
Sudamen in Adults: Symptoms, Picture, Treatment. How to cure prickly heat

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Sudamen, which is quite common in young children, also occurs in adults. Most often the disease occurs in the hot season. When illness occurs inflammation of the skin due to overactive sweat glands. Unlike kids sudamen in adults may indicate not only the lack of hygiene, but also on the heavy internal diseases.

With this in mind, potnichnye rashes should not be left unattended. When the prickly heat is obligatory to find out the cause of its origin and undergo treatment. If skin rashes are not related to internal diseases, then to remove them ideal variety of folk remedies, which are characterized by their efficiency and safety.

Causes of

As a rule, prickly heat is accompanied by unfavorable external factors provoking plentiful sweating, and there it is mainly in the private areas of the body where the skin for a long time It remains moist.

Such factors may include:

  • emotional distress, leading to stress;
  • long stay in hot environments;
  • intense exercise (usually relates primarily to teenagers);
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  • excessive use of cosmetic products, preventing the natural air exchange at the skin surface;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • Various abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • diseases causing fever and, consequently, excessive sweating;
  • wearing hats, which in hot weather do not allow the skin to dry out quickly;
  • failure to comply with rules of personal hygiene;
  • excessive fullness.

It should be noted that children potnichka usually not accompanied by any odor. But in adults it is often the appearance of unpleasant odors, creating additional discomfort to man. For these reasons, early treatment of skin disorders contributes not only to the attainment of a good physical shape, but also helps a person psychologically.


Itself sudamen in adults (see. photo) is characterized by the development of a small rash of bright pink or red. It can be located in those skin areas that come in contact with clothing (armpits, elbow area, grooving region, legs, neck and head).

And the appearance of prickly heat on the neck, on the head and on the face of the adult promotes hair growth, because that creates humidity of the skin in these areas.

What is prickly heat in adults: photo rashes

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in adults:

Rash that appears on the "greenhouse effect" on the skin, is easily distinguished from contagious rash or hives. Manifestations miliaria characterized rash in the form of bubbles of different sizes and colors.

crystal sudamen

Crystalline sudamen characterized by eruptions of multiple small red vesicles which are located sufficiently close to each other. This kind of prickly heat is considered to be the safest. Eruptions at the crystal prickly heat can pass on their own after the removal of a provoking factor.

There are cases when such sudamen disappeared a few hours after its appearance. The cause of this kind of prickly heat is considered a fever in the environment. This entails increased the sweat glands and the appearance of prickly heat. Bubbles with crystal prickly heat are painless and do not show themselves, except for appearance.

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papular sudamen

It is a more severe course of the red prickly heat in adults. That is, it is the next step after the red prickly heat. There is a papular sudamen at sharp change of climate. Characterized by an acute inflammation in the surface layers of the skin and is accompanied by papular development of bubbles, which is also called vesicle-papully.

The general condition of the patient at a variety miliaria may be impaired. There may be a slight rise in temperature to subfebrile, pain in the affected areas of the skin, swelling and redness of them.

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Red sudamen

This sudamen adults can deliver a significant discomfort, rather than crystalline. She is represented as a puzyrkoobraznyh rash on the skin of red color, which is often accompanied by inflammation in the surface layers of the skin.

Often, the red prickly heat in adults can be seen in the armpits, groin and abdomen, in the area of ​​the elbow and forearm. These rashes can quickly go to the moist crust, indicating that secondary bacterial infection. Independently red sudamen in adults does not pass. Usually, it is accompanied by a transition to a chronic skin disease with signs of infection. Because it is also called inflammatory views.

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Prickly heat treatment in an adult

Uncomplicated sudamen in adults, or crystalline sudamen, treated at home is quite simple:

  • elimination of the factors that triggered a rash;
  • Careful hygiene;
  • use of antiseptics for local treatment of the skin.

The other species - complicated sudamen requires the appointment of:

  • antibacterial;
  • dried and anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • oral antibiotics may be justified only in the case of long or complicated flow miliaria.

