
How to treat trophic ulcer on his leg at home

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Trophic ulcers called violations integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, arising due to lack of blood circulation of the epithelial cells and their gradual withering away. They are located mainly in the legs (at the bottom), but also occur in other places.

The main difference of these wounds on the legs - long healing, in most cases impossible without medical intervention. ulcers often are tightened more than 60 days, inflammation and swelling of the skin and then amplified and require urgent treatment. This material tells about how to treat venous leg ulcers, their types and characteristics.

What it is?

Trophic ulcer lower extremity - a defect of the skin and mucosal surfaces, which appear after the destruction of superficial tissues. Intensive destruction can be triggered by impaired blood flow, infection and other factors. Then the patient is observed in vessels of disease development, which extends, as a consequence of treatment becomes difficult.

Other diseases trophic ulcer Features:

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  • long (up to 1 month or more) recurrent character;
  • spread destruction not only on the skin surface, but also deep into the tissues down to the bone;
  • loss of the ability to regenerate the damaged area;
  • healing occurs with the formation of rough scar.

Early treatment of trophic ulcer leads to scarring it. However, no patient is safe from the re-emergence of trophic ulcers on the feet in the future.

Causes of

According to statistics, the symptoms of trophic ulcers often occur in complicated of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. In this case the cause of the disease becomes a violation of the venous outflow of blood from the lower parts of the lower extremities - gradually develops congestion in the veins of small caliber, disrupted regulation of the tone of the capillaries of the microvasculature in the least affected arterial vascular link system. Atherosclerosis of the arteries deteriorates blood flow and, consequently, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues below the site of atherosclerotic plaque location.

The most frequent causes of venous ulcers:

  1. Thermal injury - frostbite or burns;
  2. Diabetes and its complications;
  3. chronic dermatitisAnd including allergic;
  4. atherosclerosis arteries of different caliber in the lower extremities;
  5. Chronic diseases of the lower extremities - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and its consequences;
  6. Anatomical and inflammatory disease of the lymph vessels - acute and chronic lymphostasis;
  7. Injuries to the nerve trunks to a subsequent breach of integrity;
  8. Autoimmune disease of the connective tissue, accompanied by systemic disorder of blood flow in the arterial, venous and microcirculatory vein, including antiphospholipid syndrome.

Generally, in the formation of trophic ulcers have the same value, two processes - formation of pathological phenomena that affect blood flow and innervation a certain portion of skin and subcutaneous tissue (usually in the lower extremities) and trauma provoking initial damage at the site of future ulcer formation defect.

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disease The danger is that the symptoms that help diagnose trophic ulcer, occur suddenly. Yet there are signs of the presence of swelling, heaviness and pain in the limbs, against which there are symptoms which define the beginning and the development of trophic ulcers.

The list of signs that indicate the possibility of the onset of trophic ulcers, highlight the main ones:

  1. Itching, heat and burning in areas of the skin.
  2. Seizures that occur during sleep.
  3. The appearance of the epidermis, which is accompanied by tenderness.
  4. Stains purple hue, which can be reunited in the growth process.
  5. External skin changes: there are roughened areas with a glossy surface.

These symptoms occur in the veins located areas on the inside of the leg. This is due to the fact that the development of the disease begins with finding the vein zones, where it manifests itself as the formation of small ulcers. The shape of the ulcer resembles a crater, with tattered edges on all roundness, with possible suppurations at the end of, as a result of inflammatory processes. The defeat of the arteries, namely, they are primarily inflammation and destruction of the integrity is determined by the following criteria:

  • The appearance of small ulcers on the fingers of feet.
  • Pallor of the epidermis.

Neurotrophic ulcers character appearance reminiscent of pressure sores, which are rounded. Their locations are most often the heel area of ​​the foot or the sole. Inflammatory processes occur slowly and do not disturb special pains. Autoimmune destruction expressed in symmetrical arrangement on both extremities, diabetes sores appear on the heel part and one of the fingers.


