
Pityriasis versicolor: treatment with ointments, symptoms and photos

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Pityriasis (color, colorful versicolor) - relapsing skin disease fungal origin, in which It affected only the outer layer of skin (the upper stratum corneum epidermis) having direct contact with the surrounding environment. Doctors note that the disease peaks in the hot summer time, so this disease is often called the "sun fungus". Manifestations of tinea versicolor affected mostly young people, children and the elderly, he is much rarer.

The causative agent of depriving a person of color speak of Pityrosporum yeast fungi of the genus, can exist in three different forms, passing one another. The disease is considered to be conditional contagious, that is, the fungus can be transmitted through contact with the sick person and his personal belongings, but this does not mean that the infected person necessarily sick.

What it is?

Chromophytosis - long-term (chronic) fungal infection of the horny layer of the epidermis. Domestic (slang) a name that can be found in the resorts - "sun fungus". It is necessary to distinguish the disease vitiligo, pink lishaom Gibert and syphilitic roseola.

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The name "shingles» (Lichen) known since the time of Hippocrates, under it combined many skin diseases, which are characterized by the formation of colored spots and peeling. The causative agent of multi-colored lichen was described by G. Robin in 1853, and in 1951 M. Gordon singled round and oval forms of the pathogen, both in the areas of rash multi-colored lichen, and within healthy skin, attributing it to the yeast-like fungi.

Causes of infection

The causative organism - yeast-like fungi, known in 3 forms: round Pityrosporum orbiculare, oval Pityrosporum ovale and filamentous Malassezia furfur, able to take on different forms.

On human skin, he lives all the time, but is only activated under the influence of certain factors:

  • violation of the rules of hygiene;
  • diabetes;
  • excessive sweating - as in the heat, and in some diseases, tuberculosis, for example;
  • for violations in the endocrine system and some gastrointestinal diseases - the opportunity to "prove themselves" from the fungus appears by changing the acidity of the skin;
  • immune deficiency - both due to illness or general weakening and because of certain drugs: cytostatics, glucocorticoid hormones.

Until recently it was thought that the catch chromophytosis from a sick person is very difficult, however, recent studies in this area contradict earlier findings of scientists. Today, dermatologists are inclined to believe that pityriasis versicolor can occur not only after personal contact with the infected, but also in the sharing of household items (sheets, towels, washcloths, clothes).

Thus, to pick up the fungus is quite possible even in the fitting room clothing store. The first symptoms of tinea versicolor occur in a period of several weeks to several months. The duration of the incubation period depends on the state of human health and the presence of trigger factors, which we have already mentioned just above.

Symptoms in humans

Typical symptoms of tinea versicolor in humans are (see. Photo):

  1. The appearance of pink spots with a yellowish coloration;
  2. Gradual change their color to brown pigmentation, localize in the typical places (in the first place, this neck area);
  3. Melkoplastinchatoe slight peeling rash appeared on the skin;
  4. Impermanent observed itchy spots, which is not different strong intensity;
  5. The skin tans in the place where localized rash. This is due to functional deficiency of melanocytes - the skin cells that produce pigment.

To determine if you are really sick solar deprive visit a dermatologist. The doctor will check your skin lamp - the fungus has luminescent properties. If the skin glows pink or greenish-blue color, a dermatologist diagnose ringworm.

In humans, the symptoms of tinea versicolor, in the form of itching and burning, often not expressed. If the doctor is suspected by the presence of the fungus, the pathogen, it will send the patient to the analysis of dead skin flakes.

diagnosis of the disease

Accurate diagnosis pityriasis versicolor performed based on data collected by a visual inspection and history. Identify pityriasis pityriasis versicolor helps iodine sample Balser, after which the affected skin becomes dark brown. In addition, doctors often use a special lamp Wood. In the light of its fungi cluster sites give a yellowish glow.

What is pityriasis versicolor, photos

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

Diseased areas of the skin can not be exposed to sunlight (not covered by sunburn) in the summer looks bright healthy skin. The spots may be on the human body apart from each other, and may coalesce. Observed desquamation of the skin, which is due to the fact that the activity of the fungus leads to loosening of the stratum corneum.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor?

In most cases, treatment of tinea versicolor in humans is not difficult, but should not be ignore the doctor's advice, as most recurrences of the disease is linked to self-medicate.

Diagnosis and treatment of such diseases has been dermatologist. Traditional therapy includes antifungal drugs for local and systemic effects.

Treatment of tinea versicolor ointments and drugs

In home use the ointment or other external agents (creams, lotions, powders, solutions, sprays, etc.) of tinea versicolor.

