
Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home for adults

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Sinusitis - an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses to the nasal cavity, the occurrence of which in the organism due to penetration of viruses and bacteria. In addition to infectious lesions, the cause may be the formation of mold or allergens irritation. It is known that this type of inflammation develops most other upper respiratory diseases, therefore has an established treatment regimen.

Separate the two types of inflammation: acute and chronic sinusitis. For the duration of the disease acute sinusitis lasts up to two months, and may develop chronic long time, until the acute relapses more than three times a year. Statistics say that about 10% of the world population suffers from sinusitis every year on the background of the common cold, hypothermia in the autumn-winter period. disease frequency - 0.2% of adults. In children, the probability of disease - 0.5%.

What it is?

Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more of the paranasal sinuses. It may occur as a complication of acute rhinitis, influenza, and other infectious diseases, as well as after injuries of the facial area. Sinusitis can cause viruses and bacteria. The main symptoms is in severity or frontal paranasal area, pain during sudden head movement, thick nasal discharge, fever.

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Causes of

Sinusitis is often arises from complications of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity (influenza, respiratory diseases, rhinorrhea, SARS).

It is caused by pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenzae), a viral infection. The fungus also provokes the disease, especially after improper use of antibiotic therapy. Injury to parts of the face is also a cause of sinusitis.

In addition, the development of pathological states lead the following factors:

  1. polyps, adenoids;
  2. Allergic reactions;
  3. Polluted air or cold;
  4. A weakened immune system;
  5. Smoking;
  6. The use of certain medications;
  7. The deficit in the body of minerals and vitamins;
  8. Congenital or acquired deformation labyrinths and sinuses;
  9. Hypothermia.

risk group are people with diabetes, cystic fibrosis, Hypothyroidism, diseases of dental system.


Separation of sinusitis on Sport (classification) is necessary for correct diagnosis and adequate follow-up therapy. Classification of this disease is based on several criteria:

  • the nature of the flow;
  • anatomical localization of inflammation;
  • the shape of the pathological process.

By the nature of the flow, there are 2 types of pathology:

  • acute sinusitis - illness lasts no longer than 1 month.
  • chronic sinusitis - is prolonged and sometimes pathological process takes years, with periodic improvement (remission) and deterioration (relapse) state.

The shape of the pathological process is isolated sinusitis 2 main types:

  • proliferative - flow sinusitis embodiment, in which an increasing number of sinus mucous cells (polyps, hyperplastic process).
  • exudative - inflammation is accompanied by the secretion of fluid (exudate or pus).

Depending on the anatomical localization of inflammation, respectively location sinus release:

  • ethmoiditis - localization of inflammation in the ethmoid sinuses;
  • Front - infectious process develops in the frontal sinus;
  • sinusitis - affected maxillary sinus;
  • sphenoiditis - mainly for pathologies in the sphenoid sinus.

The process may be unilateral or bilateral. When inflammation of the paranasal sinuses on the one hand, there is a gemisinusit, in case of defeat of the sinuses - pansinusitis.

development mechanism

Inflammation of mucosa sinuses caused by infection or other etiological factors, accompanied by edema. Glands begin to actively produce large amounts of mucus, which is accumulating in the sinuses due to the narrowing of the junction of the paranasal cavities condenses. The sinuses are no longer fully cleaned. As a result of stagnation of secretions, a violation of natural ventilation and oxygen deficiency in the tissues of the sinuses are favorable conditions for the life of conditionally pathogenic flora, causing chronic infection process.

At the beginning of the disease are serous discharge character of the nose, with the development of inflammation are transformed into muco-serous. Purulent exudate, in which structure is determined by a large number of white blood cells and the detritus is observed when attaching bacterial infection. When this swelling is accompanied by severe violation capillary wall permeability.

Acute sinusitis can last up to 2 months. and longer, resulting in a recovery or transition into a chronic form, in which noted a persistent change in the mucous membranes of the sinuses. This increases the tendency of the patient to frequent sinus infections.

Common symptoms of sinusitis

Among the primary signs of sinusitis, which is usually sufficient for accurate determination of the type of disease, headache and secrete significant nasal congestion.

Main symptoms of sinusitis:

  • dry frequent cough and sneezing;
  • elevated body temperature (fever);
  • increased pressure in the area of ​​the face;
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • lack of sense of smell;
  • discomfort and stuffiness in the ears;
  • painful reaction when turning the neck;
  • lack of appetite;
  • unnatural odor from the oral cavity;
  • severe fatigue and lack of energy;
  • sharp pain in the teeth;
  • a feeling of excess foreign mass in the nose and over the eyes;
  • nasal voice.

Chronic sinusitis is characterized by other symptoms:

  • a small but persistent nasal congestion;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • slight discharge, which can stand for a long time, zasyhaya in the form of crusts;
  • leakage of mucus, which leads to skin kneading under the nose and cracking;
  • dry throat;
  • headache;
  • offset discharge to the back of the throat and the runoff on it;
  • bad smell from the mouth.

