
Chickenpox in children: photo, symptoms and treatment at home. How to treat chickenpox correctly: Komorowski

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Chickenpox or chicken pox - an acute infectious disease caused by the herpes family of viruses. A distinctive feature of chickenpox - a rash on the skin in the form of small bubbles. Chickenpox ill almost all children aged 2 to 7 years old, especially if they visit children Garden, as the causative agent of the virus is very volatile and can penetrate not only into the adjacent room, but also apartment.

In addition, a large percentage of children with chickenpox disease is associated with the fact that the latency period of the disease It is 14-21 days, so that the virus time to spread and reach all children in group or garden. Ceases to have effect until the end of the chickenpox virus is the last eruption, which is the virus transmitted stops when the last bubbles began to heal.

How do you get?

The virus is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. Chickenpox penetrates through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, eye deep into the body.

Virus pathogen of chickenpox is highly resistant and fast-spreading. He has the ability to penetrate even into other rooms and the adjacent apartments. That is why children who are in collectives, so easily infected with chickenpox. Only one kid in the team, who have contracted chicken pox, it is immediately dangerous to children in all institutions.

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The incubation period for chickenpox

Chickenpox in the incubation period, ie the first 7 - 21 days, does not manifest itself. Children are active, cheerful, cheerful, no different from their healthy peers. However, once the incubation period expires, the child rapidly begin to appear the first symptoms. And then, chickenpox, its symptoms, leave no doubt about the parents that the child is chicken pox and not some other disease.

The first signs

How does a chicken pox in children? In the first place the child appears:

  • High temperature (up to 39,5 ° C)
  • febrile reaction;
  • headache medium intensity;
  • pain in the abdominal area (not always);
  • general malaise;
  • signs of toxicity (possible nausea and vomiting);

The first signs of chickenpox in children is usually indistinguishable from "normal" SARS. The main symptom of chickenpox - characteristic rash (initially small pink stain, and then - the bubbles from the transparent liquid).

Symptoms and signs of chickenpox in children

Basically chickenpox characterized typical, over the same type for all the children, with few exceptions, however the following are the main symptoms of this disease can be identified during the initial stage (see. Photo):

  1. The sudden onset of the disease with the development of intoxication and a sharp rise in temperature.
  2. Almost simultaneous appearance on the skin, sometimes in the mucous typical vesicular elements.
  3. Undulating course of the disease process with periodic podsypaniyami papulovezikul.
  4. Fever with each new wave of rash.
  5. Formation of crusts on the surface of the bubble, which subsequently do not leave any scars after healing.

All stages of chickenpox in children are consistent with each other and are characterized by certain typical symptoms.

  1. The initial stage of chickenpox and child - is the incubation period, which covers the period from varicella-zoster penetration into the body to direct baby first clinical manifestations symptoms. The duration of his considered from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 21 days, but, on average, it can take about 2 weeks. At this time, varicella-zoster actively propagates and accumulates in the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, nasal cavity, and then be able to overcome all the protective barriers and penetrate into the blood. At this point and developed the very first sign of chickenpox in children: the emergence of a rash on the body, accompanied by high fever.
  2. Stage, followed by the above symptoms is called the primary, but sometimes it is preceded by so called prodromal period during which the recorded temperature rise, headaches, weakness, lethargy. Temperature chickenpox in children sometimes reaches 40 ° C and above.
  3. As a result, chickenpox virus penetration into the skin, and is formed by local swelling arises during rashes that may last just as the 2 days and 7 days, and even more. It is characterized by initial formation of red spots that quickly takes the form of papules, then converted into a vial, which is then covered with a crust. Most often affected first elements rash body of the patient, then the arms, legs, and only after they manage to find on the face and scalp. Also, this process is characterized by very distressing itching, which brings severe discomfort. Together with the formation of scars observed swollen lymph nodes as well as the manifestation of symptoms of intoxication.
  4. The last stage of chickenpox in children is characterized by normalization of body temperature, falling away crusts, improving the patient's well-being. On the former site of a pathological element coated with a crust, the first time is saved pigmentation of brownish color, however, it disappears over time. The skin after chicken pox in children in the absence of constant scratching itchy elements, thorough treatment and prevention of infection is maintained healthy and clean. The mean duration of the time the first signs until complete cleansing of the crusts is about 3 weeks.

Chicken pox in infants under 6 months of age occurs only rarely, since the child is protected by antibodies received from the mother. In the case of registering the child's illness to the year it takes place quite easily. The temperature of chickenpox in children of this age are usually short, period of short lesions and intoxication syndrome is almost not expressed. However, this applies to children born to mothers who had chickenpox as a child. Otherwise, chicken pox in children under one year takes place long enough and hard.

It looks like chickenpox in children: photo

We give you a picture of chickenpox in children, both in infants and in children older. The rash of chickenpox in the initial stage can appear on any part of the body, even in the mucous. The intensity of the eruption, as you can see in the photo may be different.