Characteristic features of the different types of venous ulcers:

  1. Neurotrophic ulcers - are in the form of a deep crater;
  2. Pyogenic ulcers - a shallow, oval in shape;
  3. Venous ulcers - night cramps, swelling and heaviness of the legs, violet / purple spots along the veins;
  4. Hypertensive ulcers (Martorell) - rather rare, symmetric seals formed slowly to red-bluish background;
  5. Diabetic ulcers - numbness, night pain is not a symptom of "intermittent claudication" rapidly develop very deep wounds of a large area;
  6. Atherosclerotic ulcers - is preceded by "intermittent claudication" (difficulty climbing stairs), is constantly cold feet, increased pain at night.

ulcer development stage

Trophic ulcers are formed in several stages:

  1. The first step of forming pathology. The patient indicated the initial symptoms - red spots on the lower extremities, which are shelled intensively. Gradually the spots begin to provoke itching and discomfort.
  2. The second stage of disease progression. Instead of red spots in a patient having sores that are a darker shade. On surface wounds is visible sanies which slows down the healing. The patient begins to complain of deterioration of health, increased body temperature and fever. It can also be diagnosed intoxication.
  3. The third stage of the lesion. Of wounds begins to rapidly excrete pus. Defeat increases in size, and become a regular shape. Ulcers are also progressing in feet deep, which provokes pain. The patient noted the appearance of new lesions.

If you do not start treatment, then this situation can cause sepsis.

What is a trophic ulcer: photo

The photo shows how the disease manifests itself in an initial and advanced stages.

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Than to treat trophic ulcer?

The earlier you start a full-fledged (and the local and systemic) treatment, the best result will be achieved, and the body is exposed to less risk. Shallow ulcerated skin defects in the initial stage are treated conservatively, surgical intervention in this case is impractical.

How to treat sores, and some use drugs - solves only a doctor-phlebologist. Independently conducted topical treatment can result in healing ulcers unit, but does not preclude the appearance of new wounds. Only the prescribing physician and the local impact of systemic therapy of the underlying disease will prevent the deepening of ulcerative process and minimize the chance of recurrence.

When open, the wound had not rumen using the following tools:

  • NSAIDS to relieve pain and inflammation;
  • Antibiotics - capsules, tablets, as in severe disease - intramuscular injections;
  • Antihistamines - Suprastin, Ksizal, Tavegil - to eliminate the allergic reaction;
  • Drugs that reduce blood viscosity - antiplatelet agents - for the prevention of blood clots;
  • Solutions antiseptic or medicinal herbs for daily washing ulcers.

In the treatment of ulcers are often used bandage Unna. This requires zhelatinoglitserinovaya mixture with addition of zinc and elastic bandage.

  • The bandage must be imposed on the lower leg from foot to knee.
  • At the finished mixture is applied to the skin, then wrapped with one layer of the bandage, and re-coated with a mixture already on top of the bandage. It does the same and other layers.
  • After 10 minutes, the dressing should be lubricated with formalin, to get rid of the stickiness.
  • Can walk over 3 h. At the end of 1.5 months ulcers heal.

Of ointments for the treatment necessary to use antiseptics, proteolitiki and venotoniki.

  • The former include: Bioptin, Miramistin, Levomekol.
  • The second group: Iruksol and Protex - TM.
  • In venotoniki group includes: Lawton Gepatrombin and Gepton.

For the treatment of venous ulcers use topical gels based on heparin. Enzymes are included in the gels are small, so they do not cause allergies and side effects. The larger of the gel composition of the heparin, the better the effect. Such gels may include:

  • lioton;
  • Trombless;
  • Trombofob.

To start treatment with the patch need to prepare it:

  • 20 g of combustible sulfur;
  • two medium-sized onions;
  • 80 g of wax;
  • 20g resin ate;
  • 60 g of butter.

All mix thoroughly, to get a thick mass. On linen cloth apply the mixture and apply to the affected area, fix the bandage. Remove the 2 days.

Pomiomo this, physiotherapeutic protseduryznachitelno enhance speed healing of ulcers:

  1. Impact magnets dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow;
  2. Solar baths (UV light);
  3. Method effect on ulcer ultrasonic cavitation, operating at low frequencies, has an antiseptic effect;
  4. in the chamber procedure gives a wonderful effect in the treatment of arterial wounds;
  5. Laser treatment of ulcers - is a relatively new method to significantly reduce pain;
  6. Ozone therapy cleans the wound from bacteria and dead skin cells, nourishes the living tissues with oxygen, well tolerated by all patients.
  7. To restore the entire recommended balneotherapy and mud.

Compression bandages in the treatment of venous ulcers

At all stages of the treatment have to be carried out elastic compression. Most often it is - a bandage made of several layers of elastic bandages limited extensibility to be changed daily. This type of compression used for open ulcers of venous origin. Compression reduces the diameter of the veins and edema, improves blood circulation in the lower limbs and the work limfadrenazhnoy system.