Other symptoms, such as fever, are very rare and can only be called a particularly sharp and advanced forms sinusitis, are defined exclusively by specialists who may recommend hospitalization and outpatient research.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Depending on which sinus inflammation suffered, will be different symptoms of sinusitis. Let us consider in more detail.

Symptoms etmoidita:

  1. Not excluded headaches and neurological nature.
  2. Body temperature increases.
  3. The person experiences pain in the area of ​​the nose and the root of the nose.
  4. In childhood, possibly conjunctival redness, swelling of the upper and lower eyelids.
  5. Olfactory function is impaired, nasal breathing is difficult.
  6. If ethmoiditis occurs acutely, perhaps involvement in the pathological process of the eyeball with his bulging, as well as a strong swelling of the eyelids.

When sinusitis anterior ethmoidal labyrinth likely parallel development of sinusitis and sinusitis. When inflammation of the posterior portions of trellised labyrinth may develop sfenoidita.

symptoms of sinusitis:

  1. Acute onset of fever up to 38 degrees and higher.
  2. Symptoms of intoxication.
  3. Chills.
  4. May cause tearing.
  5. Nasal discharge from first and serous fluid, but becomes turbid green and as the disease progresses.
  6. Pain in the region of the maxillary sinus in the frontal area, near the root of the nose and the zygomatic bone.
  7. Increased pain when pressed, it returns to the whiskey.
  8. Headaches of varying severity.
  9. Deterioration of nasal breathing on the other side, which was involved in the pathological process. Breathing through the mouth.

If the disease becomes chronic, then the period of remission, it recalls his occasional headaches that are expressed in a feeling of pressure behind the eyes. Connection of cough at night, conjunctivitis, keratitis. Nasal minor, their volume increases during exacerbation.

Symptoms sfenoidita:

  1. Pain localized in the orbital area, the parietal region and the occipital part.
  2. sfenoidita symptoms often are blurred, and the disease is hidden.
  3. The inflammatory process often involves the ethmoid sinuses, so isolated sphenoiditis diagnosed rarely.
  4. There are complaints of the patient to the pain in the back of the head.
  5. Chronic disease is capable of provoking deterioration, as in the pathological process involved the optic nerves.

Symptoms of sinusitis:

  1. Nasal breathing extremely difficult.
  2. Body temperature is increased to high levels.
  3. Photophobia may develop a pain in the eye sockets.
  4. After inflamed sinus is emptied, the intensity of pain is reduced.
  5. On the part of the inflamed sinus separates serous content.
  6. Pain is very intense, the place of their location - the forehead. Increased pain occurs in the morning hours.
  7. If a sinusitis develops against the background of influenza, the patient can change the skin of the forehead with edema areas above the eyebrows, and swelling of the upper eyelid.

Sinusitis patients tolerated the remaining heavier sinusitis. When hronitizatsii process may proliferation nasal polyps, bone necrosis, formation of fistulas.


Diagnose sinusitis can use the complaints of patients, clinical picture, rhinoscopy and additional research. Patients are almost always clearly indicate the place of pain, which indicates inflammation localization. Upon confirmation of purulent subfebrile temperature and can be carried out further computer or magnetic resonance imaging to assess the extent of inflammation.


Sinusitis - a very insidious disease, which threatens patient complications. Note that in the pathological process involved not only the sinuses, but also the surrounding bone of the skull. Throwing a bone inflammation threatens osteomyelitis. The most common complication of sinusitis - meningitis. Meningitis is most often a consequence of inflammation of the sphenoid sinus and the ethmoidal labyrinth. Sinusitis can cause epidural abscess or brain abscess.

If left untreated sinusitis and prevent transfer of disease in the chronic stage, the further changes can trigger death.

Treatment of sinusitis in adults

In adults, treatment of sinusitis should always be comprehensive and aimed at the main symptoms of this disease. During the treatment, several methods are used - medical, fizioprotsedurny, can be supplemented with the use of a set of houses some of the methods of traditional medicine. In case of failure of the therapy, application of surgical treatment.


medication treatment is given after the elimination of the factors that triggered the emergence of the disease. Receiving drugs can be prescribed only by the attending physician taking into account the form of the disease and the condition of the patient.