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Depending on the characteristics of flow in children chicken pox is divided into three forms:

mild characterized by sporadic eruptions, the lack of high temperature and poor health. Herpes pimples appear only 2 - 3 days.
moderate severity has all the symptoms, which usually occurs in children chickenpox. It's a bad dream, itching, headaches, rise in temperature to high values. The blisters are formed during 5 - 7 days.
severe form due to the high temperature (40 ° C) in the child having nausea and vomiting, headache, delirium, fever. Papules appear on the body of 7 to 10 days. Multiple rash covers a variety of areas of the body. It can be found in the mouth and on the genitals.

Chicken pox in infants

We must remember that anyone can become ill with chickenpox child under the age of six months. In most cases, the illness in infants is rather complicated: so small children can not tolerate the symptoms, can not complain and can not accept tips. As a result - they require more care and constant attention from the mother.

Chickenpox in the newborn is characterized by the same symptoms, but in young children chickenpox, flowing in a particularly complex form, it can cause serious harm to the body, affecting the development of the internal authorities. Treatment of chickenpox in infants should be done under the strict supervision of a qualified pediatrician.

We must try to ensure that the child is not stripped from the crust to dry rash, because this will only increase the itching and increase the risk of re-infection. Child's hands should be washed often, as in the skin and under the nails may be present virus pathogen. Nails should be cut short. At night, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves baby.

How to treat chickenpox in a child?

Since the causative agent of chicken pox is a virus, antibiotics to treat the disease is futile. Antibacterials physician can designate the case where the windmill for complicated addition of secondary bacterial infection.

Specific treatment against this disease does not exist, but the necessary measures to alleviate the condition of the patient must be taken. If a child is ill with chickenpox, the task of parents will be to minimize the unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the condition of the baby. To do this at home you need to perform the basic conditions necessary for the speedy recovery:

  1. Compliance with strict bed rest;
  2. Frequent change of underwear and bed linen;
  3. Reinforced drinking mode, which allows to reduce toxicity;
  4. Light dairy and vegetable diet.

At the first dysfunctional symptoms should call a doctor on the house, which will give the necessary advice on care and prescribe medications to relieve the child's condition. The most important aspect of treatment during the active phase is the elimination of severe itching. When the skin is itchy rashes and itching, and parents need to make sure that the baby is not combed itchy areas. This will help prevent secondary bacterial infection.

  1. Bubbles on the body should be several times a day with antiseptic solutions handle (zelenkoj or Castellani colorless liquid). This will help prevent further spread of infection throughout the body and reduce the number of lesions. Such processing facilitates drying of the bubbles and the formation of crusts, speeding recovery.
  2. To eliminate itching doctor may prescribe antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, diphenhydramine). These drugs effectively eliminate itching and have a slight calming and sedative effect that can help deal with sleep disorders. The appropriate dose and dosage regimen will select the attending physician.
  3. If the child has a high temperature, the doctor will prescribe antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Efferalgan). Aspirin for children under 10 - years of age to give undesirable.

Speedy recovery help excessive drinking (lemon tea, fruit juices, green tea, and herbal) liquid remove toxins from the body. During the illness the child has lost appetite, but to maintain its strength is necessary. This helps dairy and vegetable diet that provides the body with essential vitamins and nutrients.

Severe forms of chickenpox affecting internal organs, is treated in a hospital. The composition of complex therapy necessarily includes antiherpetic drugs (Zovirks, Acyclovir), is used for investment state immunoglobulin and interferon.

The smear chickenpox besides green stuff?

Smear the sores with chickenpox can not only familiar green paint. Doctors advise to apply for this antiseptic - for example, zinc ointment. The main thing is to do it very carefully. This ointment helps heal wounds, it eases itching, disinfects the skin and gently dries the sores.

You can also use:

  • fukortsin,
  • fenistil,
  • infagel,
  • furatsilin
  • manganese solution.

Folk remedies

There are various ways to get rid of the itch of chickenpox, and in folk medicine:

  1. At high temperatures, it is desirable to drink cranberry juice, beverage viburnum, rosehip infusion, tea sea buckthorn. Good saturates body with nutrients strawberry juice having a pronounced antimicrobial action.
  2. Bath with camomile. 5 Art. spoons inflorescences (dry or fresh) pour liter of hot water, and bring to a boil over low heat protomai quarter of an hour to filter. Add the broth into the bath filled. Treatment time 10 minutes to perform twice a day.
  3. Tea tree oil. Only one of the essential oils, allowed for direct application to the skin, with no conductive oil. If the process of tea tree oil with a cotton swab all the elements of rash, it will greatly facilitate the itching and scabies. This procedure contributes to the disinfection and rapid healing of wounds.
  4. Equal mix of chamomile flowers, grass mother and stepmother, grass, chicory, marigold flowers, burdock root and flowers of Helichrysum. The mixed charge is 40 g dose brew half a liter of boiling water. Let stand in a thermos 8 hours. Take 4 times a day for a third cup.
  5. Grind the herb calendula. Warm 60 grams of marigold, pre-sealed in a liter of water. Pour the strained broth into the bath and bathe the patient over a quarter of an hour in the morning and evening. The skin without rubbing.

How many days lasts quarantine of chickenpox?