One of the progressive compression of venous systems for the treatment of trophic ulcers, is Saphena Med UCV. In it instead of bandages, a pair of elastic stockings. For the treatment of varicose ulcers in recommended permanent elastic compression using medical jersey "Sigvaris" or "Copper" compression grade II or III. To carry out intermittent compression with pyogenic, congestion, and other types can be used special compression bandages called "Sapozhok Unna" zinc-based gelatin or "boot Air Cast ».

Ligation and applying a compression bandage

Folk remedies

A list of some popular recipes, they may additionally assist in the treatment of ulcers in the home:

  1. It happened before the revolution. The girl 6 years old all the feet were covered with sores and boils. She lay there and cried day and night. Once in the house I went to a passerby, examined the wound and told what to do. We must take 3 handfuls of dope and nettle and steamed them in 5 liters of boiling water. Then diluted in a barrel with water so that the water level reached the groin girls. Hold the baby in a warm broth 30-40 minutes. Parents did so, first the girl cried out, as if it had been dipped in boiling water. After the procedure, she fell asleep and slept peacefully day. For a complete cure was enough three procedures. (HLS 2004, №23, p. 30).
  2. Mark 4 toasted hazelnut kernels, milled to a powder in a coffee grinder. Boil hard boiled 2 eggs, yolks reach, dry and grind them to a powder on a hot skillet (net without fat). Yolks and mix the core and grind, add 1 teaspoon yellow powder iodoform. Trophic ulcer necrotic clear from accretions of hydrogen peroxide, and then apply a thin layer of a mixture of 1.5 hours no tape up. Then cover with a sterile cloth and bandage for two days. (HLS 2003, №6, p. 15, from a conversation with Clara Doroninoj).
  3. Clean the wound cauterized alcohol tincture of propolis or regular vodka. And then apply ointment Wisniewski, which includes birch tar. Ichthyol ointment can be used, which has similar properties.
  4. A woman with diabetes mellitus open sores on his feet. 4 months, she almost did not sleep, feeling the terrible pain, you can not itch. Bypassed many medical institutions, was treated by various means, she appointed doctors, but on the shin ulcers did not heal. A friend advised her to check out the "Bulletin of healthy lifestyles," write the people's recipes and pay special attention to the treatment of ASD fraction. Decided to treat ulcers means that, as a result of pain stopped almost immediately, and two weeks later ulcers began to heal. (2010, №13, p. 22-23).
  5. Propolis ointment on the basis of goose fat. Take 100 g of goose fat and 30 g of crushed propolis. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Lay the ointment in the expression of the hole. Hide and wrap compress paper. This ointment can be cooked in butter or interior pork fat.
  6. Once in the hospital because of health and social care department brought on a stretcher patient, he had three sores shin, he lived alone and suffered from alcoholism, looked like a bum, it washed, steel untreated, the condition has improved, but the wounds have not shins. Doctor lechivshaya patient found in the literature treatment with grease. The man was treated ulcers with hydrogen peroxide and a bandage with grease for two days. Gradually wounds cleansed and began to heal. The patient began to walk. (2008, №8, p. 19).
  7. The powder of dried leaves of thistle. Wound rinse solution rivanola. Priporoshit cooked powder. Apply a bandage. The next morning, again sprinkle with powder, but the wound before it does not wash. Soon after the plague starts zarubtsovyvatsya.

Treatment of diseases of the lower extremities folk remedies - this is a long and laborious process. Recovery occurs only if regular treatment of the affected skin, respecting diet, proper lifestyle. Used folk remedies must also be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to complications.


If the state can not run or slow down the development of ulcers - are effective surgical procedures. In each case the individual plan of operations. But the general sense of the intervention is as follows:

  • Remove dead tissue;
  • To ensure the fastest possible removal of the detachable;
  • Activate and create conditions for the natural healing.
  • With deep trophic ulcers on the toes, foot - their amputated to avoid gangrene and blood poisoning development.

A separate set of procedures - removal of cosmetic defects left after venous ulcers. It can be performed transplantation of healthy skin (eg, the patient's buttocks), resurfacing of scars.

Trophic ulcer complications

As already mentioned, the plague is not terrible in itself. Much worse its complications. Among which:

  1. Gangrene.
  2. Septicemia (blood poisoning).
  3. Osteomyelitis (purulent lesion of the periosteum and bones).
  4. Fatal outcome.

To avoid this, it should be time to treat sores.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, it is especially important for the trophic ulcers. For prevention it is recommended to closely monitor the condition of the veins, periodically applied gels and ointments, improve blood circulation, avoid prolonged standing or sitting.

If a problem of blood circulation should regularly carry out exercises and physical therapy do not neglect examined by a doctor. It is also important to remember that the self can be disastrous.

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