosis may be indicated abdominal ultrasound, since there are many other diseases with similar symptoms. In some cases, you can assign additional surveys.

intestinal colitis treatment in adults

Therapy involves the administration of drugs and a strict diet. Drug treatment of intestinal colitis in adults involves the administration of drugs of the following groups:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Worming agent.
  3. Analgesics. Help to relieve pain. They must be applied with great caution.
  4. Antiinflammatory pharmaceutical agents. Needed to reduce inflammation. Nise, ketorolac, ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.
  5. Antispasmodic drugs. Relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine. Duspatalin, No-spa and others.

Diet is the rejection of products of animal origin (fatty, fried, fatty meats, sausages). Excluded from the diet of coarse bread, legumes. It can be boiled lean meat, dairy products, vegetable broths and vegetables, pureed and cooked. Eat need small meals 6-8 times a day, so as not to overload the irritated digestive tract.

Thus, treatment of intestinal colitis in adults should be comprehensive.

Folk remedies

In the early stages of inflammatory bowel disease can easily do without pharmaceuticals. To cope with the disease in the bud help folk medicine. If you have, there are reasons to beware of this disease, write for yourself some of grandmother's recipes:

  1. Against a strong gas formation and putrefaction help following means: connect the nettles, mint, motherwort, taken in equal proportions. To prepare the infusion according to the same recipe as in the preceding paragraph. Drink three times a day for 50 ml, the course - 21 days.
  2. Microclysters. Using a small syringe or a simple medical syringe through the anus enter 55-65 ml buckthorn oil or hips. Make sure that the medicine is not leaked out. Lie on your left side, and try to sleep until morning. Per night and the exacerbation of intestinal colitis significantly easier.
  3. Inflammation of the intestine is very good tincture: mix 10 g mint leaf, herb sage, St. John's wort herb, fruit cumin. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 spoonful per 250 ml of mixture. boiling water. After cooling drink infusion during the day before eating in the course of 14 days.
  4. intestinal ulcers formed in the rectum, are effectively treated with oil of sea buckthorn. To apply you need to buy a natural cold-pressed oil and to introduce it into the rectum using a small enema of 30-40 grams. It is advisable to keep the oil at night, asleep on his left side.
  5. Mummies. Place in a small metal container (e.g., in Turk coffee) 1 gram of the tool and add 250 mL of water. Once daily drink 40-45 ml of the resulting solution. To improve the effectiveness of the treatment of intestinal colitis using rectal suppositories with mummy. The maximum daily dose of this agent is 0.2 grams. Keep this in mind so as not to harm your intestine.
  6. Exacerbation of colitis will remove the infusion of watermelon peels: thinly sliced ​​dried crust, pour boiling water (in '80 crusts - 500 ml. water). Take during the day, dividing by 6 receptions.
  7. Ulcerative colitis is useful to take a decoction of alder cones. Spoon milled cones brew boiling water (200 ml.), Boil water bath for 15 minutes, then add the same amount of water. All means drink per day, adding raspberry jam, honey.


Treatment colitis, unlike the treatment of many other diseases characterized by the fact that diet is an integral part of therapy. As mucous thick (and possibly thin) gut is irritated, in any case should not annoy her even more. Therefore the purpose of the diet - to minimize the burden on the intestine, while maintaining an optimum diet rich in everything you need.

Temporarily excluded from the diet foods rich in fiber:

  • Sunflower seeds, pumpkin;
  • Arakha;
  • Raw fruits and vegetables;
  • Bran;
  • The marinade and smoked;
  • All salty, sour and sweet foods.

The food should be soft, so when heat treatment is preferred extinguishing steamed cooking.

Nutrition should be a fraction, 4-6 times a day to avoid unnecessary load on the digestive tract. Products that improve bowel movements and have laxative effect as eating is not necessary. This applies to prunes, milk, pumpkin, cabbage, etc. It is best to eat mashed food.

How to treat ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis bowel amenable to treatment more difficult. It requires more intensive therapy, which means a long and expensive. Preparations for the treatment of this type of pathology is not only expensive, but also have a lot of side effects, as used strictly as directed specialist.

They are produced in the form of rectal suppositories, enema, a tablet form (salofalk, pentasil Mezavant, Mesakol). In some cases, resorted to the use of biological therapy drugs like Humira drugs (Adalimumab), Remicade (infliximab). In the most severe cases, possible to use a corticosteroid medications (prednisone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone). The formulations are produced in rectal drips, suppositories, tablets.

If the cause of the disease in autoimmune diseases or allergic reactions are assigned imunnodepressory (Cyclosporin, Azathioprine, Methotrexate). Also spa treatment is recommended for chronic colitis.


A sure way to prevent the occurrence of colitis seems a balanced and healthy diet, as well as meaning have annual visits to the doctor and the observance of safety precautions when working with toxic compositions. People described to treat a disease, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical exertion, stress and eating disorders.

However, it is necessary to abandon a sedentary lifestyle by regular walks, swimming pool and other light load.

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