Doctors given an opinion on the timing of contagious diseases: from 4 to 13 days. Therefore, epidemiologists, if necessary, ad quarantine measures, closed educational institution for 14 days. During this period, let the child in a kindergarten or school can not.

For others in this period are dangerous first 5-10 days. You can focus on the manifestation of the rash - as long as it is present in the body, the virus is in the active form. During this period, it is important to limit the patient's contacts with health.

Can I swim with chickenpox?

Contrary to popular belief, you can swim and should be at the varicella rash. The main thing to do a warm bath, the water should not be hot or cold. The kid must also walk in the fresh air, but at the same time avoid contact with other children. In such circumstances, the treatment will be more effective, and the patient can avoid complications and other severe consequences of chickenpox.

How many days the temperature in children with chickenpox?

Very often, the temperature in this disease is still lying in the prodromal period - when there are preliminary symptoms. The temperature can not be too critical - up to about 38 degrees, sometimes at the same time there is a feeling of nausea and even vomiting begins.

Temperature may slightly rise and fall throughout the course of illness - with each new rashes on your baby skin. At such times, it is necessary that the baby drinking enough liquid, resting well and spill. Churn temperature using antipyretic drugs are not recommended if it has not reached high values.

It is strictly forbidden to give your child aspirin. However, the timely prevention will help to avoid complications, infection, and even the most chickenpox. The main thing is to do everything on time and completely isolate the baby from contact with patients.

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Tips Dr. Komarovsky

The most frequent question asked by the beloved Dr. concerned parents regarding the impact of green stuff with the disease of children with chickenpox. Yevgeny Komarovsky answer is unequivocal - no therapeutic effect of such action not only serves as Zelenka indicator period of infectiousness. Daily lubricating bubbles colored solution, one mom says that no new lesions. From this moment it begins the last five days, when the baby can be a danger to others.

The doctor draws parents' attention to the fact that a viral infection, which is a chicken pox in children, is not subject to the effects of antibiotics and in the normal course of the disease not special preparations It requires. Only in adolescence, when the disease is too heavy, doctors prescribe antiherpethetical means.

Advice that gives Dr. Komarovsky for mothers infected children:

  • Avoid overheating, increasing the itching;
  • shortly cut nails, if necessary, wear gloves every way to distract the baby from scratching bubbles;
  • Do not give aspirin to not cause complications of the liver;
  • combing bubbles leads to bacterial infection and should probably last a lifetime;
  • Chickenpox is strong enough depresses immunity, so after the disease should refrain from attending kindergarten and more time to devote to walks.

With regard to vaccination, said Komorowski, have sensible parents should be no debate. However, he recalled that vaccination against varicella zoster - is voluntary, so the responsibility for celebrating mothers and fathers have to take.

possible complications

Fortunately, most children successfully recover from chickenpox. However, certain categories of patients, the disease may have adverse outcomes, such as:

  1. Hepatitis;
  2. The pathology of the eyeball structures (keratitis);
  3. Encephalitis. This pathology manifests severe central nervous system, manifested attacks of convulsions. This is due to high-tropic virus to the nervous tissue. In most cases, this complication is detected in patients in the 7-12 day of illness. Relatively rare there is a strong violation of the higher nervous activity in the form of idiocy;
  4. Pustular skin lesions: cellulitis, abscesses or boils. They are the result of the penetration into the liquid inside the bubble pathological microorganisms which contact with neutrophils can form pus;
  5. Pneumonia. The most commonly diagnosed in adults. A feature of chicken pox pneumonia is the extreme scarcity of clinical symptoms. The diagnosis can only be made radiographically, with the picture revealed small inflammatory foci almost throughout the lung tissue;
  6. Myocarditis - an inflammation of the heart muscle. It manifests itself voiceless heart tones, pain in the heart, as well as changes in the ECG;
  7. Jade - an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, which usually occurs 10-12 days of illness. In most cases, this pathology runs independently and does not require any specific treatment.

However, not a complication, but the reason for the emergence of another disease chickenpox can still serve. As you know, chicken pox - a type of herpes virus, so the virus remaining in the body is inactive and flows in a latent state. However, as a result of repeated contact with varicella-zoster virus and a number of related factors - may cause such diseases as - shingles.

Prevention of chickenpox

The only effective measure of prevention of the disease chickenpox - vaccination. It is expedient to carry out women who have not had chickenpox and are planning a pregnancy, breast children who have older brothers and sisters, children and adults with a defect of the immune system, the elderly people.

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Whether or not to vaccinate?

Do children vaccinated against chicken pox doctors began relatively recently. Vaccine composition contains the live but attenuated pathogens disease. The first vaccination is accepted to do in 12 - 14 months. Re chickenpox vaccine is administered in 3 - 5 years. Adolescents and adults with no natural immunity, immunization subjected twice with an interval between injections 1 month or more.

Young children tolerate vaccination against chickenpox, and pediatricians do not record adverse reactions. However, if the child is part of a group of sickly children, on account of the advisability of vaccination should consult with the district pediatrician. The attenuated organism can respond to vaccination unpredictable phenomena.

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