
Bladder stones: symptoms in women and treatment

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Urolithiasis quite widespread throughout the world. It accounts for over a third of all diseases of the urinary system.

Despite the fact that it is well understood, the mechanism of stone formation is known, the number of cases of disease not only has not decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased steadily.

The reason for that, according to most doctors, can be environmental degradation, increased propensity to physical inactivity and incorrect, including excessive and nutrition.

What it is?

Urolithiasis - is the presence of insoluble stones (stones) in the urinary tract and the kidneys themselves. The disease is more common in men, but the risk of the disease observed in obese women.

The causes and mechanism of development

In the formation of concretions influenced by a number of factors, the main ones are:

  1. Violation of the physico-chemical properties of the urine. Metabolic disorders in the organism with urine, a large amount of uric acid salts which easily crystallize and precipitate in the bladder.
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  3. Bladder outlet obstruction - a condition which interferes with the flow of urine from the bladder, there is a stagnant residual urine loss and dissolved salts to precipitate that forms stones. Urine flow may be disturbed as a result of the bladder neck tumors, prostate adenomas (in men), bladder innervation disturbances or insufficient reduction of its walls during urination.
  4. The presence in the cavity of the bladder of foreign bodies also leads to settling of the salts in them. Such bodies may be remnants of the suture after surgery, helminths parasitizing (urogenital schistosomiasis).
  5. Chronic inflammatory process. Develops under the action of a bacterial infection. Prolonged inflammation of the mucosa of the bladder results in an increased crystal formation.
  6. Diverticulum - protrusion into the bladder wall, wherein the urine stagnates and formed concrements.
  7. Violation of the anatomical shape of the bladder. Maybe in children congenital condition. In this case, the stones are formed as early as 5 years of age. It can also happen in women with prolapse of the bladder as a result of high physical exertion.
  8. Moving kidney stones by ureters with nephrolithiasis.

The root cause of the appearance of stones in the bladder - is an important aspect. Before removing the stones, doctors often appoint a course of therapy, eliminating the cause of disease (eg, treat metabolic disorders, eliminate infectious diseases).


The stones can be of various shapes and colors, texture and chemical composition, and also to have multiple or single character. Small calculi called microliths, large - makrolitami, single - solitary stones. There are several classifications and forms of the disease.

By variety of stones pathology may be the following forms:

oxalate when the raw material for the stones protrude oxalate salt, the stones have a rough surface and brown, can scratch the mucosa, causing pain and urine stains in the red color.
phosphate When stones are formed from the salts of phosphoric acid, it is quite fragile concrements having a soft texture and light gray hue. They usually appear as a result of violations of the real exchange.
protein representing proteinaceous casts.
urate formed on the basis of uric acid salts, is smooth concretions, not injuring the mucous membranes, commonly seen in tropical countries and citizens appear on the background of gout or dehydration.

Moreover, stones can carry primary or secondary character. In primary education stone formation against a background of stagnation of urine in the vesical cavity. When the secondary form of the disease in the kidney stones are formed, and in the cavity of the bladder they fall through the ureter.

The symptoms of the presence of stones

In women, the symptoms of bladder stones are varied, but they can not be considered unique to this disease. If a stone moves in the urinary bladder and has not fallen into it, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the pains of varying strength. It can be a pain in the abdomen in the suprapubic area, men can give pain in the perineum and the penis. It intensifies when urinating, with a change in body position.

If the stone is formed in the bladder or already safely descended to him along the ureter, the symptoms will be different. Just noticeable pain, amplified when urinating or during sexual intercourse. Determine the presence of the stone can be when they overlap the mouth of the urethra. Its sign can be interrupted urine stream or complete its overlap.

Acute urinary retention may be replaced by its incontinence occurs when nesmykanie internal sphincter of the bladder because it was closed to the stone.


With stones in the bladder symptoms can be detected in varying degrees, however, in any case, they are the reason for the visit to the doctor. During this assumption diagnosis be confirmed or refuted. Necessary studies will determine not only the presence of the stone, but its exact location, size, character kamneobrazuyuschego substance, and the presence / absence of concomitant disease and etc.

As a rule, in this case, held:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • urinalysis kamneobrazuyuschuyu function;
  • X-ray study;
  • Ultrasound and others.

If there is reason to believe the presence of other diseases, more research and diagnostic measures as it is in each case determined by the attending physician can be assigned. After receiving comprehensive information about the disease, the patient is assigned to appropriate treatment, in particular, it is determined by how it is to be a way to remove the stone.

possible complications

Even if the stone in the bladder does not cause the patient any painful symptoms, it is not a rare situation, you must delete it because of possible complications. The first patient is prone to blocking the flow of urine at any time, the development of hydronephrosis or pyonephrosis and even kidney damage.

