
Whitlow finger on the hand, treatment at home

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Whitlow - a purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers, feet less. In most cases affected I, II, III fingers. According to statistics felon is more common in people between the ages of twenty to fifty years, which is primarily associated with active labor activities.

Thus, approximately 75% of cases are caused by injury and only 10% - Appliance, other causes account for 15%. It should be noted that there is often a felon and in early childhood. And no wonder, because children are very inquisitive, active and often get skin microtrauma

What it is?

Whitlow - an acute purulent inflammation, which is localized in the soft tissues of the finger or toe, which occurs on the fingers of the palm. When inflammation occurs, the back side of the fingers in this type of pathology relates exclusively inflammatory education nail plate.


There are two groups of disease - it is serous and purulent. Depending on the location and type of infection of the affected tissues distinguish these forms of this disease:

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  1. Cutaneous. Starts development on a finger, on the back of the hand. Under the skin, in the resulting bubble accumulated purulent exudate. Sometimes content is krovjanistye impurities. in the bladder area strongly blushing skin, almost no pain, may feel a slight burning sensation. If the bubble began to grow, so the disease is aggravated;
  2. Periungual form (paronychia). Inflamed cushion around the nail. In most cases arising paronychia - is the result of sloppy manicure. Suppuration begins at the root of the nail plate in the area of ​​the nail shaft. The reason most often one - minor cuts and microtrauma roller;
  3. Bone shape. In this form of the bone suffers the fingers, if it becomes infected (e.g., with open fractures form);
  4. Subungual felon. In this form of the disease the inflammation begins in the soft tissue under the nail plate. Often subungual felon - a consequence of careless injection or accidental splinter in your finger, under the nail.
  5. Joint and bone shape. Further still affected joint and bone, tendon and stored;
  6. Articular form. Affected interphalangeal joint (suppurative arthritis). The main feature of this type of disease - spindly fingers, which are difficult and painful to move;
  7. Tendon form. This is complicated by the type of the disease, leading to immobility brush. In this case, it becomes impossible to move the finger because of its swelling and severe pain.

Correctly identify the shape felon finger on the hand, a photo can best way. Children and adults 25 - 55 years old are more prone to this disease. A favorite place of localization of purulent formations are the fingers of the right hand from first to third.

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Causes of

Most often it occurs felon from entering the soft tissues of the palmar surface of the finger pyogenic bacteria (usually staphylococci, streptococci rarely, sometimes marked mixed pathogenic microflora).

Penetration through small wounds, injections, abrasions, scratches, burrs, splinters, which often remain unnoticed even, and which does not give due importance. Very often felon occurs in children, it is promoted by frequent neglect of the child to the rules of basic hygiene, activity, during which children constantly to touch various objects, damaging hands and infecting them, as well as the delicate skin of the child, which has no such barrier properties as adult skin person.

Unless urgent action is taken, then the abscess spreads into tissues - to tendons, bones, joints, which can lead to significant and even complete loss of finger function. In advanced cases the inflammatory process captures all the finger tissue, there pandaktilit (from the ancient Greek. πᾶς «full» and δάκτυλος «finger"). It is the heaviest brush purulent finger defeat. It includes skin lesions, subcutaneous tissue, tendon structures, bone, and (or) joint. In some cases, the disease can result in amputation.

On the palmar surface of the finger skin is connected to the palmar aponeurosis dense tendinous cords. From deep layers of the skin of fingers in depth are strong elastic fibers, which with the longitudinal beams form a connective tissue cells like honeycomb. These cells are filled with fat lumps. As a result, the inflammatory process on the finger can not be distributed on the plane, and quickly directed along the connective tissue strands inside, hitting deep tissue and passing on the tendons, bones and joints.

Because of these conditions, the inflammatory exudate is under considerable pressure, which causes severe pain. In addition, the accumulation of fluid in the closed cavities between the connective bridges leads to disruption of blood flow due to the compression of feed vessels and necrotic tissue development.

Symptoms felon finger photo

Whitlow (see. photo) in any of its form usually starts acutely:

  1. The skin at the site of inflammation shines.
  2. Local temperature at the abscess may increase.
  3. When povrehnostnom panaritiums visible on the skin ulcers.
  4. Skin phalanges redden, swell, swell.
  5. The patient feels pain, twitching and pulsing at the site of inflammation localization.
  6. Movement of the finger is much limited, it sometimes becomes insensitive.
  7. May increase the patient's body temperature, he may feel a general weakness, chills, headache and body aches.

