
Bulba: symptoms and treatment, diet

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Bulbit stomach in general, this is always an inflammation of duodenal bulb, the question arises - why, then, the disease called bulbita stomach. The fact that the bulb is closely adjacent to the stomach and taken to facilitate such a name. Thus there are several types or bulbita types depending on the shape and flow characteristics of the inflammation.

Most often bulbit is a consequence of chronic gastritis with high or low acidity. Slightly alkaline pH in the duodenum is created mainly secrete bicarbonate. They constantly neutralize the acid bolus descending from the stomach directly to the intestine. Gastritis with high acidity (giperatsidnom) bolus has too low pH (shifted to more acidic side), and, then the alkaline environment can not cope with the load over, and the gentle, slightly protected the intestinal epithelium is damaged and inflamed.

What it is?

Bulbit stomach - an inflammation of duodenal bulb, ie,.. actually bulbit - a particular form of duodenitis, inflammation in the duodenum. Inflamed bulb just adjacent to the stomach, but is not included in its composition, and the phrase "bulbit stomach" in this case is fundamentally wrong.

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Causes inflammation duodenal bulb

Bulba is often associated with gastritis. Therefore, the causes of this disease in many cases similar to:

  • helicobacter infection (especially for catarrhal bulbita);
  • improper nutrition (overeating, eating cold food, spicy, smoked, fried foods);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • too hot food;
  • taking certain drugs, particularly anti-inflammatory, and chemicals (e.g., acetic acid or alkalis).

Accidental or deliberate ingestion of objects of any kind can lead to alopecia bulbita - what does it mean: foreign body is retained in the bulb and squeezes her wall, under it and around developing local inflammatory reaction. Also causes inflammation of the bulb could be giardia and worms, especially in children.

Rarely bulbit duodenum 12 becomes a manifestation of Crohn's disease. This pathology may affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth and ending with the anus. Including Crohn's disease may start its development is in the bulb duodenum.

symptoms bulbita

The main manifestations of acute bulbita:

  • intense pain in the epigastric region;
  • general weakness, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • tenderness in the stomach;
  • increase in body temperature.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation is most often are:

  • tenderness in the epigastric area;
  • severity epigastric postprandial;
  • regurgitation or rotten, burping air available;
  • tendency to constipation or diarrhea, also possible unstable chair manifested alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • flatulence, pain, spastic nature of the abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • recurrent pain ( "hungry", night, early or late, or spilled encircling clearly localized in the epigastric region or in hypochondria, depending on the clinical course of embodiment bulbita), removes food intake, or antisecretory drugs antacid resources;
  • additional symptoms such as general weakness, sweating, palpitations, dyspnea, tremors (possible with neuroendocrine bulbita embodiment).

In some cases bulbit may be asymptomatic, accidentally revealed during endoscopy over other diseases, or at the stage of complications.

surface bulbit

It is an inflammation of the duodenal bulb, the easiest form of inflammation. Symptomatology is the same as in most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Strong stabbing pain in the abdomen and navel. The disease is manifested by vomiting and regurgitation with a bitter aftertaste. Pain arises after an hour or two after meals or at a large time gap between meals. The main treatment is a therapeutic diet for a month, after which you can return to the usual diet.

catarrhal bulbit

This increase in acid levels in the duodenum. It is characterized by abdominal pain radiating to the solar plexus. Drug treatment is not intended. The patient is prescribed a complete rest during the day, hunger, and then for a month therapeutic diet №1

erosive bulbit

It is an inflammation of the duodenum, which are formed on the walls of erosive lesions. This can lead to the destruction of the stomach wall. This type of gastric inflammation provoked by irregular meals, constant stress and genetic predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of erosive bulbita held under the supervision of doctors as running erosive bulbit can be detrimental effects on the body - stomach bleeding, the emergence of ulcers, and all sorts of complications in the gastrointestinal tract.


