
Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: photos, home treatment

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Many are not even aware that the poor condition of the hair can be due to a sufficiently serious disease. If you have seborrhea of ​​the scalp, dandruff, greasy luster, rapid contamination disposition of the strands - all her symptoms.

It occurs mainly due to improper functioning of sebaceous glands. Development of subcutaneous fat can be either amplified or reduced, its chemical composition changes, it clogs the skin, disrupt metabolism.

As a result, the microorganisms multiply, which are the main instigators of the disease. In the form of neglect, it can lead to hair loss, but in the usual forms quickly and easily treated with a professional approach. But first, you need to figure out why you became her hostage.

Why develop seborrhea?

The true causes of seborrhea is still poorly understood.

Currently, the underlying cause of seborrheic dermatitis is considered a violation of production of hormones, which can occur at any age due to various physiological and external factors. Also plays an important role in the formation of seborrhea various neuropsychiatric disorders.

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Background of the occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis:

  1. Gynecological and urological diseases.
  2. Reception of steroid drugs.
  3. Diseases of the adrenal glands and pancreas.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
  5. Hereditary predisposition, manifested in a reduced or elevated salovydelenii.
  6. Neurological diseases: infections of the CNS, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, epilepsy.
  7. Some malignant and benign tumors and neoplasms, especially those related to gynecological (eg, polycystic).
  8. Hormonal imbalance. It has been observed that women suffering from seborrhea, significantly reduced the number of female sex hormone estrogen, but the level of progesterone in them, on the contrary, increased.

The cause of seborrhea are often the physiological and hormonal changes associated with puberty. In this case, the disease runs independently together with the normalization of their production.


The disease is divided into several types:

  • Dry seborrhea. In this form of sebum production is reduced. The skin starts to peel is formed dandruff. The hair becomes brittle, exfoliate tips. After washing the hair a feeling of tightness. Skin covered with reddish-pink patches, studded with small scales. The patient may suffer from severe itching.
  • Oily seborrhea. It appears on the background of strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands and increased sebum production. One of the defining symptom - abundant dandruff. Keratinized scales exfoliate and the allocation of a mixture of different fats coalesce into large flakes. The hair becomes very greasy, thinning, drop out.
  • Mixed. It combines symptoms of both previous forms that appear in different parts of the head.

As a rule, the development of seborrhea may affect hormonal disorders, beriberi, a passive lifestyle, poor nutrition, as well as failure to comply with the recommendations of nutritionists. Various methods can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, including traditional medicine and folk. But to increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is desirable to combine a number of ways at the same time.

What is seborrhea color: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

How to treat seborrhea on a head?

Combined therapy was based on a number of specific remedial measures:

  1. Physiotherapy: cryotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, massage.
  2. The use of herbal medicine resources.
  3. Providing optimal nutrition.
  4. Appointment of hormonal agents in advanced and complicated forms of the disease.
  5. Physical exercise (walking, tempering), combined with fresh air and bathing.
  6. Treatment of major diseases that provoke seborrhea, or background illnesses which develop parallel and may enhance the skin pathology.
  7. Conducting vitamin focusing on vitamins A, B, D, E, and the application of agents based on sulfur and zinc.
  8. Normalization function of the autonomic nervous system through appropriate agents.

During the treatment it is important to ensure proper nutrition. Are excluded from the use of the following products: animal fat, salty, spicy seasonings, fatty food, sweets, canned food, spices, pickles, alcohol. The diet should be added to fruits, vegetables, dairy products, oatmeal.

Drug treatment of seborrhea

In order to treat seborrhea skin head medicines, drugs used with zinc, selenium, salicylic acid or medical tar. They are added to shampoos, ointments, creams and lotions. Each of these substances act differently.

Internal treatment uses drugs three groups:

  • Vitamins, minerals - forge metabolism.
  • Protivoallergichnye (loratadine) - relieve itching and skin irritation.
  • Antiinflammatory and detoksiruyuschie (calcium chloride and sodium thiosulfate) - reduce redness zone and exfoliation flakes.
  • Antibacterial (preferably externally - dosksitsiklin) - limit the activity of microbes (bacteria and fungi).

Zinc and selenium limit propagation of the pathological fungus, which often occurs in the secretions of the sebaceous pores. Tar in the reproduction of fungi and bacteria is not affected, but limits the number of them. Salicylic acid neutralizes and cleans the pores of the flakes. It is believed that salicyl breaks the sebaceous glands and causes dry skin. Therefore, a side effect of this treatment can be inflammation and redness of the skin.

Antifungal drugs are also used. They are applied topically as part of lotions, ointments, balms, shampoos.

Shampoo seborrhea scalp

You should buy shampoos with zinc and tar in the composition, acting against mildew. It can be:

  • Perhotal;
  • Tsinkon;
  • Algopiks;
  • Friderm zinc;
  • Friderm tar;
  • Nizoral;
  • elf;
  • Sebazon.

These shampoos not only eliminates dandruff and relieve itching, peeling, stop the spread of fungi, reduce the production of sebaceous secretion.

What should be the composition of such a shampoo:

  • Ciclopirox kills pathogens.
  • Tar Medical eliminates peeling.
  • Ketoconazole is able to survive the impact of the fungus on the skin.
  • Zinc pyrithione prevent the inflammatory process.
  • Selenium sulfide. These ingredients stop the spread of fungal infections.

The duration of treatment shampoo should be no more than a month. As part of good means no parabens and fragrances. Zinc containing means accelerate the healing process.

