
Allergic to alcohol: photo, symptoms, treatment

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Alcohol - a longtime companion of mankind nowadays it becomes a danger and create discomfort, even for people who observe measure when it is used and valued alcoholic drinks are not for the strong intoxicating effect, but for the sense of taste and a pleasant relaxing effect.

In this blame allergies, WHO recognized the scourge of the 21st century. Over the last 2 decades it has moved from the fifth to the "honorable" third position in the ranking of the most common pathologies of the world's population. At the same time among the different types of allergic reactions, allergic to alcohol is not a gimmick.

Causes of

Violent reaction to the foreign protein, called allergy occurs when small molecule ethanol It is attached to a larger component - protein, which actually and the immune system reacts by trying to oust him from the body.

Conclusions about why developing an allergy to alcohol suggest themselves:

  1. In the present alcoholic beverage flavors, colorants, preservatives and other additives which cause immune response.
  2. insta story viewer
  3. Alcoholic beverage of questionable quality.
  4. Homemade wine, uncleaned system.
  5. Significant bust in the use of alcohol.

It becomes clear that in any drunk by the drink, whether cheap or expensive cognac alcoholate can contain polysaccharides, which cause such a response. That is, whether the allergy champagne and beer and beer drinks revealed no allergies will not appear terrible reaction to the wine. Consider the basic components of each of the most popular alcoholic beverage, which is likely an allergic reaction.

What are the symptoms of alcohol allergy?

With the development of allergy to alcohol symptoms (see. photo) in the early stages of the disease are expressed quite weak and usually appear only red spots on the skin. Then, after some time, begin to show a variety of metabolic disorders - develop severe headaches, constipation appear, exacerbated by chronic bowel disease, appears gastritis. In some cases, there may be panic attacks and fainting.

If not promptly take all necessary measures, may develop such symptoms as an extremely dangerous hemolytic crisis angioedema, Bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock.

Typical allergy symptoms of alcohol:

  1. After drinking alcohol redness of the body, hands, face;
  2. After the use of the usual dose of alcohol intoxication occurs very quickly;
  3. On the body, neck and face appear reddish spots, may experience dry, flaking and cracking of the skin
  4. Stomach pain, nausea and vomiting;
  5. Swelling of the face skin, rash, itchy skin;
  6. Fever, asthma attacks, runny nose;
  7. Severe headaches, a rush of blood to the head;
  8. Tachycardia, Increased blood pressure.

True allergy after drinking occurs is actually much less frequently than men are diagnosed with it themselves. In most cases, under this allergy refers to complaints that people associate with occurring after the use of alcohol effects. Usually it is the appearance of itchy red spots on the skin, or filled with clear content of fine bubbles.

These symptoms are very similar to alcohol allergy symptoms, but do not forget that usually for any festive table people often consume delicacies rarely present in its everyday diet. So, an allergic reaction can occur on these products.

Allergy Treatment for alcohol

After identifying the specific allergen or substance causing the pseudo-response must exclude the use of alcoholic beverages containing the problematic component and foodstuffs, which composition he enters.

  • When expressed clinical manifestations of allergy to alcohol appointed antihistamines (better - the second or third generation) hystoglobulin at pseudoallergic and systemic allergic reactions - glucocorticoids, means supporting operation of the circulatory system and breathing. Untreated related somatic disorders (gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, and hepatitis), of vascular dystonia and neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Given the negative role of histamine in the false development of allergy to alcohol, it is necessary to use a diet eliminate or minimize foods containing histamine and tyramine in increased amounts and Liberatore (wine and beer, hard cheeses, sausages, meats and marinated products), food colors and preservatives. It should be remembered that even pure alcohol with little impurities and additives promotes absorption of other products, containing histamine, that is, in any case Liberatore, increases the risk of pseudoallergic reactions.

Prevention of allergy to alcohol is based on the use of high-quality alcoholic beverages in small doses. In some cases, a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages.

It is interesting: help with alcohol poisoning

Choosing the first option, try to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eat only qualitative alcohol, without chemical additives, colorants, polysaccharides and protein compounds.
  2. Do not abuse alcohol. Learn to enjoy the taste of the drink, rather than arising from the oblivion of his excessive drinking.
  3. Since allergies are not caused by all kinds of alcohol, determine after a drink there is a reaction, and more of it is not used.
  4. If you can not establish a direct link between allergic reactions and alcohol dose would be right to pay attention to be used together with this alcohol products - they may provoke unwanted reaction.

Summarizing the above, I would like to add the following: if you are allergic to alcohol yet did not bother, do not try to do it a step forward. Do not save on their own health and eat only high-quality alcohol products, which, in reasonable doses. This will help you a great evening and to prevent hangover.

And if you are allergic to alcohol is still there, you can console himself with the fact that it is much better than an allergy to pollen. Without alcohol, you can live, but without fresh air - no.

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