Frequent urinary tract inflammation may lead to progressive renal dysfunction and the development of hypertension. The presence of stones within the bladder can cause:

  • constant irritation of its wall;
  • the formation of these structures, as well as cancer cells;
  • violation muscle contractility of the bladder with the occurrence of so-called its atony or, conversely, its excessive contractility.

Appropriate treatment should be performed immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis. You can not delay the operation, since this may lead to necrosis of the kidneys and ultimately kidney failure.

How does the fragmentation of stones in the bladder?

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, to select one of the options for the treatment of bladder stones:

  1. Eliminating the stone using a cystoscope. In this case, in the urethra of the patient is administered a special metal tube equipped with optics. Inspect the bladder and ureteral orifice. Then, ureteral orifice, wherein the pathology is detected is inputted tubule - stent which renews the natural flow of urine.
  2. Conservative treatment. Is assigned in the case where the size of the stones at least 3 millimeters. In this case, the patient is asked therapy drugs and clinical nutrition. The main aim of drug treatment is to dissolve stones and elimination of acute attacks of the disease. To combat the painful sensations are appointed by drugs such as No-spa, Baralgin, papaverine, Spazmalgon. Medicines in a wide range in any pharmacy. Formulations affect the ureter wall, relaxing it and thus activating the mobility of the stone. However, antispasmodics are only able to eliminate the pain, but can not rid the patient of the main causes of the disease - stone.
  3. Surgery. This is the most radical method of treatment of urolithiasis. Surgery is necessary in the case when the stone grows to a large size. As for the cut, it is carried out in the place where the stone was diagnosed. After removal of the concretion experts drain portion for removing urine which seeps through the wall of the bladder.

In addition, operative treatment is considered and the process of crushing of stones - a remote-wave lithotripsy. During manipulation of the stones are crushed and then discharged to the outside.

The period of recovery of the patient

Within five days after the stones out, the patient is in a hospital, takes antibiotics, physicians perform intermittent catheterization bladder. After over 21 days of a patient being strict control by ultrasound body metabolic monitoring.

When the doctor takes calculi by surgery, the patient is sometimes observed following complications:

  • tamponade and bleeding in the bladder;
  • postoperative infection;
  • organ damage walls.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural drugs excellent job with the urinary excretion of the stronger sex have different salt formations. The key to successful treatment - regular use of folk remedies, their proper cooking.

  1. The roots of a sunflower. Pre raw materials, carefully wash and finely chop, pour into a saucepan, pour three liters of boiling water, boil for five minutes. Enough raw material for the preparation of three servings of broth, strained broth drink half a cup three times a day for one month.
  2. Onion tincture. Fill half a tin chopped onion rings. Pour the vegetable to the brim with alcohol or vodka, let it brew for ten days. Availability of sufficient funds to take two tablespoons twice before eating. The duration of therapy depends on the size of formations in the bladder.
  3. Vegetable juice. Three times a day, eat 100 grams of carrot / cucumber / beet juice. You can prepare a mixture of juice, eat twice a day. The course of treatment lasts for not more than two weeks, continued treatment can lead to the development of allergy to drug candidates components.
  4. Tangerine therapy. The method allowed patients who are not prone to allergies. Throughout the week, eat two kilograms Mandarin. Make week break, repeat the therapeutic manipulation.

Before therapy, consult with the doctor, with the appearance of allergic reactions, choose a different recipe for traditional medicine.

Nutrition and diet

Regardless of stone localization in the body, doctors prescribe to patients health food - the so-called table number 7.

The main principles of such food include the following items:

  • When oxalate formations limit chocolate, meat, nuts, strong coffee and tea beverage;
  • if diagnosed calcium compound, limit or eliminate salt;
  • when identified cystine calculi, reduce the consumption of animal protein;
  • in the case of formation of struvite protect yourself from infections of the urinary system, and in case of treat time.

In addition to clinical nutrition patients advised to avoid hypothermia, serious physical exertion, which significantly increase the risk of inflammatory processes in the bladder weakened calculi.


Since the multifactorial etiology of urolithiasis, the same should be prevention. First of all, you need to adjust your diet. For the prevention of urolithiasis it is necessary to exclude or limit fatty foods, meats, pickles, spices, and other foods that contain large amounts of fat and salt.

It is also necessary to remember about proper water regime. It considered normal, if a person drinks a day for about one and a half liters of fluid and approximately six to ten times goes to the toilet. If your personal performance beyond the standard, you need to consider in their own water-salt regime.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that people are sedentary occupations are much more likely to suffer from kidney stones than active employees. Thus, the sport can be another way to prevent kidney stones.


When the first symptoms of the disease should consult a doctor for diagnosis and initiation of treatment. When severe pain need to call "ambulance", since such pain rarely goes away and the patient is in need of urgent assistance.

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