The list of drugs that can be prescribed by a doctor for sinusitis:

  1. First, you need to buy vasoconstrictor nasal drops. Such drugs are allowed to be used only in case of acute sinusitis. Doctors usually prescribe "Protargolum", "Ingaron", "Derinat", "Grippferon", "Pinosol", "Euphorbium".
  2. Before use, nose drops must be flushed, ensuring proper result from droplets, and contribute to normalization of the breath. It is best to use trusted agents "Dioksidin", "Miramistan", "Furatsilinom", "Chlorophyllipt".
  3. In case of high temperature take antipyretic - "Paracetamol", "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen", "Bonifen".
  4. The patient was prescribed antihistamines "Loratadine", "cetirizine" "Zyrtec", "Tsetrin" and others.
  5. In addition, patients should be mucolytics for quick drainage of mucus and phlegm - "Libeksin", "Mucodyne", "Flyuditek".
  6. Can not do without anti-inflammatory drugs - "Amoksilav", "unazin", "Ampisid".
  7. In conjunction with the patient requires treatment listed antibiotics in the form of droplets - "Izofra" "Sofradeks", "Polydex" and others, as well as drugs in the form of "Ciprofloxacin" tablets "levofloxacin" "Ofloxacin".

Acceptance of these drugs is not allowed without prior consultation with the doctor. Before using the preparations read the instructions for use and make sure there are no contraindications, and hypersensitivity to active drug substances.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial and viral but not infectious sinusitis. Unfortunately, due to the overuse and misuse of antibiotics, many types of bacteria do not respond to antibiotic treatment, becoming "resistant" to these drugs. In connection with the problem of bacterial resistance, doctors have to go to other antibiotics or prescribe antibiotics strong action for the treatment of bacterial infections.

Amoxicillin, a variety of penicillin, the main antibiotic used for the treatment of sinusitis, but it becomes less efficient. Augmentin replaced amoxicillin antibiotic recommended for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis in children and adults. This type of penicillin worked against a broad spectrum of bacteria.

Treatment of folk remedies

Folk wisdom and ancient medicine has kept dozens of recipes that help to cope with sinusitis. The following will be indicated with the most effective of them.

  1. Tea mushroom. In folk medicine sinusitis recommends the use as a means for washing the nasal infusion tea fungus.
  2. Steam inhalation with essential oils or extracts of pine, eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint (enough few drops) - these tools cleaned and disinfected in the sinuses cavities and the mucous relieve swelling.
  3. Classical herbal medicine. Take two tablespoons of succession, 1 tbsp. spoon of hop cones, and three teaspoons of oregano. Boil broth for 10 minutes, add one teaspoon dried tarragon, stir, drain the, cool and drink on an empty stomach twice daily with 100 mg. Funds for two weeks.
  4. Lotions mixture of propolis and juice golden whiskers. For their preparation take several balls propolis soak them in a mixture of water and juice golden whiskers (50 to 50), slightly pre-heat to simmer, laying 2-3 dense piece of gauze, folded in several layers and apply the tool to the area infected sinuses. Keep lotion 30-40 minutes, perform above mentioned activities no more than once a day, about 10-12 days.

It is also necessary to strictly respect. Smoking in the period of treatment is completely excluded. Meals should be regular and diet - balanced. It is recommended to abstain from coffee to prevent dehydration (dehydration) the body. It should also be remembered that alcohol and antibiotics are incompatible.

Physiotherapy and massage

If sinusitis is recommended to use not only medication, but the local methods of influence - physiotherapy and massage. Physiotherapy is aimed at the different manifestations of the disease, conventionally, all procedures can be divided into several groups:

  • immunocorrective procedure (EUV - irradiation);
  • anti-inflammatory treatments (UHF, ultrasound);
  • bactericidal treatments (electrophoresis, darsonvalization);
  • sedatives procedures (electrophoresis, electroplating).

Necessary funds must pick up the doctor. In addition, it is possible to massage, especially effective in the sinus. It is available to everyone, the procedure can be done at home.

nasal lavage

Rinsing the nasal sinuses may be helpful for removing mucus from the nose and relief of sinusitis symptoms. nasal lavage also cleans nasal passages from dirt, dust, precipitates, bacteria, allergens, which accumulate there, and can be used as a prophylactic.

A solution for washing easily prepared at home, for example, by mixing 1 teaspoon table salt or sea with 2 cups warm water. Some people add a pinch of baking soda. One can also use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or furatsilina.

Perform nasal wash several times a day.


Treatment of acute sinusitis in severe form involves a nose puncture, through which manages to quickly bring the pus from the sinuses. The essence of this procedure is as follows:

The doctor makes a special surgical needle hole in the soft tissues of the nose cartilage, when it comes to sinusitis - This is called puncture. At the front of the puncture made under the brow - a procedure called trepanopunktsiya. Through the hole purulent contents removed, washed with antiseptic solution sinus and left small catheter, if necessary, to repeat the washing 3-4 times more.

Surgical treatment of sinusitis - is the fastest way to get rid of the disease. But after surgery necessarily prescribe antibacterials to consolidate the results.


Prevention of sinusitis and other sinusitis is the same as in other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Avoid hypothermia, carry out restorative procedures (sports, tempering). It is necessary to fight the disease has already begun, to clean up the immune system. When a cold is necessary to deal with it and take medications that reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa. Most reliable prevention is obviously a medical control.

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