We list the recommendations that will help to stop the disease in its early stages:

  1. To identify and eliminate the cause sweating. At the time of treatment to reduce physical activity, try to avoid stress.
  2. The skin folds powder used, especially those containing zinc oxide.
  3. Treatment of the underlying disease - infection, which provokes fever, endocrine pathology. Sometimes it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and symptoms of prickly heat (particularly crystal) are by themselves.
  4. Improve the ventilation of the skin - the clothes and shoes made of natural materials, a minimum of makeup in the hot season, airing facilities and compliance with optimal temperature.
  5. To get rid of the itch adult help many antihistamines: Zyrtec, Claritin, zodak and others.
  6. Treatment of red prickly heat, which is associated with the beginning of the inflammatory process, it is better to start from topical antiseptics - is boric and salicylic acid (1% alcohol solution) hlorfillipt.
  7. Greasy skin creams for the treatment of prickly heat are contraindicated. They are absolutely useless from a therapeutic point of view and create an additional obstacle to the skin for evaporation of sweat. Greasy creams can only strengthen the manifestation of the disease.
  8. By analogy with the treatment of child's prickly heat effect have a good bath with herbs: chamomile, succession, celandine, St. John's wort, and others. Good will dry elements miliaria and the manganese solution. During the day, lubricate the affected areas of skin with infusions of herbs listed.

Cream of prickly heat

Often as the main medicine the doctor prescribes a cream from prickly heat, which has a drying effect. This may be the zinc ointment, cream or Desitin Calamine.

Before smear skin remedy, you need to clean it properly, it is better - household soap. Before applying you need to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid entering into the body of infection. Before using the cream on the finger, which is applied to the drug, it is better to put on a clean medical fingertip.


They are effective when sudamen "was chosen" natural skin folds. Function powders in this case - to absorb excess sweat.

More successfully cope with the task:

  • starch (maize and potato);
  • talc;
  • baby powder;
  • Baneotsin.


When rash that becomes wet and begins to be scratched, administered solutions and ointments are dried skin, reduces itching and are antiseptics. Excellent remedy any such rash is boric acid and salicylic - they are disinfected and dried vesicles. Ointment from prickly heat in adults has a non-greasy base, to give the skin to breathe after the application of a uniform layer.


To dry skin and disposal of pathogenic microorganisms using antiseptics. Solutions containing these substances applied to the skin in places manifestations miliaria.

The most popular tools include:

  • salicylic acid (alcohol solution);
  • boric acid;
  • aqueous potassium permanganate solution.

oral antibiotics

Antibiotics affect the causative pathogen attached to the secondary skin infections, "Ciprofloxacin", "Azithromycin", "Amoksilitsin", "Doxycycline".


The basis of herbal medicine are herbs and other plants, antiseptic, disinfecting and drying effect. Doctors recommend taking bath with addition of chamomile, succession, celandine or St. John's wort. For their preparation is sufficient to take 2-4 tablespoons raw pour liter of boiling water, whereupon insist until cool.

Of particular influence on the skin's recovery has oak bark, of a variety of useful features that we mentioned in a previous article. It is effective not only as a means of sweating, but also as a natural treatment for prickly heat, restore the original appearance of the skin. Tannins found in its structure, disinfect, restore, dried and tighten the skin, making it more flexible and attractive.

Folk remedies for prickly heat

People who constantly suffer from prickly heat, known methods of dealing with some of the unpleasant symptoms by using simple techniques:

  1. The use of soap when washing the skin. Soap does not contain fragrances, well dries vials cleanses the skin and dries on the elements.
  2. Enrichment of the diet plum food, lentils, pomegranate juice and sorrel. These herbal products regulate perspiration and reduce the irritant effect of sweat on the skin.
  3. Disposable wipes - improvised cure prickly heat. Gentle gently blotted with paper towels moist elements released from serous content - for this napkin neatly applied to rashes, slightly pressed and also carefully removed. You can use wet wipes with menthol.
  4. Using soda solution. Twice daily recommended to lubricate bubbles soda solution (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water), possessing antiseptic and drying effect.

In each case, prickly heat treatment must begin with personal hygiene - sometimes such up enough to have a few days to forget the presence of unsightly rashes on the skin.


From a collision with a nuisance like sudamen will save the following preventive measures:

  • abandonment of tight clothing (even natural);
  • timely change sweaty clothes;
  • personal hygiene;
  • maintaining the normal body weight;
  • wearing in the heat just kind of clothes that provides a full airing of the skin;
  • prevention of elevated temperature and humidity in the room;
  • use only high-quality tools for skin care.

Such activities help to maintain the health of not only the skin but the whole body as well as overheating, synthetic materials, and increased body weight is extremely negative impact on overall health person. Even those who can easily tolerate synthetics, it is worth remembering about the risk of the occurrence of the fault of its prickly heat and should abandon these fabrics in hot weather. Sudamen is often a signal of overheating, and therefore the treatment should not only eliminate the rash, but the cause of the overheating.

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