
Onycholysis, causes and treatment

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Onycholysis - a change of the nail, in which the nail plate moves away from the nail bed. The nail becomes bluish, yellow or brown color, becoming brittle and fragile.

The disease can manifest as on one finger, and on several. Be amazed and nails on the hands and feet. oniholizisa treatment requires a long time, thus it is very important to correctly identify the cause of the disease.

Causes of

Provoke diseases can the various factors of infectious and non-infectious. The main infectious cause delamination of nails in 70% of cases is a defeat nail fungus.

Among noninfectious causes of oniholizisa can be identified as follows:

  • frequent use of antibiotics;
  • avitaminosis;
  • the use of low-quality nail polish;
  • nail trauma;
  • dermatological problems character - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals - powder, liquids for washing dishes, floors, etc .;.
  • diseases of the nervous, digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular system. Due to failures in the body of the nail plate loses nutrients, whereby the nail begins destructive process.
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Less commonly, the disease begins due to a bacterial infection - streptococcus and staphylococcus.

Signs and photos

The main symptoms oniholizisa (see. Photo):

  1. Changing the shape of the nail.
  2. thickening of the skin under the nail plate.
  3. Uneven boundary line separating the white and the pink part of the nail.
  4. Change the color of the nail plate, the nail may look bleached, yellowish, bluish. If onycholysis caused by trauma, the nail may become purple or black color is due to a dried blood on them.

Onycholysis painless, but in the case of joining a secondary infection may have the appearance of pain.

Onycholysis may be complete or partial. In the latter case, only the affected part of the nail plate. However, the process can progress, leading to the defeat of the entire area of ​​the nail.


To which the doctor ask for onycholysis? Diagnosis and treatment of this disease has been a dermatologist. If found comorbidities it can be referred to an allergist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or other specialist.

In order to determine how to treat onycholysis, the doctor establishes its causes. Basic Diagnostic Methods:

  • examination of nail plates;
  • history taking and assessment of associated symptoms;
  • assays for the presence of fungi, staphylococci or streptococci;
  • blood analysis to determine the overall condition of the body.

Furthermore, there may be used other instrumental and laboratory methods, the choice of which is dependent on the suspected cause of nail delamination.

oniholizisa treatment

Treatment should be complex, especially in advanced cases. Pre doctor conducted examination and necessary tests to determine the causes and contributing factors of disease development.

Of the funds and the overall impact of the methods used physiotherapy, massage, probiotics, angioprotectors. Moreover, recommended yeast extract, amino acid and vitamin-mineral complexes for oral administration, containing:

  • "B" vitamins stimulating metabolism improvers peripheral nerve function, and so on. D .;
  • antioxidant complex vitamins in the form "A", "E" and "C", beta-carotene, stimulating regeneration processes;
  • macro- and microelements, especially with a high content of calcium, sulfur, zinc, copper and iron.

Local treatment at home is cutting the nail section at the edge of its compartment. Helps get rid of oniholizisa Solkoseril as an ointment or gel. This drug, which improves blood circulation in tissues, angio- and has cytoprotective, antihypoxic, membrane stabilizing and regenerative properties.

In the presence of a fungal infection topically topically applied antifungal drugs Mikospor, Lotseril, ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Batrafen. But the most effective (in the presence of a fungal infection) has treatment oniholizisa Ekzoderilom which is in the form of a solution or cream is applied to the lesion and surrounding area twice in 1 day. The duration of therapy with this drug depends on the reduction rate of the nail plate. Maximum treatment for hands up to 6 months, for the feet - from six months to 1 year. If you must use persistent current antifungal agents not only local, but also systemic exposure.

Used and other emulsions and ointments with onycholysis. So, in order to prevent, or in the presence of a bacterial (streptococcus and / or staph infection) is most commonly used sintomitsinovaja geliomitsinovaya emulsion or ointment that is applied to the nail bed in place on the affected delamination and soft tissue portions to two times a day. Good antiseptic and regenerating properties are levomikol and Wisniewski ointment containing castor oil, birch tar and xeroform.

Folk remedies

Treatment oniholizisa polish folk remedies is often quite effective. Among other things, it is an excellent alternative antifungal therapy, especially in those When receiving such drugs are contraindicated, for example, when serious liver diseases or kidney.

  1. To strengthen brittle nails and exfoliating affected oniholizisa should do special packs. To do this, mix 70 grams of water, 20 grams of glycerol, and 5 grams of alum. The resulting composition can be applied to the nails in the form of compresses, or used as a bath, dropping it on the fingers 10-15 minutes.
  2. Means the layer of nails with olive oil has been proven in practice, so frequently applied in such cases. It is necessary to connect the oil in equal proportions with lemon juice and apply the mixture on your nails at night, wear cotton gloves and go to bed. The procedure should be performed at least 2 times a week for 3-4 months.
  3. Treatment involves gelatin baths for nails, as well as use in food products containing this component: jelly, Jellied meats, jellies. For baths to soak in 1 liter of gelatin 1 tbsp. hot water, cool and dissolve the pellet before beginning step thickened. Bath should last up to 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week up to 5-6 weeks.
  4. Sea salt - another great tool in the fight against onycholysis. On its basis, per 500 grams of warm water - 1 tablespoon salt, you need to do the bath and lower them into the affected nails for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a week. Also, similar means can be used as prevention of various diseases of the nail plate and nail strengthening.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide cure onizolizis unlikely, but it can be very useful to soften calloused nail plates. To do this, hold the legs in the bath, and then attach a peroxide as a cotton compress to the sore nail. This will compress more easily remove the diseased portion of flaking. But after necessarily need to lubricate the cream of the fungus.

The main thing is not to lose optimism in the treatment of any disease, and determined to go to the goal. Protect your nails from injury, damage and adverse effects of chemicals, observe hygiene of hands and feet, carefully do a manicure and pedicure, and then do not have to deal with nail problems.


The following steps need to be followed to prevent the disease:

  • eat properly;
  • take vitamins;
  • timely treat chronic diseases;
  • in the care of the nails during manicure or pedicure, avoid their injury;
  • Use quality coatings and nail polish remover;
  • when working with household cleaning products and other aggressive substances, wear rubber gloves.


Onycholysis, subject to adequate treatment, designated with the cause of the disease has a good prognosis. Without treatment, the disease can lead to the appearance of inflammatory lesions, large deformations of the nail plate and spread of infection.

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