To confirm bulbit stomach, use the following methods:

  1. Physical examination by abdominal palpation. Possible diagnosis indicates occurrence of slight epigastric pain and stress state of the anterior abdominal wall.
  2. Duodenoscopy, able to identify the symptoms as swelling and redness of her excessive bleeding, erosion areas in the lower part of the stomach and the adjacent portion of the intestine. If the cause of the pathology is the atrophy of the mucous membrane, it is possible to discover her pale and thinning.
  3. X-rays, which allows to detect changes in the structure of the duodenum and stomach, confirming the existing symptoms. It features such as the presence of a carryover relaxation spasms, motility volatility, the increased size of the bulb.
  4. Electrogastrogram allowing for signs of motor-evacuation abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach and duodenum 12.
  5. Antroduodenalnaya manometry to determine the pressure for reducing the stomach during its operation (special sensors are placed in the antrum).
  6. Esophageal pH monitoring to keep track of acid dynamics in the course of the meal, with the fasted state and in other situations.

bulbita treatment

When the attack bulbita advisable to immediately take antacids (Almagel, Gastal, Maalox, etc.). But this is a temporary relief. An important factor in the successful recovery is, of course, correctly chosen strategy in the treatment of a certain type bulbita.

  • In the treatment of acute bulbita designate addition of antacids, analgesics (Nospanum, Baralgin, Papaverine). These drugs help relieve pain attacks by relaxing smooth muscle tone. It is also advisable to appoint during the first days of a diet or starvation diseases. It is best to treatment of acute gastric bulbita carried out in a hospital environment that may require gastric lavage to rule out poisoning. May also assign dropper saline for relieving symptoms of intoxication. There you will spend additional methods of examination, when the results of which will be chosen the most advantageous tactics bulbita treatment of acute duodenal ulcer.
  • In chronic and catarrhal Bulba prescribed antibiotic therapy, since this type of bulbita develops, usually due to H. pylori infection. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. It can be defined group of antibiotics that act on the cell of the causative agent - amoxicillin, Vilprafen, Summamed, de-nol, and others. Sometimes it may appoint Metronidazole, but nowadays its effectiveness to potential "killers" helicobacter contested. Also assigned long-term diet at the same time as bulbita.

In addition, you need to stop smoking. If possible, avoid stressful situations. It is necessary to refuse from taking all kinds of food additives, they may also be a precipitating factor for acute catarrhal and hronichekogo bulbita. Also in stressful situations during the treatment of this type of bulbita prescribed tranquilizers and sedatives. It should be understood and to be psychologically prepared for what will have to reconsider their way of life, as the treatment is complex and lengthy.

Diet for Bulba

During the course of treatment is necessary to observe the rules of diet:

  1. Between food intake should take about 3-4 hours.
  2. The last meal should be at least two hours before bedtime.
  3. At one time you need to use only one dish.
  4. You need to eat frequently but in small portions. Overeating in any case impossible.
  5. Keep the dish had an optimum temperature, since the hot or cold food negatively affects the mucosal layer of the stomach.
  6. It is necessary that all the food was fresh and soft enough. It is desirable that the dishes were semi-liquid or puree.

Dietary food at Bulba involves a complete rejection of poor quality and harmful products. It is prohibited to use the canned foods, pickles, sauces and so on. N. Fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is also necessary to give up coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks. Alcohol as well as smoking, are completely unacceptable.

Sample menu for one day might be:

  1. Early breakfast - scrambled eggs from two eggs, biscuits, a glass of milk.
  2. Lunch - steamed broccoli, milk.
  3. First lunch - puree any vegetables, green tea.
  4. The second dinner - soup of tomatoes, fish souffle, buckwheat porridge, stewed fruit.
  5. Afternoon tea - biscuits, green tea.
  6. Dinner - lazy cabbage rolls for a couple, a glass of milk.
  7. The second dinner - fat yogurt, green tea.

Dietary food should be used throughout the course of treatment.


With timely diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of a favorable prognosis. Dynamic dispensary observation with holding times in 1 year monitoring of endoscopic, ultrasound and laboratory tests subject patients with atrophic duodenitis, duodenal patency disorder, chronic pancreatitis, biliary pathology ways.

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