
Solar dermatitis: symptoms, photo, treatment. How to treat solar dermatitis

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Solar dermatitis - a type of allergic reaction of the organism in response to the ultraviolet radiation of natural origin. He has other names - fotodermatit or solar fungus. Flowing a formation on exposed skin rash with characteristic swelling and redness.

It explains this reaction the individual characteristics of the body of people who are prone to other variants of allergic reactions. Treat such deviation is possible both drugs and popular methods in the home.

What it is?

Solar dermatitis - a skin disease related to photodermatosis group.

The main factor that triggers the development of a pathological condition in this case is the effect of sunlight. Such a condition, of course, greatly reduces the quality of life, not allowing you to enjoy the summer sun, and requires access to medical care.

Factors favoring development photodermatitis

The sun's rays are not included in the number of allergens. Skin disease develops under the influence of photosensitizers. By increasing the sensitivity of the skin tissues to UV radiation, these materials are irritants to humans. With hit on the body of sunlight stimuli begin to secrete free radicals. Their reactions with the proteins of the organism provides compounds which accelerate the development of an allergic reaction.

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Reasons solar fungi are divided into two groups:

  1. Internal. This accumulation of substances characteristic of obesity and diabetes. This category also includes any malfunction of the bodies responsible for the removal of toxic substances (chronic constipation or hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure). In some patients the disease develops after systemic treatment with medicines.
  2. External. Their number is fotorazdrazhiteli falling on the skin: cosmetics with benzophenone, musk and benzocaine, household chemicals, juice plants, topical medications.

The disease can develop on the background of weakening of immunity that occurs after serious ongoing infectious pathologies. With this problem, doctors usually face in the treatment of children for whom even a sore throat becomes the impetus for the launch of allergy.

What are the symptoms?

In the event of solar dermatitis in adults and children, the symptoms are as follows (see. Photo):

  • swelling in the affected areas of the dermis;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • caused acne causes severe itching, discomfort, pus may appear;
  • severe burning, peeling of the epithelium in the defeat of large areas;
  • education in the dermis face, hands, shoulders, back, bright red rash. Manifestation of allergic reactions such as rash, perhaps even in places protected from the sun.

In some cases, there is a manifestation of cheilitis, conjunctivitis. Rash dermatitis, sunlight passes through the 2-3 weeks. It can occur when a new UV exposure. So there is a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by:

  • the appearance of pigmentation;
  • dryness of the dermis;
  • the appearance of vascular "stars";
  • enhancement of skin pattern;
  • infiltration of the epithelium.

Clinical disease sometimes acts resistant sunburn (it is represented by redness, rash, do not pass on for many months). Erythema symptoms do not disappear even with the disappearance of photosensitizing factors. They strongly manifested at each exposed to UV.

Chronic dermatitis (solar)

During long-term measures under the sun, all the conditions for the development of this skin disease.

The skin becomes very pigmented, constantly has a shade of a ripe tomato. Also becomes rough, covered with scars, some processes are irreversible. Not cure the problem aggravates the situation even more.

How does solar dermatitis: photo

The photo below shows how the manifested solar dermatitis in adults and children.

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Noticing on your skin after sunburn rash, you should immediately consult a doctor. Identification of the conversation with the patient, dermatological examination and dermoscopy present rash of fact photosensitivity, provide the physician to make an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of solar dermatitis.

Determining the type of photosensitizing agent carried by the applicator photoallergens samples. On the patient's skin allergen is applied in two rows, then on the area where the research is carried out, impose a light bandage. After 24 hours, a row subjected to ultraviolet irradiation, and the second is a control.

In order to identify the endogenous causes of the disease may need to conduct biochemical analysis of blood and urine of the patient, on sample analysis zymnytskyi, hormonal changes, excretory urography, ultrasonography and CT scan of the kidneys, and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. To completely eliminate this insidious disease like lupus can conduct determining the patient's blood antinuclear factor, C-reactive protein and lupus anticoagulant.

solar dermatitis Treatment

It is obvious that mainly in the treatment of solar dermatitis in adults is to reduce the main source of the disease - sun exposure. For acute symptoms it is recommended as much as possible in the shade, and a better home, completely cover the body of the clothes, the face with a handkerchief. When symptoms begin to subside, you can already start to sunbathe, but also limited in time, with great care.

Also designate complex drug treatment solar dermatitis using ointments and other preparations:

  1. Antiallergic drugs relieve allergy symptoms, reduce the risk of re-reaction;
  2. Antihistamines reducing edema, eliminate the causes of inflammation, normalize blood flow, reduce pain;
  3. In order to avoid secondary infections using antiseptic agents (levomikol, Linkomitsinovaya ointment);
  4. Restore the skin to help panthenol, Bepanten and a number of other similar ointments, sprays;
  5. Antibacterial agents kill already trapped in the wound micro-organisms;
  6. If the cause of disease is stress, then tseleobrazno will take a course of sedatives;
  7. Severe forms are treated with hormonal drugs. Characterized by fast action, but have a number of contraindications, side effects. Before taking you should consult with your doctor.

necessary ointments and assigns exclusively qualified personnel for the treatment of solar dermatitis. Before using the products manufactured by hand, check with your doctor.

Solar dermatitis: an ointment for the treatment of

At home, a special ointment prescribed to treat symptoms solar dermatitis (Skin-kap, Bepanten, Protopic, Epidel etc.) are used to relieve the itching and irritation allergic character. The name drugs in ointment base may be different. Desitin cream used most often Fenistil gel, Elidel cream, Dexpanthenol, Psili Balm and other ointments and gels, to eliminate the negative effects of the skin and itching.

Good reviews of patients have received such ointments as methyluracyl and zinc, which are well-dried skin and have an antiseptic effect. Typically, these types of ointments can be purchased at any pharmacy online without prescription.

Folk remedies

After consulting with a specialist treatment photodermatosis can complement traditional medicine treatments.

  1. To remove symptoms such as swelling and inflammation, use compresses of gruel grated horse chestnut, carrot.
  2. Decoction of calendula, chamomile, and plantain, it is literally impossible to do also, it will not only relieve inflammation, help in the regeneration of the dermis, but also reduce stress. Take assorted herbs about 400 g pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, take on an empty stomach 1 glass per day;
  3. Burning and itching can be reduced by using a lotion with yogurt, apple cider vinegar.
  4. Beneficial effects on the skin, treatment with herbal baths: with currant leaves, chamomile.
  5. Prepare an ointment based on St. John's wort, it will not only relieve the inflammation, but also act as an antiseptic. For manufacturing squeeze juice of flowers, put pas heat and bring the evaporation to half the weight in the broth add butter in a ratio of 1 to 4;
  6. To soften the skin, firming the epidermis, you can use sea buckthorn, peach butter.
  7. Potatoes are the most beneficial and yet cheap means that it would not use a grate large tuber into small grater, the resulting slurry grease areas with injuries.


An important aspect of treatment of solar dermatitis is to prevent the re-occurrence of rash. For this purpose, patients with this diagnosis should be mandatory to use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least spf 30-40.

Also important is adequate hydration of the skin after sunbathing. To do this, you must buy a special cream for the skin after sunbathing. Well, if it will be composed not only moisturizing, but also soothing ingredients such as panthenol. And, of course, going to the beach in order to avoid a repetition of symptoms should not use decorative cosmetics and perfumery.

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