Currently, the following external antifungal agents are used:

  1. Funds from naftifine (Mikoderil, Exoderil);
  2. Funds from sertaconazole (Zalain, sertaconazole, Sertamikol);
  3. Funds from isoconazole (travogen and Travokort);
  4. Funds with econazole (Ifenek, Ekodaks);
  5. Funds with miconazole (Daktarin, Mikozon);
  6. Means with ketoconazole (Dermazol, Mikozoral, Mikoket, Nizoral, Perhotal, Sebozol);
  7. Funds from bifonazole (bifaces, bifonazole, Bifosin, Mikospor);
  8. Means with clotrimazole (Amiklon, imides, Kandibene, Candid, Kandizol, Kanesten, Canison, clotrimazole, Funginal, Fungitsip);
  9. Means of terbinafine (Atifin, Binafin, Lamisil, Lamisil Dermgel, Lamisil Uno Lamitel, Mikonorm, Tebikur, Terbized-Agio, Terbizil, Terbiks, Terbinafine, Terbinoks, Terbifin, Termikon, Ungusan, Fungoterbin, Ekziter, Ekzifin).

Tablets of tinea versicolor. For the treatment of severe cases of tinea versicolor apply the following antifungal drugs for oral administration:

  • Fluconazole (Diflazon, Diflyuzol, Diflucan, Disorel-Sanovel, Medoflyukon, mikomaks, Mikosist, Mikoflyukan, Nofung, Prokanazol, Fangiflyu, Fluzole, Flukozid, Fluconazole, Flukonorm, Flunol, Flucostat, Forkan, Funzol, Tsiskan). Formulations accept or 200 mg once a day for 1 - 2 weeks or 400 mg once per week (a total of two doses at an interval of 7 days between them).
  • Ketoconazole (ketoconazole, Mikozoral, Nizoral, Oronazol, Funginok, Fungistab, Fungavis). Formulations accept or 200 mg once a day for 1 - 2 weeks or 400 mg once per week (a total of two doses at an interval of 7 days between them).
  • Itraconazole (Irunine, Itrazol, itraconazole, Kanditral, Mikonihol, Orungal, Orungamin, örün, Rumikoz, Teknazol). Formulations taking 200 mg 2 times a day on the first day, and then for 5 days at 200 mg once a day.

The following external means are used as keratolytics:

  • Salicyl alcohol-resorcinol;
  • Salicylic ointment 5%;
  • Salicyl alcohol (salicylic acid) 3 - 5%;
  • Resorcinol alcohol 5 - 10%;
  • Glycolic acid 5 - 10%.

Shampoo and other cosmetics from tinea versicolor. At present, for the treatment of tinea versicolor used shampoos that contain the following components on the scalp, which have antifungal activity:

  • zinc pyrithione (Keto-plus shampoo; Skin cap spray, shampoo and cream; Tsinokap spray, cream);
  • selenium sulfide (Soultz Mita Pasta and shampoo; Soultz Forte shampoo; Sulsena, lotion, oil, shampoo);
  • sodium thiosulfate (sodium thiosulfate);
  • Ketoconazole (shampoo Keto Plus, Mikozoral, Mikanisal, Nizoral, Perhotal, Sebozol).

and folk remedies can also be used as a supplement:

  • Brew a cup of boiling water spoon peppermint. Apply for the lubrication of damaged areas after aging in a water bath with a duration of a quarter of an hour;
  • Mix in a three-liter boiling pot celandine, Hypericum (spoonful). For brewing the ingredients added to the gauze. Keep the solution for a month. Take three times a day for 50 mg. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator;
  • To lubricate the pathological sites can use burdock, burdock juice, cranberries, marigold, sea buckthorn. For processing used as monocomponent and multicomponent solutions.

Unfortunately, in spite of the relative safety of the disease, pityriasis versicolor tends to recur, so most people the infection reappears within 2 years after the successful treatment. Relapses do not mean that the treatment was carried out poorly, just the person most likely to have a genetic predisposition to the disease, so that he is very fast compared to other development occurs in the presence of infection favorable to her conditions.

To prevent a recurrence of tinea versicolor should be periodically (1 time per month) to take one tablet of antifungal drugs.

How to prevent the disease?

In order to prevent a recurrence of topical treatment is conducted with the warmest periods of the year. The scalp is treated with ketoconazole shampoo. Also, this shampoo can be used as a shower gel, body rubbing them every month for 3 consecutive days to 5 minutes. The rest of the skin is smeared 1 week in 1% salicylic alcohol.

Despite the fact that chromophytosis not considered a contagious disease, it is recommended carefully monitor the patient's contacts with family members of his garments, personal care or bed linen. All suffering from this disease must have its own set of bed linen, towels and clothing. During treatment, disinfection of laundry and clothing of the patient is carried out by boiling in 2% th soap and soda solution, followed by five times with ironing steam humidification. Also synthetic materials should be avoided. Preference should be given to cotton fabrics.

People suffering from tinea versicolor, it is advisable to avoid stressful situations, increased physical activity, excessive sweating, high temperature. We should not forget about the strict observance of rules of personal hygiene.

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