Folk remedies

To facilitate the skin in dry or oily seborrhea of ​​the skin, there are several folk remedies that doctors recommend to use at home:

  1. The leaves of the walnut is also good help to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis. Finely chop the fresh walnut leaves (6 tablespoons. spoons), fill 0.5 liter. boiling water boil 3 minutes. Broth should infuse at room temperature for 2-3 hours, then soak it in a towel, cover the head cover top plastic bag. After half an hour, rinse the head without using shampoo. Do this procedure 3 times a week until the disappearance of seborrhea.
  2. At the first manifestations of the disease it is worth remembering burdock oil. In order to conduct the therapy should be rubbed into the scalp pharmacy burdock oil (cook it yourself, you can, but it is very time-consuming). Oil should be rubbed carefully, as otherwise there is a risk istonchonnye pull hair and damage has become very fragile skin. Once the oil has been applied, the head wrapped with polyethylene and insulated with a towel. This compress is left for 6 hours and then washed off using a special dry shampoo from seborrhea. Are treated with 2 times a week for 30 days. This therapy enables you to moisturize the scalp and get rid of hair loss.
  3. Mix soda, glycerol, boiled water to form a slurry. Cool the mixture and apply as a mask by gently rubbing the mixture with fingertips into the scalp. Apply the mask should be 20 minutes before washing. Soda will improve blood circulation, and glycerin softens the skin of the head. When dry seborrhea after such a mask using shampoo is not necessary, because the soda all excess grease is easily washed away.
  4. You can be prepared to deal with this form of the disease and the mask on the basis of honey. Taking a small 1 (tea) spoon flower honey and 1 small spoonful of mayonnaise, they are mixed and combined with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Thereafter, the mixture was uniformly distributing on the skin and hair, and the head is covered with polyethylene insulated towel. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes. Then, wash it using a special shampoo. After the mask is completely washed away, the head is rinsed with lukewarm water, in proportions podkislonnoy vinegar 1 tablespoon vinegar in 250 milliliters of water. In week 3 make such a mask. Course duration - 30 days.
  5. seborrhea of ​​the skin are well treated broth oak bark. To make it, take 3 tbsp. tablespoons shredded bark pour 1 cup boiling water. Mass Stir and simmer 20 minutes. Broth strain, let cool at room temperature and wash their heads every three days.
  6. Excellent benefits from the addition of seborrhea shampoos and masks the essential oils (2-3 drops per 1 cap). When dry seborrhea are shown: lavender, geranium, patchouli, chamomile, rosewood, peppermint. For oily seborrhea will approach: lemon, orange, grapefruit, cypress, juniper, cedar and sandalwood.
  7. It can be used to treat and parsley. Taking 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh herbs, its brew 1 cup of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. After that, strain the drug, it is used for rinsing the scalp. Repeat this daily for 1 month.

It is also a wonderful remedy for occurrence of seborrhea - the usual carrots, because this root vegetables contain vitamin A, which is needed skin. It is equally important to pass an annual preventive check-ups in order to timely detect oily, and not give her a chance to move into the chronic stage.

Hormonal creams and ointments

For the treatment of seborrhea smooth skin there are various external preparations, reduces the severity of inflammation and normalizes the sebaceous glands:

  • Cream Eplan: antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly eliminates flaking;
  • Cream Solkoseril: wound healing and reparative effect. Improves the appearance of skin;
  • Exoderil cream: anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to eliminate not only the effects of seborrhea, but also inflammatory elements;
  • Ointment Rendezvous: antipruritic, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Slowing down the processes of keratinization of the skin, improving the barrier function of the skin;
  • Dexpanthenol and analogues (Bepanten, panthenol, Pantoderm): regenerative effect. This drug can be used for the treatment of seborrhea in infants and pregnant women;
  • Tsinokap Skin Cream or Cap: antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly removes skin irritation and is also used to treat children.


When oily hair shows Cryomassage, it normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands, darsonvalization that It stimulates hair growth, has a mild drying effect, and ozone therapy, providing disinfectant Effect. Against the background of these procedures is significantly reduced itching, which has a positive effect on disease progression (with the exception of scratching), and the general condition of the patient.

A good effect is given sulfur baths, appointed a course of 10-12 procedures.

hormone therapy

In cases where the seborrhea on the face and scalp is a long and progressive in nature and not amenable to classical therapy resort to hormonal preparations (ointments flutsinar, hydrocortisone, and Celestoderm et al.). This group of drugs used short course.

food rules

exclude or limit the following foods in the diet:

  • flavor enhancers, food dyes;
  • spices, condiments;
  • salted, smoked, pickled and spicy dishes;
  • semi-finished products;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries;
  • mushrooms;
  • caviar.
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
  • preservatives;
  • honey, nuts;

The daily diet should include:

  • greens, raw vegetables, fresh fruit;
  • boiled meat, eggs, fish;
  • seafood (squid, seaweed, mussels etc.);
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • vegetable oils;
  • bran, cereal products;
  • lactic products, especially enriched with bifidobacteria.

Beneficial for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp affected by products that improve digestion and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

preventive measures

It's hard to argue with the fact that it will be easier to prevent the occurrence of seborrhea than cure it. Preventive measures primarily include personal hygiene. We are talking about using different lotions for the face and regular washing. To prevent the need to handle oily seborrhea scalp special alcoholic preparation.

Ultraviolet is also positively affects the skin, preventing the development of fungal bacteria. But it can be useful only in moderation. Do not forget the carrot, which is a lot of different vitamins, in particular vitamin A, which is very good for human skin.

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