With deep panaritiums pain tends to increase. If the pain can still be tolerated on the first day, on the second it becomes unbearable, it (the deepening abscess) associated bloating. The patient can not sleep, and losing performance

Diagnosis felon, as a rule, is not complicated. When the surface forms of the doctor enough external examination of the patient finger. If there is a suspicion of purulent process more deeply, making an X-ray. The inflammation as indicated by the results of clinical blood analysis.

Than to treat felon?

During the first few days emerged in the form of surface felon finger amenable to conservative treatment at home. This may be used with ointment antiseptics and antibiotics, as well as folk remedies. Keep in mind that every lost day for the treatment reduces the chances of a quick relief from the purulent process. This increases the likelihood of the need for surgery.

Effectiveness of medical drugs:

  1. Furatsilin - used for hot baths, soar sore thumb you need at least half an hour;
  2. Dimexide - diluted 1: 4 with water, make compresses;
  3. Levomikol - is applied to the steamed skin agent destroys the bacteria accelerates wound tightening;
  4. Lincomycin - the best antibacterial agent for treatment felon as an ointment, solution for injection or capsules for ingestion;
  5. Tetracycline ointment - effectively helps only in the initial stages of the felon, can be mixed in equal proportions with zinc paste;
  6. Ointment Wisniewski - proven over the years the drug and odor, good antiseptic.

If such therapy does not work, the patient has a fever, there was abscess - you need to do the operation. It is performed under local anesthesia, the doctor makes a small incision, removes dead tissue, sometimes completely nail. When subcutaneous and deeper localization inserted into the incision drainage, antibiotic treatment is required to spend - Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Augementin.

The total duration of treatment - no more than 7 days.

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Folk remedies

Only subcutaneous, cutaneous, and okolonogtevoy (surface form) felon can be treated with herbs, compresses and trays. But only at the first sign of the disease. Moreover, as soon as possible to start treatment is necessary - and then the chance of avoiding surgery is quite high. And with the progression of the disease is better in the shortest possible time to see a doctor.

The list of popular recipes from panatsariya:

  1. Salt bath. Dissolve 100 grams of dry salt per liter of water. Then dipped in the resulting solution finger. Duration of treatment - 20-30 minutes. Multiplicity - 2-3 times a day. It is used in the form of heat. Promotes regression of inflammation, reduces pain and swelling, fights against pathogens.
  2. Poultice of aloe leaves. Peeled aloe leaf, and the resulting pulp is superimposed on the felon. compress time - 5-6 hours (overnight). It reduces inflammation.
  3. Wraps with roasted onions. Small onion is cleaned and baked in the oven until soft. Then cut in half, is applied to the site of inflammation in the form of heat and bandage. Compress be changed every 4-5 hours. Accelerate maturation of ulcer, and also promotes the exit of pus outwardly.

Inflammatory and purulent pathology deep felon finger treated with home remedies and traditional recipes dangerous. There is a great risk of all kinds of pathological processes.

How to remove pus from under the thumb Dimexidum solution

Dimexidum - a solution which consists of a substance called dimethylsulfoxide, thereby possesses local anesthetic, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action. The peculiarity of the drug in that it easily penetrates the skin, and can act directly on the hearth felon.

For the treatment of purulent accumulations used not a clear solution, and diluted with water in proportion 1 to 4, otherwise there is a risk of chemical burns. It is necessary to lay down layers of gauze 8 and moisten it in the resulting liquid, and then apply as a compress to the affected area, covered with plastic film and primotat well. This wrap is recommended to leave for 40 minutes.


Untimely and improper treatment of major forms of the disease increases the probability of complications processes:

  • diffuse purulent inflammation propagation in tissue elements (phlegmon);
  • total destruction of all the dense and soft structures of the phalanx (pandaktilit) and articular fusion;
  • pyogenic microorganisms in contact with the blood, develops sepsis;
  • the development of vascular necrosis;
  • purulent processes that destroy the bone (osteomyelitis).

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Preventive action when panaritiums consist in a timely and proper handling of the injuries.

Microtrauma are processed as follows:

  • treatment with peroxide (3% solution);
  • Processing edges via zelenki or iodine;
  • thorough hand washing with soap;
  • removal of foreign bodies from the wound, if any;
  • squeezing a drop of blood;
  • closing wounds sterile dressing or patch via bactericide.

Performing manicure procedures should be as neat. Before the start of the cuticle together with surrounding tissues processed with alcohol, tools immersed for 10 minutes in an alcohol or disinfection is performed by professional methods.

Upon receipt of injury during cutting meat or work with the earth wound immediately processed and closed.

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